
Aux News Coming Distractions

The question of what the hell Skyfall is supposed to mean (besides the fact that your metalcore band needs a new name now) is addressed indirectly in the opener to this sly, cagily unrevealing teaser to the 23rd James Bond film, as—when presented with the phrase during a word association test—Daniel Craig's even-testier-than-usual Bond simply declares the session over. The rest of the preview plays like its own abstract game of interpretation, showing only some impressively composed (thanks to cinematographer Roger Deakins) scenes of international intrigue, plus the occasional flash of Craig smirking or Judi Dench looking worried. For those who have lamented the way trailers have increasingly become mini-spoilers, this should be refreshing, reintroducing Craig's strengths (Steely resolve! Shirtlessness!) while offering just enough to reassure Bond fans over the unconventional choice of director Sam Mendes. And for now, the revelation of the meaning of Skyfall—like the official introduction of Javier Bardem's villain, glimpsed here only as a shadow—can definitely wait.

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