Shia LaBeouf is adamant that he was not fired from Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling

Along with a series of texts, LaBeouf shares his side of the story

Aux News Shia LaBeouf
Shia LaBeouf is adamant that he was not fired from Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling
Shia LaBeouf, Olivia Wilde Photo: Amy Sussman

As the drama around the production of Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling continues to mount, actor Shia LaBeouf has come forward with his own version of events regarding his departure from the film’s lead role.

In an email sent to a variety of publications, including The A.V. Club, LaBeouf writes, “I was never fired from Don’t Worry Darling. I quit the film due to lack of rehearsal time. The narrative circulating is false and traducing.”

He then attaches many forms of correspondence purportedly between the two, including texts and videos. In a lengthy email to Wilde, dated August 24, LaBeouf writes to the director, “What inspired this email today is your latest Variety story. I am greatly honored by your words on my work; thank you, that felt good to read. I am a little confused about the narrative that I was fired, however. You and I both know the reasons for my exit. I quit your film because your actors & I couldn’t find time to rehearse.”

According to Variety, several sources at the studio affirmed LaBeouf was fired from the project back in 2020 (and was later replaced with Harry Styles). However, LaBeouf shares text messages purportedly sent between him and Wilde, which details a mutual understanding regarding the actor’s exit, with him initiating the exit.

“I think I have to back out of the show. I’m sorry,” LaBeouf tells Wilde on August 16, 2020. The two then met the next day to discuss LaBeouf’s immersive acting methods and his thought process behind leaving the project. LaBeouf claims he officially quit the project on August 17.

“Thanks for letting me in on your thought process. I know that isn’t fun,” Wilde texts him. “Doesn’t feel good to say no to someone, and I respect your honesty. I’m honored you were willing to go there with me, for me to tell a story with you. I’m gutted because it could have been something special. I want to make clear how much it means to me that you trust me. That’s a gift I’ll take with me.”

Two days later, Wilde apparently sent him a video saying she was “not ready to give up on this yet,” while alluding to on-set tension between him and fellow Don’t Worry Darling star, Florence Pugh.

“I too am heartbroken and I want to figure this out,” she says in the video. “You know, I think this might be a bit of a wake-up call for Miss Flo, and I want to know if you’re open to giving this a shot with me, with us. If she really commits, if she really puts her mind and heart into it at this point and if you guys can make peace—and I respect your point of view, I respect hers — but if you guys can do it, what do you think? Is there hope? Will you let me know?”

In the final text shared, Wilde writes to LaBeouf, “You don’t have to be in my movies but don’t ever doubt me. We pinky promised. That means something in my house.”

Here is the full email LaBeouf sent to Wilde this week:


I hope this finds you inspired, purposeful, fulfilled & well. I pray every night that you & your family have health, happiness, & everything God would give me. No joke, every night before I sleep.

I have a little girl, Isabel; she is five months old and just beginning to develop the last half of her laugh; it’s AMAZING. Mia, my wife & I have found each other again & are journeying toward a healthy family with love and mutual respect.

I have embarked on a journey that feels redemptive & righteous (dirty word but fitting). I write to you now with 627 days of sobriety and a moral compass that never existed before my great humbling that was the last year and a quarter of my life. I reached out to you a few months ago to make amends; & I still pray one day, you can find space in your heart to forgive me for the failed collaboration we shared.

What inspired this email today is your latest Variety story. I am greatly honored by your words on my work; thank you, that felt good to read. I am a little confused about the narrative that I was fired, however. You and I both know the reasons for my exit. I quit your film because your actors & I couldn’t find time to rehearse. I have included as a reminder the screenshots of our text exchange on that day, and my text to Tobey.

I know that you are beginning your press run for DWD and that the news of my firing is attractive clickbait, as I am still persona-non-grata and may remain as such for the rest of my life. But, speaking of my daughter, I often think about the news articles she will read when she is literate. And though I owe, and will owe for the rest of my life, I only owe for my actions.

