Tatiana Maslany SMASHes the legal system in the first trailer for Disney Plus’ She-Hulk: Attorney At Law

Disney Plus' latest Marvel show premieres in August

Aux News Hulk
Tatiana Maslany SMASHes the legal system in the first trailer for Disney Plus’ She-Hulk: Attorney At Law
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Screenshot: YouTube

Alright Moon Knight, take your laughable Bri’ish accents and your gloomy tone and get out of here, it’s time for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to get completely wacky with She-Hulk: Attorney At Law. Disney just released the first trailer for the Disney+ series, giving us our first look at Tatiana Maslany as the eponymous super-lawyer, and fans of the character will be pleased to know that it seems like she’s going to be spending a lot of time in her She-Hulk form (as is tradition for the character in the comics). Assuming you can tolerate the CG on her She-Hulk form… which will hopefully be a little more palatable once you get used to it.

The MCU is maintaining the comics canon that She-Hulk (a.k.a. attorney Jennifer Walters) is the cousin of Bruce Banner, who is still in the Professor Hulk form we saw in Avengers: Endgame (though the arm that got all burned up when he used the Infinity Stones seems to have healed, making his Shang-Chi cameo even more confusing). In this show, Bruce seems to be studying Jennifer’s own Hulk abilities, but it also seems like she might not have much control over it. That might be a good thing for her new job, which involves some kind of superhero-based law firm, with Tim Roth’s Emil Blonsky—a.k.a. the Abomination, previously seen in Shang-Chi for some reason—being her first client.

Speaking of superhero-based law firms (which was a plot point on Daredevil) and lawyers with superpowers (like Daredevil), there is no mention of Daredevil or the events of Daredevil in this trailer. Both Matt Murdock and Jennifer Walters are defense attorneys, though, so they probably won’t be going up against each other in court… if Daredevil shows up in this thing, which we’re really hoping he does. What this trailer does mention, at least implicitly, is that She-Hulk and some (relatively) little dude who likes french fries are totally going to have sex. She arches her eyebrows and carries him around, possibly to a bedroom! That’s pretty explicit for the MCU!

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law comes from head writer Jessica Gao, who won an Emmy for writing… a certain episode of Rick And Morty that also happened to be about someone turning green (she also worked on Corporate and Silicon Valley). The series premieres on Disney+ on August 17.


  • yttruim-av says:

    So is this series going to have a big bad? or is it just going to be slice of life, because the MCU could stand to benefit from a whole lot of slice of life and move away from the overly done, terrible looking big bad fight scenes.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      The big bad will be the inherent unfairness of the US legal system against those without money.

      • yttruim-av says:

        so, a never ending battle = endless season

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          No-one expected Buffy to be able to beat The First either because it was well established from early on that it wasn’t something you could defeat in the conventional sense, just delay and foil immediate plans but they still had an ending to Season 7 with a significant ending that capped the whole arc of the show from arriving at Sunnydale in the beginning and in the end not so much leaving Sunnydale more so as Sunnydale leaving them.Then of course there’s Angel where even if we fall, the fight goes on. Which makes me think, the main bad guys in that show were a law firm and then they coopted and corrupted the good guys …… you dont think … ?

          • recognitions-av says:

            I would not use the last seasons of Buffy or Angel as examples of any kind of good writing

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            The quality of those seasons is immaterial to the point being made but the last season of Angel is the best of them all and I will fight you on this!

          • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

            There’s an argument for season 2!…but Smile Time through NFA is the best ever stretch of episodes in a network drama.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            The last few episodes are great, but the season as a whole lacks direction. S3 has a better overall plot, and S4 is more entertainingly insane.

          • buko-av says:

            Angel’s last season has a number of well-written episodes, including the last.

          • ajvia123-av says:

            I would, the last season of ANGEL is still fking tight. They did a real arc, killed almost everyone that you’d come to care and/or be intrigued by, and set up a massive good vs evil battle which we kinda didn’t get closure on, no final answers because that was ok to once do, not be so specific to set up the next project with all the same actors/characters still there etc.“I wanna go slay the dragon” is a great final line. Killing off our beloved Fred and then letting the actress take on a role that was the bad-ass complete opposite of her? Tight. 

