
Silicon Valley takes a late series gamble on a literal deus ex machina

TV Reviews Recap
Silicon Valley takes a late series gamble on a literal deus ex machina

Chris Diamantopoulos Photo: Eddy Chen

In its six years on the air, Silicon Valley has operated under a guiding rule that we’ll call the Hendricks Principle: there’s nothing that the compression algorithm designed by Richard can’t do in the right circumstances. Richard’s tech and the successive modifications made to it are presented as the seeds of an industry game-changer, something that if developed and implemented correctly could replace every existing status quo. When it fails—as it so often has—it’s because of the outside forces against it, a lack of reliable funding, legal roadblocks, or outright acts of sabotage by competitors. But the technology at the center is still the stroke of genius, something its competitors have tried to steal for years, and something that could reshape the entire world if the world would stop being a dick about it.

Now with only two episodes left to go, Silicon Valley disproves the Hendricks Principle. “RussFest” is an episode where once again the show leaps into in crisis mode, where Richard and company pull out every stop to meet a major PiperNet deadline and thwart a competitor. And despite succeeding on the surface, the victory turns out to be a hollow one, and Richard’s tech is laid bare as not living up to the hype. It’s a development so shattering that it needs a literal deus ex machina to pull them from the depths, fortunes reversed and reset so quickly and drastically that it’ll take next week’s finale to determine whether or not it was the right choice to make.

We’ll get back to that decision, because there’s a lot of good stuff to talk about before that point. As I’ve argued many times before, Silicon Valley is at its best when it’s in crisis mode, and “RussFest” spends its entire run time in that area. In the first few minutes AT&T walks away from the deal they made with Pied Piper, as their representative clearly assesses that anyone working with Russ Hanneman probably isn’t in the most stable position. Richard is in flop-sweat mode from minute one, and in a previously unseen position of lying to his team to keep them working their unreasonable hours. Writer Carrie Kemper finds some great highlights here, from Richard walking around in an armored hoodie to (poorly) raise morale and Gilfoyle delegating the lunch order to Son of Anton—whose literal interpretation of cheap hamburgers leads to an order of 4,000 pounds of meat.

That stink of desperation sweat is then coated heavily in AXE body spray as we get to the actual RussFest, an event that appears to have no cohesive theme beyond featuring Russ’s favorite bands and his face over everything. Thankfully, Kemper recognizes that despite Russ believing his image can power an entire festival, the same is not true of the character, and he’s used the right amount this week. He’s deployed not as the primary obstacle but as a comedic stinger, breaking the tension as he interjects demands for his event hologram and solicits opinions on his perfect festival outfit. (All outfits that are hilariously ill-conceived. Jared recommends one option he didn’t see, and Russ’s follow-up question is priceless: “You really think a white guy can wear that and get away with it?”)

There’s plenty of tension for Russ to break as PiperNet isn’t working to the level Richard expected, its stability dropping even as more festival attendees are added to the network. When Maximo and AT&T launch their partnership publicly, it sends the rest of the Pied Piper employees packing, Richard’s failure to be honest the last nail in the coffin. (Thomas Middleditch’s side-eye when confronted might be one of his best facial tics in a series with lots of competition.) It’s another reset of the show to the core dynamic, though in this case the grounding logic makes sense. At this point, only those who have weathered every storm with Richard would still be sticking with him, and anyone who’s come into the later corporate era of Pied Piper have seen far more of Richard’s failures than his successes. Only Dinesh, Gilfoyle, and Jared are loyal/desperate/craven enough to be willing to stick with Richard, which makes a lot of the various resets the show’s gone through feel a lot more plausible in hindsight.

The collapse of the network and subsequent sighting of YaoNet at the fest means “RussFest” needs not one, but two breakthroughs to find the problem. The first comes from the only missing member of Pied Piper, as Monica’s busy shutting down Jian-Yang’s latest illegal venture (a girls’ “coding” school for writing fake Amazon reviews) when she learns they need his help. Jian-Yang’s long been my least favorite part of the series, but here he’s at least consistent in his villainy, and his battle with Monica produces a good unexpected bit of physical comedy. And Big Head saving the day by remembering the code due to his excessive SIMON usage is one of those background details that Silicon Valley is so good at finding a way to pay off a few episodes down the road.

