Taika Waititi’s mystery Star Wars project will be the next franchise film

Oh, and Rian Johnson's Star Wars offering has been "backburnered"

Aux News Star Wars
Taika Waititi’s mystery Star Wars project will be the next franchise film
Taika Waititi Image: Amy Sussman

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy has very slyly revealed the roadmap for the next few Star Wars features in an interview with Vanity Fair. First up: Taika Waititi’s mysterious film.

The details of the movie remain locked away, but 1917 screenwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns is still working with Waititi on the script. Within the Star Wars universe, Waititi directed an episode of The Mandalorian.

Kennedy also shares that Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron will most likely follow-up Waititi’s endeavor. As for Rian Johnson’s slate of franchise films, those have been “backburnered” due to the director’s preoccupation with Knives Out 2, as well as the overall deal he signed with Netflix. Johnson previously directed The Last Jedi in 2017, prior to the smash success of Knives Out.

The latest Star Wars flick was 2019's The Rise Of Skywalker, which capped off another trilogy for the film franchise. Meanwhile, a lot of energy’s been channeled toward related series, including The Mandalorian, The Book Of Boba Fett, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kennedy hints that the future of the sci-fi saga may look a little different going forward, possibly stepping away from the old format.

“I hesitate to use the word trilogies anymore because Star Wars is much more about persistent storytelling,” Kennedy says. Persistent is right, with barely any breathing room offered between the combination of films and off-shoot series, including the newly announced Andor from Diego Luna and Ahsoka with Rosario Dawson.

The untitled Star Wars feature is just one pebble on a mountain of work Waititi has accumulated. Most recently, he starred as the infamous and queer Blackbeard in the HBO series Our Flag Means Death.

Looking ahead, he’s got Flash Gordon, Akira, The Incal, Next Goal Wins, and the Time Bandits series, just to name a few projects. Also who can forget that the director helmed the forthcoming Thor: Love And Thunder, starring Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, and Chris Hemsworth, which arrives this summer.


  • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

    Next Goal Wins was primarily shot in 2019, though they did do some reshoots replacing Armie Hammer with Will Arnett.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Dude’s gonna work himself to death.And I’m right there to watch every damn thing he does before that!

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      He’s the same age as me and I’m like “A sandwich for lunch?  That seems like a lot of work.”

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Tip from hard earned experience:  An open faced sandwich is, like, 5% less effort.

        • bc222-av says:

          Maybe 5% less effort in the sandwich MAKING process, but definitely way more effort in the sandwich EATING process. You can’t eat an open-faced sandwich with one hand, and the only time an open-faced sandwich works is if you’re eating like a hot meatloaf sandwich with knife and fork. Way more effort.
          If you don’t want to deal with spreading mayo on that second slice of bread, make a wrap or a burrito.

        • crann777-av says:

          That just sounds like pizza but way more work.

        • genuinewhale-av says:

          To make maybe, but certainly not to eat

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          “open-faced sandwich” is just another way to say “pile”.  Much like “salad.”

        • snyderbayratner-av says:

          Using a fork and knife on half a sandwich doused in gravy?Aristocrat. 

          • dremiliolizardo-av says:

            Who are you calling “aristocrat?”  Your the snob who won’t eat a big pile of food with your hands.

          • snyderbayratner-av says:

            You just changed the game…

      • dirtside-av says:

        I like to think that Taika is sitting at home, wasting time reading about what I’m doing right now.

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        I’m four years older and the same way, but I think that’s mostly due to 6 years of ever-worsening, crippling depression, closely paralleling the ever-worsening sociopolitical situation in the good ol’ USofA….or is talking about that a bit too gloomy for a comment on a Taika Waititi-centered article? I’m not even sure anymore.

    • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

      Next Goal Wins was actually shot before Thor (in 2019)… but then they needed to replace Armie Hammer (with Will Arnett) in some reshoots earlier this year.

      • Der-Rebbitzer-av says:

        If I were going to replace someone who was a creeper and maybe a cannibal with someone safer, I would not have gone with Will Arnett. He’s probably fine, but he does not give off “person you’d LEAST suspect of being a cannibal” vibes.

    • 4x100-av says:

      He just makes the same kinds of jokes in different settings. He’s like a Wes Anderson now. 

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      That’s what the threesomes with Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson are for, they’re like those healing tanks from Empire Strikes Back but, like, awesome.

