Simon Pegg says he has a “simple” friendship with Tom Cruise where they don’t talk about the thing

You know that thing you'd love to ask Tom Cruise about? His Mission: Impossible co-star won't do it.

Aux News Simon Pegg
Simon Pegg says he has a “simple” friendship with Tom Cruise where they don’t talk about the thing
Simon Pegg and Tom Cruise Photo: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

One of the most interesting things in the world that the vast majority of us will never ever get to experience is having a basic conversation with Tom Cruise. Hell, just being in a room with him would be one of the average person’s top 10 stories, regardless of what anyone in that room does or says (some of us once saw Michael Bay drive by on a golf cart while he was filming Transformers: Dark Of The Moon in Milwaukee and we’re still milking it). Simon Pegg is not the average person, though, as he’s one of the lucky few who gets to be in a room with Tom Cruise with some regularity, and he briefly detailed that experience while appearing on the BBC’s Desert Island Discs radio show (via Deadline).

Pegg says he has a “very simple and amiable” friendship with Tom Cruise, who he has appeared in five Mission: Impossible movies with, which sounds like the most anyone can really hope for when it comes to an inscrutable person like Cruise, but there might be a secret trick to making Pegg’s simple friendship with Cruise work: They don’t ever talk about Scientology. Pegg figures it would “abuse my privileged access that I get to him” if he were to bring it up.

That is the test that all of us would inevitably fail when speaking with Tom Cruise, since at some point we would all be unable to resist the temptation to say “hey, so what’s the deal with—“ and then we’d get cut off as he sprinted away at full speed and never spoke to us again.

Pegg also says that Cruise is, somewhat unsurprisingly, a person who loves being famous and “really relishes it.” Pegg adds that it’s “all he knows” and that it “energizes him and spurs him on,” which is part of what makes him seem like such an interesting person just to be around. If he lives for fame, what’s it like when he’s not “on”? Is he ever not “on”? Simon Pegg might not even know the answer to that.


  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I never got how Pegg’s character in universe for Mission Impossible ever got approved for fieldwork. He’s hopelessly out of his depth and didn’t he screw up a mission at the start leavimg a vital item unattended and hence putting everyone at risk with a massive unnecessary detour to retrieve it? The time taken to get him up to speed wouldn’t have been worth the risk to others assuming he survived that long.

    • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

      He’s there is to freak out when Ethan does something dangerous, and not being very tall. There’s no in-universe reason for him being there, it’s entirely about making Cruise look better.

      • dammitspaz-av says:

        This. Pegg is a marketable face, has some skills – especially at dead pan comedy – and he’s short like Tom. Sadly, that last one was probably the most important to a known dipshit like Cruise.

    • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

      Ethan shouldn’t be in the field. At least once per movie he loses his cool and goes full “Tom Cruise” with a shouting monologue. Loose cannon.

      • paulmjuntunen-av says:

        Cruise wasn’t a loose cannon there. He wanted to make sure production didn’t get shut down and people not be able to make a living. You don’t follow the rules and a movie set gets shut down, that means there is no longer a job for those people.

        • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

          I’m talking about Tom Cruise’s acting. I would wager that in 90 of his movies he has a scene where he’s shouting – when he dresses down Demi Moore in A Few Good Men, yelling at Kelly McGillis in Top Gun after she chases his motorcycle down in her vintage Porsche, Ethan Hunt shouting into a payphone to Langley that his entire team is dead in the first Mission Impossible. Etc. etc. Same with working in scene of him on a motorcycle.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      Everyone else is dead and the agency has disavowed them again?

      • dudull-av says:

        The Agency have different leadership and supervisor (are they still under the CIA/DoD/UN supervision?) every 2-3 years. And most of it were black ops without official record. Most of the time he just did a favor for Ethan, not official assignment.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          I can’t wait until they get shuttled off to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.“You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find out why there’s been a significant decrease in the amount of males aged 21 to 35 going into business-to-business sales over the past 15 years.”

      • nilus-av says:

        In others words, it’s a Tuesday 

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      M:I 4 hit when I was working at the movie theater. Feelings on Cruise were kinda neutral, but film fans wanted director Brad Bird to cross over and kick ass in live action – and boy did he. I think 4 remains my favorite – good mix of gadgets in with the action and stunts. The music isn’t dated like in #2.So I’ve seen it a bunch of times. My question for Pegg is: There seems like a cut of the movie or script exists somewhere where Benji is one of the bad guys, and is set up to double-cross the team in a major heel-turn. They don’t explain how (or really who) kills the agent in Prague at the beginning. There’s little things in the Kremlin where you think Benji is a little too goofy – like its an act.But then at some point (in my conspiracy theory) producers and everyone were just like: “Mm… Nah! People like Benji too much to have him turn evil.” I agree too. Benji has become the “Mask” guy – he’s not a trigger man. He’s a gadget computer guy. He fills out the team just fine. 

