A Golden Globe joke has altered Taylor Swift’s career. Ask Tina Fey.

This year's Golden Globes wasn't the first Taylor Swift awards show joke to have far-reaching consequences

Aux Features Tina Fey
A Golden Globe joke has altered Taylor Swift’s career. Ask Tina Fey.
Tina Fey; Taylor Swift; Jo Koy Photo: Paul Drinkwater; Steve Granitz/FilmMagic; Rich Polk

Sometimes an awards show moment can change the course of history—at least, if you’re Taylor Swift. The mind immediately goes to the 2009 VMAs, an event that has haunted both Swift and Kanye West’s careers for more than a decade. Most recently, there was the cringeworthy Jo Koy quip about the cameras cutting less frequently to Swift at the Golden Globes than they do at NFL games; Swift’s blank-faced reaction as she sipped a glass of wine showed how little tolerance she has for being an awards show punchline. She’s been here before, literally, at the Golden Globes in 2013, when a joke from Tina Fey altered the course of Swift’s public persona, a joke that in some ways looms just as large over Swiftian lore as the infamous Kanye West interruption.

In January 2013, Swift was a few months fresh off the Red album and a public breakup with Conor Kennedy. She was in the audience as a nominee for the song “Safe & Sound” from The Hunger Games soundtrack when co-host Tina Fey, drink in hand, joked that the singer needed to “stay away from Michael J. Fox’s son.” (Sam Michael Fox was the evening’s “Mr. Golden Globe,” in charge of directing the attendees on the stage and handing over the trophies.) Her co-host Amy Poehler suggested Swift “go for it,” but Fey contradicted, “No, she needs some me-time to learn about herself.”

The passing joke seems almost quaint today, but at the time it was the straw that broke the camel’s back after an endless narrative surrounding the pop star that she was a serial dater. Swift suffered through it at the ceremony, but she fired back in an interview with Vanity Fair months later: “You know, Katie Couric is one of my favorite people. Because she said to me she had heard a quote that she loved, that said, ‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’”

This quote (actually attributed to Madeline Albright) was notable not just for being a scathing (and perhaps a little clunky) response to what Fey would later describe as a “lighthearted joke,” but also because it marked a shift in Swift’s entire PR strategy. The year prior, Swift had declined to label herself a feminist, telling The Daily Beast, “I don’t really think about things as guys versus girls. I never have.” Now, in the wake of her awards show humiliation, she was flirting with Feminism 101.

By the next year, Swift was outright declaring herself a feminist and eschewing romantic relationships with men to surround herself with a “squad” of platonic girlfriends. These were deliberate choices meant to reframe her public image, Swift would later reveal. “I assumed I could fix this if I simply changed my behavior. I swore off dating and decided to focus only on myself, my music, my growth, and my female friendships. If I only hung out with my female friends, people couldn’t sensationalize or sexualize that—right?” She wrote in the prologue to 2023’s 1989 (Taylor’s Version).

A lot of ink has already been spilled about the way Swift will co-opt a political stance when it benefits her and drop it when it doesn’t. (Including by Swift herself: “I never had the courage of my convictions as long as danger is near,” she admits in her song “peace.”) Calling out Fey’s joke might’ve been the first time Swift called out misogyny directed at her, but it’s a tactic she would return to again and again in the years that followed—so long as the misogyny was related to her incredibly specific experience. (See: her complaints about the Netflix series Ginny & Georgia.) For what it’s worth, the incident seemed to haunt Fey as well. At the 2014 Golden Globes, she quipped that there was a “special place in hell” for Poehler after the latter won an award; the line pointedly came up again in an episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt years later.

Tina Fey tells Amy Poehler that she has a “special place in hell” – Golden Globe Awards 2014

Fey was hardly the only person to make such a joke at Swift’s expense, so it might not be strictly accurate to say that her Globes quip is directly responsible for Swift embracing feminism and the entire public persona of the 1989 era. But that moment and her reaction to it is a clear inflection point for Swift. The feeling of being singled out in such a way in a room full of ultra-famous peers is one that looms not just over her PR strategy but in her actual art: “The jokes weren’t funny, I took the money/My friends from home don’t know what to say,” she sings on the 2022 track “You’re On Your Own, Kid.”