    • wampa111-av says:

      I was super-lucky to randomly meet him at the airport in Boston when he was arriving to film Free Guy a few years ago. At the time nobody on our plane knew who he was and I had only recognized him from What We Do in the Shadows. Later on I realized that during that time he was also filming/directing/writing/acting in the Mandalorian, Jo-Jo Rabbit, Reservation Dogs, Endgame, Wellington Paranormal and god knows what else. Dude’s a workhorse and just hasn’t stopped!BTW – he’s as awesome in person as he is on TV.

    • czarmkiii-av says:

      Living in a stable polycule is pretty good for extending ones life though sheer peace.

  • milligna000-av says:

    I bet.

    • schmowtown-av says:

      If I had faced the wrath of star wars fans, I would focus on other projects too

      • KingOfKong-av says:

        For all of its flaws (actual and imagined), TLJ was easily the best of the sequel trilogy. Change my mind.

        • schmowtown-av says:

          It’s by far the best of all the disney star wars stuff and I 100% include mandolorian in that too

        • ex-arkayjiya-av says:

          I still prefer Episode VII to TLJ, I thought it captured the tone of SW very well if nothing else. TLJ did a lot of interesting thing when it was willing to play on SW’s ground (like for the themes of family and Rey being no one, that was a good example of taking a traditional SW theme and doing something different from the OT and the Prequels) but it was also meandering and uninspiring plot-wise and try to do a bit too many things.IX is a complete trashfire though. Replaced Episode II as the worst SW movie for me. I haven’t seen the Christmas special but honestly at that point I’m willing to try just to see if it can surpass Episode IX.

        • ruivo-av says:

          No. I will not change your mind, because I agree 100% with you! 

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          Watch the first episode of the Battlestar Galactica series (‘33′) and get back to me.

          • well-lighted-av says:

            Did you reply to the wrong person? What does Battlestar Galactica have to do with Star Wars, other than they’re both sci-fi properties?

        • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

          Honestly, I’d even put Last Jedi above Return for 3rd-best in the series (and this is from someone who actually loves the Ewoks). It was everything I wanted to push the series in bold new directions (plus some terrific action and a phenomenal Mark Hamill performance)…that JJ Abrams immediately retreated back to his safety net of “HEY HEY REMEMBER THIS?”

        • davechrist-av says:

          Why bother? Seems like a lot of work, given your… Questionable baseline taste.

        • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

          You misspelled Force Awakens. Not that that film was mind-blowing itself, mind you.

        • well-lighted-av says:

          Agreed. I really disliked it when I first saw it, but it’s grown on me a ton. I need to watch it again soon. I can at least say I’ve thought about TLJ infinitely more than the other two sequel films since release. The whole theme of democratizing Star Wars fandom and challenging its canon and mythology is way more interesting than what basically anyone else has done with the IP (yes, including Lucas himself).

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          Why would I try to change the mind of someone who is so correct?

        • jpfilmmaker-av says:

          I doubt I’ll change your mind, but I’ll say that it’s not really any mean feat to be the best of the sequel trilogy.

          I think a case could be made for TFA being the best of the bunch, only because its pretty actively inoffensive.  TLJ has some of the best moments, but it also has moments way shittier than anything in TFA.

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        I don’t think Rian Johnson is the reluctant party here, honestly.

        • Madski-av says:

          He has his own burgoeing production company and I am pretty sure he gets a much larger cut of those Knives Out profits.

          • jodyjm13-av says:

            True; I suppose I should have specified that while I’m sure the Netflix money for the Knives Out sequels is certainly delaying any other movies from Johnson, I do think that as someone who’s an obvious fan of the Star Wars franchise, Johnson probably wants to return at some point to make his own movie(s) or series. I don’t get the impression he was scared off by the sizable-but-still-minority vocal haters of TLJ.

        • schmowtown-av says:

          I think Star Wars fans deserved Rise of Skywalker.

          • m-m-odonnell-av says:

            In part for how they reacted to TLJ.

          • jodyjm13-av says:

            Maybe I’m wrong (I don’t follow the fandom closely), but my impression is that the fans who hated The Rise of Skywalker were mostly the ones excited by The Last Jedi, whereas the ones who liked or loved it were mostly ones who loathed Johnson’s middle chapter. There were some who hated both, obviously, but they seem to be a minority.