My failings with Twigs are fundamental and real, but they are not the narrative that has been presented. There is a time and a place to deal with such things, and I am trying to navigate a nuanced situation with respect for her and the truth, hence my silence. But this situation with your film and my “firing” will never have a court date with which to deal with the facts. If lies are repeated enough in the public they become truth. And so, it makes it that much harder for me to crawl out of the hole I have dug with my behaviors, to be able to provide for my family.

Firing me never took place, Olivia. And while I fully understand the attractiveness of pushing that story because of the current social landscape, the social currency that brings. It is not the truth. So I am humbly asking, as a person with an eye toward making things right, that you correct the narrative as best you can. I hope none of this negativly effects you, and that your film is succesful in all the ways you want it to be.

Every Blessing To You,



  • milligna000-av says:

    Yeah just like he didn’t “ACTUALLY” totally rip off Dan Clowes, I bet. Why, it was just a comment on appropriation and the nature of ideas!

    • gargsy-av says:

      I mean, you can read the ACTUAL CONVERSATIONS instead of just the headline before charging in to save poor Lady Wilde from the dastardly LaBeouf!

    • lmh325-av says:

      Shia LaBeouf is an actual nightmare, but he has receipts this time. Emails, texts and video he sent to Variety that does seem to suggest he was quitting or he was fired but she tried to bring him back. 

      • cinecraf-av says:

        It seems like Wilde’s “no asshole” policy on set was enacted after LeBeauf and made retro active (and also did not apply to her, or her lead actor).

  • noisetanknick-av says:
    • haodraws-av says:

      Except in this case he was actually not fired. Video proof and everything. Wilde tried to use the abuse case to win brownie points.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    “Shia on Firing Rumors: nononononoNONONONONONONO!!!!!!”

  • ohnoray-av says:

    I’m happy that it appears LaBeouf has found recovery, but he’s the type I steer clear of in my recovery meetings because they think they can say anything from their soap box and some major prescriptive self-righteousness if you don’t align with their way of living. The way he ends his email is so ridiculous, and all of this should have happened in private between both parties, but I love the silly virtual theatrics of it.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    I hope he truly finds inner peaceful transformation and spiritucality.

  • presidentzod-av says:


  • sybann-av says:

    A movie I will happily avoid in all its toxic forms. Hot mess express. ETA: The way these people address each other in email/written form is enough to make me really nauseous. (Fake ass kissing bleargh). Nice reminder why I left theater and got into broadcasting. They know they’re egotistical assholes and don’t pretend to be artists.

    • roark545-av says:

      Appreciate how you went in there and made it about you.

      • abitmorecordial-av says:

        Almost like the perspective gained from our experiences is the primary crux of how we relate to the experiences of others!

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I’ve left jobs and been asked to leave jobs; there was never that much flowery prose and blessings involved.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        “Sorry Kinja Caffeine Spider, we have to let you go. But we wish you health and evolution because we believe in restorative justice. Security will now escort you out.”

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          “I am honored by your words. I will pray every night that you & your family have health, happiness, & everything God would give me. I also left a bag full of poop in my top left desk drawer. I have a little girl.”

          • cinecraf-av says:

            “We want you to know that firing you is nothing personal, just that your process was not conducive to the ethos that we demand here at Arby’s.”

        • mr-rubino-av says:

          “something something future endeavours.”

      • kim-porter-av says:

        Seems like they almost expect correspondence to be leaked. Maybe a post-Sony thing? Not that I would know.

      • thegreyfox-av says:

        Quitting Taco Bell ain’t the same as quitting a creative endeavour, like a film set, where you’re dedicating entire months of your life to, friendo.

    • spaced99-av says:

      Indeed, if that’s typical of Hollywood communications, it sounds utterly exhausting to just have a chat.