      • harthal-av says:

        And then that will all get brushed aside when it turns out Hydra was pulling the strings of the justice system all along! That way Disney can continue to play both sides. Hope I’m wrong!

      • dr-darke-av says:

        That’s a supervillain that makes Thanos look like a wimp!

      • mlc818-av says:

        I absolutely hate when the US legal system shoots energy bolts at me

    • dirtside-av says:

      Oh, complaints about CGI. That’s what we need more of.

      • sicod-av says:

        Complaints about CGI helped save the Sonic movie. Paramount was very happy about the complaints before the release because of the impact on the release.

    • drew8mr-av says:

      Stop. This is how you end up at “no tights, no flights”. No one wants a superhero show with no superheroing. Luke Cage barely punched anyone, it was ridiculous. Loki did ok (granted, I watch in 720P in the garage) I thought.

      • yttruim-av says:

        No. Focus on the characters and stop falling back on piss poor “fights” they are nearly always terrible, unimaginative, and boring. These characters can be more than just the action. 

        • nilus-av says:

          Comic books are essential soap operas with people who can fly. I think people overestimate the number of fights that are in those books. You can go issues without them. I’m all for more character development 

      • agentz-av says:

        What Luke Cage show did you watch?

      • docnemenn-av says:

        “But why so much superhero stuff in a superhero series?!”

    • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

      It apparently is going to have a level of meta-awareness that will make the tantrum thrown over the Richard Bohner stuff from Wandavision like it was nothing. 

    • delete999999-av says:

      Ms. Marvel trailer response: how dare they change her powers to make the CGI cheaper and look better! She-Hulk trailer: How dare they have CGI in a TV show that doesn’t look perfect! Embiggened MCU females really can’t win

      • yttruim-av says:

        That is something i had not heard up to your comment. The CGI in near every MCU projects for a few years now, including the Ms.Marvel trailer has looked atrocious

        • capeo-av says:

          Atrocious? LMAO! Compared to what? Good lord, still being a fucking contrarian idiot, who has never worked in the biz or in SFX, whenever Marvel comes up, huh?

          • yttruim-av says:

            Compared to other products with CGI in them. Disney has the money that they should not be looking anywhere are half assed as they do. Either they are not putting the money in, or not giving enough time for them to be done right. How about stopping bending over backwards to defend them, they are capable of criticism and they are not going to love you for rushing to their defence. It is okay to say they are bad. 

          • Ruhemaru-av says:

            It’s less ‘Disney’ and more one of the numerous CG studios they use for a project. Sometimes they’re stuck with whatever the studio they hired to do the work gives them if they want to stick to deadlines. We already know What If? Season 1 had at least 1 episode skipped because
            they couldn’t finish it in time for the scheduled release date.

            With the D+ shows, the CGI quality goes all over the place.With this trailer, its like She-Hulk seems to be missing a lot of texture/shader effects and detail that Hulk has in the same scenes. I’m assuming it’s because they already had Endgame Hulk’s detailed model to work with.
            The really weird thing is that she also seems stylized to almost appear cartoonish in some of the trailer’s scenes. There are some drastic quality changes, with one scene in particular looking like there was a severe issue with perspective and her hair. 

          • capeo-av says:

            Hahaha. “Half-assed?” Compared to what? You have no clue what goes into a 300+ SFX shot production in anything.

          • bewareofbob-av says:

            Probably not, but we can absolutely see the end result. And the end result of a lot of these superhero movies are pixely characters, awkward foreground-t0-background resolution, and green screen that looks like it belongs in a Brendan Fraser Mummy movie.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          Gee, I wonder what’s been happening in the past few years that might have impacted peoples work.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        It does kind of seem that way, doesn’t it?
        They’ve forgotten that The Incredible Hulk used to be a big Italian-American bodybuilder in green makeup with weird contact lenses and a Beatles wig that they tried to convince us was Bill Bixby normally.

