Shakira and Jennifer Lopez played to their strengths in a solid Super Bowl Halftime Show

Aux Features Music
Shakira and Jennifer Lopez played to their strengths in a solid Super Bowl Halftime Show
Photo: Elsa

Last year’s Super Bowl Halftime Show was oddly (though unsurprisingly) anticlimactic, wrapping up a year of high-profile musical acts openly refusing to take the gig out of respect to Colin Kaepernick—who had accused the NFL of conspiring to blacklist him over his famous on-field protests against police brutality and general racism. Maroon 5 ended up headlining the show alongside Travis Scott and Big Boi, and there was also this whole thing where people on the internet wanted someone to do a SpongeBob Squarepants reference (that did end up sort of happening even though it was obviously shoehorned in). It was basically just Pepsi saying “here’s what we were able to put together, enjoy.”

This year, Pepsi and the NFL were able to rope in both Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, with pretty much no public pressure to acknowledge any cartoons or very obvious mistreatment of specific people. The actual performance was also relatively short on excessive gimmicks (sorry, Lady Gaga’s drone army), opening with Shakira doing her solo thing for (what else) a medley of hits while surrounded by dancers.

Lopez’s entrance seemed like the biggest moment early on, even if she did it without jumping down from the roof of the stadium or bringing out any lackluster sharks. Instead, she just appeared standing on what looked like a small replica of the Empire State Building and jumped into a (you’ll never believe it) medley of hits. It at least seemed like a more energetic and dramatic set, with Lopez taking some breaks to put on her own little dance clinics, but then it all popped off with Lopez’s daughter Emme Maribel Muñiz singing her own little interlude that exploded into a proper duet with her mom and then a dance-off between Lopez and Shakira (with both of them singing their respective World Cup songs!).

It didn’t reinvent the Super Bowl Pepsi Halftime Show wheel, but it also didn’t do anything especially stupid or misguided. It was arguably the best kind of Halftime Show, with a focus on music, dancing, and fun cameos (J Blavin and Bad Bunny!)—and it did it without an appearance from SpongeBob.


  • coolmanguy-av says:

    That halftime show was extremely Latino and I loved it. 

    • firedragon400-av says:

      Don’t you know? You have to say “Latinx” around here or you’ll be considered a racist. 

      • coolmanguy-av says:

        Lol. As a Latino man, the number of times that non Latin white people have tried to correct me on that is insane.

        • h0meric-av says:

          You too, eh?I wish I could roll my eyes harder.

        • shindean-av says:

          I just started reading up on this Latinx issue…
          I understand Spanish language lacks a lot as far as proper titles and discretion towards how people identify, but a few words here and there really aren’t going to make a difference.
          But that it’s coming from people who aren’t Hispanic or Spanish speakers…now that’s just weird.

          • bcfred-av says:

            It’s the same cast of characters to think referring to humans as “mankind” is sexist.

          • shindean-av says:

            I know what they’re shooting for but goddamn the changing of language is primarily linked to culture. We’re not using more appropriate, identifying language now because we woke up one day as country and said “this is good”, we did it thanks to the decades of sacrifices by the LGBTQ community and an intelligent black president who knew how to show support for their movement, this is really hard to repeat.

          • bcfred-av says:

            Fair enough, but the Latino community was not screaming for this change. It was pushed on them by nice activists and academians, many of whom aren’t even part of the ethnic grouping it covers.

        • bcfred-av says:

          There are polls out there that show how much Latino people like to be referred to as Latinx.  Spoiler – not very much.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            Acceptance is higher within the States and 2nd generation folks but definitely not the case in other countriesThe “x” is just too much of an imperialist construct for many.I understand the need for gender neutrality in Spanish tho. 

        • greatgodglycon-av says:

          See, I have the problem where when I try to use “latinx” the people I’m talking to are like “wtf did you say?”. Usually those people are of a Latin heritage. I live in Wisconsin.

        • g34535tv3v5t35-av says:

          How do you feel about having white people correcting you for not using ‘Latina’ for two women?

      • returning-the-screw-av says:

        Not racist – transphobic.

      • daymanaaaa-av says:

        Now I’m not Latina but fairly familiar with the Spanish language, and the “latinx” makes little sense to me. How does one pronounce that? Latin-equis? or is the X like an “H” sound like the X in ‘Mexico?’ Either way neither make sens.

        • hrhduchessofnaps1-av says:

          Honestly I always just read it as something you use when you don’t know the gender of the person you’re speaking/referring to. Like “they” in English.

