Temuera Morrison reportedly suiting up to play Boba Fett in the next season of The Mandalorian

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Temuera Morrison reportedly suiting up to play Boba Fett in the next season of The Mandalorian
Photo: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

One of the neat things about Jon Favreau’s Disney+ sensation The Mandalorian was the way it resisted the urge—as very few Star Wars projects have—to jam a bunch of established characters into the mix to get people to give it a shot. Barring the existence of an IG-88 droid, a spit-roasted Salacious Crumb, and the tenuous link to canon that is Baby Yoda, the series was mostly confident to let new characters take the stage, rather than trying to find a way to shoehorn in an appearance from a (very dead by this point) Darth Vader. (It’s the rare Star Wars series that offers more cameos from Comedy Bang Bang alums than it does Jedi or Sith.)

Now, though, it sounds like the series is gearing up for the one big Star Wars cameo it could reasonably be expected to trot out: Mando’s fellow bounty hunter, Boba Fett. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Favreau and his team have just hired Temuera Morrison to appear in the show’s second season, presumably to play the big bad Boba himself. Morrison has actually played a couple different characters in the Star Wars universe over the years, on account of clones, but he’s most prominent for playing Jango Fett, the Mandalorian whose DNA was used as the basis for both the original clone troopers who debuted in Attack Of The Clones, as well as his “son.” (He’s also voiced Boba Fett in a couple of video games.)

Of course, given that The Mandalorian takes place in between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens, Boba Fett is supposed to be dead while Pedro Pascal is out there playing interstellar babysitter. But that’s never been much of a problem for Star Wars writers, who’ve never been shy about finding ways to drag everyone’s favorite armored badass out of the Sarlacc pit. (Shout-out to all you Dengar heads who used to re-read Tales Of The Bounty Hunters every year!) What’s more interesting is how the two men will end up interacting: Mando, as an adopted Mandalorian, and Boba as a clone of one, will presumably have some interesting views on their semi-shared culture. Also, they’ll probably try to shoot each other; this is a Western, after all.

The second season of The Mandalorian is currently scheduled to show up on Disney+ this October, although that’s obviously subject to the usual slate of lockdown-related caveats at the moment.


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    “I’m your grandfather. Trust me, this was all planned from the start.”

  • doncae-av says:

    From the man who convinced Disney to hire JJ Abrams.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    All this because the fandom got overexcited about the only part of the Christmas Special that didn’t suck Wookiee ass.Fucking impressive, really.

    • egghog-av says:

      I’m still holding out hope for the Itchy After Hours show on Disney+. Just a lot of jacking off to aging divas.

    • toddisok-av says:

      Ass-sucking is a critical part of the iconography of Wookiee Christmas.

    • praxinoscope-av says:

      It’s even sadder than that. I remember people were Boba Fett fans months before the damn thing even aired. So weird and sad.

      • surprise-surprise-av says:

        When did they launch the mail-away promotion for the action figure?

      • blakelivesmatter-av says:

        I’ll direct you to /r/gatekeeping.  Who are you to decide what people should be fans of?

      • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

        The same bug bit the fans of The Knights of Ren or whateverthefuck those guys were.

        • doctor-boo3-av says:

          I’m pretty sure it didn’t – they couldn’t have been more forced in as a merchandise push if one of them had been dressed as Poochie. And from how reduced in price the Knights of Ren merchandise became I’m guessing it didn’t work.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            The Knights of Ren didn’t even have a home planet to die on their way back to.

  • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

    Real question is if he’s playing Boba Fett, or…CAPTAIN MOTHAFUCKIN REX!I know which I’d be more excited for!