Here’s the thing: no one’s making a joke about you at an awards show if you aren’t famous enough to be worth talking about. Swift has been super-famous for more than half her life, but if her unamused reaction to Jo Koy’s attempt at humor is anything to go by, being used as a punchline is still something of a sensitivity for her. This hits at the dysphoria at the heart of her career, wherein she’s positioned herself as an underdog and an outsider, the girl who got bullied growing up and had no friends. Today, she’s possibly the most famous woman on the entire planet; it’s why they make jokes about her, which makes the most famous woman in the world feel otherized, and on and on, ad infinitum. It’s no doubt a tedious cycle for Swift to be stuck in, and yet it’s also been an engine for her reinvention. It’s a singular characteristic of Swift’s career that these awards show moments are so deeply connected to her evolution.


  • highlikeaneagle-av says:

    God help whoever makes a really GOOD joke at her expense. Too bad Norm isn’t with us anymore…

    • themanagement2-av says:

      “Have The Rolling Stones killed!” “Oh Taylor that isn’t…” “Do as I say!”

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      Honestly, god help anyone who says ANYTHING about her if we’re referring to that Jo Koy joke as “cringe-worthy.” It was not a good joke. It was barely a joke. But my goodness, is it being blown so absurdly out of proportion. “Taylor Swift is dating an NFL star and gets shown on TV a bunch.” Oh, what a diss to Tay-Tay. How will she possibly recover from that brutal roast.

      • handsaway-av says:

        What do you mean it wasn’t a good joke? I thought it was perfectly snarky and actually pretty fucking accurate compared to all the other terrible jokes. In fact, if Tina Fey made the joke, I don’t think people would have considered it bad at all.Are we all just pretending this weird little NFL/Swift show isn’t actually a thing? Talk about being gaslit. There is literal videos of the weird performative shit in the sky box, with all the stupid “secret handshakes”, etc.This cult of personality shit has got to stop, but we love it so much we’re barreling towards actual civil war over this countries obsession with this crap.

        • lmh325-av says:

          He struggled on that joke hard. You could barely hear him say the word camera and then he tacked on “there’s just more to see here!” when there was a groan. On top of it, the punchline is undercut by the fact that they literally DO have a camera on her. It was a dumb joke poorly delivered. I think there was certainly plenty of jokes to be made about the NFL/Taylor Swift, but his joke wasn’t it. Make a joke about how advertisers are making bank on her going to games. Make a joke about the ratings bump. All things the dying awards show you’re presenting badly needs help with. Celebs at the Golden Globes (and other awards shows) are most receptive when they’re in on the joke.

        • murrychang-av says:

          “Are we all just pretending this weird little NFL/Swift show isn’t actually a thing?”The NFL is entirely based around making the absolute maximum profits for the franchise owners. They give no shits about the quality of the games or the health of their players, they care about their bank account totals. If Swift puts more money in their pockets, they’re fine with it. It’s barely a step up from the WWF these days.

        • phonypope-av says:

          Are we all just pretending this weird little NFL/Swift show isn’t actually a thing?No, but that’s part of the reason why the joke was lame (along with the clumsy delivery). We’ve already heard variations on that same joke a dozen times over the last 3 months.

        • recognitions-av says:

          It wasn’t a good joke

        • iggypoops-av says:

          I am certain that Tina would have actually delivered the joke so that it was funny. This guy seemed to already know it was going to be a stinker and the delivery then guaranteed that it would be. Ricky Gervais could have sold it. Would have been one of his weaker jokes, but it wouldn’t have landed like a lead balloon. 

        • junebugthed-av says:

          I’d attest that she’s literally the reason for the Lions (soon to be short-lived) success this season; if Travis Kelce had have been in the game instead of in her…

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          Maybe learn what the word “gaslit” means before you throw it around. Someone expressing an opinion (for example, “There’s nothing unusual or noteworthy about the NFL showing a lot of footage of Taylor Swift at a game”) is not akin to a form of psychological manipulation designed to have the victim doubt their own perception of reality.