    • isaacasihole-av says:

      Well I’m guessing Tim Roth isn’t in this for no reason.

    • capeo-av says:

      Wow, Drew’s hitting old man yelling at clouds territory now, huh? This is nonsensical: The result scared the shit out of audiences, because they were eager to finally lay eyes the shark, but so full of dread at the prospect. They were right to be scared.The practical shark looks laughably bad in every scene it’s in. Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies, but it certainly isn’t because of the FX. You let how goofy it looks go because you’re actually invested in the characters and story. Which makes Drew turning to Kyle Buchanan, of all people, saying Marvel will prioritize characters over FX as some kind of detriment all the more puzzling.

      • lukin--av says:

        > The practical shark looks laughably bad in every scene it’s in.That’s why there are only a few scenes with it. That’s the take! If you don’t have budget/time for a properly made efffects: don’t do them.In Marvel’s production the shark would be in every scene, with a computer generated background, computer generated boat, and so on.

        • rogueindy-av says:

          The shark in Jaws only showed up a few times because the robot kept breaking down. It’s a fluke that it worked out better this way.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Which is why Spielberg almost never showed it. The few shots we got were really quick and shot so the limitations made the shark look like it was some undead hostile being rather than a really big hungry fish.
        “Dead eyes…doll’s eyes…”

      • docnemenn-av says:

        This seems utterly wrong-headed; if anything, the one thing everyone praises Jaws for is the fact that, because it’s filmed in a way that you barely see the shark unless it’s unavoidable, it’s made infinitely more frightening because your mind fills in the gaps. I can’t think of anyone who’s ever seriously tried to make the claim that the reason it’s frightening is because you spend so long not seeing it that when you finally do, it’s really scary despite looking pretty rubbish as even Steven Spielberg will tell you.

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      I guarantee you Abomination is breaking free at some point.

      • systemmastert-av says:

        Yes, and almost certainly to help.  He’s already a sort of good guy, remember Shang-Chi?  Titania is going to be the baddie here.

        • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

          Just because he likes fighting with Wong in underground circles doesn’t mean he’s chummy with Banner.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Why, so he can sue his son for excessive separation anxiety?

    • bewareofbob-av says:

      Just for how embarrassing the existence of Defector is to G/O Media, I always get a kick out of whenever someone links to it in the comments :)Anyway that’s a damn good article, really lays into how unremittingly dogshit Marvel special effects have gotten. I remember watching No Way Home when Alfred Molina showed up, and thinking, “Really? All the money in the world, and you couldn’t make him look any better than a PS2 cutscene?”

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Gonna guess it will, it will be Titania, but it won’t be a huge punch fest to stop a sky energy beam or something.  They’ll subvert it somehow.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Wouldn’t you probably get a more realistic effect by getting Maslany really buff (something Marvel has plenty of experience with) and just resizing her in the shots, so there’s actually a real person everything’s based on?  Or even just hiring someone really buff, resizing them, and putting Maslany’s face on there?  You can’t really do that with the Hulk, since his proportions aren’t really human, but She-Hulk is basically like a female body builder, but green and much taller.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        A female body builder with swimsuit model proportions.Anyway, I’m guessing the likely answer is “It’s an early render and they’ll clean it up by August.”

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      Titania is in it, if you don’t who that is then you’re s.o.l.

    • commk-av says:

      The uncanny valley rendering of She-Hulk herself is going to be tough to take if she’s green as often as the trailer implies. Like the Hulk just about works when he’s 1/6th of a team and they have a budget with $200 million more dollars in it, but he still hasn’t managed to get a second movie.

    • schmowtown-av says:

      I really hate this take and the fact that Fiege prioritizes reshoots to nail character moments over perfect effects is perhaps the most hopeful thing I’ve ever heard an exec say.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Ya know, screw the effects!
      Tatiana Maslany’s great in the part, and that’s what counts.

