Jordan Elsass says he may quit acting after Superman & Lois exit

Elsass says his mental health has been "rough" the last few years

Aux News Superman
Jordan Elsass says he may quit acting after Superman & Lois exit
Jordan Elsass as Jonathan Kent Screenshot: DC/YouTube

Jordan Elsass has made his first statement on that eyebrow-raising Superman & Lois exit. Last week, Warner Bros. TV announced that Elsass had decided to leave the show for “personal reasons” and the role of Jonathan Kent would be recast.

Deadline reported that the actor had failed to join the cast in Vancouver by the production’s deadline; sources for the outlet were split as to whether he really quit or was fired, with both mental health issues and his vaccination status (unclear, but he reportedly used an exception during last season) raised as possible reasons for his departure.

However, in a Cameo video that was shared on Twitter yesterday, Elsass was somewhat ambiguous as to whether he’d left voluntarily. “It’s been a tough few weeks, as you might imagine, everything going on with the show. It’s been a tough few weeks,” he said. “You know, it’s sad, it’s a real shame. I know that, uh, I was pumped for season 3 for certain, but… you know, what’re you gonna do?”

However, he did state that “mental health is definitely 100% priority” and that it has to “take precedence.” He disclosed that the “last couple years…it’s been kinda rough.” (In June, Elsass posted on Instagram about checking into a facility for a month to deal with his mental health problems.) He went on, “I need some time to myself. I think that I may not even–you know, I’m still debating whether or not I’m even gonna act for a while. I may not. I may kind of go in a different direction.”

Acknowledging that his retirement would disappoint people (“Not even just like fans, but just like, people in my close circle”), he admitted that “going into a new field and really starting from scratch” would be a “shock,” especially to himself. “’Cause I never really did anything else, man, I started acting when I was like 12 and I didn’t really do–that’s it, that’s all I’ve ever done really,” Elsass said. “So, going in a whole new direction would be really interesting, but I think it could be well worth it.”

And thus child stardom is revealed to be the true villain once again. Whatever other problems he may have, it can’t have helped the nearly 21-year-old to have been experiencing them in front of a camera since he was a preteen. Hopefully, Elsass can get the help he needs during this new chapter.


  • ohnoray-av says:

    Whatever strange beliefs this kid held, I also love the current culture of quitting. I don’t know why society got so obsessed with never quitting things that make you miserable, or at least quitting for a bit to learn things in other fields, but I’m all for it. Forming your identity around a career ain’t good for the soul.And honestly, 21 years is pretty young, and I’m sure whatever beliefs he might have now will change when he takes a step back from an industry he’s been in for so long. (hopefully).

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      Strange beliefs?edit: I guess you meant his possible anti-vax bullshit. “Strange” is a charitable way to say “guileless, toxic, and utterly stupid”

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Ehh… a culture of “quitting” sucks unless you have a clear plan/vision of what you will do next.There’s nothing worse than someone quitting when they experience some obstacles.

    • nilus-av says:

      “I don’t know why society got so obsessed with never quitting things that make you miserable”Mostly because being able to just quit a job you hate usually means you are in a very privileged situation. Most of us have to put up with our shit jobs we hate because we need to do things like eat and pay rent. Plus it sounds like this guys main reason for hating his job was the fact that they told him he had to get vaccinated and he is an idiot. Hopefully it is just youth/mental health issues and he grows out of and/or gets therapy for it. 

      • ohnoray-av says:

        right, and when I say society I don’t mean the individual who can’t quit. It’s structured very intentionally to keep people grinding and too tired to question things. But at the same time lots of underpayed people are not returning to the workplace post pandemic (or whatever part of the pandemic we’re in), there’s definitely a shift happening where employees are realizing they have just as much of a say as employers. The Great Quit seems to be occurring on every job level. We’ll see if any real shifts happen tho 🙁

        • gargsy-av says:

          “right, and when I say society I don’t mean the individual who can’t quit.”

          Oh,m if that’s the answer you’re looking for, then it’s “Because you fabricated it”.

      • potterburner-av says:

        It’s interesting that you think about the structural thing from the bottom but not the top. In the case of like, the workers on this show – the little guys – he as the star really fucked their shit up. There’s such a thing as understanding the impact you have before doing something like this. If he’s the face of the show, a lot of people actually did need him to show up. Not only that – the people who facilitated his stardom by lighting him well, selecting the right wardrobe, all of that shit. He SHOULD feel bad about this. There’s no reason he couldn’t have given notice. No one is saying, “He had a breakdown and was in the hospital!” which would at least be understandable. For him to just take his toys and go home is like – if he hadn’t retired, he’d be unhireable. No one would trust him enough to hire him again.

        • dougr1-av says:

          Yeah the time to pull this would be at the wrap last season or a after a couple of weeks of thinking it through.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I don’t know why society got so obsessed with never quitting things that make you miserable”

      Yeah, I mean most people can afford to just quit their job because they don’t like it. We ALL have a trust fund, right?