      • c2three-av says:

        I don’t think they really listen to one another, they just like to hear themselves bla bla bla.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          No one listens. Nine of 10 people I speak to on any given day simply can’t stfu long enough to solve even simple problems. And most of what they say isn’t even relevant to the situation. And then there’s the way they speak. Here’s a tip: record yourself and listen. Do you sound like whiner, a Valley Girl, a vocal fryer (similar), a know-it-all. Do you talk down to people or upspeak? If you have a shitty presentation people will just stop hearing you anyway. Twenty-somethings calling everyone “rude” in front of others are particularly loathsome, especially since they are being incredibly rude themselves.

      • kirivinokurjr-av says:

        The flowery stuff makes my eyes roll, but Hollywood’s a small town and unless you’re Meryl Streep or something you don’t burn bridges.

        • hasselt-av says:

          An image just crossed my mind of a Hollywood filled with burning bridges that an army of PR lawyers are furiously trying to extinguish.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Meryl Streep suspected in several Hollywood arsons!

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        There are always exceptions

      • jjdebenedictis-av says:

        I think it is the standard communication style of Hollywood, because you never know when you’re going to trip over an ego there, and every venture relies on getting a large number of egos working together.Thus, you have have to constantly be in “massage ego” mode when you talk to people, and you also have to demand everyone be in the same mode when they talk to you or you’ll get steamrolled.

    • evanwaters-av says:

      I mean the movie itself looks like it might be good. Might just be a well-edited trailer but the material’s there. 

      • sybann-av says:

        I hate to agree with you but I saw the trailer last night… so I have to. But the whole “No such thing as bad advertising,” has its limits, you know? 

  • dougr1-av says:

    Diva sees story about getting fired, goes diva.

  • toddtriestonotbetoopretentious-av says:

    I can’t help but look at a phrase like Shia LaBeouf is adamant… and have my brain instantly goSHIA LABEOUF IS ADAM ANT

  • JohnCon-av says:

    We pinky promised. That means something in my house.”Jason Sudeikis is like “OK, wowwww.”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Imagine if they had a kid…

  • mdiller64-av says:

    It’s entirely possible – likely, even – that there are no good guys in this particular incident, but I don’t doubt for a minute that warring factions will be only too happy to celebrate the one and denigrate the other.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I feel bad for Florence Pugh honestly. You generally here nothing but good things about her from industry people – from producers, directors and other actors. She does good work and seems to work very hard at her art. Everything about that video call is shady towards her including the “Miss Flo” reference. I’d be pissed if I were her. 

      • mdiller64-av says:

        It certainly adds another level of detail to reports that Pugh and Wilde were not exactly the best of friends on set, and the fact that Pugh didn’t seem to do much press in support of the film’s release.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          I’m having a little trouble with this bit. They were saying Florence (yeah, I call her that) hasn’t tweeted about the movie or liked and shared others’ tweets or posts about the movie. Don’t people at that level have people to manage their social media shit? Does Florence (she doesn’t return my calls) have an assistant who tweets/posts/likes/shares for her without her having to be involved?

          • rev-skarekroe-av says:

            Apparently, her close friends call her “Miss Flo”.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            I’d like to call her “Ms. Jackson”. Because I’m . . . you know.

          • stickybeak-av says:

            Better than “Aunt Flo”.

          • jjdebenedictis-av says:

            My thought too. That was…not a respectful knickname.

          • cinecraf-av says:

            So yeah you raise an interesting question, without a clear answer. Some stars do run their own social media. Others definitely have people on staff who do it for them. There is generally an approval process however, simply because any assistant who wants to keep their job, wouldn’t post anything without approval from the person, or their management.
            The interesting thing is, these days stars on major projects often have it in their contracts an obligation to do a certain amount of social media and PR in association with the film. I’ve seen a few cases where a celebrity launches an instagram purely because they have a project upcoming, and once it is over, the page disappears or goes dormant. I’d be amazed if Pugh DIDN’T have some kind of requirement in her contract to post on social about the film, and the fact that she largely hasn’t tells me that 1) She really doesn’t like the film and 2) She’s willing to bet they won’t fight her on essentially breaking that clause because if they did, it would be admitting publicly that their star doesn’t like the film, and it would worsen things.  

