Suits reunion falls victim to 2024 Golden Globes ceremony

We sat through nearly three hours of the Golden Globes for a Suits reunion that lacked Markle and sparkle

Aux News Golden Globes
Suits reunion falls victim to 2024 Golden Globes ceremony
Suits stars Sarah Rafferty, Patrick J. Adams, Gabriel Macht and Gina Torres at the Golden Globes Photo: Gregg DeGuire (Golden Globes 2024/Golden Globes 2024 via Getty Images)

Perhaps the biggest snub at tonight’s Golden Globes was a lack of recognition of 2023’s most watched and discussed series: Suits. While The Bear, Succession, and Beef took home gold for their 2023 input, Suits, the 2010s USA original series that, to be clear, is no longer in active production, went home empty-handed. But, A.V. Club, what about that Suits reunion the supposedly new and improved Golden Globes promised? Well, it happened, but none of our problems have been solved!

Striking while the iron is hot, at least in terms of the show’s surprising second-life as a Netflix streaming phenomenon, the cast of Suits, a show that left the air in 2019, appeared at tonight’s Golden Globes to present the award for Best Television Series — Drama. It wasn’t much of a moment, especially with some hoping that famously reclusive Suits star Meghan Markle would attend. Alas, we had to settle for Sarah Rafferty and Gina Torres surprising Patrick J. Adams and Gabriel Macht on stage to a smattering of applause.

Adams, Macht, Rafferty, and Torres all did their best to boost the flailing award show, using the opportunity to mock the industry for basically ignoring the series for nine seasons. “It’s hard to imagine having to wait so long to see your show get that kind of recognition,” Adams joked on stage. It could’ve been a streaming hit this whole time.

Of course, the bit didn’t go over great in the room. Then again, what did tonight? (Other than Will Ferrell saying, “It smells like hot sushi in here!”) Though it left some in the room and online confused about who these people were and what Suits was, the Suits nation seemed pleased to see their old friends again.


  • kbroxmysox2-av says:

    If anyone is disappointed in seeing Gina Torres instead of Megan Markle, then I pity you. What is she? A big damn hero.(Yes, I’m using a Firefly reference, and use Joss Whedon sucks but Gina Torres does not!)

    • dudull-av says:

      This site has been turned into gossip celebrity blog to think anyone who “used to” read AVClub cares about Markle rather than Gina Torres. What’s next? The Writer disappointed that the Golden Bachelor contestant doesn’t appear on any award show?

    • moldybread-av says:

      Suits is what introduced me to Gina Torres, and for that I’m extremely grateful.

    • 777byatlassound-av says:

      loved Torres since she played Anna Espinosa in Alias.

    • seancurry-av says:

      I will ALWAYS be happy to see Gina Torres.

  • shivakamini-somakandarkram-av says:

    I’m sure all 5 people watching were disappointed. 

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    I watched most of Suits when it first ran via Hulu or more accurately, I watched several seasons from its first until I lost interest. It was a good enough show, as were Burn Notice, Covert Affairs and White Collar. My son watched Burn Notice during the pandemic and I watched some of the episodes with him, but I couldn’t imagine rewatching through the entirety of any of those shows.I guess that’s something we will have to get used to in the streaming era: occasional media saturation about a ten year-old show that has been streaming since its first run.

    • doobie1-av says:

      Of that list, I only watched Burn Notice, which was fun if highly formulaic and possessed of a mythology that rivaled the X-Files for needless and confusing expansion, building to a resolution that was clearly not going to be worth it years before it arrived. In retrospect, it’s the kind of show tailor-made to have its writing staff replaced by AI after a year on the air. Not bad, jeven enjoyable, ust slight and unchallenging, with no real perspective on anything.

      • tvcr-av says:

        There was an SNL sketch about a gameshow called What Is Burn Notice? The premise was that the contestants had to answer questions about the show that at the time was going into its fifth season, and no one knows anything about it. That’s all I know about the show.

      • citronc-av says:

        Burn Notice gets the nod from me purely based on Bruce Campbell being in it, at least I know I will be entertained at some point in an episode, Bruce also should have been Sully in the Uncharted movie not Marky Mark.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      IMO any of those old USA blue skies shows would be huge hits if they made their way onto Netflix. White Collar has always been my favorite of the handful you mentioned (Psych is my favorite overall).

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        White Collar was terrific. I came to it late, after it had already gone off the air, but thoroughly enjoyed it. Burn Notice, Psych, and Monk were the main three “blue skies” shows I watched, but I did enjoy White Collar and most of Suits (I think I bailed around season six or so). Graceland was alright. Never watched Covert Affairs, though.