        • unspeakableaxe-av says:

          Heh? The NFL loves their Taylor ratings bump, we all know this. That doesn’t mean the joke was insightful or funny or clever at all. It was a borderline hack joke about a thing we all know is happening.That said, it also wasn’t offensive in the slightest. It seemed like it was aimed at the NFL more than Taylor. And I can’t stop rolling my eyes at her apparent annoyance, or think pieces like this one. Extremely famous person has very mild joke told only partly at her expense–oh, how ever will she survive?

      • AuntSlappy-av says:

        I don’t think she has a visit to the Friars Club in her near-term future . . .

      • drewtopia22-av says:

        And the nfl/tv networks are the butt of the joke. If that’s too far as an award show audience member re: host jokes just stay home, good grief

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        It doesn’t even sound like a Swift joke, it sounds like a NFL joke

    • joeinthebox66-av says:

      If only he lived long enough to have Taylor Swift devote an album+ worth of songs to him.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i think the joke about her has to be her fans. you just say ‘and taylor swift is here’ and then spout off a bunch of random numbers directly to the camera and salute her.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Im trying to picture what a full Norm ribbing would look like and I’m failing.

    • theeviltwin189-av says:

      How do you think he really got cancer? She knew it was coming.

    • rafterman00-av says:

      Interesting that when Koy made an equally bad joke about Barbie (and then they cut to Greta Gerwig and Ryan Gosling), they weren’t laughing (or even smiling) either.But let’s concentrate on attacking Taylor Swift for not having a sense of humor.

  • taco-emoji-av says:

    maybe she was unamused because jo koy’s joke sucked ass? maybe she wasn’t listening? maybe she was bored just like everybody else there?like… that’s just what a person’s face looks like when they’re not experiencing any particular emotion. why are we reading into this

    • rorothegreat-av says:

      Right. She had no clue that there was a joke coming her way and she was simply existing going about her life.Most award shows the hosts know the stars in the room and have some familiarity. The host may have even told the star that a joke was coming their way at a certain point. This host didn’t know anyone there, which is why he failed at connecting on any of his jokes.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      why are we reading into this Because we view our shared, endemic, consumerist stupidity with the same reverence as old monarchs viewed the divine right of kings?

      • brittaed-it-av says:

        “ Thou shant speak ill of Her Royal Majesty the Queen, lest thou loseth thy head!” (To be read in a silly Monty Python voice)

    • lmh325-av says:

      I’m also pretty sure the joke and the beef and whatever else we want to say existed between Taylor Swift and Tina Fey hasn’t messed up either of their careers. So is Jo Koy’s takeaway supposed to be make a joke about T. Swift and maybe you get to be Tina Fey? I don’t think that’s what he should be planning for.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I was recently in an acting workshop where one of the exercises was to simply stand in front of the group with a neutral expression. In most cases, the first attempt was not read by the group as neutral but at least mildly antagonistic. Point is, people often, when they have no particular expression on their face, come across seeming disinterested at best and hostile at worst. I’m the last person to run to Swift’s defence, but my guess is she wasn’t feeling any kind of way in particular.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Nah. The second he said ”NFL” I’m pretty sure he had her full attention.

  • baskev-av says:

    think a lot of people are missing that because it was a bad joke. it seemed more like a jab at who she is at her personally then like a real joke.But that is modern “comedy” , making insults with a smile, see what lands. And if it does not land. Call the critics of the joke or even the non laughers “woke”. And if they dare to speak on a really rude joke that was never okay, that even the likes of don rickles would not make. call it cancel culture.Comedians like ricky g, dave c, loius “the assaulter” ck etc are just like twitch thots…doing anything for cloud.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      “But that is modern “comedy””lol wut. You sound like someone who doesn’t watch comedy and only engages with it through online “discourse”.

      • baskev-av says:

        Nope, i have a lot of comedy on a lot of streaming services ( 5 streaming services so thats a lot of comedy :P). and i am not saying all comedy. that is you twisting my words.I am clearly talking about their specific brand of comedy. Just insult, say offensive stuff and act. Take per example, someone like jimmy carr is funny. But he is also rough in his comedy, but he does not fall in their group. They make really bad jokes, some who the great like don rickles ( who was really “offensive” and makes them look like babies) could easy make. But they do not land the joke, or say it to get a rise out of people. Because thats how they sell their 20 specials a year. So again, i am clearly talking about the comedians who say offensive stuff for cloud. Whine about freedom of speech, but are buthurt when they get a reaction. And there is a difference between them.

