Susan Sarandon is on a roll, arrested at protest after picket line appearance

After showing up for the Writers Guild of America picket line, Susan Sarandon leant her star power to a protest with One Fair Wage

Aux News Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon is on a roll, arrested at protest after picket line appearance
Susan Sarandon Photo: Dia Dipasupil

Half of Hollywood is on the picket line for the Writers Guild of America strike, but Susan Sarandon was on the frontlines of a different battle this week. The actor was arrested while protesting in New York’s state capital, Albany, with the group One Fair Wage. The organization advocates for a fair minimum wage for service workers, whose hourly rates are typically less than state minimum wages due to also receiving tips.

Monday’s protest was in response to new legislation which will increase the state of New York’s minimum wage to $17 per hour, indexing to inflation for future increases, per Politico. However, service workers (who are “disproportionately women of color,” as the outlet notes) are excluded from this increase. One Fair Wage has called to phase out the subminimum wage by passing an Assembly and Senate bill by Mother’s Day. Tipped workers “have been left out of minimum wage increases for 73 years,” the org said in a statement on social media. “A direct legacy of slavery, the subminimum wage in New York impacts a workforce of nearly 330,000 tipped workers that is 58% women and 49% people of color.”

Enter Sarandon, who was arrested with eight individuals (including former New York lieutenant governor candidate Ana Maria Archila) to be arrested during One Fair Wage’s demonstration. The day also featured speeches from state lawmakers, including Senators Mike Gianaris and Robert Jackson and assembly members Jessica González-Rojas and Harvey Epstein.

Sarandon has always been politically active, previously arrested in 2018 in Washington, D.C. while protesting then-President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. She’s been particularly active lately, though, joining the writers’ strike picket line the week prior. “I’m a union person, as you probably know, so I support every union, but especially my brothers and sisters,” she said in an interview with The Indypendent from the line. “Without writers, we don’t have anything, and I think what they’re asking for is more than fair. …Every time that there’s a union strike, you have to respect it.”


  • virtuous-being-av says:

    Right on Susan! She is a true activist. Right wingers cry and whine now. 😂

  • sybann-av says:

    Screw her into oblivion. Nothing she does now excuses helping foist TFG on the World.

    • anandwashere-av says:

      I have mixed feeling about her. While I’m glad she’s making good trouble now, her inability to even acknowledge that Hillary may have been better than Trump, that people who were upset with her may have had a bit of a point, and I’m talking about interviews years into the Trump presidency, that really reeks of ego and priviledge.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        You should use more buzzwords. It comes off really intelligently. 

        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Cry about it bitch. 

        • mississippideepdish-av says:


        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Lol you’re bald

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Lolol no I’m not. It does make me happy that you went through my comment history though and found someone as dumb and uninteresting as yourself to echo. You’re a loser and nothing you say or do is ever going to change that.

        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Sorry no one cares what ugly bald guys think.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Agreed lol. You’re trying sooooo hard to get someone, anyone to notice or interact with you. It’s pathetic. 

        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Bald boys get dismissed. 

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Haha. You’re a small child. You’re trying so hard. God forbid my comment that no one is going to read or care about be dismissed. Oh nooooo. And btw it’s obvious you’re the same loser that constantly makes new accounts and then gets them banned for being psychotic. You have mental problems. But I’m sure you’re well aware of that. 

        • mississippideepdish-av says:

          Lol tell us some more stories about your flowing locks and awesome job that are for sure definitely real.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Nah I’m good. You’re so desperate for attention and are trying to keep the convo going at all costs. Saddest shit I’ve seen in some time. 

      • sybann-av says:

        THIS. She was largely insulated from any of the harm, potential or otherwise, that sleazy bag of garbage POS wreaked upon this country – with the help of the racist scum minority who wrap themselves in fake religion.

      • lilnapoleon24-av says:

        Hillary and the dnc encouraged and supported trump’s nomination cause they thought he would be easy to beat.

      • bupkuszen-av says:

        Can’t we just let Hilary GO? That was one “lesser of two evils” TOO FAR. Now, give us a choice between Trump and Al Franken, and we’re getting somewhere. Why do you think the GOP sabotaged him when they did? He would have beaten Trump in 2016, and just imagine where we’d be right now…

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Yeah, there are many other people with smart pro-labor thoughts for me to listen to.  I shun you, Sarandon!