    • mosquitocontrol-av says:

      Whata weird is I thought moon knight had good special effects, other than the climax plastic fight we all knew was coming 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Haha a Drew article, the guy who complains about everything.The hippo in Moon Knight looked fine, the dodgy suit effects weren’t great though.

    • amazingpotato-av says:

      That was a really good read! Thanks for that.I still enjoy effects like Harryhausen’s monsters because they still look cool, whereas a lot of CGI just looks awful. Some of the shots of She-Hulk’s face in that trailer look absolutely horrendous. Like, how can anyone involved look at it feel pleased with themselves? Shame! Shaaaammmeee!

      • caranthir-av says:

        She does look a bit Shrekish a few times. It’s too bad. But maybe they’ll clean it up for the series? She can totally pull of the acting part, why not just use her like someone above said. Can’t they just resize her or something? 

    • voon-av says:

      I think in this case it very much is a choice, keeping her look consistent with Banner’s, and also keeping Banner’s consistent with previous installments.

    • waystarroyco-av says:

      Omg she looks like Shrek.The special effects look like their stolen from early 2000s Pixar.This visually looks so so so badStory wise…love the character and what theyre going for.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Whoever wrote this comes off sounding like a tool because he overinflates how important this is and seems to insult people who don’t care. Movies are just entertainment and quite frankly, I don’t see enough of an issue with most of his examples of bad CGI to care whatsoever (the exception being Death on the Nile which truly looks horrible).

  • rottencore-av says:

    Graphics looks turble! Maybe just unfinished?

    • bewareofbob-av says:

      Unfortunately, Marvel’s been getting away with pretty crap special effects for a while now (did you SEE No Way Home? Ugh) so this being the final product wouldn’t be too off-brand for them.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    It’s Tatiana Maslany so of course she does!

  • scottscarsdale-av says:
  • kris1066-av says:

    A lawyer dealing with superhuman inmates?#JusticeForTrishWalker

  • dacostabr-av says:

    Looks like a videogame

  • lukin--av says:

    Gosh, CGI in this is just terrible. Well, not that this is a surprise, since Banner-Hulk wasn’t convincing in that last Avengers movie as well, and that had a cinema blockbuster budget, but… Well, I’d have guessed that they’ve made some advancements in three years since then. This looks like things went in opposite direction: it looks like “Avatar” has never happened.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Honestly, the CGI in this could be at South Park levels and I wouldn’t care.  You’ve got my favourite Marvel character and one of the best actresses working right now.  I’m all over this.

    • derrabbi-av says:

      All that great cgi made Avatar sooo compelling too.

      • lukin--av says:

        “Avatar” was a lot of bad things (I could argue that even the CGI wasn’t that good), but how they transferred Zoe Saldana’s expressions, mimics, character to that computer generated creature – that was and still is impressive.Oh, and speaking of Zoe Saldana: her green skinned character (that was mainly make-up based, I believe) from GOTG looks exactly like She-Hulk should.

        • Ruhemaru-av says:

          Depends. Unlike Gamora, She-Hulk changes sizes and coloring depending on how pissed off she is.

          • luisxromero-av says:

            She-Hulk is always a giant statuesque figure. In the comics she stands about 6’7″

          • Ruhemaru-av says:

            By size changing I mean, she’s got an ‘athletic’ body type sometimes, sometimes she’s as ‘bulky’ as Hulk, and other times she’s a mix of the two that still looks like she would bench press Sentinels.

      • kroboz-av says:

        Yes but just wait and see how incrementally better the CGI is in Avatar 2: the Way of Water™️!

      • ilsidursbone-av says:

        Avatar was nothing but eye candy and that’s really all it needed to be since the cgi was way beyond anything at that time. This time however, if there’s no compelling story, it’ll get the well deserved stink-eye from millions of keyboard critics

    • cajlo63-av says:

      I’ve heard that the effects studios have gotten behind schedule since the pandemic. 

    • mattthewsedlar-av says:

      Here’s for hoping they are still working on the effects. They still have until August.

