Snoop Dogg says Dr. Dre is working on new music for Grand Theft Auto

It might be for a new game, or it might be an old game, or it might be for a different old game.

Aux News Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg says Dr. Dre is working on new music for Grand Theft Auto
Dr. Dre Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Live Nation

Last year, when Grand Theft Auto Online introduced its massive “Cayo Perico Heist” update, the developers at Rockstar made the somewhat baffling choice to kick off its violent island vacation with unexplained cameos from Dr. Dre, DJ Pooh, and Jimmy Iovine. Their appearances kind of played into the plot, if only has a justification for how your character got to the island in question, but that was the extent of the weird cameos.

Until now! Well, maybe. During an appearance on the Rolling Stone Music Now podcast (via Uproxx), Snoop Dogg casually mentioned that his buddy Dr. Dre is “in the studio” making music and that “some” of it is “connected to the [Grand Theft Auto] game that’s coming out.” Snoop goes on to say that he specifically thinks that whatever Dre is working on will actually be released through “the GTA video game.”

The interesting thing here is… what the hell is he talking about? There’s no new Grand Theft Auto game on the horizon as far as anyone knows, with Rockstar still milking every last drop it can out of Grand Theft Auto Online, but there are a few possibilities. It could just be some new Dr. Dre thing in Grand Theft Auto Online as a pay-off to his cameo, with Snoop Dogg misinterpreting it as a “new” game.

It could also have something to do with the upcoming Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas re-release, since that game was set in a fake version of Los Angeles in the ‘90s. Maybe Dre is recording something new for the game’s soundtrack? Licensing being what it is, maybe Rockstar lost the rights to some of the old hip-hop on the soundtrack and brought in a ringer to make some new songs?

The other option (beyond “Snoop Dogg is completely wrong about all of this”) is that there really is a secret new Grand Theft Auto game in development that Dr. Dre is working on. That sort of leak isn’t completely unheard of in the video game industry, especially when it crosses over with the music industry with artists who don’t necessarily realize that they’re not supposed to talk about something yet.

Either way, there will definitely be a new GTA at some point, so even if Snoop Dogg is completely wrong about all of this, he may have accidentally created some real news.

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