    • willoughbystain-av says:

      Well he is the most iconic Final Fantasy character

    • lmh325-av says:

      I also might be willing to give the joke more air and debate it’s tiredness/it’s misogyny etc if the joke had gotten a big laugh. It’s not like everyone in the room was busting at the seams to mock Taylor Swift with their laughter or to agree with his assessment. There was near silence after he said it. So the idea that anyone needed to speak up against a joke that seemingly no one thought was funny makes this all feel like giving Jo Koy way too much press for a bad joke.

  • lmh325-av says:

    At least the bit with Tina Fey/Amy Poehler managed to get the joke out and it had a punchline. Let’s not ignore the fact where Jo Koy fumbled the joke on top of it being not funny.Given the song, Anti-Hero, has a pretty overt 30 Rock reference and Taylor Swift presented with Poehler in 2020 where they joked about the incident.And yeah, saying there is a special place in hell for two people who essentially said it would be okay for you to be single for a while is an over the top response tbh.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      Yes, the idea that Tina Fey – of all people – was a woman who didn’t support or help other women is ridiculous… learn to take a joke Taylor – especially when you yourself built a substantial part of your career on singing about ex-boyfriends. 

      • worsehorse-av says:

        Yeah, I didn’t have much of an opinion on Taylor Swift before the Tina Fey “incident” – other than that her songs were catchy – but her response to that very mild joke just demonstrated how thin-skinned and humorless a person she would seem to be.(The NYT article this week was pretty messed up, though, I’ll agree).

      • brmatray13-av says:


      • lmh325-av says:

        And frankly, while the joke does build on the fact that Taylor has dated many men, the punchline arguably *was* supportive saying that she didn’t need them.I think we’re all too invested in who she’s dating, but this was hardly a “special place in hell” moment, imo.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          There is a signifiant number of us who are not only not invested, we’re tired of seeing it everywhere.

          • ladytron2000-av says:

            If only Jo Koy was successful at making her disappear as a result of his hacky joke.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      And yeah, saying there is a special place in hell for two people who essentially said it would be okay for you to be single for a while is an over the top response tbh.Late to the party here but Madeliene Albright (the source of said quote) was also once asked about all the deaths of Iraqi children (possibly into the tens if not hundreds of thousands) being caused by the sanctions they were imposing on Iraq and she said it was a price they were prepared to pay as if she was the one paying it and if the civilians of Iraq, especially the children could do anything about what the US and other countries behind it supposedly wanted from Iraq. Her place in Hell is already reserved.Reply

  • dushness-av says:

    jokes are made about the other celebrities because they are revered. look at that gal being forced to do wakanda forever.but jokes about swift are because she is being maligned

  • thepancakelord-av says:

    I’d let people make fun of me all day if I had the same net worth as Ms. Swift

  • warpedcore-av says:

    I am mad at myself for reading this article. 

  • jeninabq-av says:

    God, I’m so fucking sick of this woman and her highly calculated public persona. If you don’t want attention on your romances, then don’t make so many public appearances at televised NFL games – which seem exactly designed to rehabilitate the NFL’s image and continue the rampant interest in Taylor’s dating life. This is ALL ON HER and she needs to learn to take a fucking joke. Also, I disliked Joy Koy’s monologue as much as anybody. But his Taylor joke was specifically directed to the NFL. Tina and Amy’s joke was a little more pointed and arguably much more personal. But it didn’t get THAT much derision at the time b/c they’re both very funny people. And those type of jokes have to land to even work. See also: Koy’s much more offensive joke calling the Barbie movie about a woman ‘with big boobies’. Ugh. 

    • iggypoops-av says:

      …and how many songs has she written about ex-boyfriends? I mean, you make it part of “who you are” in your public persona, then someone is gonna riff on it. 

    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      “God, I’m so fucking sick of this woman and her highly calculated public persona.”