    • alsosprachalso-av says:

      Hulk’s CGI I think works better because of his exaggerated form. It’s easier to accept imperfect CGI because you’re already suspending disbelief for the size & shape of the character.She-Hulk just looks like a larger than average woman who is green. You could do the effect with some body paint on a real actress of that build (and rotoscope Maslanay’s face into the footage) and it would look way better. So the bad CGI just ends up calling attention to itself.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      It’s currently May. Show doesn’t drop until August. Most likely these shots were rushed for the trailer and are unfinished.

    • redwolfmo-av says:

      Some of the worst CGI I’ve ever seen is near the end of Infinity War with Banner in the Hulkbuster suit.   His head looks like its floating around

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    Jordan Peterson quitting Twitter today makes a whole lot more sense now.

  • mireilleco-av says:

    All in. Guessing the CGI might be gussied up a bit before release in 3 months, but even if not, I really don’t care. She-Hulk is my favorite and Tatiana Maslany has been great. I still enjoy Hercules and Xena, so this will be fine. The only way it can disappoint me is if the writing is bad. And it comes out the day before my birthday!

    • dumbeetle-av says:

      There is really just one shot where the GC is actually not great here, and the problem in that one is the cloth sim in the suit she’s wearing, not She-Hulk herself. Most of the other shots actually look really good for a humanoid CG character on a TV show. Still, it’s a lot to do, so expect the shots in this trailer to be a lot of the CG you get and the CG to be a bit inconsistent. If The Flash got away with looking the way it does for like ten seasons we can probably live with this, given that somebody is adapting Slott’s She Hulk run to live action with Tatiana Maslany, which is the most exciting thing in the MCU in ages.

    • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

      Jen carrying that guy around her apartment is everything I’ve ever needed.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    looks fun! 

  • dennycrane49-av says:

    Gimme some Perry Mason season 2, come on.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      Hot damn that show ruled. 

    • derrabbi-av says:

      I agree but does Tatianna’s character really carry over to a 2nd season?

      • blpppt-av says:

        I don’t see her name on the cast for S2, unfortunately. It didn’t seem like her character would have much relevance going forward.You’ll have to slum it with Whigham, Rhys, Kirk, and Rylance.

        • necgray-av says:

          Personally my hope for an Orphan Black return to Perry Mason is Judge Matt Frewer. I love that guy.

  • snagglepluss-av says:

    Maslany!(That’s basically my comment, I’m just super happy that she’s in new show because she is the best)

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      She’s also the second, third and fourth best at least with the personas rotating through those slots changing frequency as it’s so hard to choose if our experiences with Orphan Black was anything to go by!

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    Maybe it’s because I watched the trailer right after watching some episodes of Green Lantern: TAS, but She-Hulk’s CG here looks like it stepped right out of a CG animated series. Banner looks fine enough since it’s the same model and lighting from the movies, but Jennifer’s skin is too flat and her hair looks fake as hell. I’ma be annoyed if the Shang-Chi cameo isn’t explained.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Gonna venture a guess that Julia Louis-Dreyfuss’ character is gonna be around to answer that at some point.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Green Lantern TAS was a damn fine , underrated show( it tends to get forgotten about since it was cancelled at the same time as Young Justice.) .

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        I’m actually planning to catch back up with YJ because they’re incorporating GLTAS into the continuity!

        • dr-boots-list-av says:

          The Outsiders season is a little weaker, but the newest season has been really good.

          • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:


          • dr-boots-list-av says:

            I’m a sucker for Zatanna, plus there’s a literal magic school bus, which made me lol. My favorites have been the Savage and Atlantis episodes.

          • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

            Loved the Savage episode, and I’m a big Zatanna guy.But they’re still suffering from the decision to off Wally instead of Barry, (in the laziest “One week from retirement” way possible), and (IMO) they’ve really gotten away from the character driven story telling that made the original run sing.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Hampered, for me, by the 3D computer animation. I haaaaaaaate it and vastly prefer the look of traditional animation (even if computer assisted)

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        If you haven’t been watching Young Justice, the latest season picks up one of the plots from the GL show (they exist in same continuity).