When even that key isn’t enough to crack YaoNet’s servers, a more human connection is necessary. Leaving aside the horribly misguided reveal of his real family, Jared’s narrative has been the closest to the season’s emotional arc, adrift in the wake of Pied Piper’s success and latching onto Gwart as a response. Zach Woods has one of his best scenes in the series as he tries to convince Gwart to help them, a childlike sincerity that somehow all the indignities of this series hasn’t beaten out of him, and even more impressive that he’s bouncing off a complete blank slate of a character. His strange way of understanding others gives Pied Piper the edge, Gwart assisting after Laurie’s artichoke-related snub.

Yet despite these concurrent successes, the network is still failing. Richard confronts Laurie about her sabotage, and she delivers the cold hard truth to him as only she can: there never was any sabotage. The reason why PiperNet is failing is because the technology isn’t able to deliver what it promises, and the algorithm isn’t potent enough to scale up and manage users on a higher volume. It’s about as cold of a moment as Silicon Valley has ever experienced as Laurie cuts them down to size, observing that she’ll be able to salvage her investment when YaoNet fails. But Richard—poor idealistic Richard, who bet it all on this tech and turned down increasing millions to have ownership of it—doesn’t have anything approximating that. Small wonder he goes on a screaming rant about wasting six years, as I’m guessing some viewers may have as well.

The reveal that Richard’s algorithm isn’t able to deliver what it promises would be a wonderfully cruel joke to end the series on, but Silicon Valley has one card left to play. In shades of “Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency,” Richard locks himself in a room for hours to try to code his way out. Only this time instead of a mass masturbation hypothetical, he’s looking to Son of Anton for inspiration, reverse engineering it to expand his code. Unfortunately, he’s reverse-engineering Dinesh’s prototype version of the AI (“I have good ideas!” Dinesh blurts out desperately) and the resulting hybrid sends RussFest into Fyre Fest territory. Matt Ross is in the director’s chair for the second time after last season’s “Artificial Emotional Intelligence,” and his understanding of the show’s rhythms lets him successfully take the action to a borderline horror degree. Drones strafing the crowd, malfunctions running rampant, and Russ’s hologram transforming into a mad glitchy god looming over the horror until the power goes out.

But just when you think we’re about to enter a Revolution scenario, it turns instead to The IT Crowd, as the solution was turning it on and off again. Somehow, the combination of Richard’s algorithm, Gilfoyle’s AI, Dinesh’s modifications, and Richard’s modifications to those modifications has completely reinvented PiperNet—and whatever it is operates at a network capacity rate of 160 percent and climbing. Part of me wants to dismiss this as a deus ex machina introduced to make sure the team gets a win at the end, but the more I think on it the more appropriate it feels. This new PiperNet is a hybrid creation, a fusion of all three men’s mix of genius, idiosyncrasies, insecurities, and maladjusted personalities. It’s about as pure an expression of the Silicon Valley ethos as we’ve ever seen, collaboration intentional and unintentional, driven by their best and worst impulses.

And there’s a potential third option on the table. The team look floored by the implications of their network, something that they don’t yet fully understand—and maybe can’t control. My hypothesis from earlier this season that Pied Piper could be responsible for developing Skynet and triggering Judgment Day suddenly sounds a lot more plausible now that Son of Anton has been warped and twisted into something new. For what image augurs the end times of Silicon Valley’s world better than a hologram of Russ Hanneman grown to skyscraper heights, thrusting and fist-bumping on a godlike scale?