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      I really hate that character trope: the utter incompetent who’s only there to freak out at what should be an everyday occurrence for them in order to cheaply Raise The Stakes™. “Oh, my god! The SPY is doing some SPY SHIT! Waaaaaaaaah!”

    • eatshit-and-die-av says:

      He’s the Tyrese character in the Fast & Furious franchise.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Tom Cruise is friends with people who shine his piece and don’t question him.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Think Michael Bay still talks about driving past an unfunny jackass while filming in Milwaukee?

  • garland137-av says:

    Yeah, but why would I want to be friends with Tom Cruise in the first place? Just ignoring the abusive wacko cult doesn’t change the fact he’s a major player in the abusive wacko cult and partly responsible for its popularity.

    • villings-av says:

      but why would I want to be friends with Tom Cruise in the first placeif you’re a woman, you’d be safe around himnow if you’re a guy.. who’s also pretty good looking.. well

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      In Pegg’s case… well, right now Mission: Impossible is the most consistent stream of big paychecks in his filmography. I do understand why he’s not eager to poke the bear and potentially get boxed out if he winds up having any disagreements. 

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        Can’t he go back to making comedies with Nick Frost? That’s what I want to see from Pegg — not more Mission Impossible or nuTrek movies.

        • breadnmaters-av says:


        • nowaitcomeback-av says:

          Probably, but I think they’ve both moved on from that. Though Pegg was in Frost’s TV series from a couple years ago…but it wasn’t renewed for a second season.No way oddball British comedies bring in the kind of payday as a big blockbuster franchise. M:I and Star Trek raised Pegg’s profile significantly, it’s probably not appealing to go back to something small and indie at this point. 

    • vivavi-av says:

      First of all, there are literally ten thousand times as many Sikhs in the US as there are Scientologists, and with respect to American Sikhs, they’re not what I would call “popular”. Secondly, I don’t understand how people don’t get that Scientology goes out of it’s way to treat Cruise special in keeping him away from the shady shit and creating an iron-tight bubble of misinformation around him to keep him from looking too deeply into the controversies. Tom Cruise is not invited to the meetings where they plan out atrocities, he’s groomed to have the most perfect image of the Church as possible because he’s much more useful as an endorsement than a conspirator. He’s being abused too! It’s just in a way that, from his perspective, doesn’t appear negative.

    • anders221-av says:

      Yeah, but why would I want to be friends with Tom Cruise in the first place?

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      He’s rich think of all the nice gifts and places he will take you.

  • sosgemini-av says:

    Reading this article made me nervous for Peggy’s safety. 

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Why would anyone want to ask Tom Cruise about Scientology? It’s not like he’s going to tell you anything you don’t know, and there’s always the chance that he’ll start talking and won’t stop. It’s like walking up to a used car salesman and telling them that you have $15,000 saved up and don’t know what to spend it on.I’m assuming that Cruise is otherwise pretty amiable to be around, so if I were I were in a mutually employed relationship with him, I would treat him like any other coworker I’ve ever had to suffer being around: keep the talk as light as possible and try not to let them find out where I live.

    • franknstein-av says:

      If you’re a top ranking member of a self declared religious organization, people will talk to you about it. If you call the Archbishop of Canterburry a friend, but can’t talk to him about Anglican Church, you may not actually fall into the definition of “friend”.Now, the religious leaders I’d want make friends with are few and far between and Scientology definitely doesn’t have any of them, but that’s another point.

    • katanahottinroof-av says:

      I do not ask anyone about their religion, so Mr. Cruise is no different. If someone wants to bring up a Bat Mitzvah story, that is up to her, and I will listen politely.

      • villings-av says:

        do you know anyone that could talk to you about Bat Mitzvah that’s also part of a “religious organization” known for shady stuff? do you know anyone in any religion that happens to have a few “missing persons” around, in the last few years? odd.

        • dutchmasterr-av says:

          A “religious organization known for shady stuff” doesn’t exactly narrow things down. 

        • usedtoberas-av says:

          The majority of religious organizations are known for way shadier shit than anything we hear about scientology. The Catholic Church, the Mormons, Hasids, various Muslim groups, Evangelicals, etc. Those groups are full of/run by monsters. 

          • rle-av says:

            Whaboutism in action.

          • macklemoreorless-av says:

            I wouldn’t say other religions are more shady than Scientology. They’re just younger and have a smaller footprint. The shadiness tracks to scale.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Scientology is not a religious organization. It’s a grift. Say what you want about the Catholic church or Islam or what-have-you, they don’t charge admission fees at the church/mosque/temple entrance. It’s never helpful to fully condemn a religion based on its abuses. Religion also does a shit-ton of heavy lifting in other ways related to social and extended family organization, frameworks of understanding, social justice, etc. Yes, the hierarchy of the Catholic church sucks. But I’ve also never met people MORE committed to social justice and progressive causes than the nuns and priests I met in Haiti, Nicaragua, Ecuador, etc. These people are hard-core and are not fucking around when it comes to liberation theology. It’s not all child abuse, the Reformation and the Crusades. The same is true for Islam and Buddhism. There are horrendous abuses and then there are communities and people extremely committed to social justice and progressive causes (without proselytizing). There are also hacks (see the Christian Brothers and their shitty Catholic high schools).Scientology just wants your bucks and you might get some confidence boosting seminars along the way but god help you if you want to get out of the cult.

