Someone broke into Keanu Reeves’ house and stole one of his guns

Reeves' home was reportedly broken into on Wednesday night

Aux News Reeves
Someone broke into Keanu Reeves’ house and stole one of his guns
Keanu Reeves Photo: Miikka Skaffari/FilmMagic

Today, in “Criminals who apparently do not watch Keanu Reeves movies” news: Actor Keanu Reeves’ home was recently broken into this week, and one of his guns stolen, presumably by thieves who do not watch Keanu Reeves movies.

This is per TMZ, which reports that the break-in happened on the evening of Wednesday, December 6, when police were called to Reeves’ Los Angeles residence twice—the second time, after multiple people in ski masks were seen smashing windows to enter the building, even though there is an entire franchise of films predicated on how you should not break into Keanu Reeves’ home and fuck with his stuff.

Media literacy in this country, we tell you what.

Anyway, the thieves didn’t make off with much, apparently—just one of Reeves’ firearms, according to statements from police. And while we know that we’re having some fun here conflating the actor Keanu Reeves with the systematic murder machines he plays in movies, that still feels like the kind of thing we, personally, would not want to have in our homes in the aftermath of said robbery, on the off chance that Reeves (famous for training extensively for his various action-heavy films) might ask for it back.

On a less absurd, and more sobering, note, it’s worth pointing out that this isn’t the first time that Reeves has had to deal with intruders in his home; in 2014, he faced multiple incidents of people breaking into his house, including at least once while he himself was there, and recently filed a restraining order against a man claiming to be his brother, and who has reportedly trespassed on the actor’s property multiple times over the last 12 months. Reeves was apparently not home when the robbery occurred on Wednesday night.


  • daveassist-av says:

    The guy was lucky that Reeves wasn’t home. Reeves has actually done the training work that goes behind the moves.On the other hand, Reeves is the kind of person that might have offered to help the guy with whatever was pushing him to break into homes.

    • nilus-av says:

      He’s trained to look like a bad ass on screen. Which is a skill and an intense work out but it doesn’t often translate to real world martial arts skills. I think you are right in the second item though. I can see Keanu sitting down with the guy and talking out his issues and helping him. Then again who know if Keanu’s public image is real or not. I’d like to think he is as nice and chill as he comes off but maybe he’s a massive prick behind closed doors 

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        My first thought was “Ok, but did they find a sex tape?” because that happens and, you’re right, none of us know who celebrities really are – even when they tell us. I can attest to having lived fairly closely to someone for decades, only to discover after their death what a criminal they were. Not famous, though, except in their own head.

      • jasonstroh-av says:

        I think he was referring to Reeves’ 3-gun training. That’s with real guns. I’m not saying the guy could jump into a SEAL unit or anything, but he’s better trained in how to use firearms than 99% of the population, and certainly better than the many regular people who manage to use guns in self defense.

  • universalamander-av says:

    The more the criminals start hitting the rich and the famous, maybe crime will get prosecuted again, instead of the turnstile justice we basically have now.

  • spexandwally-av says:

    But Keanu’s dog is OK, right?

  • djclawson-av says:

    Why? Is it hard to find guns legally in this country?

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    I’ve noticed the popular rightoid npc talking point on this story is to turn this into the same old California bad/muh gun rights/gEt tOuGh oN cRimE political issue.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Well then it’s a good thing he has more guns. Lots of guns.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I expect an uptick in gun sales. No logical reason.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Best believe I stole Keanu’s Uzi.

  • suddenlysandor-av says:

     A while back my stepfathers house got broken into while he was at work. They made off with two pistols worth about 3k total and left the 25 rifles which collectively are worth about at least 60k. Thieves are dumb. They probably just grabbed whatever looked like they could rob a liquor store with. 

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I wish people would actually lock up their guns as they claim they do. Just that one time could be a disaster. It’s a good thing Reeves didn’t come home unexpectedly. 

  • bmg1-av says:

    Knock, knock… It’s the L.A. ‘hoodrats come over for a reparation visit !Just ‘chillin at Keanu’s crib and ‘stealing his gat.

  • magpie187-av says:

    I wonder how they broke through the concrete?

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