Seth Meyers lets Jason Sudeikis and Will Forte settle old SNL scores with Second Chance Theatre

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Seth Meyers lets Jason Sudeikis and Will Forte settle old SNL scores with Second Chance Theatre

In the YouTube age, the cut-for-time Saturday Night Live sketch has become a new way for SNL fans/critics to grumble about the venerable late-night comedy institution. And, yes, sometimes a sketch that was written, costumed, scored, and fully produced at the show’s Saturday night dress rehearsal is revealed to have been at least weird and unique enough that its loss to the mists of time and Lorne Michaels’ whim is a real head-scratcher. People rightly talk about Will Ferrell’s Old Prospector sketch (that eventually surfaced on one of his best-of DVDs), but here’s some love for poor, departed, one-season featured guy Luke Null, whose one decent showcase was inexplicably binned, essentially sealing his fate.

Well, former SNL head writer, performer, and Weekend Update anchor Seth Meyers has his own late-night show now, along with a whole lot of former SNL colleague pals with axes to grind. Thus, “Second Chance Theater” was born, with Meyers inviting performers whose darlings were unceremoniously killed back in the day to trot out those sketches that they are absolutely certain will be the ones doing the killing, some years later. On Wednesday’s show, it was Jason Sudeikis and Will Forte’s turn, as they were given the chance to unveil the Update segment that wasn’t, featuring their never-popular characters, “Bon Jovi opposite band,” Jon Bovi.

Pitching their new Christmas album, the enthusiastic rockers regaled Meyers (back behind his very own Update desk) with favorites like “Dying On A Prayer.” See? Because of being a Bon Jovi opposite band. You get it. Does the bit deserve cult rediscovery status? Well, you’ve got plenty of information to contemplate, as Meyers indulged his buddies with long segments both describing the genesis of the sketch (which one-time SNL host Jon Bon Jovi did not care for, for some reason), and an extensive, extended YouTube Q&A afterward, with Sudeikis, Forte, Meyers, and sometime Late Night bandleader Fred Armisen all digging deep into the misunderstood . . . masterpiece?


  • chrispybr-av says:

    It’s the 10 to 1 segment of Second Chance Theatre.

  • decgeek-av says:

    What’s up with the man bun Jason? 

  • bcfred-av says:

    I think Michaels is a control freak as much as the next guy, but have to concede that sometimes he’s right.

    • oarfishmetme-av says:

      Yeah, everything I’ve ever read/heard/seen about the guy would suggest that, but even with that in mind you have to admit that, being a live show there are other things at play like, “Is there actually time for this?”On the other hand, I do suspect he really relishes the power to scuttle all of a writer/performer’s blood, sweat, and tears at the last minute, seemingly on a whim. For example, in one of the SNL books there’s an anecdote about how one of the technicians who worked on the show in the 70’s had also worked on Your Show of Shows, the other legendary, live, 90 minute long sketch T.V. show. He showed Michaels a copy of a printed program, listing all of the sketches, that was handed out to the audience before each show. Michaels just sort of chuckled.

    • jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-av says:

      Maybe, although given how awful Garth and Kat always was, there is still a more than reasonable chance that this was better.

  • MattCastaway-av says:

    If a person has the power to make a Jon Bovi reunion happen, that person should do so immediately.
    Keep frowning / Keep dulling / Knowing I can never count on you / Five Speedstick / That’s what enemies are five.LIKE A TUNNEL under peaceful fire / I will lay you up

  • bellestarr13-av says:

    Made it to 2:58! What do I win?

  • williamham1969-av says:

    But they DID do Jon Bovi on the show. More than once, even. Color me confused.

  • wwdk-av says:

    That Luke Null skit was really good!

  • poppopintheattic11-av says:

    I feel like with most of these, the genesis and backstory of the sketch is much more interesting and funny than the execution. Case in point…Amusing idea, amusing story, rightfully cut from the show. 

  • plasmodesmata-av says:

    As Seth and Amy Poehler used to say, “Really?” I came up with this exact idea in the late 70’s during 6th grade music class. I thought it was hilarious to sing all the songs with “opposite” words. Professional comedians didn’t make the premise any funnier 40 years later.

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