
Stargirl delivers an exhilarating season finale

An action-packed episode wraps up season two and teases a bunch of storylines for season three

TV Reviews Stargirl
Stargirl delivers an exhilarating season finale
Photo: The CW

Stargirl’s debut season was so strong that by the time the show got to its somewhat perfunctory action climax, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that season one hadn’t lived up to its full potential. This time around, however, I’m having the opposite reaction. In retrospect, Stargirl’s second season was an overstuffed but underbaked affair that had some impressive high points but never quite coalesced into something greater than the sum of its parts. So it’s smart that this finale prioritizes action-packed excitement over everything else. Though Stargirl doesn’t exactly cut its losses in “Summer School: Chapter Thirteen,” it’s clearly more focused on wowing its audience with superhero razzle dazzle and enticing teases than on putting a neat bow on the season we just watched.

But when that razzle dazzle includes cool fight scenes, dramatic character beats, and the surprise appearance of not only S.T.R.I.P.E., Thunderbolt, and Solomon Grundy, but also the Crock family, The Shade, and Starman himself, it’s hard to mind too much. Intellectually there are all sorts of holes I can punch in this season’s storytelling choices—and I’ll probably spend a lot of this review doing just that. But it’s worth acknowledging that I had an absolute blast watching this episode. “Chapter Thirteen” takes a “throw everything at the wall!” approach to the show’s massive ensemble storytelling. And it’s fun to see what amounts to the Avengers: Endgame final battle done on a DC/CW budget.

The majority of “Chapter Thirteen” centers on the climatic battle against Eclipso. The demon reveals that his masterplan is to take over Courtney’s body, combine her power of light with his power of darkness, merge the Shadowland with Earth, consume all of humanity, and fashion himself as a god. (In other words, just another average Tuesday in Blue Valley.) To break the sunny superheroine’s spirit, Eclipso tortures her friends with their worst fears. Yolanda faces off with a disparaging Ted Grant, Cindy battles her younger self, Pat rumbles with a crueler version of himself, and Beth watches in horror as her parents are emotionally manipulated by one of Eclipso’s visions. Yet it’s only once Pat is physically tortured in front of her that Courtney finally admits she hates Eclipso and gives the demon an opportunity to possess her.

One of the most unexpected choices this finale makes is to anchor the ultimate battle for Courtney’s soul in the character of Sylvester Pemberton, who finally finished up at that diner in Nevada and made his way to Blue Valley just in time for the fireworks show. It’s a testament to Joel McHale’s performance—and to the way the show has depicted Sylvester in this season’s flashbacks—that the moment works even though Courtney and Sylvester have never actually met before. They’re bonded together as the two people the Cosmic Staff trusts. And that allows Sylvester to break through to Courtney’s innate goodness in a visually stunning sequence where they’re floating above the town square.

In fact, of the many, many characters who appear in this finale, Courtney is the only one who really gets a satisfying conclusion to her season-long arc. Last season, Courtney learned to embrace a more nuanced view of herself and her heroism; she could still be a superhero even if her abilities weren’t inherited from her father. This season, Courtney has learned to embrace a more nuanced view of humanity at large. Yes, everyone has the capacity for darkness inside of them, but they also have the capacity for goodness too. Seeing those shades of grey fuels Courtney’s optimism, rather than dulls it. And that’s exactly why Sylvester knows she’s the perfect person to wield the staff—with a few more lessons from him that is.

Sylvester moving into the Whitmore-Dugan household is one of the many exciting teases “Chapter Thirteen” delivers for next season. Elsewhere, the Crocks buy the house next door, Cindy asks Yolanda for a chance to turn over a new leaf by joining the JSA, Mike pitches Jakeem on starting a superhero team of their own, Cameron’s grandparents inform him of his ice powers, and The Shade hints at Solomon Grundy’s return as well as his own decision to stay in Blue Valley (yay!). And that’s not even mentioning the post-credits return to the ominous Helix Institute for Youth Rehabilitation from “Chapter Ten” to set up next season’s big bad, Mister Bones (voiced by Keith David).

Yet all that excitement for the future makes it easy to miss just how much this season bungles some of its own ongoing arcs. The most egregious is Yolanda, who just kind of gets over her debilitating guilt/PTSD and permanently rejoins the JSA after the fight against Eclipso. Cindy’s switch to the good side also feels pretty rushed. And, in retrospect, it’s weird that the first chunk of this season put such a focus on introducing Jennie and Thunderbolt/Jakeem only to sideline those characters for much of its run. Elsewhere, poor Rick ends this season completely powerless and no one even seems to notice. And while Beth, at least, has had a solid and empowering second season, the way this episode awkwardly writes Dr. McNider out of the story by sending him off to Indiana to be with his wife and hitherto unmentioned 10-year-old son is one of the many clunky storytelling choices in this finale.