          • dutchmasterr-av says:

            They might not charge at the door but they sure don’t miss the chance to pass the collection plate and use good old fashioned peer pressure to get you to cough up a tithe. You don’t feel like there’s an element of a scam in those mega churches preaching the “prosperity gospel”? Or my favorite preaching politics from the pulpit and flaunting their tax exempt status. Scientology is just a different flavor of grift. 

          • fever-dog-av says:

            I do think that. But those things aren’t monolithic like “The Catholic Church” so I don’t really know how to talk in generalities when it comes to American Protestantism. I’m sure there are some that aren’t scams and that do help out their communities. My larger point is that religion writ large is such a fundamental aspect of any given culture that to dismiss it in its entirety is simplistic and that I do NOT count Scientology as part of that because it’s a grift and it does not provide any meaningful ontology to any substantial culture unless I suppose you count those trapped within its halls in Clearwater, Florida (which I don’t). I suppose it has the potential for that but as long as it charges a price for admission I would be surprised if it ever achieved that existential status. Then, as for less metaphysical aspects, the Catholic Church is its current form does a lot for the communities it works in.  The same is true for Islam and Buddhism.  Those three religions in particular have always included social justice and other progressive causes as cornerstones.  Scientology purports to do this but only to mitigate its public relations problems and/or to maintain its religion tax exemption status.

          • drstephenstrange-av says:

            > You don’t feel like there’s an element of a scam in those mega churches preaching the “prosperity gospel”?No more than taxes.

          • eatshittoday-av says:

            Lol, nah.Organized religon is trash and people who feel the need to be a part of it will always be limited in their capabilities. I’m sure those priests and nuns did good work but there is no doubt they could have done better if they hadn’t brought Jesus with them. Also, for every religious person you saw in Haiti, Ecuador,etc doing good, another was doing evil. Because, you know, it is a religon. 

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Full disclosure: I’m an atheist. But I reckon that bringing Jesus and his fundamental precepts (i.e. be excellent to each other) gives them far more commitment than they would have otherwise to, for example, die of leprosy in a Haitian slum while ministering to the poor or get assassinated by Salvadorian death squads or be tortured and murdered by the Chilean army. I’m not interested in arguing this any further but suffice it to say that I’ve been around the world a great deal and the most impressive and committed social justice activists I’ve ever met were Catholic priests and nuns who were themselves often in conflict with the Catholic hierarchy. I’m talking people who lived in slums for 40 years never once going back to their own country. You can’t just say “organized religion is trash” without dishonoring the commitment of these people to the poor.

          • katanahottinroof-av says:

            Well, if you could post their website information, maybe I would donate directly to them.  

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Sure.  Here’s one:

          • katanahottinroof-av says:

            Done.  Thanks for the info.

          • katanahottinroof-av says:

            It sounds like your friends might be better off without the hierarchy, which they are free to do.

          • drstephenstrange-av says:

            Careful. Your bigotry is showing.

          • tshepard62-av says:

            You need to educate yourself on the abuses of Scientology.  That cult is far…far…far worse then these more established legitimate religious organizations.

        • katanahottinroof-av says:

          No. I do know about the sacking of Constantinople, the Inquisition, and that Henry VIII.  They seem like amateurs.

        • katanahottinroof-av says:

          No. I do know about the sacking of Constantinople, the Inquisition, and that Henry VIII.  They seem like amateurs.

          • max_tsukino-av says:

            It’s not a contest about which religious structure is the shittiest… By itself, Scientology is one hell of a dubious, questionable enterprise, and perhaps it would be legit to drill a so-called friend over why blindly following it, without questions or some analysis…

        • mystixa-av says:

          Yes.. just like I know people that are Catholics and Orthodox Catholics and hindus that all could have the same guilt by association depending on how far out you want to extend the search.

        • peterbread-av says:

          Does this mean that we should avoid Catholics too? I mean, the toll of abuse and murder they’re responsible for far exceeds most other religions.

      • dalunar-av says:

        I agree, but if you are a senior ranking, face of a religion then I think its kinda fair game. I mean, if the pope lived next door to you, would you not ask him questions about being the pope? Not that Tom Cruise is the pope, but if you ask people to name someone in Scientology, i’d bet 99% of people would say Tom Cruise. If you ask anyone who the face of Scientology is, people would say Tom Cruise. You could argue that its just the fact hes famous and in a “weird” religion (all religion is weird, I see no issue with Scientology) and it not his fault, but that would be ignoring that fact that he is VERY VERY active in the church.Personally, I could give a shit and think they are all crazy.. :). 