          • schmowtown-av says:

            I also don’t follow too closely either (star wars fans are typically an erratic, infuriating bunch) but I don’t think anyone over the age of 11 loved Rise of Skywalker and most people rightfully view it as a raging dumpster fire of a movie

          • KingOfKong-av says:

            Yeah, I’m firmly in that former camp. I liked TFA, as derivative of ANH as it was, because the new characters were cool and the Han/Ben story was well done. But TRoS was a big ball of what the actual fuck?There were definitely moments in TLJ that didn’t work – Canto Bight sticks out like the sorest of thumbs even though the Rose/Finn dynamic was actually pretty good imo, Benicio del Toro would have had to up his effort dramatically to reach “mailing it in” level. And the slow speed space chase was some pretty unintentional comedy. But overall, the story was compelling and I’ve never understood the complaints about Luke’s arc – it 100% parallels Obi-Wan’s in the original trilogy where his failure with his protege caused him to retreat into exile, only to have a young potential Jedi reawaken his sense of right and wrong and inspire him to nobly sacrifice himself to allow the Rebellion/Resistance to survive.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Ooh. This makes it sound like Johnson is still slated to return after all. I hope so. I look forward to feeling a great disturbance in the YouTube algorithm, as millions of whiny voices of fanboys will suddenly cry out in terror and will be hilariously silenced.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      I’d love to see a Rian Johnson movie, or series, or series of movies, unencumbered by the Skywalker Saga and its accompanying baggage and expectations. (Edit: have I turned off whatever spell-check logic used to be on to flag every weird word and crappy neologism I used? Dangit computer, it’s your job to tell me if I wiffed on “unencumbered”…)

      • Ovy-av says:

        Yeah, TLJ had a lot of ambition that the other two films didn’t, but it was a bit overstuffed.And of course, dogmatic fans weren’t too pleased that Luke wasn’t the same person as an old man that he was as a young adult. Because they want their Star Wars films as vacuum sealed as their Star Wars collectibles.

      • nickalexander01-av says:

        I don’t read her quote as positively as you do. Rather, it appears they’re creating a scapegoat (Johnson being too busy) to blame on the reason his Star Wars films are never made (or at least not made by him, perhaps keeping only his story and him as a producer) to try and make it look like they aren’t giving into the whiny fanboys.

        • jodyjm13-av says:

          Oh, I think that’s a very real possibility, but that’s not going to stop me from hoping for a Johnson-helmed Star War that’s independent of the Skywalker Saga.I mean, I’ve got to have something to hope for, since obviously I can’t have any hope for politics or climate change or religion or education or…

      • hippo14-av says:

        He basically already got that opportunity. Rose’s character and the whole casino planet were complete whiffs, and everyone reacted poorly to Superman Leia. The movie was filled with bad jokes.

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like or dislike TLJ but it’s a weak entry and in terms of the storywriting it was basically independent of the other 2 movies.

      • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

        Yep, without all those pesky “expectations” and the Skywalker saga, we’ll just get the plot holes, awful pacing, total lack of imagination and piss poor character development. Won’t that be awesome?

    • laserfacelvr-av says:

      What a weird way to live your life 

      • gargsy-av says:

        “What a weird way to live your life”

        Yeah, noticing something happening is really weird.

    • gaith-av says:

      2018 called; it wants its edgy use of an ANH quote in a tiresome forever war over the objective suckitude of TLJ back.

      • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

        Found one!

        • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

          The only person that’s been found is you. The sucker that’ll take anything corporate america shoves in his mouth and ask them for another. A person with zero standards who just calls anyone that doesn’t agree with them “fanbois” or “haters”. You’re just a chump.

      • thenonymous-av says:

        “Objective” lol.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Manbabies calling their opinions “objective” is evergreen, though.

      • jhhmumbles-av says:

        Seems like the forever war has more to do with the inability of different sides to be introspective or understand the point of view of the other.  Which is definitely just relevant to Star Wars.  

      • handsaway-av says:

        A little self awareness can go a long ways, my dude.

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        1987 called and it wants its “X year called and it wants its Y back” joke back. Do you have any sweet “not!” jokes? Those are only 30 years old.

    • EbolaO-av says:

      Silenced by what?

    • j4x-av says:

      I didn’t really like his Star Wars film, mostly because I could see how disjointed it was from the previous and its inevitable conflict with the third while sitting in the theater. I thought the pacing was poor, the B-plot was asinine, the characterization non-existent, but I REALLY enjoyed Cranky Luke interacting with Rey and thought the big lightsaber fight was stellar.Honestly, I mostly keep quite because as you allude, the Chuds rally to hate this film like they are literally getting paid.But I said at the time and will say again, I’d be cautiously optimistic about Johnson having another shot at the franchise if it wasn’t so horribly mismanaged from the start.