Still, considering what the show was up against both with filming a season during a global pandemic and handling the shift from a DC Universe budget to a CW one, Stargirl’s second season did an admirable job keeping the ship afloat and adding some compelling new pieces in the process. I’m particularly excited that season three has been subtitled “Frenemies.” From Courtney’s uneasy bond with Cindy to Crusher Crock’s affection for Pat to The Shade’s entire existence, Stargirl has carved out a unique niche as a superhero show that’s as interested in humanizing its villains as its heroes. And while the pure, unfiltered evil of Eclipso made for an interesting change of pace, I suspect a focus on human drama will let Stargirl shine even brighter.

Stray observations

  • I don’t know, Beth, I feel like transforming a sentient creature into a piece of burnt toast is basically the equivalent of killing him.
  • This week’s Luke Wilson Scene I Could Watch For An Hour: Two Luke Wilsons in one episode?!? Be still my beating heart! As with Pat’s turn toward the dark side with Rick’s uncle last week, I thought Wilson did an excellent job bringing some ominous notes to Pat’s usually sunny demeanor.
  • Seeing the new, improved S.T.R.I.P.E. back in action for the first time this season was fun, but watching Zeke calmly take in Thunderbolt’s existence was even better.
  • I don’t know if the plan was always to reveal The Shade’s death was just his “flair for the dramatic” or if that was a last minute retcon based on how well he worked as a character, but I’m so glad we’ll be getting more of Jonathan Cake’s stellar performance!
  • I teared up at Dr. McNider telling Beth’s parents, “You both should be very proud.” It’ll be a fun subversion to watch Beth have to deal with her uber supportive helicopter parents next season.
  • This finale punts all our Sylvester Pemberton questions to next season, but I still want to know what was up with him visiting Pat’s ex-wife at that diner.
  • I loved Courtney’s montage of happy memories that remind her she’s loved by her friends and family.
  • On behalf of myself and my regular fill-in recapper Jarrod Jones, thank you so much for following along with this season of reviews! See you back here in 2022!


  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Pretty much the only tease that didn’t pay off in this episode was Alicia Witt’s appearance as Pat’s ex-wifeMy excitement over the “surprise” guest appearences, ranked:1. The Shade—what a g.d. showman 2. Sylvester, nice timing, finally 3. Artemis & Sportsmaster & Tigress, I anticipate them being the best possible neighbors 4. Keith David as the Skull or whatever the fuck he is 5. Thunderbolt finally back from China, I sort of like his positive attitude 6. Solomon Grundy, who supposedly died on a Saturday not Tuesday, but apparently he isn’t really dead If I get a vote about Cindy joining the team, it is “yes” 

    • haodraws-av says:

      Re: 4. It’s Mr. Bones. Here’s him reacting to the JSA reforming:

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      Grundy is a zombie, so every time he dies, he gets revived. In the comics, a different part of his personality comes to the forefront (which sometimes results in him being able to talk normally), but none of the adaptations of him have used that, so who knows if Stargirl will.

    • sonicoooahh-av says:

      Some of the reporting from last month about Joel McHale becoming a series regular in Season 3 mentioned that the show had been renewed in May.Obviously that gave them plenty of time to lock down the expanded cast, even if some of this episode’s ending turns out to be a head fake, but I hope they also signed Alicia Witt to recur or at least held in reserve in case they decide to use her because she was a very recognizable name to be an uncredited waitress.Though, I guess if she just happened to be in Vancouver on another set, already COVID-clear and they needed an actress with gravitas… but I have been hoping all season she will reappear. (Though, if they’re going to make her Starman’s new girlfriend and continue the meanness about Pat being just a sidekick, I’d rather they not and her appearance just be for future editions of Trivial Pursuit.)

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Alicia Witt? You’re trying to get me to watch this, aren’t you?

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        I mean, Alicia Witt was only on the series this season for like ten seconds. But it got my attention too

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Never fails to work on me. I sat thru every excruciating second of Urban legend

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            I even watch Alicia Witt’s Hallmark Christmas movies

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Oh G-d, “movies” plural? I knew she was in one of ‘em but I didn’t see that.

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            I like her Alicia Witt’s energy in the XMas movies. She usually plays a Christmas-hating meanie who softens toward the holiday somewhat & of course falls in love

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            Ooh, that’s a bridge too far. 