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Ah, so social media stuff is part of the contract like the publicity junket?
            I bet she’s willing to bet they won’t fight her because that’s hardly the most controversial thing about this fiasco.

          • cinecraf-av says:

            It can vary, but yeah usually.  It also depends on the social media following the celebrity has.  If you’re a celeb with a million followers or more, then yeah it’s very likely there would be some kind of agreement in place, because that’s an outlet for PR they’d want to leverage. Pugh is one of those people so I think they’d very much have wanted her to leverage her fanbase, and it’s why her relative silence is pretty deafening.  She’s telling a whole lot of people what she thinks of the film.  And it’s also why the producers have likely not called her on it, or tried to enforce the contract, because that’s a double edged sword they’re messing with.

          • necgray-av says:

            That would be a shame. I’ve enjoyed the trailers I’ve seen.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        Yeah I feel for Pugh as well. People genuinely seem to like her and she has a great rep, and works on good projects. I think she went into this one feeling certain she was collaborating with another Great Gerwig. But the two directors couldn’t be more different. I think Wilde is pure facade, in how she coopts and weaponizes the language of cultural sensitivity, and the way she manipulates the narrative, like in that fawning article the other day making note of how she doesn’t wear makeup, came from pottery class and didn’t have security. Wilde has done her damndest to obscure the fact that she’s born of privilege, an heir to a major fortune, who has trampled over a lot of people to achieve her goals, including essentially Elon Musking her way into directing Booksmart.  

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      My personal take away from this is that Hollywood people communicate with each other in the most profoundly irritating manner possible. Hardly a surprise, but it’s nice to have confirmation.

  • lmh325-av says:

    Beyond further proving Olivia Wilde is incapable of not straddling a fence on an issue or a topic even dealing with actors, yikes to the Florence Pugh comments in this oneThis sure does add some credence to the tension between the two of them, and honestly, in light of the *everything* about Shia LaBeouf and the person that Olivia Wilde claims to be, it sure does read like at a minimum she was telling Florence Pugh to suck it up and play along with a toxic jerk. That happens all the time on film sets, but usually the director doesn’t say the opposite when she knows there might well be evidence of her saying the other.Yikes all around. She’s gotta be regretting this interview that seems to have hurt her on every front.

    • chezchange-av says:

      Olivia Wilde is smart, beautiful, charming, from an upper-middle class background, and I have to believe up until this year she thought there was no situation she couldn’t talk her way out of.

      • great-gyllenhaals-of-fire-av says:

        “Upper middle class” is putting it very mildly. She went to Georgetown Day School and Phillips Andover, and she’s the granddaughter of a shipping magnate!

        • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

          Why is it always someone’s parents etc. who are shopping magnates? Just for once, I would like to see someone become a shipping magnate. 

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      This story would be a bit less interesting if all she was straddling was a fence.

    • icehippo73-av says:

      Or maybe Shia wanted to rehearse, Pugh didn’t, and there was tension because of that. 

      • lmh325-av says:

        Could be. It might explain away the claims it was about Sudekis, but it makes me think that Florence Pugh may not be super excited about this film.

    • tampabeeatch-av says:

      Between this (his immersive process and intensive process) and the article I read earlier this morning about LeBoof converting to Rad Trad Catholicism under the guidance of Mel Gibson, I’m on team Flo.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Team Flo definitely is the place to be. Shia Labeouf being at best a mess also isn’t news so I doubt any of this would do worse to his reputation. If anyone is going to have “their people” doing damage control, it’ll be Wilde. This whole thing is just…a mess for her.

