Smoking and engine revving: Things you’ve only tried because you saw it in pop culture

Aux Features Michael Azerrad
Smoking and engine revving: Things you’ve only tried because you saw it in pop culture
Illustration: Emi Tolibas

This week’s question comes from A.V. Club Deputy Managing Editor, Caitlin PenzeyMoog:

What’s something you only tried or did because you saw it in pop culture?

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This is an answer I’m guessing applies to plenty of idiots around my age: attempting to do pro wrestling moves. I was the right age to get swept up in the height of WWF’s popularity in the late ’90s, and as stupid kids who ate that crap up were wont to do, my childhood friends and I definitely went against the company’s warnings and tried that stuff at home. There’s a good reason why those warnings exist, though; if you actually attempted to do these moves with no training on how to make them safe, or worse, with harm in mind, you could seriously injure someone. Thankfully we were never dumb enough to get into the horrific side of things—like, say, hitting each other in the head with chairs—but I distinctly remember being on the receiving end of a DDT, a move in which the target’s head is driven into the mat. I can recall the gross thud of my dome hitting the dirt—because yes, this happened on someone’s front lawn—but I ended up being okay. I think. [Matt Gerardi]

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