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Hopefully we get more Alicia Witt! I’d expect it just on the fact that it would be a tremendous waste to just have her for one scene. On the other hand, this season was kind of a waste of Nick Tarabay’s talents (not that the young actor playing kid Eclipso wasn’t good).
      I’m amazed that Sportsmaster and Tigress would making anything so carb-laden as blueberry muffins.
      Cindy on the team is a definite yes!

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        The young actor playing Bruce/ Eclipso was hella creepyI think we’ll see more of Alicia Witt, partly because there seems to be mystery about what her character’s deal is and how the breakup (and her estrangement from Mike?) happened 

  • sock-monkee-av says:

    Re: the stray observation: I thought Sylvester was just tracking down Pat by way asking the ex-wife where he might be. I hadn’t considered anything weird or mysterious was happening.Am I the only one who thought Gran and Gramps Icicle might be a little too close in the gene pool? I guess I’ve probably watched too many HBO shows.Coming 2022: Icicle Joonya!

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I though the same thing about Grandma and Grandpa being inbred. If it’s genetic, as they seem to imply …

      • sock-monkee-av says:

        Yes. Oh, your respective power sets seems coincidentally identical? Sure, Jan.I guess they could be a race of people like the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, Loki’s biological parent(s). Just regular-sized I guess.

  • haodraws-av says:

    I wasn’t feeling this season as much as everyone else seem to be, but I really enjoyed this finale. Everyone showing up was great, and all the teases for Season 3 are truly exciting.I still much prefer Season 1 as a whole to Season 2. The pacing feels off this season. I understand that they’re trying to make it more character-oriented, but being somber and contemplative doesn’t automatically mean it’s doing a deep or interesting enough look at the characters. Rick and Yolanda kinda feel like afterthoughts even though their respective conflicts are on display in almost every episodes. Also not digging what they’re doing with Jennie so far. They did a great job making Mike really likable, though, and Jakeem also manages to not be annoying, so that’s also great.I know it’s just the nature of the story they’re telling this season and the main villain, but I wish next season they’ll put more focus on the JSA as a whole group. Inject some fun, have them hangout more without worrying too much about the next threat. They need to be friends outside of the suits, too.I’m expecting the show to bring in Todd/Obsidian next season, if Jennie comes back. I’d personally want a more grounded season, and one way to do it would be to bring in the other JSA legacy kids, the Infinity Inc. to serve as frenemies(see, the subtitle already fits!) to our JSA.Hector Hall(Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s son), Sandy Hawkins(Sandman’s sidekick), Al Rothstein and/or Grant Emerson(Atom’s kids), Tom Bronson(Wildcat’s son). Maybe Todd was recruited by them, which explains where he went. Maybe Mr Bones got hold of them first! Maybe Rick, being the only one of the current JSA to be a flesh-and-blood legacy, gets invited to join them. It practically writes itself.Oh, and add in Michael Holt(the second Mr Terrific) and Pieter Cross(the third Dr. Midnite) somehow. They’re a great duo.

    • bigbydub-av says:

      Courtney’s JSA reboot IS Infinity Inc.

      • haodraws-av says:

        In practice, I guess! But in function, Infinity Inc. was the challenger to the old JSA. My idea was to make them a challenger to the “rightful successors”, before having them all realize they’re all worthy and making up, and then get spin-off into their own series. Wishful thinking, I know, but these characters are probably my favorite comic book group of characters haha.

  • shlincoln-av says:

    Frenemies is just the best possible name for the third season, love it. And Keith David as Director Mister Bones is chef’s kiss perfect.
    I definitely agree that the finale, and the season as a whole, felt very disjointed, but I’m willing to blame the tire fire that’s been the past few years and not the show itself. Hopefully they can get that tightened up next season, and also maybe make the tone not quite so grim?One thing I did wonder though, what if the key to beating Eclipso wasn’t punching him real hard, but just giving him a hug instead? I haven’t thought it out fully, but maybe have kindness beat the big unstoppable evil instead of more violence.  But I guess that’s more of a Squirrel Girl solution to a problem, not Stargirl.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Maybe we can ask Legends of Tomorrow’s Mona to hug it out with Eclipso. It’s fine, she can turn into a werewolf!

    • sock-monkee-av says:

      I had a similar thought re: reactions to Eclipso. I wondered what his reaction (and effects on his powers) might be if Courtney had said something like she pitied and/or felt bad for him, instead of the hatred.

    • donboy2-av says:

      I really wanted to understand what can and can not hurt Eclipso, but failed.  Does physical force have no effect all?  Just need enough?  Need electricity?  Got me.

      • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

        As a demon, he has superhuman endurance and strength, but nowhere near Kryptonian level. Feeding on Darkness likely heals him like it did Shade. He’s also likely much stronger in the Shadowlands than on Earth, which is why he wanted to merge the two.
        Aside from him just enjoying despair, there’s probably a reason why he usually operates through deception and manipulation rather than brute force.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Yeah, it’s a little weird when the power of good is just a different colored energy beam than the power of the dark. It’s nice when you can have a better manifestation of what it means to be good. Courtney’s flashback was a nice reminder of that, then it was back to energy beams. 

  • kris1066-av says:

    They left without taking Jennie?The boys are useless (so far).Was expecting that the JSA would end up having been fighting each other.
    Hope that that Chinese food is still hot.
    Love how Zeek just rolls with things.
    Hey, a chainsaw.
    Well, that slo-mo only took all day.
    There’s the end of Grundy.
    Was expecting the fact that the fight was happening in front of Icicle’s mural to be significant.
    That was obviously Starman.
    Soooooo…are Dr. McNider and the Shade a thing?
    Yolanda: “We are not killing my girlfriend.”
    He’s toast.
    The battle is fought, and there’s still 20 minutes left.
    The way Courtney’s face lit up after Yolanda said that she was staying.
    Does anybody have a good pic of Pat’s cast? I want to see all of the signatures.
    And now Courtney’s going to get an upgrade?
    Wish Beth had gotten Hootie.
    Looks like Cameron will be going full villain next season.
    Is this a way of basically writing Mike and Jakeem out of the story?
    Careful what you wish for Beth. (Let’s hope she does get the outfit upgrade.)
    Cindy knows that the way to Courtney’s heart is through Yolanda.
    And there’s the Crocks as the new neighbors.
    We guessed right. The Helix Institute as next season’s villains.

    • inthesilence13-av says:

      Yolanda: “We are not killing my girlfriend.”
      the way I let out the biggest laugh 🤣 I do agree though. You think they’ll be a thing, or just like besties(but we would be more if it wasn’t the CW)? 

      • kris1066-av says:

        They should be more. Honestly, the relationship between Courtney and Yolanda is perhaps the most developed one on the show.

        • inthesilence13-av says:

          totally agree. while I’m not saying every pair of best friends has to be together, it totally fits here. not taking advantage of the chemistry the actresses have is a very CW move though(except for Legends, they always know what to do, fingers crossed for esperastra)

      • jellosalvationist-av says:

        Looking at Legends, there’s no LGBT embargo to be had or anything. Courtney has always had the best chemistry with girls her age (read: Maxine) and the one time I remember her with a boyfriend it was lame as hell and nobody liked it, but back in the day Johns almost always avoided any ships with her. Understandably.I’mma go out on a limb and say there’s no risk and I hope they do, and I refuse to believe there’s any legacy Stargirl fandom invested in her being straight.

  • danielnegin-av says:

    OK, I am down for entire season of the Crocks being the wacky next door neighbors.

    • avcham-av says:

      They’re definitely the types to drop in without knocking.

      • angelicafun-av says:

        and Crusher will definitely be waking up Pat super early in the morning to go running and they give him looks during Thanksgiving dinner they invited themselves over. CAN’T WAIT! 

    • forkish-av says:

      Between them (Crusher’s crazy one-sided best friendship with Pat is too funny) and Keith David as the big bad next season, I’m in.

    • ellestra-av says:

      I don’t understand how they are not being hauled back to prison but I’m all for it.

  • deathmaster780-av says:

    Well that was fun, I really enjoyed this season. It definitely had its issues and I agree that Rick and Yolanda’s story arcs didn’t feel fully realized. Same with Sylvester and Icicle Jr. who’ve been out of the picture until now. (The latter disappeared again just like he did last season)I do like the premise of next season, the heroes and villains having to live together in the same town. It’s going to be a fun clash.And lastly, Director Bones! Stargirl delivering what Supergirl never did.

  • danielnegin-av says:

    I like the fact that they came back around to Beth getting chosen. When Eclipso was taunting her one of the things he seized on was that unlike Rick and Yolanda she wasn’t chosen by Courtney to be part of the JSA. she joined the team by force when she took the goggles. Here you have the moment where Dr. McNider essentially hands her the mantle. She’s been chosen.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I hadn’t picked up on that, it’s a good observation. I like the idea that Beth’s parents are going to be worse now that they are actually paying attention to her. 

