Sigourney Weaver is open to making Neill Blomkamp’s Alien movie

Aux Features Film

For a while, Neill Blomkamp was the only person in Hollywood excited about his vision for a new Alien movie, but now Sigourney Weaver says that she is open to revisiting the franchise if the District 9 and Elysium director is at the helm.

The two collaborated on Blomkamp’s newest feature, Chappie, and Weaver told MTV that during their time together, the director kept showing her “these brilliant designs and ideas and everything,” which sounds pretty distracting for an actor trying to put in good work on the movie that’s actually being made. Weaver added that she previously thought the finale of Alien: Resurrection was as good a place as any to stop the franchise, saying, “I was quite happy to move on to other things … I didn’t want to manufacture a sequel, and I felt like we were starting to do that.”

However, she explained that if Blomkamp were to make his Alien film, it “would be very organic and very original, and because of that, it would make me want to do it. If it was someone as talented as Neill, I’d certainly listen.”

And if the burgeoning project doesn’t move forward, Weaver still can look forward to returning to an alien-based franchise with James Cameron’s upcoming Avatar sequels, and Blomkamp can maybe make a movie with Michael Biehn and bug him about Xenomorphs at the craft service table.

[via Dread Central]

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