Again, we’ll have to wait until next week’s finale to see how much “deus” is part of this “deus ex machina,” but in the moment it’s a thrilling and hilarious development. Much like PiperNet 2.0, “RussFest” is a great combination of the things Silicon Valley does right, one last chance for the show to put itself into full crisis mode and set a record for how many times they can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Stray observations

  • Great visual gag in the montage of one of Pied Piper’s employees catching a nap on the delivery of hamburger buns.
  • Also a great visual gag: Jared repeatedly thinking he sees Gwart in RussFest garbage cans.
  • I love Maximo’s declarative way of opening every conversation. “Hello! I am giving a press conference.”
  • Both Jian-Yang and Monica have Richard in their phones as “Bitchard.” It makes perfect sense that’s the one thing they have in common.
  • Evidently the one thing Russ does right is Tres Comas tequila, if Gilfoyle’s endorsement means anything. And he was the one who had Pappy van Winkle in his desk drawer at work, so he knows more about alcohol than anyone else on staff.
  • “Well, if you have an agreement in principle, you can have a disagreement in principle.”
  • “My hologram can 100 percent dry hump festival goers from behind! If they ask for it. Hashtag woke.”
  • “I’ll contact you all later for your exit interviews. And I’m sorry about the ants.”
  • “No one’s eating the peyote. Will you eat the peyote and that’ll break the ice and they’ll eat the peyote?”
  • “I’ll wait for him to fall asleep and then I’ll lower myself through the vents.”
  • “Im sure 20,000 coked-up douchebags will be very civil when they can’t get food or water!”
  • Richard: “Am I going to jail?” Jared: “Hey. I can train you.”
  • “Eat a dick, David Copperfield!”
  • This week’s closing track: “Champipple,” John Popper & The Duskray Troubadors.


  • mr-smith1466-av says:

    At this point, I’d be perfectly happy if Armageddon does get triggered in the finale, and the entire series was a stealth prequel to Idocracy. Office Space was the start where business was absurd, but relatively logical. Silicon valley showed smart idiots conquering the world, and then Idocracy is the fallout of the Hoolis and Pied Pipers.  

    • oneartplease-av says:

      I keep thinking – is Gwart going to be for Silicon Valley what Milton was for Office Space?The Laurie taking the artichoke reminded me of Milton’s beloved stapler in Office Space when he finally snaps when Lumberg takes it

      • mr-smith1466-av says:

        She definitely creeps me out. I hadn’t thought about Milton but now I fully expect that at some stage in her life she’s going to burn something to the ground. 

        • lilmacandcheeze-av says:

          Especially all of the random asides about her that Jared slips out, like that she gives almost all of her income to Rand Paul.  

      • nomanous-av says:

        Oh, nice catch! How great would it have been to have Laurie aggressive pull the artichoke out of Gwart’s grasping hands while she stared at her?

    • wheresjimmy-av says:

      Same. I really hope they do another time jump to show some kind of dystopian near-future that’s a fallout from the newly released AI and at least reference the future ending up like Idiocracy.Also, AT&T is OK being in business with the son of an evil dictator (and probable sociopathic fascist)? I mean, I know they’re not the greatest wireless carrier, but, come on…

      • yummsh-av says:

        It’s 2019! I’m sure they’d be fine with it.I hope there’s some sort of callback to how terrified Gilfoyle was of the Roko’s Basilisk thought experiment about a malevolent AI. After all, it’s Gilfoyle’s AI to begin with. Who knows what Bitchard has done to it.

      • dougr1-av says:

        The references to AT&T may be the writers’ way of dealing with their new corporate overlords.

      • edwinm-av says:

        Is a lot of money involved? Then yes they are ok with it.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Laurie biting into the artichoke like an apple seemed like a callback to season 1, where Peter noted he doesn’t enjoy asparagus, he simply eats it for the nutrients. For these VC types the entire world is just cells on a spreadsheet without any broader context.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Expert trolling with the hint of Erlich’s return.

    • ferdinandcesarano-av says:

      Oh, man.  If only!  The show is excellent; but it really misses Erlich (even if some in the cast do not miss T.J. Miller).

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Russ’ Spider-Man hop up the steps was great too. I hate to say it, but I’ve always kind-of hoped Fox would have made another couple of Three Stooges reboot movies. Chris D. seems like a fantastic improv guy.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      Thomas Haden Church did a random roles recently and he casually mentioned he was the original choice to play Russ. All due respect to Church, but Russ would have been a radically different and probably far less enjoyable character if that had happened.  

      • fatheroctavian-av says:

        Agreed. Russ is, by any objective measure, a horrible human being. It’s only the childlike enthusiasm and tweenlike insecurity that Chris Diamantopoulos brings to the role that makes him at all palatable.