      So sick that you clicked…

      • jeninabq-av says:

        So, I responded to your other comment on the other post. My question to you here is: Why are you tracking me on this website? So weird and pointless. And are you looking at other commenters that way on these articles? B/C if you are, you’ll probably find that there are a lot of other people with very similar opinions to mine. I think you stakling me on AV Club is a lot weirder than being exhausted by and about Taylor Swift in an online forum. Get a grip.

        • kman3k-av says:

          “Get a grip.”Please find a mirror and repeat that to yourself.

          • jeninabq-av says:

            Yawn. This is specifically a place to come an comment on articles about the entertainment industry. It shouldn’t be (but of course becomes) a place where people start useless arguments with other commenters. I didn’t respond to people who posted different opinions than mine, b/c that’s what this is for. But I’m damn sure gonna respond to people who think it’s appropriate to harass me about my opinion. An opinion that many people here and elsewhere share. Nothing I’m saying is controversial. How about you post your own opinions if you’re that passionate about mine. I’ll ask you what I’ve asked other people who’ve complained to me. Are you commenting on all the many, many similar comments with identical opinions to mine? How boring.

          • kman3k-av says:

            “Harass” is doing some real heavy lifting here…You accused another commenter of stalking you and told them to get a grip. I told you to do the same. I tell you the same thing now, Get a fucking grip, cuckoo bird. You’re a loon, please seek help.

          • jeninabq-av says:

            Don’t invoke mental illness to make any point regarding entertainment. Also, you and the other commenter are the only ones who keep engaging with me. Why? What’s the goal here? And why do you know or care what other people are replying to me? Why are you paying attention to that? I’m not scouring these threads to engage with arguments. I made my own comment and I’m replying directly to your replies. Now, I know why I’ve been online a lot in the last two days. I am stuck in my bed with a bad injury. I’m not working and I can’t do anything physical. WTF is your excuse for continuing? I’ll repeat myself. I am not the only person on this thread that is expressing these thoughts. My original post got 35 likes, which is not something I would normally care about. But in this context, it indicates to me that I am not at all alone in my opinion. Again, are you engaging like this with other people here who share MY opinion? Why are you specifically targeting me? I am not doing that. And again, there is nothing funny about mental health disorders. Telling someone to ‘get a grip’ is not comparable to accusing someone of having a mental illness by telling someone to ‘get help’ or using a perjorative word like ‘loon’.  SO FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THAT SHIT!

          • kman3k-av says:

            I said what I said.You are a loon. Seek help.

        • nimbh-av says:

          It’s cute you think the editors here care if you’re sick of Swift. All they care about are your rage clicks and comments and in your haste to be the smartest person in the room all you’ve done is feed the beast.

      • stupidbabiesneedthemostattention-av says:

        I don’t know about you, but I get so many freaking news alerts (via the pushed Google news things) about Taylor Swift this and NFL that, and I don’t list to Swift or watch football.  It’s a weird cyclical thing and some of us are tired of being bombarded with it while trying to waste time on the internet.  Sometimes you have to vent

        • jeninabq-av says:

          Agreed. All the people on here who are coming at me with ‘then just don’t pay attention’ are missing the entire point. She is UNAVOIDABLE any time one reads news. Whether it be websites like this or actual news sites. I don’t think people understand that this is the reason people like us are frustrated. I mean… there are a lot of pop stars that I don’t particularly care for. But I don’t vent my dislike b/c I’m not being bombarded with them as much as Taylor. And, the NFL propraganda has really, really irritated me. That’s why I’m venting so profusely now.

    • monochromatickaleidoscope-av says:

      >See also: Koy’s much more offensive joke calling the Barbie movie about a woman ‘with big boobies’.The monologue was terrible, in the sense that it wasn’t funny, and the guy giving struggling on every level made it worse, but I don’t get why we’re at the point where things are getting twisted and exaggerated to attack him even more. The Barbie reference “Barbie is based on a doll with big boobies,” is a joke on the source material. It’s the combination of a common joke that gets made about movie adaptations like Battleship, Rampage, The Lego Movie and what used to be a common complaint about Barbie dolls: that they have very unrealistic proportions.

