Some very funny, very mean person projected “space Karen” on the side of shuttered Twitter HQ tonight

As Twitter faces its latest "mass exodus" of employees after an Elon Musk ultimatum, people are finding the fun where they can

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Some very funny, very mean person projected “space Karen” on the side of shuttered Twitter HQ tonight
Elon Musk Photo: Theo Wargo/Getty Images for TIME

We’ll say this: If Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter produces nothing of any value—and gosh, but is that an “if” that feels like an increasingly solid bet as every new day ticks by—at least it will produce one image that will live on for years in our mind’s eye: A scrolling set of insults, including “dictator’s asskisser,” “mediocre manchild,” and, most beautifully, “space Karen,” projected on the side of the social media company’s headquarters tonight. Said building, of course, is currently shuttered, amidst the company’s latest “mass exodus” of employees in the span of a handful of weeks.

Unlike the last time Musk lost a huge fraction of his recently purchased asset’s workforce—when he laid off about half the company’s employees within a week of being forced to buy it at a self-set, and exorbitantly high, price—this latest departure doesn’t appear to have been entirely intentional. Per CNN, managers at Twitter apparently weren’t expecting Musk’s latest ultimatum to employees, which forced them to choose, within 24 hours, between resigning and taking severance, or committing to a “hardcore” workplace, to lead to quite so many people issuing a salute emoji and taking the cash.

It’s not clear yet how many people left Twitter today; reports on the company’s Slack channels describe waves of those salutes, which have come to be shorthand for “I do not want to work for space Karen anymore.” (“Petulant pimple.” “Apartheid profiteer.” “Supreme parasite.” They’re really very good.) Musk’s team apparently shut off badge access to the building for the weekend shortly after the deadline for the ultimatum passed, reportedly out of concerns about sabotage. (Non-Elon-based sabotage, we mean.)

The mood on Twitter itself, meanwhile, is even more apocalyptic than usual; we even saw some people make what seemed to be genuine good-faith efforts to transition over to social media system Mastodon, heretofore thought to be a strictly hypothetical task. The major concern right now is that, even by conservative estimates, Twitter has lost a lot of the people who make the tweets go over the last two weeks; with the World Cup starting on Sunday, this new “hardcore” Twitter 2.0 is about to get one hell of a stress test, of the sort you typically don’t inflict on terminally wounded patients, on the not-that-off-chance that they’ll die.

God damn: Imagine if someone who wasn’t a genius had bought this thing!


  • phonefixnicole-av says:

    I feel like I don’t understand very well

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Nota Bene: I remembered that my Kinja login is actually through my Twitter account, which I never use and probably chose for this because it has no identifying information. If anybody else also logs in this way, it might be prudent to attach a Google or Facebook account now before whatever is going to happen to Twitter ends up happening.

    • 4194304-av says:

      Same here – it was as close as I could get to having an actual burner. Now just about the last thing I want is a perma-logged-in account connected to either of those information hoover alternatives…

    • jrobie-av says:

      oh damn

    • skoc211-av says:

      Oh wow great call! I didn’t even know that was an option to link my Kinja to anything other than Twitter. Just connected it to my Facebook and disconnected from Twitter. I’ve had this account since the old days of Gawker well before Theil nuked it with that lawsuit, so didn’t want to lose it due to another billionaire’s fuckery.

  • dracerobotnikpetinspector-av says:

    It’s going about how I thought it would, I just didn’t think ot would all happen at 16x speed.

    • mediumrarefied-av says:

      It’s truly amazing. I honestly thought Elon was more competent and it would end up being a shit show in the sense that everything would be great for conservatives while liberals would be harassed with no reproductions and their speech unironically silenced. If this is any indication of his actual managing “prowess”, I now wonder how he hadn’t managed to burn Tesla and Space X the ground years ago.

    • Kyon-Theorist-av says:

      Same. This is the exact timeline of events I envisioned I just figured it would be one per week, not per day. Gotta give Elon props for efficiency I suppose.

    • shindean-av says:

      The irony here being that Dr. Robotnik is at least smart enough to have assistants around that personally handle so many different departments (i.e. the mid zone bosses), instead of taking all on himself. 

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    “Musk’s team apparently shut off badge access to the building for the weekend shortly after the deadline for the ultimatum passed, reportedly out of concerns about sabotage. (Non-Elon-based sabotage, we mean.)”The sabotage was coming from inside the house!