      • Antvgm64-av says:

        The thing about TLJ is it’s very much about trying to wipe the slate clean for the third – and future films – by basically suggesting what you think about Star Wars is less then exact. Luke was NEVER super awesome bad ass guy, and if you think he was, well, you’re a terrible fanboy like Kylo-Ren. Like that’s why at the end he’s literally fighting the *illusion* of Luke Skywalker. 

        • j4x-av says:

          No, that came across quite well. It literally pulled me out of the film, as I was already considering how JJ and KK would react.I knew it would get blown up and couldn’t get invested because of it.Which…yeah, that is sad.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “I knew it would get blown up and couldn’t get invested because of it.”

            Uh huh. And we ALLLLLL believe you.

          • billyjennks-av says:

            Rian Johnson is a smart guy he knew that too but he didn’t care about making a compelling trilogy.

        • jhhmumbles-av says:

          Like that’s why at the end he’s literally fighting the *illusion* of Luke Skywalker. Oooo, well done!

        • billyjennks-av says:

          Luke at the end of ROTJ is absolutely a super awesome guy. Not so much a badass though of course thankfully. He so awesome in fact that TLJ has to come up with a Frasier farce level misunderstanding to make him a failure.

      • nullv3ctor-av says:

        Yeah, it wasn’t good, but since a bunch of middle-aged white dudes hated it, the woke mob took it up as their mantle of what a Star Wars film should be, and heralded it (even though they never supported SW before and haven’t since) I didn’t hate it, but I also didn’t think it was that great, and it did feel disjointed, parts (casino) obviously needed to be edited out, cranky Luke makes no sense canonically or character-wise (makes much more sense with Anakin, but not Luke). I’m not opposed to RJ making his own thing, but I’ll stand by my position that Ep. 8 was terrible as a middle-of-trilogy SW film.

    • lasttimearound-av says:

      Er, I don’t think “backburnered” means anything other than his movies are probably never coming out.And while I think it’s great to be excited for someone making good movies, wanting something to come out just because it’ll upset people is a little sociopathic.Why not just hope for good movies?

    • Gerry197-av says:

      Clearly not, his movies are likely forever back burned, there is no way Disney will ever allow him to touch another Star Wars property.They are just saying that to save face and not create a stir with either side regarding Star Wars fans.  

    • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

      Fanboism has nothing to do with it. At it’s best TLJ was an inferior remix of Empire, at it’s worst just a demonstrably awful movie with more plot holes than the rest of Star Wars combined. And nobody was silenced. Some people just expect good movies when they buy a ticket. Some chumps like you just need shiny splodey things that make them smile and drool and that’s fine. You get tons of those every year so you must be a happy widdle boy.

    • tmicks-av says:

      I liked it well enough as a standalone movie, but it felt like when a new writer would take over a comic book, and immediately retcon everything the previous writer had done. That’s fine for an ongoing comic book, not so good for a film in the middle of a trilogy. I guess it’s not all of his fault, the studio should never have allowed it, there should have been a fairly strict outline with story beats that any director would have been required to work within.

    • jhhmumbles-av says:

      Or disturbingly amplified.

    • babymech-av says:

      We should all hope that Rian Johnson is never allowed an opportunity to work on the hallowed Star Wars franchise again, so his time can be spent on movies that are actually good. Michael Bay should be responsible for every Star Wars movie going forward; script and direction.

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      Much as I like some fanboy schadenfreude, if a studio exec says a movie is backburnered, that movie is probably never happening. If there’s any chance, they say it’s still “in development”, “being actively worked on”, “it’s his next project”, and other non-committal but positive things.

      • Titus_Thorngate-av says:

        It’s the natural consequence of modern Hollywood’s dumbest marketing ploy – greenlighting a sequel or a new season right before the current one is released as cheap guerilla marketing. Was there ever even a written treatment? Who knows! But we’ll be getting updates on (non)status from blogs long after the folks on this thread are dead and buried…

    • jasonstroh-av says:

      Whiny fanboys of the “lacking in taste” variety.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    I’m at least a moderate fan of most of Taika Waititi’s oeuvre.  Rian Johnson’s too.  Quality offerings from enthusiastic creators.  I’m easy.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I think maybe they should have given Rian Johnson one of these … solo films first, it would have been better than shoehorning him into the constraints of something set up for him previously by JJ Abrams.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Why would Rian want to do Star Wars right now when Netflix is out here paying $469m for two Knives Out movies that just about every celebrity wants to be a part of?