    • yoursiteisawful-av says:


    • roof76-av says:

      Is this what people think will happen…?PEGG: Hey Tom, what’s up with Scientology? It’s kinda weird, you know?CRUISE: Simon my friend, I never realized that until just now. You’ve given me so much to think about.  I’m quitting right now.

    • noteethleroy-av says:

      You can’t get an annual cake from Tom if he doesn’t know where you live though.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      The thing I’d want to ask Tom Cruise if I were friends with him would be, “Hey, did you ever hear Christian Bale talk about how he based his famous performance of a psychopath on you because you had a huge smile with nothing going on behind the eyes? Bet that made you feel weird, huh?”

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      I think the concern is less that Tom doesn’t stop talking about it and more that he sells you on it in under an hour. Like “Signed over the deed to your house to the Church, packing a bag for a month on the Sea Org until you go Clear” sold.

      • redneckrampage-av says:

        You mean the more actual reality of, he asks and then Tom has him removed from any future Mission Impossible films….The REALITY Scientology would have no problems labeling Pegg someone to keep away from Tom.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      “And try not to let them find out where live.”This is hilarious but also terrifying because anyone can do that these days and people should seriously be afraid.

      • kman3k-av says:

        Jesus christ, fear monger much?Be afraid everyone! – Signed, FoxNews, probably.Also, you’ve been able to find where someone lives for a very long time…

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        A few decades back, I accidentally found Arnold Schwarzenegger’s home address (well one of them), phone number (for that house presumably) and email address online.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Why wouldn’t you ask him? lol…

    • cordingly-av says:

      From what I’ve gleaned, he’s great to work with and brings up the level of every other performer around him.

    • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

      The general consensus is that Cruise is very personable when talking to people, he’s often described as very interested in people and is fully invested when you talk to him, possibly because he’s been in that celebrity bubble for so long that he loves having real conversations with people.

    • neario-av says:

      Why would you not talk with your friend about a important part of his life?

  • abortionsurvivorerictrump-av says:

    IOW Pegg is just another in the long line of parasites, sycophants and ass kissers trying to drain fame off of Cruise while willfully ignoring Cruise’ direct involvement in one of modern history’s largest on going organized criminal cults. A cult that is guilty of among many crimes extortion, kidnapping, murder and fraud. Cool. Simon. I’m glad you’re a good hang. You fucking worthless shitbag.

  • doctorsmoot-av says:

    The closest I’ve ever been to Tom Cruise is when I hired Not Tom Cruise from Cameo to create a Valentines Day message for my wife. He followed my instructions exactly and it came out great. Thats really all the Tom Cruise I will ever need.

  • bsancho-av says:

    there’s no way to tell who’s the thing unless you do a blood test…so…

  • dwfdb-av says:

    I dunno…I don’t talk religion with a lot of people. Most everyone, really. I’d likely ask why he’s running in every movie and what his fitness regimen is.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      Xenu: it does a body good.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I’d likely ask why he’s running in every movie”

      So you’d be like “Why do you always run when your character is in a hurry or chasing someone or being chased by someone in these action movies you’re making?”

      You think you need to talk to Tom Cruise to get those answers?

  • franknstein-av says:

    Ah, yes. The type of friend where you lose “privileged access” when you talk about the one and only thing that dominates their entire life.
    We all got one, am I right?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Ah, yes. The type of friend where you lose “privileged access” when you talk about the one and only thing that dominates their entire life.”

      TIL that most people are I can’t be friends with anyone unless I’m always an asshole to them and point out everything about them that I disagree with.

      Because that’s what friends do, right?

    • gargsy-av says:

      It’s nice to know the world is a piece of shit full of assholes like you.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    I mean, everybody does this. You don’t pick fights at Thanksgiving with that one uncle who took you to cool places when you were 8, but now watches Newsmax because FOX “got to woke.”I had the opportunity to meet a controversial Chicago celebrity when I was in training and asked him an indelicate question about his very public business. He said “I don’t tell you how to treat my wife’s cancer and you don’t tell me how to run my _________.” We got along great as long as I stuck to that.

    • eatshittoday-av says:

      A bigoted uncle is distinctly different from a cult leader.If you are “friends” with a major cult figure but aren’t allowed to ask him about the cult, you aren’t really “friends”. And I dunno, maybe more corrupt businessmen should have it thrown in their face when trying to have their wife’s cancer treated. 

    • apewhohathnoname-av says:

      Was it Mancow? 😉 

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        See, you can’t answer questions like this because if I say “no” to all the wrong answers but then say “no comment,” that’s as good as a yes.Much like when returning results to patients, some told me “I know it’s bad because you have the nurse call if everything is OK,” which was generally true.