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Rex and Ahsoka whippin’ some Imperial remnant ass would be a fun watch.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      I would be much more excited if he’s playing Rex. Boba Fett had exactly one redeeming feature – he looked really, really cool. And the main character in The Mandalorian is wearing a ridiculously awesome version of the same armor, so trotting out a partially digested Boba would be kind of “meh,” and even worse if they tried to retroactively make him to the badass everyone seems to assume, without evidence, he is.If he is playing Boba Fett, it should be like the schtick at the end of the opening credits in Police Squad! – he shows up and immediately gets killed, bonus points if he gets knocked into another Sarlaac pit as a result of slapstick.

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Regardless, I trust Dave Filoni implicitly.Whomever he told Favreau Morrison should play…will be fucking perfect for the story.

        • derrabbi-av says:

          Filoni has this weird tactic … let story dictate how action and character should proceed. Very novel.

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            Do you know what’s way better?Either forcing everything into a very pretty homage to a 40 year old film…or forcing everything into a very pretty visual thesis whose thematic content is worthy of a sophomore in college!Just ask Disney!

        • mrfurious72-av says:

          Yeah, that’s the one thing that gives me comfort. While I’m hoping against hope that it’s Rex, or another clone, or Dengar in a Mission: Impossible mask (come on, who wouldn’t pop if we heard Morrison’s voice, and we draw back and see him in a loose-fitting keffiyeh made of gauze bandages?), pretty much anybody other than Boba Fett, if it is Fett, they’ll do it right.

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            How insane is it that, after the prequels, sequels, and original TCW movie, we have such unwavering faith in a single man to do right by Star Wars?Only thing crazier is that he was completely sidelined for the sequels.

      • squirtloaf-av says:


        1. Looking really cool
        2. He rode a dinosaur.

        • mrfurious72-av says:

          You’re absolutely right, and I can’t believe that I left that out. Probably because of the protective measures my brain has taken to remove all memory of The Star Wars Holiday Special from my memory.

        • Ruhemaru-av says:

          3 redeeming features.
          He roflstomped Jodo Kast once he found out there was someone pretending to be him for high end bounties. He was extremely pissed when he found out that the guy in the Mandalorian armor was a relatively inexperienced nobody that just coasted on Boba’s reputation.

    • fanamir23-av says:

      He could be playing both.

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Boba walks up…and Rex takes him out immediately for murdering his brothers back in that one episode.

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          Rex would be great but wouldn’t he be pushing … 70? If he was 50 when they found him in Rebels … hm. Anyway & either way, Morrison would have to wear some old age make-up for Rex and/or skin-burn make-up (I assume) for Boba … along with Boba’s Swiss-cheese looking armor. If Boba still even wears it. Beskar might have given the Sarlacc indigestion and Boba might be fine after 10-15 years in the pit. Just a little stir-crazy. Or, he might have escaped 20 minutes after the sail barge blew up, walked to Anchorhead, recovered, met a girl, settled down, raised four kids, and built a career as a plumbing repair specialist.

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            Mando is set only 9 or 10 years after Rebels…and Temuera Morrison is almost 60!

          • brickstarter-av says:

            The Clones age faster than humans, but it’s not said whether or not this slows down after adolescence, so who knows how he’d look. He did canonically fight in the Battle of Endor, though.

          • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

            Never shave the beard, Rex.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      I’d say the odds of rex are significantly higher. Red for one things is 100% alive and for another Rex would perfectly account for Morrison’s 20 years of aging since playing Jango. Also Rex would just be way cooler. 

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Most importantly: Filoni, correctly, knows how amazing his characters are, and has no illusions about the folks Lucas summarily cut out in RotJ

      • cropply-crab-av says:

        It really both makes a lot more sense, and would be better if he plays Rex. I think he’s the clear fan favourite these days out of the two of them. I’m of the opinion Boba should stay dead in the new canon. 

        • mr-smith1466-av says:

          Rex would fit in so much better. Particularly since him being a clone ties into Mando’s history with the siege of Mandalore battle. Also as an actor, Rex will actually Morrison to act. What can any actor really do with Boba Fett?