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Very much enjoyed this season. Would like a scene of Cort & friends visiting the now deranged art-teacher in Blue Valley’s version of Arkham. Bring him a plate of cookies, maybe.I do miss the the tightness of S1 – just the 4 teen heros. They’ve blown up the cast now to triple size (in other words: normal CW sized casts) and I hope they can continue the balancing act.When The Shade showed up: “Ha! Nice. Give that guy a fucking spin-off Pronto.”

  • watcherzero-av says:

    Grundys resurrection is similar to Swamp Thing, they both have a similar level of immortality and Grundy will regenerate even that massive hole in his chest if hes put in swamp water.

    • sock-monkee-av says:

      Some other reality/timeline in our multiverse is going to get a great Swamp Thing/Stargirl crossover next season.

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    – God, that opening fight scene was great. The choreography was amazing, yes, but also, the fact that Eclipso was allowed to be absolutely brutal in his fight. Unlike a lot of other Arrowverse fights, you could feel that Eclipso really was trying to kill the group.- Mike piloting STRIPE against Eclipso was just as awesome as I wanted it to be. My only complaint is that it happened early in the episode, so the mech couldn’t “really” save the day.- Grundy’s CG is terrible, as usual, but I don’t care. Seeing him “die” (in so much as Grundy CAN die) was so sadder than William’s death on Supergirl.- As if Shade surviving wasn’t obvious before, seeing him die again in the recap was the biggest flag.- Brec Basinger is a talented actress, but she really doesn’t have the voice to really do hammy evil villain very well. – Shade’s return was pitch perfect. Every second. Loved it.- That was a very awkward transition into the two Mid-Nite costumes.- What the absolute fuck took Sylvester so long?- Gotta admit, I teared up a bit at the flashback montage.- God, seeing everyone come together was so, so awesome. – Eclipso literally becoming toast is hilariously perfect. – My one complaint is that Jennie didn’t get much to do, but the episode was so damn good I didn’t mind.- I am a little surprised Mid-Nite didn’t repair the AI before he left.- I forgot about Cameron, but it didn’t hamper the main plot line since I figured it’d be a Season 3 thing anyway. – So… I’m glad Cindy is sticking around because the character is great, but “I deserve a free pass too” is hilariously incredulous of her. I wonder what she’s going to do for money?- Dunno how I feel about Beth’s parents parents getting back together, but them wanting to fully support her superhero career is neat.- The Crocks somehow being able to move in next door makes no sense whatsoever, but I love it anyway. – Dr. Bones keeping his skull head AND being voiced by Keith Fucking David!? All of the Yes!- Ya know, pairing up Stargirl and Supergirl just shows off how hilariously inept the latter show is. Not only are the writing, pacing, CG, and maybe even acting better, but I’d argue the show does the feminism angle a helluva lot better. 

    • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

      I assume Cindy inherited a fair amount from her father. Don’t know if her step-mom being also dead means there will be some kind of trust or conservator, though. But she probably knows where the secret stash is hidden.I am beside myself happy that the Shade is back, and with such flair! Can’t wait for him next season.

      • radarskiy-av says:

        I have wondered if Cindy really is a teenager or if this is part of her father’s experimentation. The “step-mother” always seemed to be more of a minion to keep tabs on Cindy.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      When Cameron reappeared my only thought was “Oh yeah, that guy.” I’m a little curious about why both his grandparents have ice powers. Did they both get them independently or is there a lot of inbreeding in the family?

      • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

        It would not surprise me if their ice powers weren’t natural. Given their age and background, I’m betting they were escapees from Nazi gene manipulation experiments. 

        • aliks-av says:

          Are they German? I assumed they were Scandinavian

          • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

            Germany occupied Norway for a good chunk of WW2. Perfect excuse to use random citizens as guinea pigs 

          • kencerveny-av says:

            Could be Nazi sympathizers from Norway.

          • radarskiy-av says:

            The Mahkents are Norwegian, but here was a significant National Socialist party in Norway before and during the occupation. The word “quisling” comes from the collaborationist President of Norway during WWII.

          • aliks-av says:

            Something about their dialogue in the first season made me think their power was more mythological than evil science-y

        • briliantmisstake-av says:

          They’re Norwegian, although they could still be victims of Nazi experiments. 

        • kromnulent-av says:

          My guess is that they’re really frost giants, but maybe I’ve just been watching too much Ragnarok.

      • ellestra-av says:

        I think they are Ice Giants or from Jotunheim or something like that.

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Can we actually give Cindy the Shiv a do-over, though? Has she killed anyone in her teenage years? I feel like she might have. She definitely deserves a do-over for her real mom. Fake Mom … eh. You can blame that on Calypso. Her Dad’s cave dwelling automatons don’t count. Idk, maybe she can skate.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I love how blithe Cindy is in thinking she should be given a “pass,” like how she just casually says “my bad” when Pat reminds her that his robot is out of commission because of her. She does deserve a chance at rehabilitation however, especially because she herself was the victim of monstrous abuse & we know she regrets what happened to her mother. But it is going to be more & harder work to change than she realizes. 

