Watch Andrew Garfield don his spider-suit for the first time since 2014…again…in Spider-Man: No Way Home this weekend

Sony's box office juggernaut will be returning to theaters with 11 minutes of extra footage for Labor Day weekend

Aux News Spider-Man
Watch Andrew Garfield don his spider-suit for the first time since 2014…again…in Spider-Man: No Way Home this weekend
From left to right: Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, Jamie Foxx as Electro, Alfred Molina as Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin, and Tom Holland as Spider-Man in an exclusive new image from Spider-Man: No Way Home Image: Sony Pictures

A vision from the future: it’s two days from now, Labor Day weekend 2022, and you’re sitting in your hometown’s movie theater, popcorn in hand. You’ve been happily following Tom Holland and Zendaya’s latest high-flying adventure when… oh my god… is that… Andrew Garfield in a spider-suit (aka one of the worst-kept secret twists in cinematic history)?

Okay, fine. We know nothing can ever replicate the feeling of watching those Peter Parkers of yore (Garfield and Tobey Maguire) emerge from the portal for the first time, but you may want to try to tap into a multiverse version of yourself that hasn’t already seen Spider-Man: No Way Home this weekend, because all three Peters are back, baby! And they’re bringing 11 extra minutes of footage with them. (Not to mention those sweet, sweet Marvel dollars that will re-infuse the box office after a particularly bleak weekend.)

Sony announced back in June that they would be re-releasing their cinematic juggernaut–what Disney is calling the More Fun Stuff version–in over 3,800 theaters this weekend. Peter Parker and co. will be joined by Miles Teller and his omni-present mustache, as Top Gun: Maverick will also be expanding to 3,105 theaters by Friday (per Variety). If you were dreaming of spending the last long weekend of summer reliving these timely classics, your wish has certainly been granted! Just make sure to salute our queen and lord of AMC, Nicole Kidman, for her benevolence before taking your seat.


  • rpdm-av says:

    In a real fight between Spiderman and Captain America it would be so one sideded it wouldn’t even be funny. Spiderman would take away the Cappy’s shield with a web and then proceed to beat him with it. Spiderman is stronger and faster than a normal human where Captain America was only maximized human potential…and carried a shield (but no sword). – Hojo, Virginia Beach, United States, 31/5/2013 11:09

    • gendry-baratheon-av says:

      My favorite scene from the original Secret Wars limited series in the mid-80s is when Spider-Man absolutely clowns the entire X-Men roster.

    • dudebra-av says:

      There have been numerous examples of the MCU Cap being super strong, like the Ultimate Marvel Cap, most notably, surviving a blow from Mjolnir in The Avengers. Earth 616 Cap would have been a wet spot behind his indestructible shield if he got hit like that.In conclusion, MCU Cap, although possibly still at a disadvantage to the more agile Spidey, would acquit himself quite well in any confrontation between the two.I’m not a nerd, you’re a nerd.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    We know nothing can ever replicate the feeling of watching those Peter Parkers of yore

  • eastxtwitch-av says:

    New footage sounds cool, but the photo just reminds me of what a lame version of Sandman this movie gave us.

  • dirtside-av says:

    *Peters Parker

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    oh my god —> oh my GodPeter Parkers —> Peters Parkeromni-present —> omnipresent

    • hardscience-av says:

      Genuinely curiousWhat if I have more or less than one god? Why capitalize “G” if I’m using a common noun? Like, if I have zero gods and am using the phrase colloquially, why would I capitalize god? Or, if I have six gods, and am referring to one generally, as none go by “God?”
      In the MCU, do Thor or Zeus have to capitalize the “G” in “Oh my god” even though they are gods and have no one higher in their pantheon?

      • volunteerproofreader-av says:

        Common phrases like “Oh my God”, “God only knows”, and “by God” are about the monotheistic deity (who always gets proper noun status). They’re using “God” like the U.S. “founding fathers” did with “God-given rights.” They weren’t talking about the Christian deity; they just meant the theoretical most powerful motherfucker in the universe, literally the only entity who could ever grant truly inalienable rights. It was enormously useful as a concept.And it’s the same with the common blasphemies we enjoy today! But if you change God to lowercase, you’re just sucking all the life out of them. “God only knows” wouldn’t even make sense if you didn’t mean the monotheistic capital-G deity.But aside from all that, they’re already phrases that exist. An A.V. Club writer can’t just change the formatting of phrases however they want. That’s for pretentious novelists and shit

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