      • jeninabq-av says:

        I mean… I see where you’re coming from here. But I suppose it felt offensive b/c the script for the Barbie film focused on feminist issues. Even though it was based on a product which, ugh, it felt different than the Lego movies and the Battleship movie b/c it elevated the idea of what Barbie meant and means to women – good and bad in a way that felt a little less commercial. The movie was directed and written by a woman -and produced by women, so the boobies joke seemed inappropriate. And I don’t dislike Joy Koy. I just felt his performance here was weird and it wasn’t a good fit at all. 

    • ladytron2000-av says:

      Amen! Make it stop!

  • clamsteam-av says:

    Oh pity the poor billionaire…

  • hasselt-av says:

    Have the Swifties taken over the AVClub?  There seems to be a Taylor Swift article at least every few days recently.

    • drstephenstrange-av says:

      Clicks, my man. It is all about the clicks.

    • joshchan69-av says:

      It’s a pop culture website and she’s one of the biggest celebs in the world…

    • mifrochi-av says:

      We’re a long way from the avclub’s Permanent Records feature or Genevieve Koski’s thoughtful reviews of Britney Spears albums. 

    • fanburner-av says:

      So there were these strikes and the usual output of the website is going to be diminished until enough things are being broadcast again to keep up the outrage bait reviews at ‘paying the bills’ levels. Articles about Taylor Swift drive traffic. Articles about controversial topics drive traffic. Traffic means ad clicks which means payments.

    • nimbh-av says:

      The editors know there are a bunch of pinheads in the comments who can’t help but share how much they don’t like Swift. 

  • drstephenstrange-av says:

    When the Queen gets rid of the jester, we all have a serious problem on our hands.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • rafterman00-av says:

    The boyfriend jokes were so tired. If she was a dude, her dating history wouldn’t have gotten a second look.

    • joshchan69-av says:

      I don’t agree? Male celebs definitely have been/are known when they date a few big name female celebs.Of course the tenor of the conversation is totally different — THAT I agree with. Skeezes like Valderrama or (on the nose but) John Mayer mostly get a big cultural high-five, not chidings to just be single and/or settle down already.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      You never heard ALL the jokes about Leonardo DiCaprio’s dating?!? For example, “This ceremony is so long that by the end, Leo’s date will be too old for him to be interested in anymore.”

      • saharatea-av says:

        I remember Leo’s face when they told that joke. You could tell he did not find it funny, but he also knew that making a stink was not a good look.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      yeah. No one makes jokes about Leo DiCaprio’s dating life… or hell, decades ago about Nicholson… or before that Warren Beatty…

      • mustardayonnais-av says:
      • rafterman00-av says:

        Except they are looked at qith admiration by many, like “Oh, what a stud he is.” Women are condemned though as sluts, even when it’s far less than what any male did.In 16 years of her adult life, for a pretty girl (news flash, pretty people are desired), she’s had an average number of boyfriends. Nothing unusual, just high profile.

        • king-ginger-av says:

          The comments about DiCaprio and how that is literally the point of “The Man” ; the cycle of art and life imitating each other doesn’t even have the opportunity to be ironic anymore.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          She was with the last guy for 7 years. So from, what 18 to 28, 12 boyfriends. That’s quite impressive. I still feel sorry for Hiddleston.

        • Bugoongu-av says:

          My experience is that people see DiCaprio as a bit of a creep, being 50 or so and dating 20 year olds. I’ve never seen anyone show admiration for it, usually it’s dark jokes about pedos. 

    • morkencinosthickpelt-av says:

      Her dating history gets a second look because she writes songs about the people she’s dated. It’s not just part of her personal life, it’s part of her artistic output.

      • rafterman00-av says:

        LOL, 3/4 of all music is about shitty significant others.

        • ladytron2000-av says:

          But 100% of HER music is shitty songs about her exes.

          • browza-av says:

            I’m not even a fan, just know what’s on the radio. This is patently untrue. Love Story, Anti-Hero, Bad Blood (about a split but not explicitly a romantic one), Fifteen, You Belong With Me, A Place In This World. None of them are breakup/ex songs.A Redditor who knows more than I do came up with 38% breakup songs. That was quite a few albums ago, but it was also around the time of the Tina Fey joke.