    • monsterdook-av says:

      The effects are likely not finished for these quick shots, show doesn’t drop for another 3 months.Also, there’s no such thing as “same lighting” in completely different scenes. The lighting has to match the scene, not the character model.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      I remember speculation at the Shang-Chi cameo that Bruce’s arm was still in a sling not because of his Infinity Injury, but because She-Hulk accidentally broke his arm while he was helping her learn, and based on this trailer I’m sticking with that delightful theory until shown otherwise.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Special effects are jarring. But I very much like the vibe. I love Maslany. 

  • killa-k-av says:


    • Blanksheet-av says:

      Sorry, what’s wrong with this? I’m not good at seeing bad CGI unless it’s really bad and cheap-looking. To me CGI in general looks like how it’s supposed to look—animated, clean and crisp. Here, she looks like that’s her real face painted in green.

      • killa-k-av says:

        It looks like the uncanny valley to me.

      • viktor-withak-av says:

        Yeah I feel like I’m going crazy here. Maybe my brain is so Marvel-brained that all CGI looks fine to me but I legit thought that was makeup lol.(ALSO CGI TARKIN WAS FINE)

      • triohead-av says:

        tbf it looks better as a still than in the clip from the trailer where the top half of her face doesn’t move at all

  • bikebrh-av says:

    She arches her eyebrows and carries him around, possibly to a bedroom! That’s pretty explicit for the MCU!

    Have we already forgot Luke Cage pounding Jessica Jones from behind in one of the first two episodes of Jessica Jones…and later on the two of them having room destroying sex after they each discover the other is superpowered?

    • racj1982-av says:

      Yes, because that’s the not really the mcu. Tenuous connection to the movies be damn. That was it’s own thing. The Disney plus series and the movies are something else and sex in any form is barely touched upon in them until recently.

    • g-off-av says:

      The article was clearly referring to the MCU proper, and the Netflix Marvel shows were MCU adjacent or MCU tertiary or something like that. They were in the same universe, but never crossed over elsewhere (because Marvel TV and Marvel Studios were different houses), and mainstream MCU certainly did not make stuff with that much sex or gore.

      So I think the article stands. For the general MCU as we’ve all known it—and on Disney+, no less—it’s a bit racier than normal. (And yes, I acknowledge that the Netflix shows are now available on Disney+.)

      • shadowfox993-av says:

        I mean have you seen Spiderman: No Way Home, Hawkeye, or Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness?

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        Thor and Jane had some fun in What If!Also, Viz and Wanda in IW.

      • ilsidursbone-av says:

        the proper term is MCU BETTERS

      • arrowe77-av says:

        The Netflix shows – and AOS – were part of the MCU proper at the beginning. They were marketed as such, and the people making the shows make them with that in mind. It’s only progressively that people realized that the Feige-Perlmutter power struggle was separating both continuities. But they didn’t know that when they shot the Jessica Jones sex scene.

    • garland137-av says:

      To everyone complaining about the CGI: chill out.  It’s the first full trailer, they never have fully finished CGI.  Wait till the show actually comes out.

      • garland137-av says:

        Goddamnit, this was supposed to be a standalone comment, not a reply to Bruce.KINJAAAAAA!!!

      • ajvia123-av says:

        why would a studio- especially Disney/Marvel- rush out a preview when its NOT YET FINISHED? WHY?!? It cheapens it, makes it look worse, I won’t bother watching something they can’t even put out a decent trailer for…

      • murrychang-av says:


      • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

        But that’s not going to make the show actually good.

    • orju-av says:

      You also forgot about the table destroying sex Luke had with Claire Temple in the first episode of Defenders (which was initially preluded to when they said their good byes in the last episode of Season 1 Luke Cage)

      • peon21-av says:

        Let’s also not forget the awesome sexy-time Luke and Misty Knight had in the very first episode of Luke Cage (I know I’m not forgetting it any time soon).In fact, now I think of it, none of the Marvel beefcake parade has come close to the very high steamy-action bar that Mike Colter set.

