Sleep-sack seditionist Mike Lindell preps for the next riot from prison on Jimmy Kimmel Live

James Adomian returns to brief Kimmel on Lindell's promise to jail 300 million Americans

TV News Mike Lindell
Sleep-sack seditionist Mike Lindell preps for the next riot from prison on Jimmy Kimmel Live
James Adomian as Mike Lindell Screenshot: Jimmy Kimmel Live

While some might find it unseemly to repeatedly mock a clearly delusional person on national television, Jimmy Kimmel seems fine with it. And, to be fair to the Jimmy Kimmel Live host, TV pillow pitchman and farcically failed social media guru Mike Lindell has positioned himself as the garrulously gabbling hype man for Donald Trump and the GOP’s Big Lie about election fraud as they continue their assault on American democracy, so all bets are off. Especially when arch impressionist James Adomian guarantees huge laughs with each appearance as the infamous crack addict turned pillow magnate turned presidential advisor.

Appearing on Thursday’s show, Adomian’s Lindell appeared from his prison cell in a Minnesota correctional facility, surprising Kimmel by already sporting a teardrop tattoo and hawking smuggled pillows for cigarettes. As Kimmel noted, Lindell’s latest nonsensical claim (at least as of this writing) is that he has enough evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election to “put everybody in prison for life, 300-some million people.” And, since that’s essentially the entire population of the United States, give or take, Lindell preemptively jailed himself to secure a good spot. Such are the actual statements of a person who was routinely invited to Donald Trump’s Oval Office.

With Adomian feverishly channeling Lindell’s Midwest-accented manic craziness, the pillow maven occasionally interrupted his too-loony-even-for-Fox-News conspiracy talk to hector his fellow prisoners about pillows-for-contraband deals, and to swig directly from his toilet. “It’s not wine, Jim, it’s urine. I’m sober as a church mouse!,” the famously sobered-up Lindell assured Kimmel of his drinking habits, clearly and predictably having gone all-in on the latest, Trumpland anti-COVID quack cure of imbibing one’s own pee.

As for Lindell’s future plans (now that his phone records have reportedly been subpoenaed over that whole “aiding and abetting a Republican coup against American democracy” thing), Adomian’s self-incarcerated seditionist rebuffed Kimmel’s advice to sit out an in-progress prison riot. “Are you crazy?,” exclaimed Lindell amidst the clangor of shivs and sirens, “I missed the on last riot ’cause I was in the White House Jan. 6. I’m not going to miss out an opportunity to stab a cop with a screwdriver again!”


  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    Godwin tells me Hitler might have been a little off, mentally, so we’re never allowed to say bad things about him again.In fact, if someone is an insane sociopath I believe we are now obligated to let them drive our kids to soccer practice.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      In fact, if someone is an insane sociopath I believe we are now obligated to let them drive our kids to soccer practice.Judge gave your ex-wife custody, eh?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Well slap my stick and pinch my loaf!

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I wish I had a crystal ball to see what the next 5-10 years holds for cult wackos like Lindell, Rudy, Stone, Miller, 3-Toed Marge, Gaetz, t***p and his kids of course, etc. I hope it’s unpleasant (for them).

    • treerol2-av says:

      I assume at least 3 of them will end up on the Supreme Court.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        I have an ongoing bet going that in the next 15 years that the US will be 3 separate countries that looks similar to the last election map. So I don’t think you’ll be far off. 

    • blpppt-av says:

      The fact that STILL nothing at all has happened to lackeys like Gaetz, and most notably Rudy, means this is probably not going to turn out like we hope.They aren’t anywheres near punishing Trump.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        well, Gaetz’s ex is supposedly testifying before a grand jury, and the t***p’s have received some sternly worded deposition requests…I guess hope is where you find it.  😉

        • blpppt-av says:

          Pfft. You do realize that neither Meadows nor Bannon are currently in jail, right? Bannon in particular, stonewalled his subpoena in November and is still walking around free.
          And that is the low-hanging fruit. We can’t even get THOSE guys.I said it years ago when we had that old political site—— Trump will never see a day of jail.

