Sundance adds Brett Kavanaugh assault allegation documentary to its lineup

Justicewas directed by Doug Liman, taking a break from his usual action-adventure fare for a documentary about allegations against the Supreme Court justice

Aux News Brett Kavanaugh
Sundance adds Brett Kavanaugh assault allegation documentary to its lineup
Photo: Frazer Harrison

The Sundance Film Festival made a late addition to its lineup today, with Deadline reporting that Justice, a new documentary about now-familiar allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, has now been added to the festival’s slate.

News of the addition was announced at an opening day press conference in Park City today, with director of programming Kim Yutani announcing the Friday night addition while laying out the rest of the Sundance slate. (Not for nothing but this was the first in-person Sundance press conference in two years, as the festival returns to a less-virtual version of itself.)

One somewhat surprising thing about Justice, meanwhile: This is the first documentary from Doug Liman, who’s best known as, among other things, one of that handful of directors who’ve made a healthy career out of pointing the camera at Tom Cruise while he does ludicrously unsafe things. (Previous entries in that canon including American Made and Edge Of Tomorrow; Liman more recently directed sci-fi parable Chaos Walking and a few episodes of Noah Centineo’s The Recruit.) Not that Liman doesn’t have the filmmaking chops to tackle documentary, but it’s kind of wild to see a guy we normally associate with reasonably smart action thrillers dialing into a topic as heavy as the allegations of sexual assault—levied against Kavanaugh by multiple women, but most notably Christine Blasey Ford, and discussed extensively during his confirmation hearings—that have cast a shadow over Kavanaugh ever since he was nominated to the Court.

Liman’s film will debut at Sundance on Friday night. In describing the movie, Yutani noted that, “It’s a very powerful documentary, we felt it was important to add. We saw it practically yesterday. It challenges existing narratives and asks tough questions.”


  • minsk-if-you-wanna-go-all-the-way-back-av says:

    directed by Doug Liman, taking a break from his usual action-adventure
    fare for a documentary about allegations against the Supreme Court
    justiceThere needs to be a space between Justice and was.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    So, this will be debuting FFFFFriday night?

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Democrats cared so little for Bret Kavanaugh’s victims and protecting abortion rights for all women they put Diane Feinstein, a brain damaged old lady, in charge of stopping his nomination.   That’s what happens when voters keep rewarding stupid, lazy, right wing Democrats to run the party.   Maybe try demanding more out of your politicians and voting for people like Bernie Sanders you stupid assholes.  

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Bernie is a born loser like you Knobby

    • samo1415-av says:

      I think you’re blaming the wrong party in this case.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Shut up retard

      • charliemeadows69420-av says:

        Everything I said was 100% factual.    Fuck stupid assholes like you who vote for right wing scum like Diane Feinstein.  It’s your fault Roe vs. Wade is gone because you are too stupid and lazy to make the correct choice voting.  

        • andysaysuk-av says:

          100%But fuck you for spreading uncomfortable truths, probably.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            That creepy evil fuck follows me around and harasses me. All because I call out Democrats for their many failures.  He cares more about politicians than actually getting anything done.  

          • andysaysuk-av says:

            I will never understand this. Elected politicians are not your boyfriend. 

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            I agree. It’s lunacy. That psycho has never even tried to prove me wrong with facts or logic.   Just anger and insults yet somehow gets upvotes.  Really shows the type of person that posts on this website.  

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Bernie Sanders, a non-Democrat who spent decades as a useful embarrassment and whose ideas have no practical possibility of working in the real world?  I assume you mean that one.  Yeah, that guy’s a real problem-solver.

      • charliemeadows69420-av says:

        You are a fucking idiot.   At least he isn’t a brain damaged old lady like Diane Feinstein who flew the confederate flag over city hall and used to put abortionists in jail.  Really says a lot about you that you’d rather defend shitty proven loser politicians than actually change you mind based on past results.   Amazing how dumbasses like you care so little about Roe vs. Wade you defend the corrupt fuckups who let Republicans get rid of it.   

  • rockhard69-av says:

    I’m sure this will get Kavanaugh cancelled. Keep at it wokesters!

  • mi6-uk-av says:

    If you liked Bill Fairclough’s epic spy thriller Beyond Enkription in The Burlington Files series about a rookie accountant working for Pemberton’s People in MI6 and the CIA you may like The Recruit by Alexi Hawley about a rookie CIA lawyer (Noah Centineo). The plots are quite complicated in both productions but unlike The Recruit, The Burlington Files plots and characters are real, credible and much more intriguing. However, do remember Beyond Enkription is a fact based novel about a real spy called Bill Fairclough (MI6 codename JJ) aka Edward Burlington. He was one of Pemberton’s People in MI6 and worked with real SAS Rogue Heroes and other ungentlemanly officers as explained in a news article dated 31 October 2022 available from TheBurlingtonFiles website.

  • qwedswa-av says:

    The Supreme Court documentary we need is one that explains how the six right wingers on the court are all from The Federalist Society.

    • sybann-av says:

      Because they purchased them. Follow the money. 

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Which is especially weird because they seem intent on gutting Federal powers and championing bullshit like “state’s rights” while the whole point of the historical Federalists is that they wanted a strong Federal government.

      • xpdnc-av says:

        the whole point of the historical Federalists is that they wanted a strong Federal governmentThat’s been the genius of conservative groups. They name their entities in direct opposition to their purpose in order to obscure what they’re up to.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      It’s super easy to conspire the SCOTUS really. At any point in time the GOP had the right bodies owned (Senate+President), they just… do it.
      You could get six Power Rangers on the Supreme Court if Senators and a President wanted it.

  • sybann-av says:

    good. it’s a start

  • daveassist-av says:

    And today, we have one of the poorer promotions of Bernie Sanders that I’ve seen in awhile.  Not great, and partially terrible.

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