      • thenonymous-av says:

        Star Wars: Lightsabers Out.Although they’d have to address how Daniel Craig went from faceless stormtrooper to Space Detective.

      • j4x-av says:

        Wait. What?*googles*Hol-ee Shiate that’s some dollar bills they sent his way.I only just saw the film about a month ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a bit schlocky and overlong but I really enjoyed the aesthetic and the self-aware love of the “who-dunnit” mystery. Plus Daniel Craig was clearly having a time with that accent.I’m hoping it won’t be a direct sequel, the film ended on such a savagely pleasant shot that IMO is far better fodder for conversation than actual film.

        • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

          Like the Agatha Christie (turned recent Kenneth Branagh films) novels of Hercule Poirot, the Knives Out sequels will follow Benoit Blanc on new crimes to solve.

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          I read a Variety breakdown of the money and it sounds like Netflix’s stipulation is Craig has to return for both films and each movie has to have a budget of at least $40m. And Rian has a co-producer he works with. So roughly $80-100m is going to making the movies, another $100m to Daniel Craig, and then the rest seems like it is largely split up between Rian and his producing partner(s).So yea…on one hand is nine-figures to make sequels to a movie everyone enjoyed with seemingly minimal constraints from executives that every actor wants to be a part of and on the other is likely significantly less to go make a trilogy for asshole fans and a studio head who wants to make the most vanilla Star Wars content possible.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Much more preferable to dealing with the worst Star Wars fans, for sure.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      Even JJ Abrams can’t follow up a JJ Abrams film lol.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    I hope he’s given the free reign to set it a longish time ago in a galaxy far away.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Plot twist, we now find out what it’s like in that galaxy a long time from now!

      • thenonymous-av says:

        I’d actually really enjoy that though.Move away from the Imperial era that’s been done to death, move away from the very lackluster High Republic era they’re pushing right now, leave the Old Republic era to other media, and jump forward 1000 years or so with a clean slate.Personally I’d like to see something like Star Wars Legacy (non-evil Empire, more than just 2 Sith, an actual Jedi order, plenty of people caught in-between who want nothing to do with any of them), just without the baggage of having the main character be another Skywalker lol.

        • junjihyun-av says:

          But one of the characters has to be the great-great-grand-uncle of one of the unnamed bounty hunters shown with Darth Vader in ESB. (Yes, I know they all have names, but not in the films they don’t)

        • kngcanute-av says:

          Return the Jedi to being wandering space samurai do gooders with crazy powers and have them find the Sith almost by accident. Have them foil each other, build the conflict over the course of the movie, and then duel at the end.  Neither dies, sith are defeated but vow vengeance.   Second movie becomes about the main character on the run because the sith are hunting him/her down.

    • turbotastic-av says:

      He is, but he refuses. Instead it’s set in June 2002 in suburban Delaware.And yet the characters never bring up 9/11.

      • well-lighted-av says:

        This is wildly off-topic, but I watched The Sopranos for the first time recently and was kinda shocked 9/11 gets like 2 brief mentions in the whole series. I was prepping for the 2nd and 3rd season to center largely around 9/11 but it never happened.

    • interlinked-av says:

      Spoiler: The Galaxy was ours all along, yesterday.

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    It would be nice to see a comedy in Star Wars. They’ve done everything else.

    • gterry-av says:

      Have they done everything else? Because everything Star Wars feels pretty similar and often features the same characters or their family.

      • Sarah-Hawke-av says:

        Well they’ve already done a sort-of “heist” movie with Solo and no-one can forget the original musicals:

    • interlinked-av says:

      What about the Holiday Special?Oh, you mean intentionally make one.

    • drstrang3love-av says:

      Agreed. From the few surving scenes, I have the impression that the original Phil Lord/Chris Miller version of “Solo” was supposed to be a lot more comedic than what we eventually got. I really would have liked to that version.

      • zprich-av says:

        Yeah I got this exact feeling. There were a few scenes where I could immediately tell “that was from L&M.” Definitely had some comedy – which is what I am guessing got them axed. Which really sucks.

      • Sora57-av says:

        I thought Solo was very funny.  In the good way.