  • spiraleye-av says:

    What a dishonestly toxic, lying, and manipulative person this is. Oh, and there’s also Shia LaBeouf

  • thebtskink2-av says:

    Trying to capitalize off the abuse that Shia LeBouf committed for brownie points, then getting immediately called out is a pretty rough look for Olivia Wilde.Not to mention how condescending her Pugh comments sound.

  • dutchmasterr-av says:

    It’s little wonder why Pugh seems to be doing all she can to separate herself from this mess of a project. 

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    I’m fifty years old and I’ve never heard the word traduce or traducing before. Is this some Mandela effect bullshit?

    • chezchange-av says:

      Shia got a Word of the Day calendar

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Isn’t learning fun?

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      Or there is the slight possibility that you don’t personally know every last one of the estimated 171,146 words in the English language.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      I had to look it up too. This word would be quite funny if it came from say, Mark Wahlberg, but while LaBeouf definitely seems like an asshole, I have no reason to believe he’s a dummy.

    • djburnoutb-av says:

      I’m 44, have a master’s degree in English, and have worked for over twenty years as an editor and technical writer and I had to look it up. 

      • antonrshreve-av says:

        In that case, let me be the first to offer you my contrafibularities.

      • capeo-av says:

        Seriously? I know traduced has generally moved into more legal circles but a quick search shows that’s been used in the last year in articles in the Atlantic, Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, and more. It’s not that obscure of a word.

    • sentient-bag-of-dog-poop-av says:

      Don’t worry, he still used the wrong form of affect/effect.

    • dayraven1-av says:

      It’s in the first sentence of one translation of Franz Kafka’s The Trial, that’s the main place I know it from. (The more common version has ‘telling lies about’ instead.)

    • antonrshreve-av says:

      In that case, let me be the first to offer you my contrafibularities.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      I was recently playing Genshin Impact (really, you can play it without the micro-transaction bullshit, honestly!) and was struck by an early scene where a non-human character says “The arrogation of mankind ends now!”. Because it’s a Chinese game, I assumed this was just some translation error and “arrogance” or something was meant. But no, “arrogation” is a real word meaning “the act of taking something for oneself”.

    • capeo-av says:

      You don’t know the meaning of a word that’s been around since the sixteenth century, and commonly used in law filings, and your assumption is that it’s made-up? The quick opening of a dictionary could’ve saved you from looking like a dolt.

      • pgoodso564-av says:

        This response is more comically outsized for the “sin” presented than the “boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder!” quote from the Simpsons, and you have the gall to tell someone else they look like a dolt?

        It’s always someone’s first time with something. You getting there first doesn’t make you better. Simmer down, it’s not like they traduced you.

    • stickybeak-av says:

      It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

    • username2929-av says:


    • tampabeeatch-av says:

      I’ve never heard anyone use it in casual conversation, but I’ve read it multiple times. I’m now determined to use it in conversation several time next week.

  • mr-smith1466-av says:

    I guess this is kind of related, but I thought it was kind of snarky Olivia Wilde being bitter about those court documents being served. I have no idea who to believe in the wilde/shia feud and nor do I particularly care. But this has suddenly become more interesting. Not to mention those reports that Pugh is icing out on promoting the movie. 

    • ohnoray-av says:

      I don’t blame her for feeling snarky about getting served so publicly, I’d be snarky if it happened privately all the same lol, it is a divorce after all.But this weird public feud between herself and LaBeouf is so catty Hollywood, kind of living for it. 

      • lmh325-av says:

        True, but many people pointed out her comments seemed out of touch. Getting served at work and in public places is EXTREMELY common. Sudekis putting it out there that he didn’t want it to be in front of the kids. People suggesting Wilde was avoiding the server. Her answer didn’t seem to ultimately help her.It’s also not a divorce. It’s just a custody battle over whether the kids will be considered residents of LA or NYC. I mention this only because there’s even less reason to be embarrassed by it imo. Like, it’s not like she’s being served for a civil suit over a hit and run.