    • agentz-av says:

      The very first MCU movie had a sex scene about ten minutes in. 

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Sidenote but fries guy scene is probably going to be followed by a ‘death by snu snu’/’smiling all the way to the ER’ situation.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      There’s always that one comment that either references Agents of Shield or the Netflix shows. Those were rated R and no content in them exists that is required to enjoy the MCU films. They are for different audiences. She-Hulk is aimed general family audiences so yes this is a bit odd.

      • axl917-av says:

        family audiencesYea, throw all the punches, kicks, blood, and room-and-building-destroying fight sequences you can fit. But if Little Billy & Susie see someone hinting about liking….S-E-X?Can’t have that!

      • mark-t-man-av says:

        There’s always that one comment that either references Agents of Shield or the Netflix shows. Those were rated R I’m pretty sure there are different ratings for TV.And I’m absolutely sure that nothing in AOS was “rated R”, apart from this:

  • derrabbi-av says:

    While I’m all for a Matt Murdock cameo in SheHulk it pails in significance to the confirmed Frog Man appearance.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    What a bunch of angry assholes

  • pak-man-av says:

    I have a theory that when people complain about bad CGI, what they’re really experiencing is their brain’s refusal to cope with what it’s looking at, because what it’s looking at shouldn’t be.

  • evanwaters-av says:

    The CG is… well it’s TV quality, and that’s a thing. But if they were gonna go that route instead of finding a sufficiently buff double, they shoulda made her more swole. C’mon Disney that’s what people are thirsting over these days. 

  • racj1982-av says:

    I didn’t even notice this bad cg you guys keep going on about. It was fine. I don’t know. This type of stuff is never going to look “real”. I just hope I’m entertained.

  • kingofmadcows-av says:

    There’s definitely an uncanny valley effect. They made She-Hulk’s face look pretty much the same as her human face while Hulk’s face has different features than Bruce.

    • tryinganewthingcuz-av says:

      As in the comics, where she definitely is just made to look like a regular person, just a much bigger one than her human form.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    She Hulk should have a catchphrase.  Make it happen.

  • blpppt-av says:

    Welp, looks like I’m finally going to have to subscribe to Disney+.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    “She-Hulk: Attorney At Law comes from head writer Jessica Gao, who won an Emmy for writing… a certain episode of Rick And Morty that also happened to be about someone turning green.”
    Pickle Hulk might have been a better way to go with this series.

  • divp7-av says:

    All the best to Not-Alison-Brie. Hope the show does well. 

  • orju-av says:

    Minor gripe but could they put these trailers up you know on the actual disney+ app?

    • necgray-av says:

      I was under the impression that D+ is commercial free. Are you suggesting a trailer show? I don’t want commercials. Not even for shit that’s on whatever service I’m using. I hate it when HBO Max does it.

      • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

        You can pre-add upcoming shows to “My List.”Host the trailers there.

      • igotsuped-av says:

        I believe orju is asking that Disney+ put up a page for She-Hulk where users can watch the trailer on demand.

      • orju-av says:

        No, that’s not what I meant. Did you know that there is an upcoming trailers section in the Disney+ app?That trailer section? is where I always expect to see these. But they’ve kind of had this mostly backwards way of promoting their Marvel shows. Instead of seeing the trailers there first we’ve been getting them through news sites first which is odd. Why are they holding back on promoting their upcoming Marvel content?

        • necgray-av says:

          I did not know that! I don’t surf the channel as I generally know what I want to watch there, so I must have missed it. I also only use the PS4 version, not sure if that makes a difference.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I think it looks great, and I’m just glad they’re unapologetically going for it with her. I love it!

