Stephen Colbert is unable to break Keri Russell with his Star Wars spoiler tactics

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Stephen Colbert is unable to break Keri Russell with his Star Wars spoiler tactics

Foolish Stephen Colbert. On Tuesday’s Late Show, the host thought that, just because she’s no longer portraying Russian super-spy Elizabeth Jennings since The Americans took its final bow last May, she’d be easy to break. Starring as she is (in some capacity) in J.J. Abrams’ upcoming ninth Star Wars episode (of some title), Russell sat in Colbert’s fiendish chit-chat chamber (the Ed Sullivan Theater) and weathered every line of questioning noted Star Wars geek Colbert employed.

At first, Colbert thought he’d spotted an opening, when his nonchalant, “Oh, I forgot the top secret title, what was that top-secret title again?” gambit appeared to have Russell on the verge of spilling. She quickly recovered her Disney-monitored equilibrium, even as Colbert assured her that Abrams is a pal and he totally wouldn’t mind if Russell just let him (and his televised audience) know some things about who she’s playing in the Christmastime release. (Russell did give out the not-at-all-helpful scrap that her character wears a very elaborate costume, so update your fanfic there, gang.)

Trying one last, time-tested trap on the actress (who’s currently starring alongside Kylo Ren himself, Adam Driver, on Broadway), ordering his minions to push in for a tight closeup on Russell. Admonishing his guest that his cameras could pick up even the slightest change in demeanor or micro-expression, Colbert then peppered Russell with his list of deviously prepared questions as to just which character with a slightly awkward-sounding name she’ll been portraying. Yoda’s ex-wife? A Rebellion super-spy with a lot of wigs? Just a space-lady looking for her keys? If there’s any justice (space-justice), Colbert’s final, Chewbacca-adjacent guess will turn out to be on the money, but, as ever, Keri Russell doesn’t talk.


  • mwfuller-av says:

    Not to be rude or disrespectful, but does this boring Late Night show ever really need to be recapped?

    • jason-h-av says:

      I quit watching him when he stopped doing comedy. I watch late show as an escape, not to hear part 2 of inaccurate biased news.But if you can afford to lose half your audience by pushing a bias, then by all means go for it.

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      Indeed, and excuse me if this seems naive, but do puppies have Christmas?

    • squatchbkln-av says:

      I’m pretty sure that you meant to be both rude AND disrespectful, otherwise there would have been no motivation to comment 

    • themanwoaname-av says:

      BUT COLBERT IS AWESOME, HE’S SO FUNNY WHEN HE PRETENDS TO SATIRE.i dont fucking get it either. his satire feels too real to me.

    • yummsh-av says:

      If that’s some weird philosophical metaphor you’re phrasing in order to try and ask the universe whether or not you ever needed to be born, then the answer is no. No, you did not.

    • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

      No, it’s clearly filler. However, I have not watched a Late Show since In The Year 2000 jokes on Conan were still relevant, and I don’t think I ever will again. Recaps are all I need from a show with 4-8 minutes of watchable content.  I wonder how many people are in the same column as me.

      • noneshy-av says:

        I like the Conan travel shows, but I’m not sure that they still counts as a late night talk shows because they’re travel shows that happened to air during a late night talk show time slot.

        • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

          I like all these guys as talents, and I can’t wait to see what they do outside of the extremely limited late night format.  Except Fallon, who is exactly where he belongs.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Not to be rude or disrespectful, but does the “I don’t like thing/why do people like thing?” comment ever need to get made?(although I am sure I have done it myself)

    • recognitions-av says:

      One of the few times I’ve ever agreed with you.

    • eshuster-av says:

      While I’m not saying I don’t like Colbert, I don’t get the idea of an “article” that simply says, “Hey, look at this mildly funny clip.” 

    • calloutthebs-av says:

      whole lot of oldmanscreamingatcloud.jpg going on here

    • jroman007-av says:

      Colbert is as close to genius as late night’s ever gonna get. Enjoy!!!

  • franknstein-av says:
  • thefifthdentist-av says:

    He did the same thing with Kit Harrington/GoT. Go with what works, I guess.

  • eshuster-av says:

    Here is what may be a real early promo poster for Episode IX. Could Keri Russell be the one in the purple costume? The character seems to have a similar build.

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      Was thinking the same thing after seeing both the articles on the site. If true, covering Keri Russell’s face with a mask is bigger than any sin Rian Johnson did in TLJ. Episode 9 is already terrible!

  • akanefive-av says:

    In this thread: a lot of people on very high horses over late night television. Which begs the question… why?

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