      • TRT-X-av says:

        Yeah you’ll excuse me if I count the woman who picked a fight with Dolores Huerta “pro-labor” and not just “pro Susan Sarandon.”

    • benexclaimed-av says:

      God, I cannot believe pathetic Hillary obsessives still exist. Incredibly sad existence.

    • mshep-av says:

      Clinton and the DNC lost that election fair and square. Once Trump got the nom, they didn’t even try to beat him. They assumed that their victory was a foregone conclusion. They ran minimal policy ads, did little-to-no polling in the closing weeks of the election, and skipped campaigning in key swing states like Wisconsin.

      I too was frustrated by people saying that they wouldn’t vote for Clinton in the general, but only slightly more than I was frustrated every time my criticisms of Clinton’s policies were dismissed as misogyny during the primaries, or every time I was dismissed as a “Bernie Bro” anytime I advocated for actual progressive policies.

      There was a shitload of vitriol and infighting on the left on 2016, from both sides. No one individual deserves all, or even most, of the blame.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Clinton also didn’t do herself any favors. She made the same dumb mistake as Romney, publicly shitting on a sizeable portion of the voting population. Plus her at-best passing relationship with the truth unfortunately tended to include things that were easily rebutted. She was just a bad candidate but hey, it was her turn.

        • TRT-X-av says:

          publicly shitting on a sizeable portion of the voting population.She called racists and bigots “deplorable” and you fell for the Republican line that she was referring to everyone when the speech itself split the two groups specifically to make the point they weren’t.
          Congrats. You’re a mark.

      • sybann-av says:

        Very true – but everyone of the people who sat home – or encouraged it – bear responsibility. I would never say she’s solely responsibly but I will never bother to support her work again either. ETA: In their defense literally no one – including that useless garbage asshole – thought the useless garbage asshole would win and have to actually do the job – such as.

        • mshep-av says:

          Clinton only got 100,000 fewer votes than Obama did in 2012. The base showed up. But if the DNC wants progressives to show up, too, they need to stop leaning right to court moderates.

          I totally understand holding a grudge against Sarandon, I do, it just reminds me so much of the Right’s vendetta against Jane Fonda that I find it . . . disquieting, especially when so many folks still seem to turn a blind eye to all of Clinton’s weaknesses, choosing to blame Sarandon and her ilk, along with “Bernie Bros,” for tanking the election, when Clinton’s half-hearted campaigning and occasional lies about policy* bear more of the blame, IMO.


          • sybann-av says:

            I do NOT disagree with the flawed campaign and that many are to blame. But this was TRUMP, ffs. This wasn’t and IS NOT an argument to have with that garbage as a candidate. EVER. Especially since most of the “dislike” of Clinton as candidate was fomented by YEARS of GOP lies. I blame every single person – including anyone who voted third party in the general. UNTIL we change the system we have a choice of TWO, and picking the lesser weevil is the responsibility of the responsible. And she was lesser.Just like sucking it up and voting for Biden will be less than thrilling. He probably doesn’t even excite JILL that much. This idiot woman (SS) encouraged voting for Trump because she got her feels hurt on Bernie’s behalf – even HE encouraged his supporters to vote Clinton. This woman is old enough to know better. But she didn’t care because it didn’t affect HER. That’s reprehensible. Ideally, in the general election you pick the person the least likely to destroy the world.(sort of joking)

          • amessagetorudy-av says:

            Just like sucking it up and voting for Biden will be less than thrilling.Much in agreement with this. Yes, it’s hindsight, but I doubt even Sarandon would be dissing Hillary the way she did if she could have actually seen the shitshow that was going to be the Trump presidency and the aftermath. Had they had some way of knowing that Charlotte, kids in cages, the Proud Boys, a botched Covid handling that led to thousands of deaths, attempts to repeal Obamacare, jamming the courts with unqualified judges (leading to abortion bans), shrinking the food safety net, rolling back environmental protections, etc. etc. etc. were going to happen, they’d have campaigned for Hillary themselves.And anyone who could have seen that all that was going to happen, and still say they weren’t going to vote for her because “I just don’t like her,” can fuck all the way off to Shitville and live there the rest of their shitty days.UNTIL we change the system we have a choice of TWO, Agreed here too. But that’s on the third parties. You can’t throw up a third choice a month or two before the election (exaggerating a bit, but…) and expect people to jump on board. Who’s the third party candidate for 2024 and why aren’t they beating on doors NOW???