  • Jerykk-av says:

    Surprised they brought back Tim Roth to play Abomination. I figured The Incredible Hulk wasn’t considered canon. Pretty cool seeing Disney acknowledge the existence of non-MCU Marvel films/TV shows.As for She-Hulk, it looks entertaining enough. CG isn’t great but really, does it matter? When have you ever seen a CG character and thought “wow, that’s definitely real!” Practical effects will always look more real than CG because they are actually real. CG has always required a much greater suspension of disbelief and this show will be no different.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      The Incredible Hulk is definitely canon. It’s referenced in the first Avengers movie, Abomination was in Shang Chi, and Ross comes back as a recurring character, as well.

      • triohead-av says:

        Also referenced in Nick Fury’s What If?.. though that is also only sorta canon, I guess.

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      Surprised they brought back Tim Roth to play Abomination.They already brought him back to play him in Shang Chi.

      • Jerykk-av says:

        Was he actually in Shang Chi? I know the Abomination character was briefly in it but I don’t recall Tim Roth being in it.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Honestly, I thought it looked funny/interesting enough that I didn’t notice the effects.

    • secretagentman-av says:

      Same. I dont even really care. Tat!

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i also couldn’t tell you the last time i saw CGI that was ‘good’. they’re either not bad enough to complain about or bad enough to complain about.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    Did she get that thing I sent her?

  • ijohng00-av says:

    it looks fun and i would be happy if this was a “slice of life” type show, like other commenters have said, instead of it being a run of the mill marvel show, like that bucky/falcon show.who cares if the CGI isn’t perfect, the writer and lead actress, are my main draws.

  • scottsummers76-av says:

    this show is gonna be fun as hell. Everybody complaining about the cgi can go eat a dick, it doesn’t matter.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    It is worrisome that She-Hulk’s VFX don’t look significantly better than
    amateur YouTube animation. It still doesn’t seem like there’s enough
    weight to her.

    I hope this isn’t the only costume Titania wears. Jameela Jamil needs to rock her classic purple spikes!

  • Spoooon-av says:

    Jesus, is this a TV show or a playstation game? The CGI looks positively 2004!

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    One of my favorite comics covers. Adolescent me was unsure exactly why.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Lots of people talking about the CGI here. I don’t mind it. I don’t mind most of the MCU’s CGI however I will admit that the Moon Knight character looked fake and I’ve had a long-gestating gripe against how many characters in the MCU have helmets that phase on and off. It’s like 5 or 6 different heroes now.
    Iron Man, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Black Panther, Captain Marvel’s mohawk helmet thing. I might be missing someone. It just seems so lazy.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Natalie Portman’s better clunk up and down like Thor’s helmet in Ragnarok. If she phases out of it I swear.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Hey, it’s Kit Bailey from Heartland

  • bewareofbob-av says:

    Obviously bad CGI isn’t a dealbreaker; the effects in this trailer are about on par with Agents of SHIELD, which ultimately turned out to be the best of the MCU shows. It’s just really funny to me that with all the budget and resources they have, this still looks like something that could’ve come out of the era of mid-2000s superhero movies (and it can’t even be chalked up to the pandemic, either, cause this has been going on since well before that).

  • hulk6785-av says:

    Single female lawyer Fighting for her clients Wearing sexy miniskirts And being self reliant!

  • collisionboxer-av says:

    a prophetic She Hulk comic panel, giving it a preview because I am still living in the greys.

  • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

    I believe I’m going to like her when she’s angry.

    • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

      HA! I made my comment before watching the trailer. Either I can see into the future or we’re all thinking the same thing.

  • schmowtown-av says:

    I’ve lost faith in marvel shows to ever stick their landing. I love the MCU but they are doing too much. Slow down and get this stuff right instead of filling up disney + with content

  • redwolfmo-av says:

    I’m hoping this show is just a direct rip of the Byrne run where she teams up with Razorback and goes into space looking for US-1 and company

  • m0rtsleam-av says:

    Single Female Lawyer
    Fighting for her clients
    Wearing sexy mini skirts
    And being self-reliant

    That’s all I got. CGI is questionable, but Maslany is like 2 feet tall and she’s playing a green gargantuan, whaddya want? I’m in.

  • avcham-av says:

    never mind, move along

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