      • browza-av says:

        Yes, but…I just heard a new Olivia Rodrigo song. Her output is the same as Swift’s, mostly pining post-breakup songs, just more angsty/angry. If she’s getting the same flak that Swift has typically gotten, I haven’t heard it. Not that I want her to; I’ve just never understood why Swift has been singled out this way.

        • dibbl-av says:

          I don’t know Rodrigo’s dating history (and don’t want to), but it’s probably specifically because Swift has dated mostly other celebs. Our culture is hyper-obsessed with celeb relationships.

      • ladytron2000-av says:

        “artistic output” – fixed that for you.

    • lmh325-av says:

      They are, but Jo Koy followed this gem up with a joke about how DeNiro knocked someone up at 80 so he seemed dead set on making a bunch of tired sex jokes about everyone tbh because he seemed to think saying things like “boobies” was the height of hilarity.

    • donnation-av says:

      You are so full of shit it’s honestly embarrassing.  

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      You could fill a book with the Jack/Leo/Pitt jokes

    • theguy72-av says:

      I certainly agree there are massive double standards in this world, but I do not agree with the blanket statement that if it were a dude, nobody would look twice. I recall hearing a lot of talk about people like Leo Decaprio and his propensity to date a new teenage model every few weeks. I agree its gross that Taylor Swift had to make a conscious effort to shift public discourse around her personal life and character. However, I feel it has more to do with being such a prominent figure in the public eye and less to do with gender.  

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Leo has definitely been made fun of at an awards show for his dating history (believe by Ricky Gervais) and the graph showing how the age of his girlfriends always stays the same as he ages always seems to pop up every few months on Reddit.Pete Davidson’s dating history also seems to pop up quite a bit. Mostly people making fun of his appearance and wondering how he does it.

    • pinkkittie27-av says:

      I believe Fey and Poehler made a joke that same night went “George Clooney was in Gravity which proved he’d rather die in the vacuum of space than spend time with a woman his own age.” And Leo’s dating life gets regularly dragged. The difference worth pointing out is that it’s entirely healthy for a young woman to date around, whereas older men dating women more than a decade younger than them suggests some kind of insecurity or shallowness.

    • dharper7-av says:

      Do the dudes in this case write 35 songs about dating too?

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • taytayscams-av says:

    The TayTay-Monster needs a VIP section everywhere she goes. And she needs more cameras and spectators on those juicy tits anyway. Too bad nobody knows how to get her pregnant yet. They should work on that. ASAP.

  • joe564-av says:

    AV/CLUB promote hate and is advocate for anti-Taylor Swift hate.

  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    Can someone ELI5 for me how that joke was misogynistic?

    • keykayquanehamme-av says:

      The author definitely can’t. Because it isn’t.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      It was about a woman?

    • AnonymousCivilPerson-av says:

      Sure can’t.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I wondered at that, and I think the truth is that it wasn’t really a misogynistic joke, especially considering its source (maybe cheap, though), however a lot of misogyny directed at Swift then and now follows that same line of logic. So from her perspective, it was just more of the same bullshit. It seems like she’s since reconciled with Fey and Poehler, so it probably just took a conversation to realize they didn’t mean it like that.

      • GameDevBurnout-av says:

        It must be a rarified existence indeed when a gag from the immortal Fey and Poehler gets filed under “more of the same bullshit”.

  • truthiskind-av says:

    It amazes me all the nastiness to Taylor Swift for simply responding to a joke in her own way.I am fascinated that a comedian can behave however he pleases at an awards show and say whatever he wants.Yet the recipient of the frankly poor joke isn’t allowed to behave how she wants and react how she feels.In addition to the fact that she didn’t say or do anything unkind.Last time I looked this is the United States of America and everyone has the right to free speech -even if that speech simply takes the form of a facial expression of lack of interest in the joke.

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Wait, so the whole “Gaylor” meta was pretty much a result of a Tina Fey joke? Honestly, at this point I’m about ready to stop being a fan of anything.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      “Honestly, at this point I’m about ready to stop being a fan of anything.”
      I’ve adopted this outlook at about a 98% strength and highly recommend it.

  • yourmovecrepe-av says:

    Oh FFS, Koy’s joke was a dumb dad joke directed at the NFL more than anything.