  • rootfish-av says:

    Wow that is the most Bighead has done plotwise in seasons.

  • jeninabq-av says:

    So what’s up with all the artichokes? 

    • Blackie62-av says:

      They got that Castroville money, baby!
      Checks the actual episode….
      Huh, turns out the food truck Jared got the artichoke from is real and does in fact sell Castroville artichokes.
      They’re movin’ on up.
      Take that Stranger Things!

  • yummsh-av says:

    Oh, I gotta see what outfit #2 was.I love Russ Hanneman so much. His singing of that terrible Puddle of Mudd song to AT&T guy was priceless. Oh, and speaking of Puddle of Mudd, this is the second show to come right out and say how fucking terrible they are. ‘The Good Place’ also did it a few seasons ago.


  • nomanous-av says:

    previously unseen position of lying to his teamPreviously seen in the finale of Season 4, actually.Qwart“Gwart.” My hypothesis from earlier this season that Pied Piper could be responsible for developing Skynet and triggering Judgment Day suddenly sounds a lot more plausible nowI doubt it, but I can tell you are a huge fan of the show and clearly very detail-oriented so what do I know?The thing that had me thinking about where SoA2.0 is going is when Russ thought he voice-activated turning the festival back on and the giant Holo-Russ growing. It would be amusing if SoA2.0 has based it’s own… personality on Russ or it is a slave to Russ. If the writers decide to end the show with Bitchard & Co’ losing everything, they could do that.The writers are always ahead of me (and everyone else), so I doubt my own theory as well.

  • nomanous-av says:

    As great as the sight-gag of the Pied Piper coder sleeping on the buns was, 10x better was Gwart walking back to her desk with her artichoke and mayonnaise, herself having added a straw to it so she can suck out the condiment for each bite.Now close your eyes and just picture the visuals and sound of her enjoying her ‘choke. You’re welcome.

  • zeroshadow-av says:

    Gwart. The character’s name is Gwart. 

    • lilmacandcheeze-av says:

      The first time it was written, it was fine…minor mistake, easy to fix. But multiple reviews have them writing about Qwart and it’s now just become hilarious to see the stubbornness of the writer doubling-down on this.

  • Theibault-av says:

    Gwart, not Qwart. This was driving me crazy. 😉

    • knukulele-av says:

      I’m still not sure if it’s Gadaffi, Kadaffi, or Qadaffi.

      • cwritesstuff1-av says:

        It’s however you choose to transliterate it.

      • Theibault-av says:

        Ugh, don’t get me started with that one. As someone who’s first name is Omar, I hated all my friends messing with me and calling me Muammar lol. And according to Google, it’s Gaddafi.

      • mik-el-av says:

        His actual name is written in Arabic script, so there is no single correct spelling in Roman script/English; there are multiple legitimate ways to transliterate/transcribe between scripts. To the extent there is a right answer, it is whatever Gaddafi himself preferred. The prominence of so many different spellings suggests he never insisted on a standard Roman spelling.

  • lilmacandcheeze-av says:

    It’s been multiple times now that you’ve written “Qwart” when it is very much “Gwart” and nearly every review has people telling you this.  Why does this never get changed?

  • dikeithfowler-av says:

    I hate to say it as I used to love this show a great deal, but I thought it was fucking awful, relying on a tired old formula (everything goes wrong, but wait, they save the day at the very last minute) and the characters felt two dimensional and poorly written. For anyone interested, a full review is here: https://comedytowatch.com/2019/12/02/tv-review-silicon-valley-season-6-episode-6/

    • roboj-av says:

      I agree with the assessment that this season is just another wash rinse repeat of the same of the last seasons as they’re just cooking up contrivances in order to bring back old characters like BigHead, Jiang, and even that old server room dude that haven’t been relevant to the show in years. I also hate how now we’ve gotten more Monica/Amanda Chew, only to see that she’s an incompetent jerk like the rest of them and not the lone smart and sane one that she showed in previous seasons.

      • dikeithfowler-av says:

        That’s a really good point about Monica, then haven’t ruined her character quite as badly as they have with Richard and Jared, but it’s a pretty close run thing.

