Today in Jim Belushi: Stephen Colbert says he slapped Belushi onstage once

Per Stephen Colbert, Belushi was none too pleased about it

Aux News Belushi
Today in Jim Belushi: Stephen Colbert says he slapped Belushi onstage once
Stephen Colbert, Jim Belushi Photo: Arturo Holmes (Getty Images for Montclair Film and North to Shore Festival)

Sometimes, in the midst of a committed “yes, and” things can go horribly awry. Just ask Stephen Colbert, who, on the latest episode of his podcast, Strike Force Five, told co-hosts Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and John Oliver about the time he slapped Jim Belushi. It all began in Colbert’s Second City days when he would play improv games like “Freeze Tag” on stage. The game requires two performers to begin a scene. Then, a third actor calls “freeze,” tags out one performer, and starts a new scene. We promise this is the last we explain the rules of an improv game in this newswire.

Anyway, Colbert says that fellow Second City performer Jim Belushi would regularly “slap people on stage” to get a “shock reaction” from the audience. “He has these big old meathook hands,” Colbert said. “So he would pick someone who he felt like, ‘That guy’s not gonna hit me back.’ And he would jack them.” While Colbert “1,000%” got the joke of slapping people on stage—if we don’t—he did recall a time when things went “a little bit too far.”

“Obviously, Mr. Belushi was not aware it had gone too far. It was all in good fun,” Colbert said as he went into a story about “Freeze Tag,” presumably when his co-hosts leaned in because everyone loves to hear about an improv scene they didn’t see or participate in. During the game, Belushi did his trademark slap, and Colbert called “freeze.” However, instead of tagging someone out, he told the slapped performer, “Hit him back. This is never going to stop unless you hit him back.” Belushi’s victim, as one would, refused.

“So I turned to Belushi, and I said, ‘Like this,’ and I gave him the swiftest crack I could give him from a short distance.” This didn’t go over well. There was “chaos in the house,” and the two men had to be separated as the house lights turned on in the theater. “We’re backstage yelling at each other. It was fantastic,” Colbert said. “He was a little upset.”

Let that be a lesson to us all: commit to the bit, unless the bit is slapping Jim Belushi.

[via The Wrap]


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