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        Jennie’s not going to be there to bribe her with pancakes, either. That will make it a bit harder to keep her on side.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I feel like Jennie & Cindy have been kind of wary of each other & circling each other so far. It will be interesting to see if they actually become friends (both are orphans) or what 

      • radarskiy-av says:

        Half the comedy of the next season will be getting Cindy to take responsibility for her actions, instead of action on pure id.
        “What, is that supposed to be bad? I feel like you’re judging me, Courtney.”

    • shlincoln-av says:

      Iirc at a minimum Cindy’s killed all of her parents, but there were certainly extenuating circumstances in all of those cases.

  • fireupabove-av says:

    I very much enjoyed this whole season, but seeing all the heroes & villains teamed up at the end was SO GOOD. I am happy to see Cindy, Shade, & the Crocks sticking around. Seeing a Green Lantern ring in action on a CW show – never thought it would happen! I wonder if Earth-2 Diggle will pay Jennie a visit to talk shop?
    To me, the biggest loose end this season was Cameron. They seemed to be setting him up to be a major presence, but in the end he didn’t really do anything except get sensitive at Courtney for always ditching him.KEITH DAVID as the big bad in season 3?! Sign me the hell up!

  • simvamp-av says:

    I feel like this review is a little harsh to be honest. I thought this was one of the strongest finales of any CW or superhero show out there and deserves at least an A-. I would argue Beth and Mike had strong, satisfying conclusions to their journeys and didn’t find anything that clumsy in the finale. In fact, my biggest positive of the finale is that they managed to bring back and tie in so many things from the season in a very satisfying manor. Cindy attempting to change and join the JSA felt very natural to me after what happened in the last couple of episodes and doesn’t mean her arc is complete and she has changed. I am pretty sure she will continue to have struggles about where she wants to go next season. Only one I really agree with is Yolanda (as Rick didn’t have much of an arc anyway apart from the Grundy relationship, which was wrapped up in a satisfying way). Her arc felt a little rushed at the end and I was expecting to the Brainwave stuff to come back again.

    • souzaphone-av says:

      Yes, I have really liked this season but have been hesitant to jump on the “Stargirl is the best show on the CW” bandwagon due to a few issues, but…this was not only the best episode of Stargirl yet, but one of the best episodes that the Arrowverse has produced. Every few minutes there was a satisfying payoff to something that had been set up earlier in the season. The battles were extremely well done and exhilirating. The ending had me super excited for next season. Just an incredible capper to a season that started a bit rough and got better in almost every episode.

      I think this season had a real “Buffy Season 2″ vibe (plus showing how the villain of Season 7 should have been done right), it’s just lacking that extra flair that made the characters of that show such a joy to watch. I still don’t really find Courtney herself all that interesting, but I never get bored with this show because it is spinning so many plates in the air at once–though it never feels unfocused. As others have mentioned, Stargirl has as many characters if not more than the other CW shows, but they never seem stuck in useless storylines like those do, and as this episode shows, they all serve a purpose to the main storyline.

    • spikemike-av says:

      Superman and Lois is better, but I love the updated budgets these shows get, it’s such an improvement on the other shows and Supergirl looks so stupid next to this show.

  • tonysnark45-av says:

    Well, that was a lot of fun. I really need more Courtney and Cindy team-up fights because that was amazing. Too bad Eclipso absolutely rocked them.Yolanda’s back! Rick’s back! Beth’s parents are…eh. Jennie’s back…and she’s gone.Cindy wants to join the JSA? Yes, please. See above.The Crocks are moving in next door? Holy shit! I think I laughed for about two minutes straight when they were behind the door.
    Keith David voicing the Big Bad? YES, PLEASE!See ya in ‘22!

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Subtitling this season “Summer School” remains a strange choice as they pretty much dropped the summer school stuff midway through. They may as well have called it “Eclipsed” or better yet, not bothered to subtitle it at all given Season 2 works just fine.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    I’ll miss this show. One thing I like it is that for a show based around teenagers it’s very light on the teen romance angle (outside of Courtney and Yolanda’s forbidden love).