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          I’ve watched Psych, Monk, White Collar, Suits, Burn Notice, and Royal Pains (and that would also be my ranking in that order). The big ones from the blue skies era that I never watched are In Plain Sight, Covert Affairs, Necessary Roughness, and Graceland. Graceland always interested me but it got cancelled and wasn’t sure if it ended well to be worth watching now.

          • drpumernickelesq-av says:

            I always forget about Royal Pains. I did watch the first couple seasons of that but got bored with it. And Graceland was fine, I think it took itself too seriously but it was escapism, and featured a young Pedro Pascal for a good chunk of its run. Which, now that I think about it, could have been worth commenting on that two actors from the blue skies era that spawned Suits were nominated for Golden Globes, with Pedro and Matt Bomer both up.

          • bc222-av says:

            I recently added a bunch of channels to my YouTube TV package, and one of the weird channels that was added shows Covert Affairs all the time. I watched it during its original run and enjoyed it enough, and have found myself watching it whenever it’s on. Worth checking out. Plus, each season’s episodes are all named after songs in one artist’s discography, for some reason- Bowie, Pavement, Pixies.

    • emeraldaly3461-av says:

      *cries in “Fairly Legal”*

    • seancurry-av says:

      I enjoyed Burn Notice while it was running, but every time I think of rewatching it I remember how annoying Michael’s mother is.

  • silencetheadvocate-av says:

    What a garbage take to think the lack of Markle somehow brings the moment down. THESE FOUR made the show. I liked Markle’s Racheal early on, but her character ended up being so unbearably annoying. Granted, I blame the writers for that. Doesn’t change the fact that Racheal turned into a hypocritical, whiny, nonsensical, nuisance before her character’s departure.This was DEFINITELY a moment. I’ve missed seeing these four on screen especially and I’m positive I’m not the only one. So quit whining.Also Gina Torres is a fucking goddess.

  • armoredtitan-av says:

    I don’t understand the resurgence of the popularity of this show. It got bad around season 2. 

  • icehippo73-av says:

    Yeah, that was certainly the most painful, flop sweat inducing moment of the night. Other than every time the host talked.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Kind of surprised Gabriel Macht hasn’t done anything acting-wise since Suits ended.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      I thought, “That can’t possibly be right,” so I looked on IMDB. Shit.I think one possibly is that he thinks of acting as more of a job. By the end of the show’s run, he was making $150,000 per episode, and made $5.66 million total. Even if he worked steadily, it could be hard for Macht to make in a year what he used to make for a single episode. And if, like, a love of the craft isn’t driving him, what’s the motivation?If you found out that an accountant had made over $5 million and, at 50, had retired, I don’t think there would be the same question about why he wasn’t still working as an accountant.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        $150k / episode is actually the low end of what I’ve seen online as estimates of what he made per episode. Some sites had his salary in the later seasons as $450-600k / episode. Either way, if he saved his money well, agreed he likely has more than enough to live a nice life and he did say in some interviews after Suits ended that he wanted a break to spend time with his family. Plus there was that whole pandemic that happened right after Suits ended too.But I selfishly want to see him take on more work because he was so good in Suits. I’d argue he’s a huge reason the show worked and that you could have replaced just about any other actor but him and still had a pretty good show.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Could also just be taking a much deserved break. Suits ended in 2019, COVID hit 2020 and like half of 2021, it’s only 2024 now. A 5 year break seems long on paper but after an 8-year regular stint on a show, I could see him just taking time off.

    • otm-shank-av says:

      The show ended in in Sept 2019 and I think he just wanted to take a break to spend time with his family after being on a long running show. Then the pandemic happened a few months later in 2020, it just seems like a case of circumstance than anything.

  • turk182-av says:

    I’ve tried watching Suits a few times. It’s incredibly dumb for plot reasons and so repetitive.S1 – S3 – oh no, someone will find out because we keep telling people…
    S4 – S6 – I want to leave all that behind, but I am going to keep doing that shit every episode.
    S7 – end – (I may never finish watching /shrug)I keep watching a handful of episodes, getting bored and taking a long break. The writing is hacky and doesn’t make sense when a character is firm on something and in the very next scene walks it back and does the opposite. It’s not even clever.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      It sounds like you’re having a lot of trouble getting through Suits, and you don’t say a single positive thing about the show.The good news is there’s a solution to your problem.