    • captainbubb-av says:

      Yep. On the non-celebrity level, I have a coworker who’s a pretty cool dude except he’s apparently an Elon Musk fan. I only know this because he occasionally wears a shirt of him—thankfully he doesn’t bring up Musk when I chat with him and I don’t ask him about it (except once, to rib him when I saw him wearing the shirt after Musk bought Twitter, and he was like yeah, he needs to stop mouthing off and focus on actually running his businesses). This coworker doesn’t seem to have the toxic qualities of Musk’s reply guys, so I just steer clear of the topic so as to not ruin our working relationship. 

    • nilus-av says:

      I currently manage 30 people and I have monthly 1 on 1s with each one. Most the time we talk about work issues and such but every once and a while I think I am being used as a free alternative to therapy. I’d say about a third of them would consider themselves Republican, which is fine, but I have at least a handful of full on MAGAs and at least one guy who is Q pilled. I just listen and nod and say “Well I never thought of it that way before”. Honestly if they do the work and don’t cause me or others issues, they can believe what ever the fuck they want. Also my guess is the celeb in question is Svengoolie

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Notwithstanding my agreement with Anthony Bourdain, I could probably make it through a dinner with Henry Kissinger without committing an assault.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Even I have my limits. I thought about getting a Masters of Public Policy or Public Health and getting into lobbying, but I didn’t think I could talk to Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham for 15 minutes about funding for cancer care or clinical trials without stopping in the middle of a sentence and saying “can I digress for a second…I just want to know…what the fuck, dude?”

  • wombat23-av says:

    he doesnt like ben grimm?

  • Blackie62-av says:

    He won’t talk about that thing with Tom Cruise.
    So he’ll talk about all the other things with Tom Cruise?

  • yoursiteisawful-av says:

    This is why people laugh at him behind his tiny little back. No point in asking anything. It’s scientology. Just like any other religion, you’re crazy for believing such BS. If it floats your boat than fine. Just don’t let other people know how dumb you are believing in archaic and outlandish books. 

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Did Tom Cruise also get access to the confidential documents in the Danny Masterson rape trial?

  • destruntled-av says:

    Wait, that’s the thing? I would have thought height. I’m much more interested in how someone gets those roles and that level of prestige when there’s an inherent prejudice against shorter guys in Hollywood.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      That’s probably why Danny Devito does mostly TV these days.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Is there a prejudice? Seriously asking because I got internet-curious once and took note of how many famous actors out there who are not tall. And I even recall reading that sometimes very tall men have some trouble getting roles because the the director’s task is more difficult when there’s just the one tall guy (camera angles, etc.). It must be a real feat to round up a large group of ‘short’ extras though.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “there’s an inherent prejudice against shorter guys in Hollywood.”

      That sort of flies in the face of the ridiculous number of movie stars who are below average height, but sure, let’s pretend there’s some sort of prejudice against shorter guys.

    • capeo-av says:

      There isn’t “an inherent prejudice against shorter guys in Hollywood.” It’s actually much easier to control eyelines for a shorter actor as opposed to a tall actor. Taller actors actually create more issues because it’s tough for an audience to not find a character imposing when they tower above the other actors, when that’s not the intention of the role. Taller actors have actually been fudging their height for ages to try get auditions. Chris Hemsworth is probably the most recent to talk about how he’d lower his height on audition papers to try to get an audition. It can pigeon hole you into only certain roles.There’s a simple production calculus behind it. If you want the eyeline of one actor to be higher that’s easily done through angles and editing (and even simple stuff like lifts). You only have to deal with one actor. If you have an actor that is much, much taller than the rest of the actors, and you don’t want to give that feeling of towering physical imposition, then you have deal with making all the rest of talent appear taller than they are. 

      • radarskiy-av says:

        He’s not even that short, he’s just known for dating and marrying women that are above average height.

  • nobodyspecialatall-av says:

    Being a friendly co-worker isn’t the same as being an intimate friend.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Please point out where anyone said Pegg and Cruise are “intimate”.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Also? Not saying you’re “intimate friends” isn’t saying that you’re “intimate friends”, you sad pile of liquid shit.

  • helpiamacabbage-av says:

    I would love to talk to Tom Cruise about John Carpenter’s 1982 horror classic.

  • kim-porter-av says:

    I mean, he said a lot about it over the years. He just hasn’t renounced it or whatever the AV Club would want him to say.

  • Vaper4Lyfe-av says:

    Friend of mine worked on JACK REACHER. He’s worked on a number of AAA projects.

    Tom Cruise learns EVERYONE’S name on set. Tom Cruise treats EVERYONE like a human being on set.

    It goes a long way.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      He’s one of those famous people that really illustrates how people can’t just be put into neat little boxes. On the one hand, he’s deep into a scam cult that does extremely unethical stuff. Sounds like he’d be a clear-cut bad guy, but on the other hand I’ve never heard anything negative about his professional behavior or his personal interactions with fans.