    • thenonymous-av says:

      They actually did make one years ago (it was basically Robot Chicken but exclusively Star Wars)  but the Disney buyout basically killed it despite the fact that they produced an entire two seasons (and done scripts for like another 3).The weird thing is Disney has actually renewed the trademark for the show, so it might not be entirely dead, but as recently as last year Seth Green still said he had no idea what was going on with it

    • j4x-av says:

      Yes&no.I think over the last 10-15 years, most of our sci-fi and action films are so saturated in quippy dialogue and wink-at-audience moments that they border on the comedic.I’m not saying the jokes are good but they cram droids into every SW property purely as comic relief.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      What could have been with Lord and Miller’s “Solo”…

    • noreallybutwait-av says:

      I doubt Taiki would be allowed to go full gloves off the way he did with his Marvel franchise, although maybe..As others have mentioned, that’s thought to be what killed the original version of Solo before Ron Howard was brought in to “fix” it.And Waititi’s Mandalorian episode was pretty tame except for the Biker Scout banter in the beginning.

    • MannyBones-av says:

      Live action R0-GR!

    • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

      I’ve been screaming for a Star Wars comedy for years. They could take the cantina band from the original film and do a sort of Spinal Tap style touring comedy. I think it would really work.

    • mwake1-av says:

      TROS was a comedy wasn’t it? WASN”T IT??!

    • Citizen-Kang-av says:

      It’s not my jam, but I think a cooking show would really be thinking outside of the box.  I’m sure there’d be some interesting recipes with that blue milk…

    • tshepard62-av says:

      It’s high time for a live action version of The Guide to Wookie Sex.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      They haven’t done a jukebox musical, and they should do a jukebox musical. I would like money for my pitch for a Star Wars jukebox musical.

  • outrider-av says:

    I say this as somebody who has generally liked most of the Star Wars shows & movies that have come out in the last several years – I like Force Awakens and Last Jedi quite a bit, Rogue One and the Mandalorian are good and even Solo was mostly dumb fun – but it’s really hard to overlook just how badly the franchise has been mismanaged basically from the point that Disney acquired Lucasfilm and how Rise of Skywalker’s utter failure as a conclusion to the trilogy (or even just a coherent film) blew up their plans for Star Wars as a regular presence in theaters. It’s kind of astounding and just becomes more and more wild whenever I think about it.I think the prequel films, while bad, do get a lot of unfair hate, but I never would’ve expected that Disney would make a Star Wars film so bad that it not only basically killed the franchise in theaters (for the time being) but also made people seriously consider it on par with the prequel films. It’s a bad move that fails to satisfyingly tie up basically everything set up in the prior two films and somehow winds up worse than its constituent parts. It’s almost impressive in how badly that film failed at what it set out to do.Sorry, I didn’t start this post thinking it would be yet another rant about how bad Rise of Skywalker is, but that film is kind of like a black hole in the center of Star Wars discourse: as soon as you get close to it you risk getting sucked in without any hope of avoiding it.

  • doraemonpocket-av says:

    Taika was great in that pirate comedy. At first, I didn’t even recognize him as Blackbeard.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Not going to get too excited about this given Kennedy fired Lord and Miller for trying to do something comedic (as in, what they are best known for) with Solo.People focus so much on the directors of these mediocre SW movies but the problem is up top.

    • j4x-av says:

      Especially with this weeks astonishingly tone-deaf comments from management. I was hesitant to jump on the KK-hate train because of the undeniable amount of misogyny floating around much of the “discourse” but we have more than several years of evidence in front of us. The folks at the top of the SW franchise are consistently making bad creative choices, only accidently churning out entertaining content every so often.

      • boterham-av says:

        Do they though? They made one terrible movie, 4 okay to pretty good movies and a bunch of series that are legitimately good. Sure, with the movies its no MCU in terms of success. But I don’t think you can blame the executives of making bad creative choices if 80% of their movies are still pretty good.  

        • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

          Except that Kennedy’s takeaway from Solo was that Alden Emmerich was the big reason why the movie flopped. Nothing else.

        • jpfilmmaker-av says:

          Define “legitimately good”. I’ve only seen the live-action stuff, but the first season of the Mandalorian is pretty good. The second gets bogged down in guest stars and setting up future shows. Boba Fett flat out doesn’t appear for two episodes of his own show and still somehow the show spends half its time spinning its wheels.

          Let’s also talk about those movies for a sec:-RotS hopefully is the out and out terrible one you mention.-TLJ is polarizing at best, but let’s say we count it as the best of the new batch for sake of argument.
          -TFA is ok-ish, if you ignore the subsequent dumpster fire director fight that virtually ignore everything it sets up and makes the group of films weaker by result.-Rogue One is a messy movie almost singlehandedly saved by a three minute sequence at the end.-Solo isn’t actively bad, but it might be something that’s worse: forgettable.