      • turk182-av says:

        I really enjoyed season 1 and probably most of season 2, does that count as a positive thing?How many times can you have an episode based on that guy from episode2 trying to ruin you with shady tactics or that person, also form season 1, that knows you are lying will blow up your story?It seems like that is a good portion of the episodes each season, so yeah it is making it hard to get through. Oddly enough I only hear praise for the show, so I feel like my experience is uncommon?

    • mp904321-av says:

      You’re watching it wrong.   It’s an amazing show to have on in the background while you fold laundry.

    • jalapenogeorge-av says:

      It was definitely a show of diminishing returns. I’d put in the same basket as The Good Doctor. A couple of seasons was decent watching, with a relatively intriguing concept, a competent cast, and decent writing. By the third of fourth season in, the concept’s been milked dry and it’s repeating itself. That’s when you’ve got yourself a laundry folding show.

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    I felt genuinely bad for Gina Torres and Sarah Rafferty. Do the producers really think that De Niro and Leo and Harrison Ford know what the hell that bit was about? Those two, in particular, got put in a bad spot, without so much as an introduction. At least Adams and Macht got a chance to get a couple decent lines in there.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      Yeah, the fact that they never even said their names… It was a third-tier show that got a weird rebirth on a streaming service. For them to expect that everyone knows who they are was weird.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Right. Even when we say that, “Everyone is watching Suits now,” we don’t really mean that. We mean that a surprising number of people globally are watching Suits, given that it’s an old show that wasn’t enormously popular when it aired. It would be like having Mr. Beast present, and expecting Dustin Hoffman to recognize who he is.

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        I’m sure a lot of people in the room knew who Gina Torres was, since she’s been active in the industry for decades and has a very famous actor husband. But poor Rafferty. She’s certainly worked plenty, but I cannot imagine more than a handful of people in that room had any clue who she was.

        • gesundheitall-av says:

          Exactly, I’d say Gina Torres is easily the most well-known of the four (and the “big name” when the show started, too)

    • planehugger1-av says:

      They couldn’t get the rat-faced guy to show up?

  • icehippo73-av says:

    As someone that had never heard of Suits before the whole Harry/Meghan thing, this was bizarre to begin with…but bringing the two women out at the end like it was some huge surprise that people were clammering for made it even stranger. Obviously if Meghan had been one of the women coming out for the surprise, it would have made sense, but without her it made none. 

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Suits is not a good show. The only thing notable about it is that it’s a success story in streaming services pushing people to watch it by sticking it on the landing page over and over

  • leftistwebsite-av says:

    The reunion is better without Meghan Markle

  • skc1701a-av says:

    Considering that most Hollywood awards shows continue to decline in viewership (down another 9% at 6.3 compared to 6.9 in 2021), how much longer until we can just forget this bunch of self-important awards being on TV?Good to see part of the Suits crew back together, even if it was just for a moment.

  • blpppt-av says:

    Look, I was a Suits fan, but I don’t think it ever approached the level of deserving a Golden Globe award.

  • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

    There should be an award category added: Biggest Revival of the Year. Ex: like, in 2024 all the TikTok kids get really into Murder She Wrote or some such. A celebration of “wait, people are watching what?”

  • capricorn60-av says:

    I never watched Suits. That said, I’m taken with the contempt for a show that ran nine seasons and is still being watched. While Succession, which repeated the same plot points for four seasons, gets a constant tongue bath from the press. 

  • imnottalkinboutthelinen-av says:

    Forget Maggie Murkel, where’s the guy with the ill-fitting suits and the perpetual “Who farted?” look on his face? Without him this reunion is pointless. Full disclosure, I’ve never watched Suits, and all I ever have seen of the show is what appears on my FYP on TikTok. So I’m under the impression that guy was the star of the show.

  • choix-av says:

    Oh, I get it! This whole article is one big sarcastic joke, right? Because otherwise…seriously, get help.“…famously reclusive Suits star Meghan Markle…” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don’t think you know what “reclusive” or “star” mean.

  • moietil-av says:

    So why disappointing cos Markle wasn’t there??? She wasn’t the ’star’ of the show but way down in the actors list. The other 2 women – Sarah Rafferty and Gina Torres – are proper actresses. No one would have heard of Markle (certainly in the UK) until she nabbed Harry

  • mrbetelman-av says:

    Gabriel Macht always looks like he just came off of a two week bender….

  • hersko-av says:

    Wasted opportunity not making some sort of joke about the Crown being nominated in their category.

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