        • firedragon400-av says:

          I’m not entirely sure this is 100% true, but I believe it’s “Lah-teenx”

        • forgotburnerloginagain-av says:

          I don’t think there’s a codified pronunciation, but I always thought it was Latin-ex and then I read it could be La-tinx.

          And now I’ve gone from hating the term to loving it. 🙂

          I do think it’s a social media construction, and a sign of how media progressives are in a bubble with each other. I don’t think it would have spread the way it has without Twitter. It also does seem really weird that it’s a term nominally used to be respectful of Latino identities but that the statistically widespread dislike for the term doesn’t impact the adoption rate. 

        • richardsonken-av says:

          NPR has taught me it’s “lah-tee-NEX.”

    • dgstan2-av says:

      Between the Spanish-language halftime show and the relentless onslaught of gay-leaning ads, I bet a large percentage of the nation was triggered beyond repair.Poor snowflakes.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        I bet my Florida Trump voting uncle was contemplating the end as a result.

      • giantclaw-av says:

        I’m originally from rural Midwest and I can tell you there were a number of my rural family members posting on Facebook how they either “didn’t get” or “didn’t like” the halftime show. One even apparently was given a “headache” watching it. All I could do was helpfully proffer that they were probably not the target market.

      • jescowhite-av says:

        Ha! Said the same thing to my girlfriend while we were watching it. Wondered how many rubes were losing their shit on Twitter at the time, and would be well through the week. Their possible discomfort with it made me happy.

      • greatgodglycon-av says:

        If old people facebook is any indication this morning, you are very correct.

    • shindean-av says:

      I was just telling my mother about how incredibly captivating and Miami this performance was.
      And I loved that they had Shakira and Bad Bunny, two artists who’s work started in Latin America and just boomed so loud that it made into the American landscape. 

    • xpdnc-av says:

      I certainly thought that the combination of singing in Spanish and the presentation of the Puerto Rican flag would be setting off the Fox audience.

      • disqusdrew-av says:

        “How dare she sing ‘Born In The USA’ while waving a flag of Puerto Rico!”Puerto Rico, US Territory since 1898 and naturalized in 1917

      • disqusdrew-av says:

        “How dare she sing ‘Born In The USA’ while waving a flag of Puerto Rico!”Puerto Rico, US Territory since 1898 and naturalized in 1917

  • eyeballman-av says:

    The report has it right, nothing stupid , pretty hot performance. Not a game changer, like Springsteen, just a very good performance. Hell, I would watch it again.

  • firedragon400-av says:

    As often as J-Lo was grabbing her crotch, I was wondering if she just really, really needed to fap for some reason. Especially with the stripper pole and constant hip thrusts later on. Aside from that it was… fine. Though I’d readily admit that unless Weird Al, Ninja Sex Party, or JAM Project are performing the halftime show, “fine” is about as good as you’re gonna get from me. 

    • dirtside-av says:

      Are you implying you’d have some kind of problem with JLo doing a halftime show that’s just her masturbating?

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      As often as J-Lo was grabbing her crotch, I was wondering if she just really, really needed to fap for some reason

      I mean, did you see Shakira perform?

    • sonicoooahh-av says:

      Maybe I was looking there more than I should, but I too noticed her hand a lot. Though it looked to me more like she was blocking the camera shot, like she was concerned about having some kind of wardrobe malfunction.Still, it was a great show and the only miscue I could possibly point toward was when after all of the very well choreographed, beautiful dancing, some fat guy appeared in what looked like sweatpants awkwardly waving his arm around.Thankfully, he quickly found his way to the wonderful dancers.

    • treerol2-av says:

      By the JAM Project I thought you meant the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, and yes I would totally be on board with a JAMs halftime show.

      • starvenger88-av says:

        By the JAM Project I thought you meant the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, and yes I would totally be on board with a JAMs halftime show.Only if there’s a special appearance by the KLF and the Time Lords.

        • paulfields77-av says:

          I’m not expecting the KLF to be booked for any more high profile live performances after their last one…

      • qotita-av says:

        They’re justified, AND they’re ancient!

    • yipesstripes123-av says:
    • hrhduchessofnaps1-av says:

      Listen, J Lo worked fucking hard to learn those pole moves for Hustlers, and was completely robbed by the Oscars, and if I were her, I’d be whipping them out at every occasion from now until death. Birthdays? Easter? Tuesday? Hell yes.

      • bcfred-av says:

        When that pole appeared I was thinking “oh shit, here we go. This year’s scandal!” But she was pretty tame with it. Meanwhile the Shakira / J-Lo twerk-off at the finale was the best part of the show.  I mean damn.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Has Weird Al ever done the halftime show? I want to see that happen.Also, I noticed her hand there numerous times.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      Please point me in the direction of the petition I have to sign in order for Ninja Sex Party to play a Super Bowl halftime show.

