It’s been less than 24 hours and someone’s already edited Chris Pratt out of the Mario movie trailer

A dub of the Super Mario Bros. Movie trailer has replaced Pratt's lines with more familiar-sounding dialogue

Film Features Mario
It’s been less than 24 hours and someone’s already edited Chris Pratt out of the Mario movie trailer
Chris Pratt-io reacts with pain to being so quickly rejected by the public. Screenshot: Illumination

Mario, the squat mustachioed hero of too many video games to count, must always be protected by his fans. Despite his corporate masters at Nintendo having no problem with the lil’ dude starring in everything from golf games to early-’90s typing tutorial software, Mario’s admirers are a bit more discerning about how he appears in media.

Case in point (and contrary to the hopes of those making the film) the internet is unhappy that the character’s traditional, cartoonishly Italian accent has been replaced by the sound of a new, non-cartoonishly Italian Chris Pratt in the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie.

This departure is such an affront, it seems, that within 24 hours of the movie’s trailer being released, the actor has already been edited out of it.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie WITHOUT CHRIS PRATT

Voice actor Carlos Morillo, ensuring he’ll never dub a Jason Bourne cartoon by posting on Reddit as “fuckmattdamon,” released his cut of the Mario trailer yesterday evening, only a few hours after the original was made available for the first time. “The Super Mario Bros. Movie WITHOUT CHRIS PRATT” is, as its title suggests, a version of The Super Mario Bros. Movie trailer, now without Chris Pratt.

Eager to restore the video game character’s national pride, Morillo used clips from Charles Martinet’s many Mario performances and his own Martinet impersonation to replace all of Pratt’s (dull, not Italian accented) lines with more familiar (goofy, very Italian accented) dialogue. Within seconds, we hear Mario mumble “mamma mia,” make his rubbery, pig-man Mario noises of pain and confusion, and, in one dub that fully justifies the real movie’s decision not to have Pratt do a funny voice, gaze around the Mushroom Kingdom and ask, “What is-a this-a place-a?”

With this, Morillo has shown us an alternative vision of the Super Mario Bros. Movie trailer that serves as a far better argument for the filmmaker’s voice acting judgment than anything they themselves could have created.

As for those still hurting over Mario’s changed voice, we offer this reminder: You’ve weathered hairless Mario, long Mario, and realistic Mario. Chris Pratt Mario, too, can be taken in stride.

[via Uproxx]

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  • milligna000-av says:

    Pretty cynical, condescending stuff.

    • activetrollcano-av says:

      Thankfully, this article isn’t attacking Pratt with a false accusation that he attended an anti-gay church that he never actually attended.

    • julian-gutierrez-av says:

      The whole thing is mean spirited and yes, condescending. It’s true Pratt is not the funniest Chris (That’s Hemsworth) or the best actor (That’s Pine) but what’s done is done and it’s not as if he’s woefully incompetent, so let’s see what happens

    • capnandy-av says:

      But enough about Chris Pratt’s social media presence, amirite

    • pete-worst-av says:

      “Pretty cynical, condescending stuff.”- The AV Club.

    • kinosthesis-av says:


  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Is it too late to get Bob Hoskins or Lou Albano back to do Mario’s voice? *checks notes* Oh… oh no.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “Mamma mia,” not “momma mia.”  

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    Old man asks: who giiiiives a shit? I got medical issues to deal with. I can’t be getting worked up over the voice in a cartoon.

  • activetrollcano-av says:

    Voice actor Carlos Morillo? Uhhh… you mean Carlos Julio? That’s the guy’s name that uploaded this. It’s the title of his YouTube account and it’s in his channel’s “About” section.For some reason people seem to have him by the wrong name, and I’m not sure where it’s stemming form. Even Uproxx has him mentioned as “Carlos Morillo” in their article about this, but that name isn’t even in the guy’s Reddit profile, or mentioned anywhere that I can find, and seemingly belongs to a Professor at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute. Does anyone know why this is?

  • Dougomite-av says:

    Yes!!! I like it so much more.

    I knew the internet would jump at this chance. If the whole movie has Pratt sounding just as boring I’ll likely just wait for a full fan edit of the movie before I watch it.

  • flamboyantjeering-av says:

    Sounds bad. Pratt isn’t my ideal, but this is not good either

  • 78inpdx-av says:

    So, hear me out: with all due respect to Charles Martinet, I don’t know if his assorted “MAMMA MIAs” and “LET’S-A GOs” and so on would really work over the course of 90-ish minutes of actual dialogue.(Not to mention, is doing the over-the-top “A-PIZZA PIE!” Italian accent, like, maybe a bit…I don’t know, in poor taste nowadays?)Look, I’m not saying that Chris Pratt is necessarily the right choice, but at the very least, maybe it’s for the best that they go back to the “Mario from Brooklyn” voice that Captain Lou and Bob Hoskins did?

  • iambrett-av says:

    I think that might actually be more annoying for a full-length movie than Chris Pratt’s voice. Someone should take those Super Mario Super Show episodes and make a deep-faked version of Lou Albano’s Mario, who sounded great. 

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:


  • docprof-av says:

    Sure this is also bad. Check out the french trailer though. Whoever did the voice in that one just tried a little bit and it sounds so much better.Oh cool linking to videos is still broken

  • docnemenn-av says:

    I’m gonna put a wild suggestion out into the world: Mario’s typical voice and dialogue is delightful when it’s an occasional voice clip while you’re bouncing around a level, or in the odd short cut-scene here and there, but would quickly become insufferable were it inflicted on you for ninety-full minutes.Just a crazy thought. 

    • sethsez-av says:

      I agree, but Pratt’s voice doesn’t even resemble the character as established for the last 25+ years. Toad’s voice isn’t the same as the games either, but it’s a movie-friendly approximation of the same idea so it still feels accurate.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Have him be a mostly silent protagonist and have other characters spout exposition at him. It would have taken a tight ass script but they could have made it work.

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      Even this short clip sounds grating and obnoxious. 

  • omiyari-av says:

    Mario’s over the top fake Italian accent is fine in snippets of a video game where he doesn’t really talk. I don’t want to hear that for 2 hours in normal dialogue. Pratts tale seems to be a Brooklyn accent which is what they did in the 90s tv show which I think is fine. We need to here more than one sound bite though to really make a judgment. 

  • nilus-av says:

    I do love how the internet seems to be blaming Chris Pratt for Mario sounding like he does. Do people realize that actors don’t get 100% of the power when acting. That studio exec and directors are the ones that choose what accents to use. Sure an actor can have a take and work with them but not always. Anyways I get not liking Chris Pratt for his shitty politics but I think Mario sounds fine in the very brief clips we have of him.  Maybe let’s judge a movie when it’s actually out. 

  • knukulele-av says:

    Should have gone with Uncle Floyd Vivino

  • killa-k-av says:

    Immediately improved.I like how these comments have gone from “Charles Martinet’s voice is fine for a VidEO gAMe where you only hear it in short bursts” to “it sucks even in short bursts.”

  • elvis316-av says:

    I loved Parks and Rec Pratt. 1st Guardians is solid. Watching this new, one day running for office Pratt is not as entertaining.

  • mikolesquiz-av says:

    Christ, that’s horrific. I’m so glad they went with having Mario sound like a human person instead of Mickey Mouse with a vaguely offensive ethnic comedy accent.

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