  • steve-again-av says:

    I see. Since Taylor Swift is *All Women,* Her Ladyship can now take umbrage at jokes on behalf of All Women—and they must automatically be Horribly Misogynistic. Give me a fudging break.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    “If I only hung out with my female friends, people couldn’t sensationalize or sexualize that—right?”

    Woof, that’s a quote that’s aged like milk…

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Eh, she’s just mad because Fey cockblocked her from the Fox kid

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    “I don’t really think about things as guys versus girls. I never have.”
    This isn’t ignorance or some kind of “gender blindness.” This is entitlement. There are, indeed, women who never have to become feminists,

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    That was not a “blank stare.” That was “I’ll be sipping your blood soon, MF.”

  • sickvodka-av says:

    She can consider herself lucky, Ricky didn’t host this.

  • larryschizlack-av says:
  • stupidbabiesneedthemostattention-av says:

    The joke was bad not because it was offensive, but because it was delivered poorly. There is in fact far too much Swift in the world right now. (I’m trying to figure out how to adapt Abe Simpson’s “please eliminate three” without sounding like an asshole.. too early to figure it out).  I mean it has be exhausting for her too, but how many push alerts am I going to get about her relationship with football man? It’s not as bad as the constant scam calls/texts but it’s not good either

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    This quote (actually attributed to Madeline Albright)Ah no wonder it’s insane.

    • apewhohathnoname-av says:

      I hate that saying. It should be, “there’s a special place in Hell for Madeline Albright.” Liberal “feminism” is a cancer.

  • Will444-av says:

    um, no judgement, but she does date a lot.  Good for her as far as I’m concerned, but own it.

  • kaiserserser-av says:

    “You know, Katie Couric is one of my favorite people. Because she said to me she had heard a quote that she loved, that said, ‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’”Give me a f***ing break, they were hosting an award show, it was their job to roast the celebs in the audience, man and woman and Tina’s joke was so mild in nature. You can’t expect to make a billion dollar career out of songs about your personal life and emotions but be exempt from ever being the butt of a joke about the exact same topics.

  • ajr666-av says:

    Its seems that the Fey/Poehler jokes hit home and she DID spend “me” time by creating her squad. So maybe she did benefit from some introspection at the behest 

  • Kimithechamp-av says:

    How is this a thing though?
    By all accounts, 80% of the room was reacting the same way to 80% of Jo’s jokes, so why this?

  • jerome1129-av says:

    Is it not supporting women when one woman makes a light hearted joke, with some truth to it, and then the other woman decides to do exactly what she was told to do in the joke? Sounds like good advice to me. 

  • j11wars-av says:

    I mean the joke wasn’t funny but it also wasn’t hurtful or offensive or even edgy. It was a tame joke about how popular she is and if anything the joke was about the NFL. One would hope that she can handle such a tepid joke.Defend her all you want, internet, she’s still not inviting you to her beach house. God damn some of y’all need real hobbies.

  • terranigma-av says:

    That was not a joke.

  • evt2-av says:

    Who is Taylor Swift always look at behind her?     

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    no it hasn’t.

  • graymangames-av says:

    Between this and Will Smith, there’s a whole contingent of celebrities who take award show pabulum too seriously.

    • tsuyoikuma-av says:

      I don’t remember Taylor assaulting anyone on the night that was supposed to be the pinnacle of her career…

  • nwrkhushrenada-av says:

    From this article:but Fey contradicted, “No, she needs some me-time to learn about herself.”andSwift would later reveal … “I swore off dating and decided to focus only on myself, my music, my growth, and my female friendships.”So, in the end, Taylor actually did what Fey had ribbed her about and it was positive for Taylor. Sounds like Fey doesn’t have to worry about a special place in hell because she did help another woman.Meanwhile, what exactly are the far-reaching consequences of this latest joke?

  • fpzn-av says:

    Jo Koy dodged a bullet! If Taylor Swift had brought her muscled friend, her facial response would have elicited a Chapter Two Jada-Will bitch slap. 

  • lessmiserable-av says:

    “Positioned herself as an underdog”Ah, yes, because we all remember that part in every underdog story when their father is a hedge fund manager and invests hundreds of thousands of dollars into a record company so the underdog can have a career.

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