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      The show certainly did not let the Yolanda-Henry-Cindy love triangle in s1 have time to bog down 

  • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

    As someone whose favorite trope is Villain Saves the Day, I loved it all! Except the extremely dodgy CG when Eclipso was climbing up the buildings. I get that they spent it on STRIPE and the Thunderbolt, but it was still distracting.As I have been all season, I remain the president of the Shade Appreciation Society. I am SO happy to have him back, and even happier that he is staying in Blue Valley next season. Speaking of next season, I think that Cameron as a villain is going to be a fake out. Since the villains and heroes are going to work together, I think he will fall in with them. There may be some conflict because he hates and distrusts Cindy, but if Courtney can win Cindy over, she can win Cameron over. Frenemies works for him and Cindy, too.YES to the Crocks next door. But the Crocks bringing muffins? Carbs? I don’t think so. That broke my suspension of disbelief far more than goblins of darkness, giant zombies or sentient pink lightning. Cannot wait for more chances to root for the villains without guilt in season three. Bring it on!

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      That actually was the best part to me about the Crockers unexpectedly showing up at the end, other than Artemis being super-polite addressing “Mr and Mrs Dugan,” was Tigress bringing muffins/ carbs, which as much as anything shows they are trying to meet Pat & Barbara halfway

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      LOL I had the exact same thought about the muffins and carbs. They are probably some kind of keto friendly monstrosity.

    • sock-monkee-av says:

      Re: Cameron’s allegiance and moral compass: I guess it might depend on what his grandparents know about his dad’s death. Mike might be in trouble for real. Nobody better touch Max though! Got it, Show?

  • redwolfmo-av says:

    A fine wrap up to an uneven season. Its pretty clear to me that COVID impacted the flow the season in a few ways, but Stargirl is still the best Arrowverse show going right now.Looking forward to Keith David as Mr. Bones next season, but no way they spend the $ to keep generating a skull head. My guess is he gets a “face” that can be taken off etc.This show is a little less JSA-2 and more Infinity Inc, which is fine! Nice to see Starman is back. Wonder what device they will use to justify his not dying or resurrection? I’m guessing we’re going to find out that E1 Jay Garrick is somehow the Flash from this earth too? Perhaps some of the other old JSA members will come back too.I called Shade being alive. For one thing, he’s a favorite character of both James Robinson and Geoff Johns. For another, he’s awesome and I’m looking forward to more of him.I’m calling it now- we get a Ted Knight explanation/meeting/flashback with Sylvester in S3 showing how the staff came to be etc.  God help me, I almost wonder if this show could do Jack and do him right…

    • haodraws-av says:

      It’s kind of a longshot, but I think Mr Bones might have an Infinity Inc. of his own already. Todd was at Helix, and now he’s gone somewhere. The Inc. was tied closely to Bones originally, and both Robinson and Johns absolutely loved those characters—they stacked their JSA run with Inc. members. At the very least, I’m expecting Al/Atom Smasher, but with the Black Adam movie using the character it might be out of the cards.

      • redwolfmo-av says:

        yeah im guessing the Black Reign characters are out. would have been interesting to see Smasher but it is what it is. Think Starman will become Skyman? And yeah Bones isn’t necessarily evil!  Though that cyanide touch is nasty business

        • haodraws-av says:

          I think with the show becoming so crowded, they won’t even put Sylvester back in a costume, or at least not permanently. I’m fully expecting him to be gone by the end of next season—though I wish he stays, love Joel McHale.

          • redwolfmo-av says:

            I agree he won’t be back in a permanent costume – at least not as a permanent cast member.  There are no adult heroes on this show- even Pat doesnt really pilot STRIPE anymore.  Dr. McNider has retired back to home and if we get Jay Garrick its going to be as a guest spot

  • newbender2-av says:

    Oh, thank God the Crocks arrived just in the nick of time to…throw a couple baseballs at Eclipso and then stand around while the heroes actually took him out.So, did finding out their daughter is a superhero rekindle the Chapels’ love life? Because that’s…ew. What weird sexy times those would be.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    This reminded me a bit of the season finale of True Blood where they finished off the crazy Greek goddess chick/big bad halfway through the episode and used the second half to set for the next season.

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    “What the f-” indeed, Courtney, in the best possible way. With this show doing such a great job of humanising its villains (since I don’t think we’ll see completely ‘good’ versions of the Crocks and Shade) I do have to wonder just how on earth they’ll fit into things next season.

    I really hope Shade takes on a mentor role, or something that allows him to stylishly materialise and then drop an arch bon mot every so often.Will Starman’s return be linked to Crisis? It’d be an easy ‘fix’ that then opens the door for future crossovers: Stargirl and the Legends, please. Mister Bones looked amazing, and thanks to Keith David sounded fantastic too. I’m unfamiliar with the character, though – does he have any particular powers? Can’t Jakeem wish Rick’s hourglass gets fixed? 