    • stevenstrell-av says:

      I have been saying to everyone for *years* that Weird Al needs to do the halftime show!  I’m glad I’m not alone.

  • captaingreybar-av says:

    That halftime show needed more TROOPS

    • galvatronguy-av says:

      I would love for them just to have a guy go out on an empty stage and shout “FOR DA TROOPS!” and wave a flag for 20 minutes. It would be heralded by the conservative media as the best halftime show ever.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Shakira was hot as fuck. J-Lo not far behind. Even my wife Ursa was turned on. We.loved that these middle-aged ladies were so talented, self-assured, and sexy. Holy shit, this was WAY better than stupid Adam Levine last Gen X!

  • elchappie2-av says:

    Genuinely unmemorable.

  • velvetal-av says:

    Did they at least perform “Taco Flavored Kisses”?

    • yipesstripes123-av says:

      I love that stupid episode. Lopez revealing herself to be Mitch Connor during halftime would have been very entertaining.

    • freshmetal-av says:

      No because that’s not actually a Jennifer Lopez song.  It was created by master con-man Mitch Conner, who impersonated Lopez before ultimately killing himself.  Sad story.

  • yummsh-av says:

    Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and watch the greatest halftime show of all (half)time.“January 29, 1995: the halftime show was titled “Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye” and was produced by Disney to promote their Indiana Jones Adventure attraction at Disneyland that opened later that year. The show featured actors playing Indiana Jones and his girlfriend Marion Ravenwood who were raiding the Vince Lombardi Trophy from the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. The show also had performances by singers Tony Bennett and Patti LaBelle, jazz trumpeter Arturo Sandoval, and the Miami Sound Machine. The show ended with everybody singing “Can You Feel The Love Tonight.””

    • h0meric-av says:

      I think you meant the Prince half time show. You’re mistaken if otherwise, it’s ok, we all make mistakes. 

    • mifrochi-av says:

      I vaguely remember that. I never liked football, so I think my brothers tried to get me interested by talking about the Indiana Jones halftime show. When I questioned them about it, they admitted that Harrison Ford would not be involved, and it would be sort of like Disney on Ice, only with Indiana Jones and no ice. Hard pass.

      • yummsh-av says:

        Hey, hard pass! I see what you did there.I have no memory of this, even though I was 22 at the time and way into Disneyland and Indy. Just keep cramming people into the performance, I guess. What goes better with Indy than Tony Bennett?

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      I’m surprised I have no memory of this but it looks amazing and ludicrous at the same time. The current format whether they use a current act or wheel out the old fossils is stale they need to try something else. Personally I think they should see how far they can push the envelope on the marching band thing. Hire all the top people from Ohio State, USC etc spend a couple of million a year on development use some frickin lasers and try and put some spectacle into the whole thing.

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      I thought I dreamed this. I’m…glad? I didn’t.

    • fugit-av says:

      Jesus. Aside from the enigma style breakbeats, this looks like something from 85, not 95! 

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    My take away from this is Shakira has a fun and powerful voice and she’s a great dancer.Jlo is in great shape. 

  • egghog-av says:

    I’m just glad to see Ali G getting some work. 

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Yeah, I really expected them to go out on a limb and sing a selection from “Hello Dolly.”

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    Shakira was excellent. Singing, dancing, playing multiple instruments. She killed it. More talent in her fingernails than I have in my entire body.That said, these shows bother me that they don’t perform full songs. It’s a minor quibble, and maybe its just me, but I’d prefer like a 3 to 4 full song show than a mashup of 8 songs thrown together.

    • dgstan2-av says:

      I couldn’t, in my wildest imagination, believe that guitar was plugged into anything. But, then I wondered why the hell they’d put a capo on it if she wasn’t actually playing it. 

      • beertown-av says:

        Yeah, I remember the big dust-up over the Red Hot Chili Peppers very clearly not playing their instruments live. It’s a whole thing – no artist gets to do it, apart from possibly Prince.

        • 70on17-av says:

          The guitar was definitely plugged in to a lead, whether that was plugged into anything, who knows. They also had mics set up around the drum set she played for five seconds. I think lady Gaga might’ve actually played piano live when she did it a few years back? But I know when Bruno Mars performed, everything was obviously faked even though he and his band can actually play too.

        • operasara-av says:

          There is no way they could get the audio right in that arena.  Too much noise

        • starvenger88-av says:

          Nothing tops this:But anyway yeah it’s a given that they’ll go with a prerecorded instrument track as much as possible at the Super Bowl. I assume they told Prince this, he said “no” and they went “Okay then. Carry on”

        • greatgodglycon-av says:

          Prince did but he was the only member of his band allowed to.