          Also, among those five films, you have three that either had a director fired (RotS and Solo) or might as well have (R1). That doesn’t speak well of good stewardship.Finally, and the biggest head scratcher for me, is the fact that these execs you’re defending somehow managed to take arguably the biggest IP in history and start making three new movies with a combined billion dollar price tag-with the legacy cast to garner fan support no less- and couldn’t have been bothered to sit down long enough to write down an outline on a bar napkin.

          That’s your idea of good choices?

          • boterham-av says:

            Yep, RotS was the terrible one. The thing is, that one is so terrible it drags down the previous movies. But that doesn’t make those movies and the choices they made for them bad. Just the choices they made for RotS. And granted, nearly every creative choice there was the worst choice they could have made.
            And I don’t think it works to write down the entire outline of the whole trilogy in advance. The more you plan stuff out in advance, the less freedom you have to make the movie its own thing and take bold creative decisions like we saw in TLJ. That said, someone should have stepped in once Abrams basically decided he wanted to pretend TLJ never happened. As for R1 and Solo, I think they are fine movies. They did exactly what I wanted them to do, flesh out parts of the universe we hadn’t really seen before in nice self contained stories. Sure, Solo is the weakest of the two and probably made the biggest creative mistake by having it be about Han Solo, but even then its enjoyable enough to watch.As for the series, I’d say that the animated shows are good shows as well. And as for the live action shows, again they are not making any creative decisions that I disagree with. 

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        It has nothing to do with her being a woman for me. I don’t even think she is a bad producer overall – she has a lot of good movies on her filmography list. I just don’t think she’s the right person to run Star Wars because of the content produced since 2015. And I guess the thing is, if the movies were reacted to so poorly that they paused production of all other movies, why wouldn’t they explore someone else?I don’t think Filoni is right either FWIW. I like what he has done in the past but he’s stuck in the same era as much as she is.

        • unclefester69-av says:

          The 3 star wars movies were such a management fail its crazy, flip flopping directors and tones, cobbled together plots. People were foaming at the mouth for more and the movies are a big whatever. 

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          I think the misogyny comes from someone seeing a modern Star Wars thing and not liking an aspect of it and arbitrarily being like “fucking Kathleen Kennedy” without any knowledge of her level of involvement in the thing they didn’t like. It’s a way for neckbeards to express their hate toward women without realizing or acknowledging their misogyny. 

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            Well first off, don’t think anyone should personally attack or insult anyone and agree that is bad behavior. These are just movies – worst case they’re bad and we move on to other movies.Second, what uncertainty is there on KK’s involvement in the movies? She’s the head of Lucasfilms. I know she’s not out there every day on sets but she’s the one ultimately responsible for making decisions and giving feedback. Like you can blame a writer or director but KK is the one who ultimately signed off on them being hired in the first place.

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          I don’t think that the production being paused is necessarily a reaction to the movies getting trashed, but more about how they clearly bit off way more than they could chew, as they thought they could Marvelize Star Wars. It turns out nobody wants three Star Wars movies a year, though. Hell, plenty of people are starting to complain about the increased output in the MCU, where a few years ago the three movie a year formula was still leaving a lot of people thirsty for more. I honestly think that the reception for some of the movies would have been a little better if they weren’t oversaturated. It probably seemed like a good bet to do one movie a year, alternating Trilogy and Stories, but I remember a lot of comments about how it was just too much, too quickly. Taking some extra time might or might not have improved Solo or RoS, but it couldn’t have hurt, and a little extra anticipation might have endeared the audience a little.I can’t even remember all that was on the table or still is, but it certainly seemed like in the wake of RoS, we were looking at a Johnson trilogy, a few standalone movies from other directors, and then a list of like 15 TV shows. I think they can probably get away with releasing three or four shows a year in the gaps of their MCU content like they’ve been doing, but the movie situation was really appalling. They were right to put everything on hold, even if RoS hadn’t been such a mess. I’m not sure what the distinction is between Star Wars and Marvel, except perhaps the clear difference in the amount of content to mine, but there’s no way to sustain the same amount of interest in the former as there is in the latter.

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            They were definitely right to put everything on hold but the reason the movies didn’t work well were because they were uninspired and purposefully repeated a lot of story beats from previous movies and there were issues behind-the-scenes that led to inconsistent story telling and direction. Those things should reflect the leadership and vision of the studio head IMO and if there isn’t a change of some sort, the same issues will rise up again.Maybe KK has truly learned from the first few movies and the next batch will be better. Not personally optimistic about that but guess we’ll see.