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            Bannon’s trial isn’t until fucking July, because the judge decided to split the difference between the October trial date he wanted and the April trial the govt wanted. What a bad fucking joke.  Honestly I don’t know why Bannon didn’t ask for a trial date the day after midterms; the GQP seems to be betting pretty heavily on these hearings going away after that.

          • blpppt-av says:

            I’m no expert on, well anything, really, but I think they can appoint a special prosecutor to continue the investigation regardless of who is in control of the House past the midterms (which looks to be most likely the GOP), which is probably what will end up happening as they appear to be nowheres near any significant headway.Even with that, I have zero hope that Trump will ever be significantly punished. Most likely he’ll be running again in 2024.
            The upside to that is, if he gets the nomination, he has virtually no chance of winning the General Election, and if he doesn’t win the GOP nomination, the guy who beats him (DeSantis is probably the only one with enough pull to do it) will be dealing with Trump screaming about “rigged primaries” for months leading up to the General. Which will absolutely torpedo Ron’s chances to win the Presidency.So, yeah, there is hope, just not for anybody to get justice.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Good on James Adomian getting paid he is hilarious and deserves to be more famous. Fun story: For the longest time I thought Tom Leykis was a character James made up for Comedy Bang! Bang!. It wasn’t until Street Fight Radio started doing their series on shock jocks that I found out he was a real person. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Sleep-sack: it’s so comfortable you’ll feel like you’re resting your head on a warm soft scrotum.

  • recognitions-av says:

    I just don’t know if giving this guy attention is a good idea.

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    Lindell needs help, some sort of mental institution should be sending out men in white coats to come and take him away. Though America really needs to look at itself for allowing this numpty air time to begin with, and for voting Trump in the first time.

    • igotsuped-av says:

      Lindell appears to be the poster child for replacing one addiction with another.

    • blpppt-av says:

      I actually don’t think he’s mentally incompetent in the slightest. He saw a chance at creating his own cult to grift off of, and he took it. Like most people who fancy themselves in Trump’s orbit.Its obvious he’s a decent businessman, managing to sell second-rate pillows for $80 a pop.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Its obvious he’s a decent businessman”

        Well then he CAN’T be mentally incompetent, right? Because everyone who is rich is mentally competent.Right?

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        I feel like the truth is somewhere in the middle. I don’t think he’s stupid, as such, and like you said the success of his trash pillow demonstrates that he possesses significant business acumen.But I don’t think that he’s profiting off cultist marks in the same way that Trump does. Like, Trump knows full well that these people are idiots and totally disdains them. Lindell, on the other hand (probably due in large part to the religious angle – Trump just uses that as another bullshit hustle, Lindell is a True Believer™), seems to view himself as one of them; a superior example of “one of them” who should thus be empowered to lead/guide them, but still one of them.I guess what I’m saying is that while both guys absolutely created their own cults to grift from, Trump isn’t actually in the cult whereas Lindell is.I’m not attaching relative value to either, to be clear they’re both garbage who should be locked up forever and left penniless.

  • c2three-av says:

    I don’t find it unseemly in the least to repeatedly mock a clearly deranged asshole.

  • roboyuji-av says:

    I’m so pissed that I’m starting to see his ads playing on TV again. The only time I want to see him on TV is when the news reports that he was found in a ditch, dead from a crack overdose.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    America, this is your regular reminder that mid-terms are this year and over 74 million people didn’t want your current administration.
    Jokes are fine. Vigilance is better.

  • jasonscreenname-av says:

    Out of morbid curiosity I checked out the page you linked to regarding the Anti-vaxxer’s ‘Urine Therapy’ and I gotta say, I honestly can’t tell if it’s satirical or not. What a sad state of affairs we’re in that I should even have to say this, but, Please, please, tell me it’s satire.

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