Seth Rogen talks about being very stoned in the front row of Adele’s big TV special

"I think it’s the most popular thing I’ve ever been in, in my entire life," Rogen joked to Jimmy Fallon

TV News Rogen
Seth Rogen talks about being very stoned in the front row of Adele’s big TV special
Seth Rogen Photo: Rich Fury

There’s nothing especially unusual about getting high and going to a concert—especially if you live in a state where pot is legal, and especially especially if you are Seth Rogen, a man who has cheerfully incorporated “happy stoner” into his public profile.

Still, even for someone as comfortable with being high as Rogen, presumably, is at this point, “Being very high on national TV while Adele is like 10 feet away from you, singing her heart out” might constitute an extra degree of difficulty. Said situation is exactly what befell the comedy star a few weeks back, though, as he revealed to Jimmy Fallon during a Tonight Show interview last night.

In Rogen’s defense, he contends that he was simply invited to “a small Adele concert,” and didn’t realize until he and his wife Laura Miller got there that they were, in fact, about to be on national broadcast television. “And I’m like, ‘Maybe it’s not that big a television special,’” Rogen notes to Fallon. “And then the first person I see is Oprah Winfrey.”

Compounding matters: The fact that Rogen and Miller weren’t going to be able to comfortably skulk in the back, just absorbing the paired effects of cannabis and “Rolling In The Deep.” Instead, they were seated in 1A and 1B—which is how we got all those shots of Rogen happily clapping along after every song, doing, in his own words, an impression of someone looking very cool at an Adele concert. (“Which is not, like, a healthy thought to have,” he notes.)

But despite having to deal with some purported stinkeye from the likes of Drake (supposedly perplexed, as he might be, as to why Rogen, who’s never met Adele, was seated in front of him at the show), reviews for Rogen’s “performance” were apparently good. “I think it’s the most popular thing I’ve ever been in, in my entire life,” he joked. “There are people who I know who have not watched my last 5 movies who have been texting me, ‘That Adele concert looked amazing.’”

[via Mashable]


  • baerbaer-av says:

    imagine being nearly 40 and still talking about weed all the time. what a sad person.

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      Imagine being an adult and judging other people for petty shit like this

    • gildie-av says:

      For that matter what kind of man pretends to be other people for a living at 40? Time to get a real job, Seth.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      You, on the other hand, sound like you’re tremendous fun at parties.

      • bryanska-av says:

        That stupid reply always contributes nothing. In this case it just further’s the OP’s position. Being fun at parties at 40 is a low, low bar for a human being.

    • beertown-av says:

      Well he does in fact have a whole company devoted to weed paraphernalia, so distancing himself from that persona would now officially be bad for business.

    • bryanska-av says:

      It’s a hot fucking take, but I’ll listen to it. It’s not far from adults who can’t function without drinking, except drinking is cute and fun. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I bet he and that snoochie-boogins guy would get along.

    • rottencore-av says:


    • cannabuzz-av says:

      Some of us have managed to do so, and turn it into a lucrative career with a syndicated newspaper column and work consulting with major labels developing cannabis projects and products for their artists, but you do you, Judgey Pants.

    • toastedtoast-av says:

      It’s a pretty big part of why he’s a millionaire and a celebrity, so no, it is not sad. On the contrary Seth Rogen seems like a very happy and succesful person, very much unlike, you know, you.

    • tvcr-av says:

      It says he’s a happy stoner right in this article!

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i like the idea that the only defining characteristic of seth rogen is that he’s nearly 40. like he’s some guy you know from work.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Oh shut the fuck up

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Remember to at least lock you car next time before you get blitzed, Seth.Preferably look into better places to park it first too as well.

  • lotionchowdr-av says:


  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Seth Rogen, smoking marijuana? Pshaw! Next you’ll try to tell me Gordon Ramsay was seen lambasting an incompetent restauranteur!

  • dgstan2-av says:

    I’m assuming the news here is that Seth Rogan went to an Adele concert, not that he was stoned.

  • beertown-av says:

    Well, the YouTube comments on this one are overrun with anti-Semitism. I don’t know what I expected.

  • blindpugh4-av says:

    A 40 year old man talking about how much weed he smokes is every bit as sad as a 40 year old man talking about how well versed he is in the history of Middle Earth. Actually, it’s sadder. At least knowing where the Orcs came from or whatever might conceivably make you interesting to someone. Middle-aged stoners are never interesting to anyone. They’re the most tedious people on Earth.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Seth Rogen talks about being very stoned in ______________.

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    Fuck this kike.

  • farkwad-av says:

    huh huh huh dude weed lmao huh huh huhGo and make another sausage party film, you tired hack

  • tigersblood-av says:

    Seth Rogen being stoned is not news.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      maybe it was the Adele concert we were supposed to fixate on?

    • megasmacky-av says:

      I love SR but if he smokes as much as he claims, I have my doubts he even gets stoned. I smoke a LOT of weed, every single day, and while I still enjoy the process, and it still really helps my mood, calms me etc, I barely feel anything. The last batch I got was 31% THC and I felt a little for a few minutes. A newcomer would end up in the ER smoking that.

  • puddlerainbow-av says:

    I wonder if he lives in an abandoned ICBM silo since it’s just one big basement.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Seth Rogen may be stoned, but Jimmy Fallon’s got an uncontrollable fit of the giggles.

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