      • eatshittoday-av says:

        Now I have the complete opposite reaction to that.It squares perfectly into a box, as Cruise is intimately familiar with how to con people from his time with Scientology, take advantage of their good nature, how to use the binding power of celebrity to controlabuse, and is aware that acknowleding his leading role in deeply abusive cult is mutually bad for everyones paycheck including his own.In my mind, Cruise knows exactly what kind of facade needs to be kept up to avoid people asking too many questions about the string of ruined lives in his wake. And most of us play along cause “he’s just so cool!”Honestly, i expect many years down the road a reckoning will come for Cruise and people will be all “how could we have known?”

        • rhymeswithsickbed-av says:

          Worked with a guy who was a frat brother of Brad Pitt’s (University of Missouri Sigma Chi). He said Pitt told him the reason he’ll never work with Tom Cruise after “Interview with the Vampire” was that all Cruise would talk to him about was Scientology – trying to recruit him. My co-worker said there was nothing Brad liked more than getting stoned and talking about philosophical shit, but Xenu and aliens was a bridge too far.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Honestly, i expect many years down the road a reckoning will come for Cruise and people will be all “how could we have known?””

          With the countless documentaries and books about how horrible Scientology is, why would you think someone wouldn’t have come forward by now if he *was* some kind of monster?

      • kinjaninja1403-av says:

        He jumped on Oprah’s white couch with his shoes on!

        • melladne-av says:

          It was yellow, but if it’s any consolation, I too think I’m an a-hole for remembering that. 

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      The stories are out there that you can meet Cruise at a party/event for 30 seconds and 5 years later, he’ll remember your name and some relevant fact.I would not want to talk religion or politics with Cruise. I’m not sure he can coherently talk sports. But I would enjoy talking movies with him.

      • Tuscadero-av says:

        That has got to be someone’s full time job to listen on the bug mic and make those notes and feed them back to him when appropriate. Bet the pay and bennies are awesome!

    • danstevens834-av says:

      Whoa.. your friend drives a tow truck?  Cool!

    • abortionsurvivorerictrump-av says:

      Nonsense. What Cruise has is a $30 million dollar a year PR team. As witnessed by the sudden burner accounts saying how awesome Cruise is. 

    • sploozoo-av says:

      My uncle is a cameraman (won emmy for scrubs) and says he loves working with Tom Cruise and he’s affable and professional.  

    • capeo-av says:

      I have a few friends that have worked on Cruise productions, (One on The Mummy and one on whichever MI came out a couple years before that) and they both noted the same thing: Cruise is extremely amiable on set and tries to get to know everybody on the crew. I will note though that my buddy, who was a first assistant on The Mummy, said he couldn’t help but feel it was weirdly treacly and felt a bit disingenuous, like an act. They both noted they’ve never seen anyone who as as “on” all the time as Cruise though, and they both said he was extraordinarily professional. The cam op said Cruise reminded him a bit of Dwayne Johnson when he worked on Rampage. Whom he said was also very nice, professional and was “all go team,” but would also setup tables with dixie cups of tequila to “celebrate” the end of unit shoot or something, while also always pointing out that this was Johnson’s new tequila brand. He contrasted them with Jeffrey Dean Morgan on Rampage, who he thought was the coolest, most genuine talent he’d been around. The second unit was trying to shoot some scene that involved a nighttime helicopter taking off and landing and dialog around it, but weather wasn’t cooperating and dragged out for extra days and he said Morgan was cool as hell. Just kind of wandered about between setups, and the days between, just shooting the shit with people, sneaking off to a corner to have the occasional cigarette with crew, and just came off as super genuine. 

  • kag25-av says:

    He defends him because they are the same height and he gets put in all those movies. You know, sell out

    • mississippideepdish-av says:

      Lol nobody gives a fuck about selling out 

      • kag25-av says:

        ha, what a pathetic thing to say

        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Insults from the dumb old guy crying about sElLiNg OuT aren’t as effective as you think.

          • kag25-av says:

            Dude has 60 year old Tom Cruise as a picture, you know you are old as dirt

          • mississippideepdish-av says:

            LMAO those welded statues playing guitar in your pic is some straight up boomer shit. And they’re ugly too. 

          • kag25-av says:

            ahh, grandpa doesn’t like the fire. So much knowledge using boomer and not knowing the age range for them. I am talking to a real brain

          • mississippideepdish-av says:

            Do you know what a meme is, dear? Can one of your grandchildren explain it to you?

  • mystixa-av says:

    Yea pretty much all casual and work relationships work out better when you don’t ask them about their favorite sky ghosts.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I have no desire to sit with Cruise. I suspect his particular ‘energy’ might trigger some kind of psychotic episode and I have enough problems.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Whenever I see Cruise I wonder what he does when he’s not working because, for some reason, he seems like someone who has trouble having fun. And something (creepy) tells me that he has no ‘inner’ life at all – like he’s always running away from something (himself?). I wouldn’t want to be in a room with him – even with other people.

