Silent home movies from the 1960s updated with the music of Wiz Khalifa

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Silent home movies from the 1960s updated with the music of Wiz Khalifa

The current film Dear White People memorably advises Caucasians to stop dancing altogether. Support for this particular argument has arrived thanks to a Redditor called lesmullet whose husband has taken silent home movie footage of his grandparents and their friends celebrating some festive occasion back in the ’60s and added Wiz Khalifa’s 2010 track “Black And Yellow” as a soundtrack to create the sort of amusingly jarring juxtaposition upon which the Internet is built. “The result,” promises lesmullet, “was delightful, to say the least.” Those who view the video are inclined to agree, as it consists of three and a half entertaining minutes of some of the palest, squarest-looking people ever to walk the earth, gyrating, drinking, and just generally cavorting to the strains of an improbable hip-hop soundtrack with lyrics about “sipping Clicquot and rocking yellow diamonds.” Readers still not entirely sold on this concept should be advised that several of the revelers are wearing fezzes.

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