      • hardscience-av says:

        It isn’t a divorce, those were custody papers.
        But to your point
        Don’t want papers served to you, don’t cheat on your long term partner with whom you have children with your lead actor and then leave your partner and shack up with said actor.Not terribly difficult in Ms. Wilde’s case. Seems she went a bit out of the way to not avoid that awkward moment of being served custody papers.

        • ohnoray-av says:

          I mean whatever, peeps do crazy shit, still don’t blame someone for feeling shamed by getting those documents in such a public manner lol.

          • hardscience-av says:

            Ray, have you ever heard the story of the kitchen that was too hot for some, so they were told they should avoid the kitchen due to a heat that would be unbearable for them.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            yes but Wilde is the fire in the story. girly burning it all down.

      • xdmgx-av says:

        You’d feel snarky about being served in public after openly cheating on your husband on set?   You sound amazing…

    • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

      I would not be surprised that the public serving of papers was less about embarrassing her (although I am sure that was a bonus), and more about cornering her in a situation where she was caught off guard and not able to dodge being served.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Sudekis claimed in court docs that he had requested she not be served at home because he didn’t want it to be in front of the children. But even if it was about embarrassing her, it’s not like the suit is really related to anything egregious. It would be just as easy to say “Yeah, the security concerns are the most offputting part, but, ya know, when you’re co-parenting with someone and working through these situations, it happens. I’m not the first person to get served in public.” It would have been WAY more relatable.

    • lmh325-av says:

      Her comments on Florence Pugh in that video look the worst to me. I kind of think she thought this interview was making her look really good, but it made her seem very disingenuous.  

  • gloopers-av says:

    “traducing” new word of the day! hell yeah

  • wangphat-av says:

    Honestly, I don’t care about any of this. I really liked Booksmart and this film looks interesting from the trailers. IDK about this behind the scenes stuff. 

    • orangewaxlion-av says:

      I have the exact same opinion about Booksmart and the trailers since it seems like Wilde is a very visual filmmaker who has some pretty impressive casts in her film, but somehow a lot of the press she does risk overshadowing the work.It is a little disingenuous to be so effusive behind the scenes and so publicly denigrate his character post-fact, even if he also has done plenty of that himself. (And yeah I do get that two years have passed and that publicity tours may not be the best venue for tons of nuance but still.)

      • lmh325-av says:

        To say nothing about what she implies in her messages to Shia about Florence Pugh. That’s gasoline on the rumors that they’re feuding and Florence Pugh is seen very much as a rising star. To me that’s the piece of this that will linger longer, and now she’s likely put Flo in a position to be asked about it.

  • derrabbi-av says:

    You know his statement is false from the use of the word “traducing”. Sounds like not finding time to rehearse was Pugh refusing to rehearse with him b/c he’s an asshole. Shit just read his prose. That’s the prose of an asshole.

    • jjjjfb-av says:

      I would be an asshole too if some bitch was lying to the media about firing me.

    • thesillyman-av says:

      I guess the question isnt really if he was an asshole or not, it’s if Olivia fired him for being an asshole. From his receipts it looks like she wanted him to stay on the movie and turned on him after the fact to look good to the media

      • lmh325-av says:

        Laura Osnes is a Broadway actress who is currently suing the Post for claiming she was fired for not being vaccinated. The contention seems to be that she claims she quit while others say she was fired. The venue came out and basically said that theoretically she quit, but if she hadn’t quit, she would have been fired.I bring this up because I wonder if this is a similar vibe. Like if Shia hadn’t quit, the production would have fired him. Regardless of her goal, this interview has not helped her at all.

        • thesillyman-av says:

          I see what you are saying but there is a difference between firing him because you dont allow assholes on the set, and firing him because hes being such an asshole it would negatively effect the film. She is claiming the former where at most it might have been the latter.