    • jessiewiek-av says:

      I have the feeling he spends a lot of his time not working still “working” in some way or another. Like when he’s not actively filming an MI film, he’s still out there taking skydiving classes so he can do his own stunts or whatever.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Maybe he’s in physical rehab? Getting expensive treatments to prolong youth? He has got to be very sore in a lot of places. Maybe he has his own spa.

    • tscarp2-av says:

      Yeah. Hard to picture him base jumping, etc. if there isn’t a camera crew, isn’t it?  Whereas, for example, the insurance company covering Point Break had to cease-and-desist Swayze, Keanu, and other cast members from parachuting just for the hell of it. Keanu said it became a bit of a drug for them. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “And something (creepy) tells me that he has no ‘inner’ life at all – like he’s always running away from something (himself?).”

      Holy shit, get over yourself.

  • aaron1592-av says:

    Hey stars are just like us! If “Us” is every entertainment media outlet. “Yay! Top Gun Maverick is a masterpiece! What? Human trafficking and child abuse?!” “Look at this outrageous stunt Tom Cruise did for Mission Impossible 17! What? He’s best friends with and talks every night with cult leader and is fully aware of abuses?!”. The AV Club is just as guilty of whitewashing and has in no way earned snark rights over Pegg’s relationship parameters with Cruise. Maybe when you refuse to review the next Cruise “hit” you can criticize someone else for avoiding the “thing”. Until then pot meet kettle.

  • eatshittoday-av says:

    Sounds like a typical Hollywood friendship, completley transactional and fundamentally rooted in how the two can financially benefit each other.Imagine being like “I’m friends with this person, I’m just not allowed to mention the thing that takes up the other half of his life that he is clearly criminally complicit in”.You ain’t friends, you’re just using him. Which is fine, using rich people is their only legitimate purpose aside from cooking grease. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Imagine being like “I’m friends with this person, I’m just not allowed to mention the thing that takes up the other half of his life that he is clearly criminally complicit in”.”

      Imagine being such a pile of shit that you interpret someone politely not being a dickhead about someone else’s beliefs as being “not allowed to mention” it.

      Simon Pegg is a lovely person who doesn’t want to be a dick when there is no reason to be a dick. You could take a lesson.

    • 756kraken-av says:

      Hollywood doesn’t have much to do with it… they’re work friends, and wouldn’t really stay connected if it weren’t for work, like many millions of people outside of Hollywood.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Huh. So, it’s common to grill a fellow co-worker about their beliefs. Got it.

    • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

      If those beliefs involve being the public face of a notoriously ruthless mafia-like organization, then sure.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    I’ll ignore the Scientology thing if Tom Cruise keeps making movies where he does increasingly dangerous stunts. I think that is a fair deal.

    • kinjaninja1403-av says:

      The scene with a bomb exploding and harmlessly blowing Tom from one train to another has to be the ultimate real life stunt. 

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    I no more would ask Cruise his opinions on religion than I would ask my coffee maker. So long as it delivers the product I need, I don’t care.Don’t like Scientology? Don’t become a Scientologist

  • murrychang-av says:

    I wouldn’t associate with a man who is high up in an org that charms people into slavery.

  • etruwanonanon-av says:

    I love talking about region, politics, and omni-channel marketing with my co-workers all the time.  

  • peejmaybefromewwkay-av says:

    Simon Pegg is the sort of person Tim Bisley would REALLY hate

  • coldsavage-av says:

    For whatever reason, reading this article made me wonder for the first time ever if Tom Cruise is a happy person. By all accounts (setting aside Scientology for a moment) he is an affable, professional person on set who makes an effort to be nice to everyone and demands professionalism from everyone, but returns it as well. He makes movies that are generally well-received, have covered a range of roles (before just falling into “action star” the past several years) and Scientology aside, hasn’t had any giant scandals. The impression I get is that Tom Cruise is a very intense, driven person who throws himself into whatever he has decided to latch on to and is relentless pursuing it. The comment by Pegg sort of confirms that to me. But I can’t help but feel that without any of these pursuits, Cruise would be miserable. Some celebs are happy to make their earnings and retire quietly to raise a family or play cards with friends or paint or whatever. Or direct, or take on more selective roles. I get the sense that Cruise is just not built that way – he will be working in some capacity up until the day he dies. Hopefully its not furthering Scientology, but who knows? Maybe that lack of peace in his own life is what brought him to Scientology in the first place.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “But I can’t help but feel that without any of these pursuits, Cruise would be miserable.”

      Yes, if he were unable to do all the things he loved, he probably *would* be miserable.

      Just like how if you took everything that *anyone* had, they would probably be miserable.

  • sethchaoss-av says:

    The problem with any celebrity is they get so rich, they lose the social group that keeps their crazy thoughts in check. No one tells Tom Cruise he’s batshit insane. 