      • greatgodglycon-av says:

        I was listening with surround and heard no guitar, or at least any guitar sounds that were coming from that particular guitar. Maybe the capo was on precisely so it would throw you off?

      • qotita-av says:

        It may not have been, but she does play.

    • sonicoooahh-av says:

      I don’t speak Spanish, but I sometimes ask Alexa to play me Shakira and I have been known to occasionally scroll through her Vevo channel on YouTube.

    • ooklathemok45-av says:

      It’s the Dawes of
      cock as performed by Frank Stallone.

    • objectivelybiased-av says:

      LOL @ singing.

    • iwontlosethisone-av says:


  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    I had the chance to date Shakira once. But sadly, my mother woke me up and made me go to school.

  • madcowresearch-av says:

    You didn’t mention the little kids sitting in cages , singing born in the USA and JLo wearing a Puerto Rican flag that was flipped into a US flag.

  • operasara-av says:

    But the Pearl clutchers are outraged.  It was so slutty, basically just soft porn.  And it encourages trafficking (yup, I read that those Karen’s will call anything trafficking) whine whine, women disrespecting themselves.

    • treerol2-av says:

      Between the flag-humping pregame, the fake performative Christians clutching their pearls about halftime, the team with the racist nickname winning, and then the President not knowing which state that team’s city is in, this Super Bowl was the perfect microcosm of America.

    • cybersybil3-av says:

      There were also a number of negative reactions to JLo flying a “Cuban” (no, seriously) flag and the amount of “Mexican” they sang in.  

    • velvetal-av says:

      I like to remind Pearl clutchers that they allowed their kids to watch some guys sustain brain damage.

  • jackmagnificent-av says:

    Kind of awkward that both of them came out and did my favorite song twice, “Medley of Hits.”

  • stsomething-av says:

    Shakira did great but felt like JLo’s opener. Shakira has better songs no doubt, but JLo just put on a better show. Overall, both did great.

  • mifrochi-av says:

    Real quick – Pepsi/NFL didn’t “somehow” book Shakira and J-Lo, they contracted Jay-Z to handle their entertainment for the next decade or so. It’s part of the NFL’s damage-control plan after the public outcry about how they’re racist. Next they’re going to change the rulebook so that there are fewer head injuries, and then they’ll let the cheerleaders unionize. 

  • kingkongaintgotshitonme3-av says:

    am i alone in thinking that this was one hell of a “fuck you” at trump? J Lo busting out the Puerto Rican flag and seemingly 60% of it being sung in spanish was excellent. Plus JLo is still a mega babe.The FCC complaints about this halftime are going to be excellent. Its going to be nipplegate level with the puritans magnified by maga-turd racism. got to love people outing themselves as regressive shitheads.

    • lostlimey296-av says:

      Also liked the touch of a bunch of kids in cages singing “Born in the USA” before the Puerto Rico flag unveil.

  • bs-leblanc-av says:

    Oh sure, JLo can do a knee slide with her barely covered crotch into the camera, but I do the same thing in a banana hammock down the slide at the neighborhood park and I get arrested.

    • wtfmdnid-av says:

      The Karens were sure triggered by her barely-covered crotch! Yet there were a minimum of 3 layers between camera and money shot. 

  • wiscoproud-av says:

    I’m pretty jaded when it comes to halftime shows, and don’t particularly like J-lo (although i respect her career arc), but I liked it. I thought Shakira did a really good job, and even my 5yo asked me to add “Wherever, Whenever” to her playlist. J-Lo did a good job too, although most of the time there were too many people on stage pulling attention away. From what i understand there are plenty of snowflakes crying about the “sexualized” performance (you didn’t care about Adam Levine half naked last year Karen) and J-Lo flying a Puerto Rican flag (despite what Trump says, it IS part of the US). 

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Yes, completely-plausible-grandmother Lopez did well.

  • kizerbunn78-av says:

    Maybe I am out of touch . . . but when they came on all I could think about was the great Townes Van Zandt line from “Heartworn Highways” . . . “now I will play you a medley of my hit”

  • greatgodglycon-av says:

    These women are over 50.

  • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

    “with a focus on music, dancing, and fun cameos (J Blavin and Bad Bunny!)—and it did it without an appearance from SpongeBob.” 

  • kahlessj-av says:

    was great until fucking gozer appeared. i was worried as shit that the stay puffed marshmellow man would show up and stomp the stadium.

  • sosgemini-av says:

    Totally said with respect, Janet Jackson and Charo’s legacy were all over that stage. Well played ladies.

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