Sylvester Stallone’s alleged bad behavior pushes extras out of Tulsa King

The Taylor Sheridan drama's casting agent quit after Stallone allegedly insulted multiple background actors

Aux News Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone’s alleged bad behavior pushes extras out of Tulsa King
Sylvester Stallone in Tulsa King Photo: Brian Douglas/Paramount+

Have you ever sat through a movie’s credits and wondered how “Long Hair Yuppie-Scum” or “Bulge Wrangler” could have ever signed off on their names being used like that? As it turns out, it isn’t nearly as fun when the background actors aren’t in on the joke. This is the reported case on the set of the second season of Taylor Sheridan-verse drama Tulsa King, where Sylvester Stallone—the star of the Paramount+ series—is accused of turning the set into a “clear toxic environment” for extras.

According to Deadline, Atlanta-based firm CL Casting (led by agent Rose Locke) left the series due to Stallone and an unnamed director’s disrespectful treatment of the actors they had hired. Multiple affected artists shared their experiences on a private Facebook group for Atlanta-based background actors, including one who accused Stallone of referring to some of the extras as “ugly,” “tub of lard,” and “fat guy with cane.” (The person this third comment was about responded on Facebook that it “hurt his soul” to hear himself described that way.) The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.

CL Casting announced their departure from Tulsa King on their own Facebook page Sunday, with a (snide?) comment of “we send well wishes to whomever takes over the show.” In a separate message shared on Twitter/X by writer Julie Benson (who has no relation to the Sheridan show), Locke reached out to actors who had been on set announcing her resignation and apologizing “for anything you experienced.”

In a follow-up statement to TMZ, however, Tulsa King director and executive producer Craig Zisk denied many of Locke’s claims. According to him, Stallone never said any of the alleged offensive monikers and the casting agent wasn’t even on set that day. The actual issue, he said, was that her firm was supposed to hire 25 to 35-year-old actors to populate a “hip, young bar,” but the extras she brought in were considerably older. He also denied the claim that Stallone said anything about bringing in “pretty girls.” To hear Zisk tell it, he asked Locke to provide headshots of all potential actors following the incident with the bar and she refused and quit an hour later.

Rose Locke did not immediately respond to The A.V. Club’s requests for comment on this story.


  • dinoironbody7-av says:

    Tulsaking Heads

    • buncombecountymadman-av says:

      Gotta get to Tulsa
      First train we can ride
      Got to settle one old score
      And one small point of pride…

  • presidentzod-av says:

    “Fat guy with a cane” LOL. 

    • donaldcostabile-av says:

      The funny bit about that one was that THAT was the comment that “hurt the guy’s soul”?I mean…my GUY…are you overweight? Do you own a cane?Not saying it wasn’t unprofessional, but it “hurt your soul”? Let’s take a breath, here, sir.

      • mckludge-av says:

        Yeah, if that comment hurts your soul, perhaps acting is not the right career for you.

        • donaldcostabile-av says:

          To be clear, it *was* a dick thing to say, but in the grand scheme of things…eh?Aside: I pushed through the first 4-5 episodes of season 1 of “Tulsa King”, and…MAN, was it bad/dumb. Writing/characters/plot contrivances were across-the-board dumb. How the fuck did it get renewed?

          • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

            I pushed through two episodes of Fubar on Netflix after hearing Fortune Feimster on CBB and having just been on an 80s action movie kick (I had never seen Terminator 2!)Anyway, THAT was truly god-awful. So Sly’s beating Arnie in the “80s icon sleepwalking through a streaming series” department.Realistically, though, picture your average person who’s drawn to a show because Stallone is in it. What do they want to see? This has some action, some carping about the youth, a leading man of retirement age romancing a younger woman and reconciling with his kids. It got renewed because Sheridan knows how to check fucking boxes.

          • nilus-av says:

            I’m fairly certain that if you are older then 65 and collecting social security, you are required to watch it(and all the Yellowstone shows)

        • peon21-av says:

          If you use the phrase “it hurt my soul” in conversation, then acting is exactly the right career for you.

      • Blanksheet-av says:

        Look, just because I’m a fat guy with a cane, a top hat, and a monocle, does not give you the right to insult me, okay?

      • blpppt-av says:

        I sometimes wonder how they managed to get takers for “fat annoying woman” when the casting calls went out for actresses to face off against Ed O’Neill in the shoe store.Maybe people were willing to take more abuse back then prior to the saturation of cable and advent of streaming services multiplied the acting jobs.

        • adohatos-av says:

          Speaking of “Married…With Children” I was surprised at what Amanda Bearse, who played the neighbor Marcy, was willing to put up with. She had producer and writer credits so presumably she could have done something about all the chicken legs and flat chest jokes if she had wanted to.

          • blpppt-av says:

            If you notice, later on, when she started directing and contributing to the episodes, Al gets smacked down by Marcy a LOT more often. And she rips him a lot for his receding hairline and lack of prowess in satisfying Peg.The funny thing was that Bearse wasn’t flat-chested and had a pretty rockin body, so it might be easy to take when it isn’t remotely true.

          • adohatos-av says:

            I may have missed the earlier episodes as I remember it being tit for tat the whole time. And we never saw Marcy begging for the release of death or any of Al’s other pathetic nonsense so I always figured she had the upper hand. As crass as the show got it never lost sight of the fact that the Bundy’s are losers and even as a kid that was obvious.

      • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

        Is it weird being devoid of empathy?

      • akhippo-av says:

        Or. How about not being an asshole at work? Ever heard of that? 

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I mean…yeah it might hurt my feelings if I were disabled and someone were making fun of my disability (and incidentally being a disabled is a likely reason he’s overweight).  I’m surprised that’s surprising to you.  

      • presidentzod-av says:

        Exactly. I mean, settle down cane-guy.

      • nimbh-av says:

        Yeah it probably did hurt. I’d expect the fat fucks on the AVC to have more compassion.

  • murrychang-av says:

    “The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”This is the most believable thing I’ve heard all week.

  • mahfouz-av says:

    Stallone sounds like a next level asshole. He’s always struck me as one, both from the vibe he gives off as well as the numerous anecdotes I’ve heard. The Unspooled episode of “Creed” dives into this in an entertaining way: said, it is at least a little entertaining in imagining a hip bar scene populated by “tub of lard” and “fat guy with cane.” I don’t actually believe this version of events but, you know, “cool story bro”.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Is this the ep where Paul tells the story about Sly wanting to be credited as a co-author on a book he didn’t write, just because he was involved with the movie adaptation of the book?

      • mahfouz-av says:

        Haha I’ve definitely heard that story, though I don’t remember if it’s from Paul or somewhere else.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Interesting. Any interview I’ve seen Stallone in, he’s always come across as pretty humble and down to earth, which surprised me considering his success and fame.
      Maybe it’s all an act and I guess I’ll never really know. The chances of me ever meeting him are pretty much nonexistent.

      • unspeakableaxe-av says:

        I don’t think he’s humble or down to earth. What I do think he is, is one of those guys you’d “like to have a beer with.” Like, he’s funny (and especially likes when other people laugh at his jokes), he’s nice to his friends, and he’s nice to anyone he can get something from. Pleasurable to be around in the right context. But underneath that, basically a conservative alpha male dickhead who thinks very highly of himself.

      • illustratordude-av says:

        Didn’t he have a massive estate worth tens of millions with a statue of himself inside? I think it’s safe to say the humbleness was only an act. 

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        An actor? Pretending to be nice, when he knows everyone is watching?That couldn’t be it.

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          Then why does Sylvester Stallone save his acting only for interviews?
          Can’t say he does much acting in most of his movies.

      • mahfouz-av says:

        I guess I get a false modesty vibe from him; I feel like I’ve also just been hearing stories about him getting high off his own farts for years.  

        • jrobie-av says:

          I remember there was a series of really weird rules from people who worked for him that came out before the social media era. The one that I remember was that people who worked in his house weren’t allowed to speak to him, make eye contact, or turn their backs to him. So if he came into a room they had to leave walking backwards. Just normal, down-to-earth behavior.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Fat guy with a cane was just standing next to other guy with a cane

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    There is no story that could come out about Stallone that I wouldn’t think “ I could see that”. He seems like such a miserable, crappy person.

  • largeandincharge-av says:

    Too bad Stallone didn’t grow about 5 inches taller. Might have solved a few of his personality problems.

    • CashmereRebel-av says:

      Oh my God yes. He’s comfortable pointing out everybody’s short (pardon the pun) comings. But if any one else pointed at him and told the director to “lose the short guy” he’d set fire to the set.

  • nahburn-av says:

    ‘”Sylvester Stallone’s alleged bad behavior pushes extras out of Tulsa KingThe Taylor Sheridan drama’s casting agent quit after Stallone allegedly insulted multiple background actors”’Perhaps it’s due to the disclosure of Sylvester Stallone’s per episode salary and the jealousy it promotes from the extras and the other actors who aren’t paid as much.

  • richfolkstears-av says:

    Holy freaking fat guy with a cane on a stick, it’s “whoever takes over the show.”  Not whomever.  Idiots who want to sound smart but don’t know what being smart is like talk like this.  Note: Just because you said “to” before it, doesn’t make it “whom.”  Freaking LA dolts.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    I only know about this show because my dad asks every month hey whens it back on. I guess Taylor Sheridan really is the Dad Whisperer of television. 

    • xpdnc-av says:

      Sheridan started out with such great promise, but it’s been a steady slide down from Hell and High Water.

      • bio-wd-av says:

        It was definitely his high water mark.  I consider Sicario more Denis’s project but that’s high quality as well.  

  • bossk1-av says:

    Yo Adrian, I’m toxic!

  • CashmereRebel-av says:

    Since the whole #metoo movement I’ve been waiting for Stallone’s behaviour to come out. I used to work on film set’s in the 90’s and two names (I mean Hollywood Movie Star names) were notorious for being problematic. Stallone and (gird your loins) Denzel Washington. I’m waiting to see if Denzel’s behaviour becomes public. 

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    That settles it, I’m prepared to believe someone with a definite motive to lie and cover up over a group of individuals all sharing different but consistent perspectives of events that they state they witnessed.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    He’s just mad because someone wasn’t cradling the b —wait a sec, wrong website, wrong decade.  Sorry.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Shocking behavior from a ‘roided up 80 year old man.

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    I am Tulsa king we todd did.

  • moviefriend-av says:

    An out of context conversation through a game of telephone. I don’t buy it.

  • mcpatd-av says:

    “Stallone is at the top of the call sheet again…you know what that means *gulp*”

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