  • lordlaughypants-av says:

    I generally like Cruise in movies. I don’t care about his politics or religious views. I’d probably want to talk movies with him.

  • omegaunlimited2-av says:

    That is the test that all of us would inevitably fail when speaking with Tom Cruise, since at some point we would all be unable to resist the temptation to say “hey, so what’s the deal with—“ and then we’d get cut off as he sprinted away at full speed and never spoke to us again.The way Leah Remini and Mike Render describe it, you would get tackled by a squad of Scientology goons and dragged off to the desert.

  • jacquestati-av says:

    Sounds like healthy, normal relationship to have with a coworker.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    Oh, THAT thing. 

  • trace0095636-av says:

    “That is the test that all of us would inevitably fail when speaking with Tom Cruise, since at some point we
    would all be unable to resist the temptation to say “hey, so what’s the
    deal with—“ and then we’d get cut off as he sprinted away at full speed
    and never spoke to us again.”

    No…………..because not all of us have to be assholes and stick our nose into others religion, sexual preferences,political views, etc.

    • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

      Yeah, I’m good friends with Hitler, so why be an asshole and bring up the whole Holocaust thing?

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    oh his cult, I thought it would be his height, obsession with looking young or why he needs to ride helmet-less on motorcycles in every movie.

  • 4jimstock-av says:
  • paljoey23-av says:

    I would have no interest in meeting him. His movies are stupid and he plays the same character over and over. Plus he’s in a weird, evil cult. 

  • mcpatd-av says:

    “So, Tom, about this Scient…” “Simon, I’ll see you in Harlem!” (disintegrates into thin air).

  • supercars20000-av says:

    Why ask anyone about their religion?  I feel that is like politics and sexual preference.  Don’t ask people about it.  For one, who cares?  Two, it’s none of my business.  

  • alexpkavclub-av says:

    Simon Pegg says he has a “simple” friendship with Tom Cruise where they don’t talk about the thingA friend with whom you cannot discuss Ben Grimm is no friend at all.

  • realgenericposter-av says:

    I always kinda assumed he would be constantly blathering about it.

  • aaron1592-av says:

    He doesn’t “live for fame”. One of the things the media doesn’t understand (or willfully ignores for access) is how comitted he is to the cult. He’s a Scientologist BEFORE movie star or even fatherhood (just ask Siri) it’s his primary motivation.

  • slumdroog-av says:

    I don’t try to talk to anyone about religion. I’m an atheist so they’re all equally ridiculous, but more importantly if they mean something to someone and they take happiness in that I don’t want to take that away. Some people like my mum need that comfort in their life.

  • cash4chaos-av says:

    Weird take that you think most people would want to hang out with Tom Cruise. Why? Is he gonna act out scenes for my entertainment or something? Am I gonna learn the secrets of the universe from being in a room with Tom Cruise?

  • brownspacefilms-av says:

    Ah, behold one of the wonders of the world—an article dedicated to informing us about the mystical experience of engaging in a basic conversation with Tom Cruise. Truly, it is a feat that remains tantalizingly out of reach for us mere mortals, forever consigned to a realm of average existence. Oh, how we can only dream of the grandeur that would accompany being in the same room as Mr. Cruise, our lives forever changed, no matter how inconsequential the encounter may be (remember that time we spotted Michael Bay on a golf cart? Ah, the memories we cling to!).But fear not, for Simon Pegg, that lucky soul, has transcended the ranks of the ordinary and shared his wisdom. Apparently, he possesses a friendship with Cruise so simple and amiable, it may just be the pinnacle of human achievement in dealing with the inscrutable Cruise himself. However, dear readers, there is a catch—a secret pact, if you will. Pegg dares not venture into the treacherous territory of discussing Scientology, fearing it would be an abuse of his privileged access. Alas, that is a test we would all inevitably fail, unable to resist the burning desire to probe the depths of Cruise’s enigmatic beliefs, only to be left abandoned as he sprints away at breakneck speed, leaving us forever silenced.And lo, behold the revelation that Cruise adores fame! Shocking, isn’t it? It seems to be his lifeblood, his raison d’être, the very essence that invigorates him and propels him forward. Such an intriguing creature he must be to bask in the glow of his own stardom. But we must ponder, does he ever switch off? Is there a hidden Tom Cruise, shielded from the ever-watchful gaze of the public? Alas, even Simon Pegg, the oracle of Cruise’s presence, may not hold the answer to such mysteries.Oh, the absurdity of it all! The depths to which we delve for morsels of knowledge that ultimately prove meaningless in the grand tapestry of existence. Yet here we are, pondering the nuances of conversing with Cruise, an endeavor forever beyond our reach. May we find solace in the absurdity and embrace the fleeting humor of it all.

  • pinkkittie27-av says:

    Friendly co-workers appropriately do not discuss religion at work: News at 11.

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