    • jellosalvationist-av says:

      Mr. Bones has the Cyanide Touch ™. Kills on skin contact.We’re almost guaranteed Todd next season, so if the Shade is sticking around, they have to meet and Todd has to get sassed to hell and back by the guy with his powerset, right?

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      Mr. Bones has a cyanide death touch. He and the other Helix kids (who also have powers) were raised by a mad scientist. He reformed (although another villain used him to kill Sylvester Pemberton in the comics). In the comics he is director of the DEO, which is why some of us were hoping he would appear in Supergirl. His condition also renders all his skin and soft tissue invisible, which is why he appears as a skeleton if naked.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Getting Courtney to admit she hates him gives Eclipso the opening to
    possess her. Eclipso said she’d embraced the darkness, but this is a
    ridiculously low bar. Since Cosmo is sentient, couldn’t it just refuse Courtipso’s will?
    Wouldn’t her family turmoil & inherent light powers make Jade the
    better host?
    https://mattthecatania.wordpress.com/2021/11/03/is-stargirls-summer-school-a-sophomore-slump/Yolanda getting pugilized by an illusion of original Wildcat highlights
    how weird it was that she received a costume with claws when his didn’t
    have them.

    Does Beth get custody over Hooty?

    Whereas Wildcat & Tigress have the overt cat motifs, Shiv is the show’s Catra.
    All the build-up to the new ISA was tossed out the window mid-season to
    make way for Eclipso. Although shocking, they could’ve saved that for a
    season finale cliffhanger.

    The cast size ballooned so many players struggled for spotlight. Perhaps
    if these episodes were a full hour there’d be space for everyone. Despite all that, the second season was very entertainingly put together
    without a massive stumble at finish line like last year.

  • psychopirate-av says:

    Grundy’s return was exactly what I predicted, except for his death, which has a lot of potential for next season. I loved every minute of this; some of the writing might not have been great, but the performances were awesome across the board, and there’s a lot of stuff to look forward to next year. I am so impressed with this show, and all the individual actors, and I’m dying for 2022.

  • mason-wheeler-av says:

    > This finale punts all our Sylvester Pemberton questions to next season, but I still want to know what was up with him visiting Pat’s ex-wife at that diner.That seemed pretty obvious: he was trying to track Pat down and find him. Apparently it took him a while, but he eventually made it to Blue Valley.

  • bogovich-av says:

    I agree with so many of the comments, but I’ll only echo this one: “I thought this was one of the strongest finales of any CW
    or superhero show out there and deserves at least an A-.”Next, an answer: “Can’t Jakeem wish Rick’s hourglass gets fixed?” I thought the same, though as I recall, the T-Bolt said in his debut episode that he can’t be asked to do the same thing twice. Maybe Rex Tyler asked Johnny to wish for such a fix once upon a time.Top wish: I really hope the prediction about Ted Knight comes true.One surprise about the comments:  How did nobody bring up that one Helix character was named Baby Boom?  If they use her during the Frenemies season and any JSAer says “Okay, Boomer” to her, you all should mail me five bucks.In closing, the cast seemed to overflow very suddenly, not in the previous 12 episodes, BUT the writers often packed so much into very brief scenes (like McNider’s tear-jerking comment to Beth’s parents) that I’m not too worried about characters getting neglected next season.

  • inobe-av says:

    Loving the fact their another set of parents in the fold. Also Beth is the legacy Dr. Mid-nite costume + brains + nanotech will hopefully make her more effective in the field. Omg I hope Cindy trains her. LOL

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    This show is so fucking awesome. And I got legit goosebumps that the young ladies got to badass pose to beat down Eclipso. What a season finale and yes all of those teasers paying off at the end was great. 

  • decgeek-av says:

    They took a page right out of Flash 101. No matter how much you fuck things up Love always saves the day!

  • joec55-av says:

    Are all the residents of Blue Valley sound sleepers. The residents never seem to be around when the fighting starts. 

  • GeoffDes-av says:

    The fact that the toast was BURNT WITH ECLIPSO’S SYMBOL should have earned this, like, an A++++++.

  • newbender2-av says:

    So, the whole Brainwave thing just kind of fell by the wayside. Did they ever clarify whether he really had implanted his consciousness in Yolanda’s head, or if that was just Eclipso messing with her?

  • radarskiy-av says:

    One small thing that I noticed is that the morning after everyone had a black eye or fat lip or something. The fighting takes it’s toll.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    I would be sad if you all weren’t doing reviews of this show anymore. They were always insightful and featured a great comments section. 

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