Sharon Stone says a former Sony executive exposed himself during a meeting

Speaking with Kelly Ripa, Sharon Stone reveals a horrifying episode from early in her career

Aux News Sharon Stone
Sharon Stone says a former Sony executive exposed himself during a meeting
Sharon Stone Photo: Monica Schipper (Getty Images for WCRF)

An unnamed Sony executive took out his penis in a meeting, Sharon Stone alleges in a new interview from Kelly Ripa’s Sirius XM show (via The Daily Beast). The meeting took place in the late 1980s when Sony was run by Peter Gruber and Jon Peters; the latter has long been accused of abusive behavior toward women, including throwing water in Barbara Streisand’s face during the production of A Star Is Born and sexually harassing a former assistant in 2011, which ended up in court and cost him $3.3 million. At the time of the meeting, Stone had just begun to break into the industry.

Stone said she was “so excited to wear my special outfit and to meet the head of Sony. She wore a “Ralph Lauren jacket with the little ruffle on the shoulder, my denim skirt with a big ruffle at the bottom, and my cowboy boots.” Sitting on a couch that “was basically on the floor,” Stone recalls, him “pacing around the office” complimenting her. “‘Oh, it’s true what they say about you and you’re the most gorgeous. We haven’t seen anyone like you in decades. Everybody’s talking about you and looking at you. You’re the most articulate. You’re so smart and beautiful and that hair.’ I mean, I had hair down, you know, to my waist.”

“‘Oh, you’re just blah, blah, blah,’ and then he went, came walking right up in front of me and he said, ‘But first … ’ and he took his penis right out in my face,” Stone said. “And of course, I was very young and what I do when I’m nervous, because I’m basically a very bubbly person, I started laughing.”

Stone said that she “started laughing and crying at the same time” and “couldn’t stop.” He didn’t know what to do, the actor said, “So, of course, he put it away and he went through this door behind his desk, which I thought was that he left, so I didn’t know what to do. So, I was just sitting there hysterical, and eventually, his secretary came and led me out, right? This was not the last of many weird experiences like this in my career.”


  • ligaments-av says:

    Sharon Stone exposed herself to the entire world.  

    • nimbh-av says:

      In a movie no one forced you to see, cumrag. 

      • ligaments-av says:

        What are you going to do with your life once G/O shuts all the way down? Jez bitches all fired… another one bites the dust. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.I’ll give you an email address so we can still insult each other.  Rancid Cuntface. 

  • daveassist-av says:

    The thinking must have been, and still often is: “I’ve got power, so I can demand or rape whatever I want.”I guess, at least she managed to wound him in the ego?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      It almost sounds like it was a move he’d had described to him by one of his scumball buddies, and being a scumball himself he thought he’d give it a try, only to have no idea what to do when his target started laughing and crying.

  • universalamander-av says:
  • baronzima-av says:

    I’ve always been fascinated by stories of machismo power run amok. Are these dick-showing executives just all psychopaths, with no emotional connection to fellow human beings? I’ve just always been baffled hearing stories about guys whipping out their dick in front of women they barely even know . Like, these guys had mothers, right? At least 50% even had sisters. How on earth are you horny enough as an adult to behave like that? No man would want his mother or sister to go through something like that. The only thing I can think of is that they have psychopathy or extreme narcissism (or both), and have that emotional disconnect where people are like objects to them.
    Maybe I was just raised differently, but if I made a stupid mistake like that, I’d go straight to the cops and turn myself in. Why? Because once my mom found out, she’d be the one cutting off my scrotum and making a change purse out of it.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Unfortunately I think this kind of behavior is always a risk. We all think we’d be good people if in positions of authority or power, and while for the most part that’s probably true we are never proven wrong because the opportunity doesn’t present itself. I doubt this particular guy started out with a grand plan to become a studio head so he could sexually assault actresses. So I expect it’s one of two things. A guy who couldn’t get the time of day from women until he was in such a position of authority – basically a former incel now lording his power. Or someone who started with smaller transgressions and never got called on it, so their entire moral compass gradually eroded and this kind of behavior seemed almost normal to them (honestly in 80s Hollywood it probably was). But either way, they had a screw loose to begin with.

      • baronzima-av says:

        Oh I know for a fact if I had power, like Elon Musk-level riches and power, I would definitely abuse it. I’m not quite certain what form that would take, but I still think I would have enough left of a moral compass not to whip my dick out and show it to women I barely know.
        But maybe not–you’re right. I guess it would depend on how drunk and rich I was, and again, like you mention, never getting called on it. It would be something to be so damn rich that no one would even call you out on bad behavior. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      Unfortunately, the same attributes that people tend to associate with corporate success (cunning, ruthlessness, etc.) is also associated with assholes. I think people overstate how many CEOs are sociopaths because of a study someone did that demonstrated that the percentage of CEOs who are sociopaths is higher than the percentage of sociopaths in the general population, but that’s a factor too. So, yeah, having a mother or a sister means fuck all if you don’t care about other human beings. Power corrupts and whatnot too.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Probably at least a couple of these fuckers saw their mums treated like shit by their dads, so it normalises the bad behaviour. Even if they claim to love their mothers, they don’t actually have a built-in level of respect for them, or any women.

      • baronzima-av says:

        I know I’m replying a couple months later, apologies.

        I see what you’re saying. If they’ve seen women in their life always treated like dirt, on some level they internalize that and think they deserve it.

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      (1) Psychopaths make excellent CEOs and executives. I believe something like 4% of all CEOs are psychopaths and that’s a relatively high proportion of the population. (2) It’s easy for some people to categorize people into people to whom they care about and people who they can exploit.(3) Maybe they would not care if it was their sister or their mother.

      • baronzima-av says:

        I know this is replying to your comment several months later, but I would take issue with saying sociopaths make excellent CEOs. It depends on your criteria. If your only criteria is increasing share price no matter the grist they grind for that mill, then your answer is yes. I would say for just about all other criteria, the answer is no, they don’t make excellent CEOs.

        But yes, I suppose you’re right. By definition, a psychopath wouldn’t care if it were their sister or mother. About the only emotions they feel are rage, and that’s usually only triggered when you do something to them personally.

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          And to be clear, I should not have used “excellent”; I should have said “successful”. Not good for anybody but shareholders, not even the long term success of the company.

    • dodecadildo-av says:

      You don’t have to be a high-level executive to pull this crap. I had a coworker (a freight driver) who would constantly show me his dick, and I would just laughed it off cuz I didn’t want to embarrass him. I was young and unsure. Now I’m old and pissed and I will ruin someone.

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