Stephen Amell to wear his Arrow costume for WWE SummerSlam

Aux Features TV

Non-fans of the sport might not know this, but the WWE’s annual SummerSlam isn’t just a place for retired political pundits to hide from the baying crowds and their demands for even-handed debate moderation. It’s also a massive wrestling event where costumed characters melodramatically pretend to kick each other in the teeth. So it’s fitting that Arrow star Stephen Amell’s upcoming appearance at this year’s Slam—where he’s set to face off against social-media feuding partner Stardust—won’t be happening in civilian clothes.

Instead, it’ll be Arrow himself who leaps into the ring, with Amell releasing a promo video showing that he’s packing his costume for a trip to one of the only places on Earth where “leather Robin Hood costume” barely scratches a “4” on the “weird things to walk around in public in” scale. Amell’s video didn’t show whether he was bringing Oliver Queen’s signature weapon with him, too, but if he’s planning on shooting Stardust (or his partner for the match, King Barrett) with an arrow, he’s going to want to bring some talcum powder to blind the refs with first. (Also, he will probably go to jail for murder, a problem no amount of talcum powder is likely to fix.)

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