    • potterburner-av says:

      I can’t agree with you, sorry. He fucked up everyone’s job. The crew. Catering people. All of those people thought they had a contract and didn’t have to worry about finding a gig to pay rent. Now they do. There’s a way to quit and a way not to quit. In this kid’s case, he should’ve had his agent or manager help him break the news to someone. He should’ve given some kind of notice. He possibly should’ve been willing to film the first ep so they could explain his exit.I can’t get over how selfish our culture has become. I’m not saying he had to martyr himself for pop culture ephemera. But this was a SHITTY thing to do to everyone else – his castmates, the CREW more than anyone – I mean this was a garbage way to act. They showed up for him everyday and he left them hanging and cost them all a lot of money.

  • nilus-av says:

    Well I hope he gets the help he needs but with the looming anti-vax stuff,  there is a 50/50 shot he starts showing up in movies starring Kevin Sorbo

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      The God is Real series is due for another sequel, maybe they’ll use him to awkwardly reach out to the kids
      God is Real, No Cap

      • umbrashift-av says:

        And if that doesn’t work out, there’s always the Left Behind: The Kids book series waiting for adaptation!

    • jwhconnecticut-av says:

      IMDB says he’s from Kingman, Arizona. That’s in Paul Gosar’s district. Tim McVeigh lived there for a while, as did one of his accomplices.Apparently he grew up in Georgetown, TX, north of Austin. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a strong current of hard right in his family.

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Life rarely gets less rough, son. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      Wow, what a stupid take.

      Life, every single one, has ups and downs.

    • nesquikening-av says:

      Counterpoint: It generally gets better. Of the many, many people I’ve known with mental health issues (myself included), I’d say the vast majority were happier at 31 than at 21. It’s like Matthew McConaughey says in Dazed & Confused: You just gotta keep livin’, man. L-I-V-I-N.

      • awriterwithmanynames-av says:

        Meh. For me, at 34? I wish I could go back to my 20s. Preferably when I was 22/23. Things were easier to manage then. Bipolar disorder has been kicking my arse for years. It just keeps getting worse.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    But how does he feel about method acting?

    • nilus-av says:

      Maybe he was method acting and jumped out of a building thinking he could fly and smashed his head.  It would explain the anti-vax stuff

  • bagman818-av says:

    Get vaxxed, punk.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    You ever notice all the anti vax people are has-beens, assholes, or crazy? (Or all of the above?) Its never anybody mainstream and successful like Tom Hanks or George Clooney, or Brad Pitt, anyone on their level.

    • decgeek-av says:

      Unfortunately, even these actors have followings. Then add in the few “legitimate” celebrities like Evangeline Lily, Jim Carey, Nicki Minaj and Letitia Wright who while not being staunchly anti-vax have put things out on social media that misinform and muddy up the waters.

      • nilus-av says:

        I think the real key here is those people are successful so their agents, lawyers and keepers keep them on a tight leash to make sure they do not let all their stupid beliefs be known. I am sure Disney on its owns probably has a team of people whos entire job is to make sure no one in the MCU comes out as pro-Qanon publically

        • jgp1972-av says:

          I dont know why they kept leticia wright, unless they already had filmed too much of black panther 2 at the time. She isnt any less crazy than that chick from the mandalorian, and they fired her.

      • jgp1972-av says:

        Theyre not legitimate. their careers might be better, but theyre still all fuckin whackjobs, which is kinda my point.

    • fugit-av says:

      That’s because half the country is embracing Asshole-ish-ness as an ethos. Being a dick is a movement.

    • killa-k-av says:

      People like Tom Hanks, George Clooney, and Brad Pitt can afford PR reps to carefully craft their public personas without ever revealing their true beliefs and values.

  • paezdishpencer-av says:

    I would say dollars to doughnuts all that social media he is using to announce his burnout more than likely helped facilitate it. Not its not entirely to blame but man, seeing people having these supposed glorious lives that are anything but reality while you sit there going ‘what the fuck is wrong with me?’ sure ain’t helping.Leaving that shit about 7 years ago was probably the best idea I ever did for my mental health.

  • usernamedmark-av says:

    He’ll be working for Ben Shapiro in no time

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Good luck to him, not sympathetic to anti-vax nonsense but he is awfully young to be expected to make the kind of commitment required to be a regular cast member on a TV show & from all accounts the shooting schedules on the Vancouver CW shows are no joke. If it was too much for him to manage there is plenty else he can do with his life that would be worthwhile. I doubt it will impact the show any more than the usual cast comings and goings on those shows do, probably especially because of being shot over the border & NYC and LA based actors having issues with shooting in Vancouver. And also whatever the hell happened with Ruby Rose on Batwoman

    • gargsy-av says:

      “but he is awfully young to be expected to make the kind of commitment required to be a regular cast member on a TV show”

      He managed to do it when he was a year younger than he is now, and also when he was tow years younger.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “sources for the outlet were split as to whether he really quit or was fired”
    “However, in a Cameo video that was shared on Twitter yesterday, Elsass was somewhat ambiguous as to whether he’d left voluntarily.”

    So, are these written by committee, where you write a paragraph and the next person writes the next paragraph without having read the previous parts?

    “I’m still debating whether or not I’m even gonna act for a while.”

    And you also think that MAYBE not doing something FOR A WHILE is quitting?

    “And thus child stardom is revealed to be the true villain once again.”

    He was NOT a child star.

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