Filming their feud in Beef gave Steven Yeun and Ali Wong hives

Even being in a fake road rage battle is apparently very stressful

Aux News steven yeun
Filming their feud in Beef gave Steven Yeun and Ali Wong hives
Beef Photo: Andrew Cooper/Netflix

Road rage “comedy” Beef is coming to Netflix on April 6, and that’s probably not a moment too soon for stars Steven Yeun and Ali Wong, who are probably relieved to be done with it. Speaking at a South By Southwest Q&A (via Variety), Yeun mentioned that their “bodies shut down” when they were done filming, with Wong adding that both of them “broke out in hives” after the shoot. “Mine was on my face. His was all over his body because he’s weak like that,” Wong explained. She also noted that something gross happened to Yeun’s elbow, but wouldn’t elaborate for the sake of the audience.

Beef, which comes from creator Lee Sung Jin, stars Yeun and Wong as two people involved in a road rage incident (he almost backs into her car, or maybe she almost hits him while he’s backing out?). Whoever is truly at fault, a series of honks and curses turns into a full-blown feud as they try to systematically destroy each other. It’s like one of those funny TV prank wars, only sometimes it doesn’t seem very funny (we did put “comedy” in quotes up there, and the show is being billed as a “comedy drama”).

Jin also noted during the SXSW appearance that the inciting road rage incident in the show was based on something that really happened to him, with someone in a fancy SUV honking their horn and yelling at him before driving away. Like Yeun in the show, he decided to follow them after that, but he said that it “didn’t end like it did in the show—that’s why I’m here, able to talk to you today—but it definitely made me think about how we live in such subjective realities where we project onto people we don’t know.”


  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    In the vast, open expanse of the Mongolian steppe, life was harsh and unforgiving. Animals had to be quick and agile to evade the predators that lurked around every corner. And no creature embodied these traits better than the gerbil.The gerbil was a small, furry rodent with large hind legs and a long, tufted tail. It was a master of agility, able to leap distances upwards of 14 feet in a single bound. This incredible ability was the gerbil’s greatest weapon against the predators of the Mongolian steppe.One day, a young gerbil named Zara was out foraging for food when she heard the telltale rustling of a predator nearby. She froze, her heart pounding in her chest, and listened intently for any sign of danger.Suddenly, a large bird of prey swooped down from the sky, its talons outstretched and ready to strike. Zara knew she had only seconds to react.With lightning-fast reflexes, Zara launched herself into the air, using her powerful hind legs to propel herself upwards and out of reach of the predator’s grasp. The bird of prey screeched in frustration as it watched its prey escape, and Zara landed safely on a nearby rock, her heart racing.Over the next few days, Zara encountered several more predators, including foxes and snakes, but each time she was able to evade them with her incredible leaping ability. Her agility and quick thinking had saved her life time and time again, and she began to feel invincible.But one day, as she was leaping across a rocky outcropping, Zara stumbled and fell. She tumbled down the rocks, her body battered and bruised, and landed in a heap at the bottom.For a moment, she lay there, stunned and in pain. But then she heard the sound of a predator approaching, and she knew she had to move quickly if she wanted to survive.With a fierce determination, Zara summoned all her strength and leaped upwards, her body soaring through the air like a bullet. She landed on a nearby boulder, her muscles trembling with exhaustion, and looked down to see the predator staring up at her hungrily.For a moment, Zara thought she was done for. But then she saw a glint of sunlight in the distance and realized that she was near a human settlement. With a burst of energy, she leaped towards the glint, her heart racing with hope.As she landed on the ground near the settlement, she saw the humans approaching her cautiously. But Zara knew that she was safe now, and she let out a sigh of relief.Over time, Zara became a legend among the gerbils of the Mongolian steppe. Her incredible leaping ability had saved her life, and it had inspired others to develop their own agility and quick thinking in the face of danger. And though she had faced many challenges and dangers, Zara knew that she had the strength and resilience to survive anything that came her way.Anything but fucking slideshows.

  • fanburner-av says:

    This is weird when juxtaposed against the article in the sidebar about Florida Man getting charges dropped after he was clearly shooting wildly in his car during a road rage incident.

    • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

      If you accidentally eat fecal matter and feel the need to vomit, it is important to do so carefully and with caution. However, inducing vomiting is not recommended as it can cause further health complications.If you cannot help but vomit after ingesting fecal matter, you should lean over a toilet or basin to avoid inhaling any of the vomit into your lungs. It is important to avoid contact with the vomit and to dispose of it safely and hygienically to prevent the spread of bacteria and infections.After vomiting, it is important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and to rest. You should also seek medical attention as soon as possible to assess any potential risks to your health.In any case, it is essential to take measures to prevent the ingestion of fecal matter in the first place, as it can lead to serious health problems. Always practice good hygiene, wash your hands frequently, and follow proper sanitation practices to minimize the risk of exposure to harmful bacteria and viruses.And never go ass-to-mouth.

  • bryanska-av says:

    “His was all over his body because he’s weak like that”Jesus fucking christ. 

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Is this going to be a thing going forward? Austin Butler hospitalized after Elvis, these two breaking out into hives after filming some Netflix thing. Nobody is going to beat out Heath Ledger, and it’s now clear that half-assing it isn’t going to win you the Oscar.

  • evanfowler-av says:

    “‘Mine was on my face. His was all over his body because he’s weak like that,’ Wong explained”Solid Wong-burn.

  • gargsy-av says:

    ““Mine was on my face. His was all over his body because he’s weak like that,” Wong explained.”

    Wow, that’s really funny.No attempt and being clever or anything, just being a dickhead.

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