  • kingofmadcows-av says:

    This is like when Homelander took over Vought.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I wonder how the diehard Musk fanboys are coping with this. It must be getting a little difficult to keep worshipping the man’s “genius” at this point.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      They are all, to the man, insisting that nothing is wrong and that everything is going even more swimmingly than ever before. It’s pretty amazing to watch. Reports are out that entire departments took severance, including the whole payroll department and tax team. And the general consensus is that payroll is all automated anyway, and it would be better if Elon just hired a third party service to handle it anyway.

      • torchbearer2-av says:

        I am surprised payroll and the tax accountants jumped. While they have jobs that can be applied elsewhere you start to get into the demand levels. While many places need them, not every place can afford them and make due with other options.If they are like any other major corp… payroll was already outsourced mostly (such as using ADP) but there is still someone internally who has to process all those approved timecards, bonuses, etc. and send it all to the processor so people get paid. 

        • tboggs42-av says:

          Demand for payroll and tax accountants is at an all-time high, so not really surprised.  Also, “automated” payroll systems often still require a surprising amount of human activity.

          • torchbearer2-av says:

            That’s good, especially as it shows there are still ample companies. From what I understand (neighbor is a Sr. accountant manager or whatever at a land development company) while they are paid okay it’s not as massive as I would expect. For example, neighbor makes less than I did in my first job out of school (granted I am in games and tech and tons of other differences) and I would think he would be making way more with the rigorous nature of his field.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I am surprised payroll and the tax accountants jumped. While they have jobs that can be applied elsewhere you start to get into the demand levels. While many places need them, not every place can afford them and make due with other options.”

          Yeah, it’s almost like some people don’t want to work for a dying company, no matter the “current” wage.

        • frasier-crane-av says:

          (“make do”)

      • bio-wd-av says:

        The kool-aid is about to be handed out.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Sure, what’s more debt? It’s just a number! /s

      • kencerveny-av says:

        And any problems are someone else’s doing.

      • leftymothersbach-av says:

        And the general consensus is that payroll is all automated anyway…
        Only a person who’s never had any exposure whatsoever to payroll work would think this way.I’m not surprised that Musk’s fanboys are holding strong. One of these weirdos wandered into an online conversation I was having and…Well, you know those QAnon/Trump people who believe that Trump is literally the chosen of God Almighty, and that Biden and Beyonce et al. drink children’s blood? This Musk kid reminded me strongly of those people. I wouldn’t expect Musk’s fans to desert him just yet.

      • kinjakungen-av says:

        I hope that’s true, that entire departments collectively did go like, “FUCK this fucking guy!” and fucked off for good. Eat shit, Elon.

    • the_AUGHT-av says:

      The Trumpers figured out how to stay strong

    • bagman818-av says:

      The same way Trump cultists were sitting at the tv, waiting for the FBI (I guess?) to come arrest Biden during the inauguration.The fun part is coming later. You can’t do this shit with other people’s money and not expect significant legal repercussions.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      It’s easy to cope if you pretend nothing is wrong.

    • carrercrytharis-av says:

      Yeah, every time a former Twitter employee says anything, the Musk fans show up to say “Glad you’re leaving — @ElonMusk, please fire this woke activist, your Tesla engineers can do a better job.” The sweaty desperation that *maybe* Elon will reply to their tweet is no less grotesque for being completely obvious. (News flash: statistically speaking, Elon Musk will never know you exist.)

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      I presume they, like Elon, must be incompentent morons who know nothing about sofware development. He’s done the very thing that means all the good programmers will leave and all the shitty ones will stay. It’s like he skipped Business 101 and went straight to being the world’s richest man.Also, what a prick. Even if this was, somehow, good business… your staff are actual real people you fucking fud, Elon. They probably have social lives and families that they care about.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I get the strong sense that his bloodless termination of thousands of employees probably gives his stans quarter-chubs; remember remember how that motivated much of the support for T***p (“he’s a strong leader who makes tough decisions when they need to be made”; nah, being a sociopath doesn’t make you a “strong leader”, you’re still primarily a sociopath); seeing so many of them gloating while using the “he’s the boss, he can do what he wants” explanation confirms that.

    • Mr-John-av says:

      They all paid their $8

    • baskev-av says:

      Indeed ( in a deep teal’c voice ( or kratos) god to love judge his voice).Just think of the former workforce at twitter only around 12% is left….And people forget…Elon musk is not rich , he has money in the bank rich ( he is rich do not get me wrong). But most of his wealth is tied to his worth in company stocks etc….And he loaned about 70 to 80% of twitters money ( for a too high of a price per share). And even used tesla stock for it. So if this fails…he has a HUGE problem. But serves these joe rogan, elon musk types.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      NO but he wasn’t really buying Twitter to make it profitable with that Musky touch, don’t you see?  He’s outplayed all of us by burning up a ~1/6th of his net worth on…uh…a brilliant tax writeoff or whatever!