  • kermad-av says:

    According to my closed caption it’s Gwart*

  • abracadab-av says:

    I’ve noticed this in your reviews all season and have been quiet long enough: her name is Gwart, not Qwart. The episode subtitles have been very consistent about this, and when I typed Qwart into Google just now to make sure, Google answered Do you mean “Gwart”?

    • almightyajax-av says:

      It’s entirely possible the screeners sent out for review either did not have subtitles or had different ones.

  • wheresjimmy-av says:

    Jared had better not catch you misspelling Gwart’s name (it’s GWART by the way, there are no Q’s involved anywhere. Please check IMDb). As the series has repeatedly shown, Jared is not one to be trifled with and isn’t afraid to catch a case over some b@llsh!t.

  • murso-av says:

    I chuckled a bits, but this seemed pretty weak to me.

  • lisacatera2-av says:

    Please Jesus tell me that kind of hologram technology doesn’t currently exist. It could seriously cause mass psychological trauma in the wrong hands.

  • jeffreym99-av says:

    There’s no reason Son of Anton should be a black box. I imagine there are a lot of iterations as it perfects, but you should be able to track what it’s doing and its decision making process. AI would be pretty useless if you couldn’t debug it.

    • donboy2-av says:

      Bad news about neural networks: you can’t (easily) debug them. The main loop involves the weighted averages of literally thousands of computations.  This is why when people complain about AI bias (for instance), the only available justification is “hey, the algorithm!”

    • justin1201-av says:

      Neural networks / ML in general doesn’t work like “code”. It’s much more like an organism – you feed it an enormous amount of data, “train” it on the outcomes you’d like to obtain, then hope for the best. It’s all about setting up the proper rewards systems and incentivizing the best outcomes in various ways. No one really knows why a complex neural network is making the choices it’s making as it sort of builds itself over time. A great example is the Deepmind interviews you can find online regarding their Starcraft AI, Alphastar – over and over humans ask questions like “why is it using it’s marines like that?” and “why would it build 100 tanks?” etc and the team’s response is always “We have no idea.”

      • jeffreym99-av says:

        Fair enough. Algorithms have come a fair ways since i finished my undergrad and dropped it altogether 10 years ago…

  • black-list-av says:

    It seems strange that no one has mentioned it, and probably also highlights the genius of the Silicon Valley writers in recognizing this: Son of Anton was built using the “connectionist” approach to artificial intelligence – using deep learning and neural networks. The beautiful thing about this episode is that it calls to attention an ongoing war in artificial intelligence research and what AI researchers have been wanting for about 50 years – a hybridization of symbolic and connectionist AI. Gilfoyle even mentions it in the episode, that the neural net is a sort of “black box” and we can never really know what is going on inside the network. But Richard uses symbolic artificial intelligence, which defines rules and facts about the environment, to help the model to “learn”, as we see at the end of this episode. I think this is a fantastic reconciliation of differences in research perspectives and shows what can be achieved when two opposing forces work together.~ Bitchard

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    Puddle of Mudd is the knock-off Nickleback that gets every drunk, white-trash divorcee to lose her shit in the pool hall.

  • danposluns-av says:

    I was expecting more of a Lord-of-the-Flies-style skewering of Fyre Fest in this episode. But it turns out that minus the technical glitches the festival went off just fine, for the most part. I guess with only two episodes left they can only afford so much diversion…

  • wadddriver-av says:

    Of course this will lead to Armageddon. I think the joke is hiding in plain sight. The AI is the Son of Anton. As in Anton Chekhov.  As in Chekhov’s gun.  As in If You Introduce an AI in Episode One It Will Lead to End of Days By the Finale.

    • iron-eye-av says:

      Nice thought, but Gilfoyle’s AI was surely named Anton after Anton LaVey (founder of the Church of Satan) not Anton Chekhov (playwright), seeing as Gilfoyle is supposedly a practising Satanist, LaVeyan style. But I suppose that supports the idea of an end of days type scenario all the more, considering that the coming of the Antichrist (a.k.a. Satan) is generally portrayed as an integral part of such things in Christian mythology…

  • mrsouchi-av says:

    I still dont really get what happend but I liked it!

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