          • jpfilmmaker-av says:

            I don’t know. The truth is that even though all those things you list are demonstrably true and awful, part of me thinks we got off kind of lightly with Trump’s first term. He was largely reined in by saner minds throughout his presidency, all the way up to January 6th and (yes, I count him as “saner” than Trump) Mike Pence. It does give me legitimate concern that if Trump wins this next election, he’s pretty much gone through anyone willing to tell him “no”, and what that might mean for the country.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            You seem mentally ill. 

          • hendenburg3-av says:

            While I agree with a lot of what you said, I will always disagree with people who think that third parties make things better. Racist Shitbag Paul “Shorty, Shifty, D-Money” LePage was elected Governor of Maine with 38% of the popular vote because of 3rd parties. In the three states that Trump won that got him the Electoral College, Jill Stein got more votes than Trump’s margin of victory 

          • jmyoung123-av says:


          • briliantmisstake-av says:

            Third parties (or more) will never work without ranked choice voting

          • sybann-av says:

            And THAT’S the problem with third parties in our current system – only really shitty candidates would even bother and they impact elections in terrible ways while not even having a snowball’s chance. Please point to where I said they were a good thing? Because I don’t think so, and specifically advise against voting third party in the general – primaries are for expressing our “lean,” progressive, centrist etc, and always express frustration at the EC.The problem with the Dems is the variety and inclusiveness of the party which makes a clear agenda (or pleasing anyone) next to impossible.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            In 2016 motivating the base probably does the trick. In 2024 I’m not so sure anymore. People are gravitating away from the two parties, and in 2020 there was a LOT of ticket splitting between people voting for Biden and Republican Senators / Reps / Governors because they couldn’t tolerate Trump any longer.  Republicans flipped 15 House seats in 2020 yet Trump lost.

          • jmyoung123-av says:

            If the Democrats pivot right to pick up moderates and disenfranchised moderates, they are courting disaster. I still believe Bernie would have won in 2016 had he been on the general ballot.  

          • jpfilmmaker-av says:

            Nah. The progressives that are going to show up already do. Pushing parties to further and further extremes doesn’t help the country at all. Despite what Twitter makes the world think, moderates are actually the largest voting block, and most people don’t care that much about issues on either side of the culture war.

          • mshep-av says:

            Well, it worked great in 2016, let’s give it another run!

        • briliantmisstake-av says:

          “everyone of the people who sat home – or encouraged it – bear responsibility.” THIS. I got so mad arguing with people (mostly men) who said they wouldn’t vote because there was no difference and belittled my concerns about the Supreme Court and abortion. And look who was right about that motherfuckers! Hillary has her flaws, but we’d still have Roe V Wade now if she had been elected.

      • bupkuszen-av says:

        Not even Hunter Biden?

      • kidkosmos-av says:

        Clinton and the DNC lost that election fair and squareyes and no. With the whole Cambridge Analytica thing, and the Russians meddling in disinformation campaigns, and then the FBI meddling in too. It was far from fair. But they didn’t exactly run the best campaign either. Ultimately it was a shit show of epic proportions.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Susan Sarandon’s sins are many, but she had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Unless you want to blame her for Clinton getting 3 million more votes than Trump or something. (Only one Republican has won the popular vote since 1988…so maybe priorities here.)
      It’s 2023. Time to admit who Clinton is based on her policies and casual lies.She said Bernie Sanders wasn’t there when she fought for universal health care — despite her writing a five page letter to him at the time thanking him for his long fight for universal health care.She voted for the Iraq War — almost every Democrat voted against it.She voted to drop cluster bombs on children — every Democrat opposed it because it’s a violation of international law.She went out of her way to find a right-wing fringe social scientist that no one took seriously in order to argue black babies were turning into sociopaths as early as two years old. Then she screamed at a 14-year-old black girl on camera during the campaign when asked to explain herself.Her campaign released the Barack Obama turban picture to Drudge.She said on 60 minutes she would support John McCain over Barack Obama. In the same interview, she said she wasn’t sure if Barack Obama was a Muslim or not after she was told by the reporter he wasn’t a Muslim.She refused to concede the election unless her campaign manager could run the DNC and set the rules for the primaries. Which is why we got 3 primary debates in 2016 instead of the 18 debates we got in 2008.
      She went out of her way to attack driver’s licenses in Arizona that weren’t based on social security numbers because cops might accidentally forget to deport undocumented immigrants.She told unions she wouldn’t back the murderous regime in Colombia that was assassinating labor activists and environmentalists. Then she immediately bragged about how she was going to make new economic inroads with Colombia.She personally said she backed the right-wing Honduran political coup after Barack Obama opposed it.
      After spearheading the Libyan War, when Obama and Biden were apologizing for the bad policy that led to slave auctions and genocide, she went on camera and said it was the Libyans’ fault for not loving democracy enough and that she’d do it again.
      Then she promised her first step would be to send jets to bomb Syria, starting another war.
      Then the week after Trump took office, she dared Trump (like, dared… like we’re in elementary school) to bomb an air force base in Syria to prove Americans weren’t cowards.But that’s just off the top of my head. Pretty sure this just goes on forever.The thing about Clinton is that she is a base level political opportunist with no strong political position other than making sure poor kids don’t starve to death. She’s a right-winger on the police, she’s a right-winger on the military, she’s a right-winger on immigration, and…Oh, right, she opposed third trimester abortions even during an emergency in front of an audience of millions during the Florida 2016 debates. After Bernie Sanders said he supported a woman’s ABSOLUTE right to choose, she went into the New York 2016 debates and said he didn’t care about a woman’s right to choose.BUT HER EMAILS!!!!!!!!Yeah, whatever, no one cares about her emails. She’s a center-right Republican.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        “Yeah, whatever, no one cares about her emails. She’s a center-right Republican.”This is an asinine statement.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Jesus Christ, you Bernie Bros are steaming about a comment Clinton said about Bernie eight fucking years ago! There are actual elections that actually matter, not your nonsense grudges about ancient things that hurt Bernie’s fee fees.

    • lilnapoleon24-av says:

      You are an absolute idiot. Maybe next time don’t nominate a right wing “democrat” who offers literally nothing to voters.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Yeah, I’m worried this busy protesting activity will interfere with my proposal that she spend her time fucking off forever.

  • killa-k-av says:

    Monday’s protest was in response to new legislation which will increase the state of New York’s minimum wage to $17 per hour, indexing to inflation for future increases, per Politico. However, service workers (who are “disproportionately women of color,” as the outlet notes) are excluded from this increase. One Fair Wage has called to phase out the subminimum wage by passing an Assembly and Senate bill by Mother’s Day. Tipped workers “have been left out of minimum wage increases for 73 years,” the org said in a statement on social media. “A direct legacy of slavery, the subminimum wage in New York impacts a workforce of nearly 330,000 tipped workers that is 58% women and 49% people of color.”Abolish tipping.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Fuck her. She threw her weight against Hillary and helped cost her the presidency, which gave us Justice Die In Your Truck, Justice Boof and Justice Serena Joy.Great. You don’t like tips. Cool. Fine.

    Now what about that Louisiana waitress who is raped and who not only has to keep that baby, but the rapist wants visitation rights.

    • subahar-av says:

      What’s this about tips?

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      Hilary Clinton was a terrible candidate and the democratic party holds all the blame for running her. If you think Susan Sarandon cost her the election you’re….an idiot. Full stop. 

      • bobwworfington-av says:

        No, she didn’t cost her. But she went out of her way to make it harder. For that, she deserves nothing but scorn, hatred, malice and venom. You know, sometimes women say that men don’t get to have an opinion about abortion. Fair enough. But let’s expand that to include barren rich cunts who are rich enough to ensure the next four generations of women in their family get proper health care, no matter what laws are passed.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          People like you are genuinely the worst. Real question – are you autistic? 

          • bobwworfington-av says:

            Fuck off and die from a stubbed toe infection

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Yeah that’s about what I expected. Sorry about your autism. Just know that your opinion means nothing. You don’t matter. You’re a loser dishing out hot takes online to give your sad life a sense of purpose. 

          • mississippideepdish-av says:

            Go back to fucking your sister, Cletus. 

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          “But she went out of her way to make it harder. For that, she deserves nothing but scorn, hatred, malice and venom.” God forbid anyone not support the democratic party when it runs horrible, corporatist candidates that are the definition of unlikable – and god forbid anyone not be omniscient and able to see the future.  