    • ajvia12-av says:

      has Trumpism taught you NOTHING? There is nothing he can do that would turn the sentiment on him (except maybe go full liberal politically?) literally. He could be arrested for murder, or whatever, and his trollish fanboys would say “You can’t prove it” or more likely “Yeah, and?” and lean into “he’s the richest most smartest guy in the worlds because he has money on paper” because that is the only thing that matters. The idea that the more wealth he has the smarter he must be and therefore amazing and awesome and no I swear it’s not that I somehow think we’re going to become BFF”s and Elon’s going to give me a few million dollars and fly me to the moon on his magic ship.It’s delusional obsessive immature/manchild-stuck-in-the-basement-playing-video-games-at-33 becuase the scary mean world never made them grow up and they have nothing more than fawning over evil/ugly billionaires based on little actual reasoning beyond “$ yo” and seeing the slightly not-good-looking weirdo with minimal social skills (spectrum-y) and wierd quirks having power, money and “respect” and think they are looking at the next God. I have high school students who are in love with him and can’t even tell you what he did to become rich and/or famous. Just that he’s the “richest guy in the world” and that’s all that matters- they believe it allows them to do anything. And they’re probably not wrong entirely. But he’s wasting his time and value here on Earth, if he wants to be remebered for anything besides “one-time wealthiest human on planet” whose footnoot will include the awful things that inevitably come his way if he continues this path/plan (which seems to just be “troll the world”)

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      I wonder how the Musk stans will react to the latest Musk bombshell (ironically dropped first on Twitter) that he actually does NOT have a degree in Physics as he claimed, and there’s one more nail in the coffin of his own self mythology.He actually dropped out of school (at which point he was in the US illegally), and investors like Peter Thiel quietly arranged for him to get a bogus Econ degree years later.Since then he’s been claiming he went back and finished a degree in Physics (including stating this in SEC filings) but it’s complete dogshit.He has a bogus bought degree in Econ, nothing more. He has absolutely no engineering or STEM qualifications of any kind. He’s just a dumb guy with money.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      denial LOL.  Rampant, mind-blowing denial.  That’s how they’re coping.

    • seanacatx-av says:

      Now they’re mostly just pointing out that that “the site still works, doesn’t it?” on everybody else’s posts as though the fact that twitterdotcom isn’t responding 404 quite yet is some kind of gotcha

    • murso74-av says:

      They all say that it’s only the lazy shitty people that have left.  It’s really amazing to watch them justify this shit

    • jallured1-av says:

      Just like Trump, you can never lose if you never acknowledge failures. 

    • gordonshumway84838-av says:

      Plenty of MAGA hats and Yeezys still out there so…cults don’t usually go away until their leaders do. 

  • bio-wd-av says:

    Sweet.  Internet Titanic in slow motion. 

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    I love how badly this is going. He just keeps making awful decisions day after day.

  • yttruim-av says:

    In all of this i am genuinely surprised by the lack of people flooding twitter and Musks tweets with pictures of him and Gwendoline. 

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    IMO, a good leader doesn’t do ultimatums. Musk did some ultimatums and it cost him.  But he can probably absorb the damage, for now.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    Next time Elon lands a rocket, he ought to point his ass at space and use it as a landing pad. It’ll probably hurt less than trying to keep Twitter alive with a couple floors full of Tesla engineers. (What, like Tesla and SpaceX employees aren’t busy with their ‘extreme hardcore’ work?)

  • tigernightmare-av says:

    Here’s what it actually looks like.

  • nonoes-av says:

    the man is a pre-rich cunt. we are reaping years of pretending he wasn’t.the end.

  • notspecified-av says:
  • gentlemoondestr-av says:

    Are there people like that left? Well, just ignore them. I mean, at this point it is clear that arguing has absolutely no value, as this man’s deficits are clearly visible. Any support given to this man originates in purely capitalistic indoctrination and clinical technophilia.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Wait, the same Elon Musk who tried to get PayPal to switch from Linux to Windows servers would make horrible tech management decisions? Who could have known!

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    The weird part is he was still snarking it up, acting like the What Me Worry kid.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    “Space Karen” is pretty great but for my money nothing will or should top “King Twit.”  Why #kingtwit isn’t at the top of the trending lists every day is astonishing LOL.

  • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

    Elon’s problem is he didn’t know that in order to be at the center of a cult of personality you first need a personality.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    Musk stans when he sells Twitter for 10% of its purchase price in 3 months: “see idiots? he still sold it, it was all part of a plan you’re not smart enough to comprehend, and of course it sold for less value, he stripped off the excess. To the new buyer: you’re welcome.” LOLas someone who has fallen victim to layoffs in the past, I still feel really bad for all the thousands of employees doing Christmas on one less income thanks to this dicksmack while he’ll be off in the Maldives impregnating his admin. Fuck Musk to Mars and leave him there.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      How would you like to be the banks that loaned him $13B right now? They almost certainly did not intend to hold all that debt, but to sell it off as an investment and get cash now. Who is going to buy it? More importantly, how do you even put together e prospectus for customers to try to sell it? How can you make any kind of estimate of what it might be worth in a month, much less a year or a decade.Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel sorry for the banks.  This failure is just so impressive it is going to have wide ranging implications.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I feel as sorry for the banks that lent him money as I feel sorry for the banks that lent T***p money. (on a related note, it is interesting to see play out on a much more visible stage with Musk the type of activity that T***p went through back in his day, borrowing billions of dollars from Deutsch Bank and the others who despite his reputation for incompetence and unwillingness to pay back these loans, STILL lent him money for some reason. may they all crash and burn spectacularly.)

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          I guess I feel slightly less sympathy for Trump’s banks since he had a much longer track record of stiffing his creditors, going back to before Musk was even in the US. But it’s really just a matter of degree on things that are all too small to be seen with the naked eye.

      • precious-roy-av says:

        There were articles like a week and a half ago about how the banks are being forced to take bigass haircuts on this because they have no view of how they will sell this as profitable to investors for the foreseeable future, and that was before he started thinking out loud about how he’ll probably just get rid of all the employees and file bankruptcy.

    • kinjakungen-av says:

      The corporate thieves and pirates in private equity manage to sell the firms they rob for MORE than they bought them for after firing half the staff… Musk should buy himself a clue from them with all his billions!:P

  • wookietim-av says:

    Stay off twitter. This is not a political statement out of me, this is a warning to anyone that uses it. The moderation team is basically gone. So the first thing you will notice is much more toxic conversation up to and including doxing.But the bigger problem is that the security team is gone. Security of your data is no longer even given the slight attention it had before this. So your posts and your location data that flows into it from the app on your phone and the credit card you might have used to pay for the blue checkmark… all of that is kinda open to hackers.Stay off twitter at least until that is fixed. It will take awhile – but for your own good, regardless of how much you like Musk or whatever, stay off that app. It won’t lead to good stuff if you go on.

    • themaskedfarter-av says:

      Nah it rules go on Twitter and see the disaster who cares about the rest you can probably sue if your data gets stolen

      • wookietim-av says:

        Scenario – someone takes exception with a tweet by you. They hack in and find your location from when you made the tweet and dox you to extremists that will then put you in physical danger.But go ahead and go on if you want. But know you were warned.

  • czarmkiii-av says:

    I love how he’s giving off an aura of calm despite the fact that various international regulatory agencies are sharpening thier knives for the slam dunk privacy and security violations. Also there is a non-zero possibility that Elon loses his security clearance at Space X given that Saudi Arabia was a major investor in the purchase and now that he/twitter are indebted financially to them he becomes a security risk. Similar think happened when he smoked pot on Joe Rogan’s show, he was allowed to keep his clearance but prohibited from certain access going forward. Also in his compensation trial on Thursday it came up about him using Tesla programmers at Twitter and he really fumbled trying explain it was “volunteer” and “after hours” work, which isn’t a good look with the shareholders are suing you for excess compensation.  

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    “managers at Twitter apparently weren’t expecting Musk’s latest ultimatum to employees, which forced them to choose, within 24 hours, between resigning and taking severance, or committing to a “hardcore” workplace, to lead to quite so many people issuing a salute emoji and taking the cash.”

    Shorter version: managers at Twitter are deeply stupid too.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “on the not-that-off-chance that they’ll die.”

    What an adorable take. Adorable and stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    I’ve never been on Twitter, so no big loss for me – seems like a real giant mess now. Also I’ve never owned a Tesla, only partly because they shut down and catch fire sometimes.

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    I think it may be time to admit that Elon Musk might just be, on balance, an idiot.

  • jayvee01010-av says:

    I am by no means an Elon Musk supporter. I am indifferent to his existence. However what I am not indifferent too is poorly written bloviated articles. I assume William Hughes gets paid by the letter with bonuses for commas, hyphens and italics. A tenet to writing and speaking, all communication for that matter is to be clear and concise. (FAIL Mr. Hughes) “heretofore,” I can even try to get a grasp of what was actually written in the post, I need to take a break from laughing hysterically at the use of the word, “heretofore”. 

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