          • lmh325-av says:

            Or telling him he’s got to stop being asshole and he says no so then it becomes an “either you quit or you’re fired” situation. Like, the producers above Wilde might have been like “…hey, maybe you should step down…” It’s a weird situation and I doubt he’s blameless. Just…don’t give an answer when there might be receipts out there that make you look bad.

      • derrabbi-av says:

        Who knows. These 2 sycophantic nitwits communication style is less capable of expressing a clear idea or representing an objective reality than a pair of Santa Fe crystal healers.

  • leobot-av says:

    So. I’m not sure if this is all supposed to make me want to see the movie more or less. They are aware of their theatrics, right? So I assume at least somebody intention that relates to the product. In which case…I guess I went from not wanting to see the movie to wanting to avoid it completely. But at least I got to read an email from Shia LaBeouf while I ate a salad.

  • thesillyman-av says:

    So it kind of looks like Shia might have been an asshole and that is why Pugh did not want to work with him. Then he quit because he couldnt rehearse with them. OR maybe it was just scheduling conflicts (sure). But either way it his receipts make it sound like Olivia wanted him to stay and was trying to convince Pugh to deal with it. So Shia being an asshole or not.. doesn’t look good on her to turn around and publicly say she fired him for being an asshole.

  • orjo-av says:

    Google keeps running graphs for word usage frequency. I decided to look up traduce. Here’s the graph for that:As you can see the word traduce has been in steady usage decline since the 1800’s. In fact the 1800’s was its highest usage period.You can google it yourself if you want.

  • rafacandela-av says:

    Looked it up. Traducing : telling lies about someone to damage thier reputation.  Makes sense now.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    I enjoyed Booksmart but the “teacher sleeping with student” plotline felt like it was from a bad 80s movie, I couldn’t believe it was on screen in the 21st Century. It’s a shame Wilde is just going into this publicity cycle, because now seems like a really good time to lie low. Fighting for the moral high ground with ShyOf TheBeef is not where you want to be.God TheBeef is so fucking righteous and insufferable. I have to hand it even to those POS Nazi trolls that were punking his stupid flag video. I mean…he played a character called “Bible” so he converted to Christianity, what a fucking wanker. He just seems completely hollow.

  • mcpatd-av says:

    Be the ball, Shia. Nanananananana…

  • takeoasis-av says:

    Wilde seems like a humongous flake. 

    • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

      She seems like someone who is cultivating a very specific public image, and is failing miserably. 

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    Who the fuck cares?

  • drdelicatetouch3384-av says:

    I don’t consider myself to be particularly misogynistic (I’m more misanthropic, if anything). So with all due respect to women everywhere, I sort of wish Olivia Wilde would fuck off back to her home planet already. And it should go without saying that Shia LaBeouf is a fuckhead. Honestly, I say go Flo! She’s the real victim here. We should be talking about the awesome performance she’s going to give, but instead it’s The Olivia Wilde Show with Shia LaFuckhead. So stupid.

  • haodraws-av says:

    Between this and his appearance on Bernthal’s podcast, maybe it’s not too far-fetched that he’s actually owning up to his shittiness and the abuse against FKA Twigs.

  • xdmgx-av says:

    This is further proof that Olivia Wilde is a complete asshole.  

  • hshshs-av says:

    Olivia Wilde has always been a pretentious twat. I recall her married to some “Italian prince” and them living out of a school bus… Also, there’s a reason she isn’t acting much, anymore. Rumor around town is that she kept dodging her divorce papers and they process server got fed up with it. 

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Look I’m just going to ask this. Why is Shia LaBeouf even still a thing? He’s a fairly average actor who hasn’t done anything memorable outside of being in the tabloids for being a crazy asshole in the last few years. And mental illness or not, he’s an abusive shitbag. Hopefully he improves personally and makes amends with the people he hurt, doesn’t mean he should continue being famous.I don’t expect celebrities to be perfect but man, I don’t get why average talents who are complete asshats like this stick around. Maybe he wasn’t actually fired but he deserved to be and I could care less if he ever is in a notable movie again.

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