    • theunnumberedone-av says:

      Hillary alienated progressives just fine on her own. Some people can actually think for themselves without figures of moral authority telling them how to do it.

    • lilnapoleon24-av says:

      Bruh hillary lost the election by refusing to campaign, and by offering nothing to potential voters. She also supported trump’s nomimation cause she thought he’d be easy to beat. Liberals hav me absolute brain rot, please join us on the left wing where we actually care about people instead of caring about brunch.

  • buffalobear-av says:

    It’s pure insanity to blame one woman for Trump’s win. It’s equally insane to blame anyone for Trump’s win, other than the dimwits who voted for that filth. Further insane: “she HELPED him win.” Nonsense. It was a perfect storm, and even Trump himself said he would have lost at any other time. It wasn’t even just Comey – it was fucking everything. No celebrity and no single news show put the narcissist over the top. It was Trump TV, all the time – he was a ratings bonanza, he was a joke to most people, you know damn well you never dreamed he would actually win. I didn’t – I thought I’d wake up to the first woman President but I heard the awful truth long before bedtime. And, you know, lots of people voted for him because they thought it would be “funny” and “let’s see what happens.” Well, now you know. People love to have someone or something to blame but the truth is, it’s ourselves who are to blame, the voters who made a mistake, the voters who put him in charge out of spite, the voters who gobbled up his hate and wanted more of it and the voters who simply didn’t show up to vote at all. Want to make sure it never happens again? You got one vote. Use it. The blame game gets you nowhere.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Worthless shitbag takes a few selfies 

    • TRT-X-av says:

      The day she took those pics she was pushing RFK Jr’s anti-vax bullshit. She and anyone giving her props can piss off.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Oh hey funny. The same day she was visiting the picket lines she was boosting anti-vaxx/pro-Russian dipshit RFK Jr for President.

    Seriously, this isn’t hard to find. She’s not exactly shy about it.

    Do better next time.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    Follow the money. Higher wage income = higher union dues. Most tipped employees like the current system just fine. Simple math:8 hour shift at $17/hr = $136 under new structureversus4 tables x 2 waves lunch, 4 tables x 2 waves dinner@ $50 average bill (ie about as inexpensive a meal out as you can possibly get these days):$50 x 16 = $80015% tip = $120Add $2.15/hr x 8 hrs = $17.20$137.2020% tip = $160 + $17.20 = $177.20Now do a nicer restaurant with $100 average bill = $257 – 357$200 bill -> $497 – 657And a whole bunch of that is unreported cash. So basically unless you’re working in a diner you’re far better off under the current system. But of course Sarandon doesn’t care because this was about her feeling the need to show her bona fides by somehow getting arrested at a legal protest.

    • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

      I worked as a waiter for a while and sometimes I didn’t make twenty bucks a DAY from tips. Not to mention the restaurant I worked at didn’t even pay the 2 bucks an hour they were supposed to (I suspect that’s not out of the ordinary).I had a slow shift, and didn’t stick around long enough to get a better one, but I have to say it felt pretty inhumane working a full shift knowing you may not get paid much of anything, and what you do make can depend on being obsequious to total assholes.So tipping is great if you’re in a hot shift, but it’s fucked up for the people who work the slow shifts. Just my two cents. Which is more than I was paid by the restaurant I worked at.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        I’m not saying it’s a foolproof system – one of my good friends was a restaurant waitress in college and spent three hours on a single table of about 20 people who collectively left about a $20 tip, and went home PISSED – but people within the industry overwhelmingly prefer it.  I’m going to go with what the actual affected people want, not Susan Sarandon or a union that’s paid a % of member wages.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Nothing says, “Everyone’s fine with the system” like nation-wide strikes to abolish the system.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        There’s a difference between “everything’s fine” and “what you’re proposing would be worse.”

    • killa-k-av says:

      So basically unless you’re working in a diner you’re far better off under the current system.Because we all know only undeserving degenerates work at diners.

    • jmyoung123-av says:

      Well, if you’re just going to pull numbers out of your ass to support exploitation…

  • sosgemini-av says:

    Fuck Susan Surandon!!!

  • jalapenogeorge-av says:

    Attempting to get yourself arrested is cringey as hell. Good cause, needless publicity seeking from a celebrity who knows being arrested means nothing to them.

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