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            They were definitely right to put everything on hold but the reason the movies didn’t work well were because they were uninspired and purposefully repeated a lot of story beats from previous movies and there were issues behind-the-scenes that led to inconsistent story telling and direction. Those things should reflect the leadership and vision of the studio head IMO and if there isn’t a change of some sort, the same issues will rise up again.Maybe KK has truly learned from the first few movies and the next batch will be better. Not personally optimistic about that but guess we’ll see.

  • thenonymous-av says:

    including the newly announced Andor from Diego Luna“newly announced” lol. Andor was pretty much the first show they actually announced like 4-5 years ago.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Yay! I was joking with my son yesterday about which would happen first( well in the next 20 years), a Marvel vs DC movie , or a Star Wars/Marvel crossover. It wouldn’t surprise me if Waititi sneaks in one of Korgs race into this ( or a vampire).I wasn’t a fan of TLJ at all. But I figured if RJ was given a standalone movie in the far past of the SW universe   or the far future where he could do what he wanted without messing up anyone else’s story it’d be great.  So hopefully that’s what he gets.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      The Star Wars / MCU crossover that will doom us all IS definitely on the horizon. Marvel actually releases Star Wars comics nowadays. It’s really just a skip and a hop for them to have a superhero / Star Wars crossover comic and then maybe a year later announce a film claiming that it already happened in the comics and is therefore justified.

      And then everyone will hate it. This has been my prediction for the end of the MCU for awhile now.

      • internetuser101-av says:

        “Marvel actually releases Star Wars comics nowadays…”This may be shocking to you but Marvels published Star Wars comics since the late 70’s.

        • thatlamer-av says:

          It’s easy to assume otherwise, as for a long while star wars lived on dark horse. But that was obviously set to change when disney completed it’s infinity gauntlet of IP acquisitions.

          • internetuser101-av says:

            I almost had forgotten that Dark Horse had the rights now that you mention it…

        • mortbrewster-av says:

          When we gonna get a movie with the giant green rabbit?

          • internetuser101-av says:

            I think we live in a age where a Bucky O’ Hare film isn’t entirely out of the question now.

      • czarmkiii-av says:

        I figure Disney will have the crossover happen in Grid from Tron so it’s not a real crossover. It’ll be the super Disney crossover film.  They escape on Dumbo.  

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    I genuinely enjoy most of his work, but I’m getting really tired of hearing about him doing the next (insert name here). There are more than five directors available, franchises.

  • burnout1228121-av says:

    IG-88 Star Wars film confirmed! LOL!

  • alsosprachalso-av says:

    “I hesitate to use the word trilogies anymore because Star Wars is much more about persistent storytelling,”This sounds *exhausting*. I get enough persistent storytelling from the real-world, I don’t want to have to subscribe to Soap-Opera Digest But For Star Wars just to be able to enjoy whatever new TV show I have time for that looks interesting and good. Didn’t they give up on movies for a while because they thought audiences got burned out? And now they want to ultra burn them out on TV shows, when just looking at all the TV shows out there to watch is exhausting in itself? I haven’t even had the time yet to sit down and watch the Doctor Who Easter Special!

  • canavanarn-av says:

    FFS. This is exactly the wrong move. Rian Johnson tried to make Star Wars more interesting, so of course we can’t do that again. Let’s get the man who took Thor to new lows.
    Kathleen Kennedy also said that recasting didn’t work, a week before a series starring several recast characters. I had faith in her until now, but it’s waning.

  • etruwanonanon-av says:

    “The details of the movie remain locked away, but 1917 screenwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns is still working with Waititi on the script.”1917 and TLJ are basically the same format whereas the action happens almost in real time.  

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Coming to the A.V. Club in six months:
    Writer/Director Taika Waititi drops out of Star Wars movie

  • baskev-av says:

    So star wars episode 7.Since we can not call force awakens and its sequels movies.Just watched the bad batch again….a childerns tv show with more skill, craftmanship and story …

  • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

    “newly announced Andor from Diego Luna and Ahsoka “. If by newly announced you mean announced years ago, then…….yeah. I just want them to leave the Skywalker saga and era behind. Star Wars is a great IP and there are plenty of non Skywalker stories to tell moving forward. And please, for the love of the force, no more prequels.

  • random-commentor-av says:

    Why do we even need any more Star Wars movies?  Let it rest and go think up something new.

  • stuttbuxur-av says:

    After WW84, I don’t think I need to see a Patty Jenkins Star Wars movie.

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