Dads, start your engines: The new Ferrari trailer is finally here

Vroom, vroom. Adam drives, Penelope cruises, and Michael manhandles the racing world in the Ferrari trailer

Film News ferrari
Dads, start your engines: The new Ferrari trailer is finally here
Adam Driver in Ferrari Screenshot: Neon

Michael Mann’s long-gestating passion project, Ferrari, is almost here.

Ferrari stars Adam Driver, who, with his refined House Of Gucci accent, plays the automotive legend Enzo Ferrari. Opposite his wife (Penelope Cruz) and his lover (Shailene Woodley), Ferrari is struggling to save his collapsing racecar factory, acknowledge his illegitimate son, and repair his marriage following the tragic death of his young son Dino. Enzo does what any racing legend would do in this situation: Familiarizes himself with the Pauli Expulsion Principle and aims to win the Mille Miglia, a 1,000-mile race across Italy.

This latest trailer is heavy on racing and drama, featuring some of the most kinetic camera work of Mann’s career. With swooping helicopter shots, intense closeups, and a quaking hood cam, Mann does his darnedest to get the viewer in the driver’s seat. Given that he only has two minutes and 26 seconds to get us there, we’ll call the trailer a success.

FERRARI – Official Trailer – In Theaters Christmas

Ferrari is Mann’s first film in nearly a decade. Mann, the patron saint of dads who stand in front of the TV whenever the bank heist from Heat plays on TNT, is shaking off the failure of Blackhat; a failure of both the audience who still haven’t given that techno-thriller its due, and, sure, a failure of editing, considering Mann’s semi-incomprehensible recut. However, despite Blackhat’s domestic box office returns, a dismal $8 million, it’s been something of a hit on Netflix, so maybe the combination of Chris Hemsworth, a screwdriver, and body armor made of magazines has a home on streaming. Nevertheless, for the first time since 2015, we’ll see the words “Directed by Michael Mann” on screens, and isn’t that reason enough to check this one out? Yes. Yes, it is.

Ferrari parks in theaters this Christmas.


  • argiebargie-av says:

    Again, why cast an American and a Spaniard to play Italian characters?

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Because there probably isn’t an Italian representation problem in cinema and the director wanted to work with these actors.

    • snooder87-av says:

      Same reason we cast British actors to play Germans. Or Swedish to play French. Or literally any other combination of “generic white European dude”.Plus, Adam Driver was pretty solid as an Italian in House of Gucci.

    • lmh325-av says:

      Because movies need to make money and Adam Driver and Penelope Cruz sell tickets? Plus white Europeans playing white Europeans isn’t really that alarming.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    “Mann, the patron saint of dads who stand in front of the TV whenever the bank heist from Heat plays on TNT”Oh FUCK YOU that is so mean because it’s 100% true.

  • maymar-av says:

    I want this to be good, but both the CGI and physics in the crash at 2:00 or so looks like a cutscene from a 20yo video game.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I remember there was a gun happy guy in my dorm back in college who was obsessed with Michael Mann because he “got the guns right.” He’d go on for hours about how the sounds were real and the muzzle flair or whatever were accurate for each one. Anyway, I think he ended up joining the marines. ‘MERICA!

  • JohnCon-av says:

    This really promises to be the most Serious Movie where adults scream at each other with fake Italian accents since whatever the last one was. Say what you will about Gaga’s (whatever she was doing), at least that one was campy and kinda fun.

  • testybesty-av says:

    The Ford v Ferrari Cinematic Universe is finally coming together.

  • the1969dodgechargerfan-av says:

    So is this flick the flip-side of Ford V Ferrari?

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