        • Ruhemaru-av says:

          I dunno, I think Boba needs to be able to outdo Phasma on the ‘cool design that was criminally underused on-screen but made to be a superbadass in comics and books’ list.

          • cropply-crab-av says:

            God I nearly forgot about Phasma, she’s basically all the wasted potential of the sequels distilled into one character. What a shame.

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      The fact that he could be either saves this from being a spoiler. I’m still somewhat miffed that every site spoiled the Ahsoka. Maybe they never intended it to be secret, but it still would have been a nice surprise to see her pop up in a trailer or something

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        I think Dave is a bit pissed, haha – dude continuously refuses to confirm her.

  • dr-memory-av says:

    Oh fuck yeah. Morrison as Jango Fett was the only part of Attack of the Clones that was any good at all, and he was one of only two actors (poor Christopher Lee being the other) to escape that film with any dignity intact.  Genuinely glad to see him getting a chance to reprise the part.

    • pgthirteen-av says:

      I agree with your points, but I think you’re shortchanging Ewan McGregor’s Obi Wan. He thought he brought just the right mix of humor and gravitas to the prequels. 

      • dr-memory-av says:

        He tried, he really did, but he was handicapped by the fact that he had to play most of his scenes against Hayden Christensen.

      • doctor-boo3-av says:

        I agree 99% but his line reading of “Because of your mother?” in the film is worse than any of Hayden’s (and I’m not excusing his there either)

    • Torsloke-av says:

      I’m blaming this on falling into bad habits because of quarantine, but please indulge me spouting off about Star Wars online, something I don’t do anymore… One of the biggest lost opportunities to me of the prequels was that Lucas exerted the slightest effort into writing the whole trilogy at once, or better yet allowed someone with narrative sense to do so (hi, Larry Kasdan!) Christopher Lee would’ve been in The Phantom Menace instead of Liam Neeson and the characters of Qi Gonn, Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus, and Sifo Dyas were merged into one character. Instead of the ho-hun heel turn of a character we’ve spent barely ten minutes with previously, and a huge portion of the Sith plot being executed offscreen by a character we never see, how much better if Dooku is Obi Wan’s mentor, and we spend the whole of Phantom Menace and half of Attack of the Clones thinking Christopher Lee is a good guy, so when he is revealed as Darth Tyranus it’s actually dramatic, and the Sith plot so much clearer and direct (it would even retroactively cast the Phantom Menace in a, sorry, more menacing light). Then all you have to do is get rid of the midochlorians, Jake Lloyd, Jar Jar, trade tariffs…

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Eh, I think Qui-Gon actually serves a key role in Lucas’s overall narrative – he excuses Obi-Wan’s failure, shows that the Jedi council was always flawed, and offers a sense of tragic irony, in that he would have been able to keep Anakin on the straight and narrow.

        • Torsloke-av says:

          Wow, here comes Dave Filoni out from behind a pillar like Marshall McLuhan to your Woody Allen.

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            I was so pumped to see that, haha!I’d been having the same argument on another blog about why Qui-Gon mattered to the prequels’ story outline!The greatness of that outline, of course, doesn’t actually justify the movies we RECEIVED, but it does explain why TCW was so wonderful.

      • cropply-crab-av says:

        There’s just one problem, Christopher Lee was a great actor, but I’m not sure I’d ever buy him as a ‘good guy’. 

        • Torsloke-av says:

          Wouldn’t it have been crazy though if he isn’t revealed to be evil until a movie and a half? Everyone would’ve left Phantom Menace like, hey it was weird Christopher Lee was a good guy for a change, right?

      • toddisok-av says:

        “Ho-hun heel”?

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      I mean both Boba and Rex…once were warriors!

      • dr-memory-av says:

        Still, to this day, the single worst date movie I have ever gone on, but it did leave me with a lifetime appreciation for Morrison as an actor.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “[H]e was one of only two actors (poor Christopher Lee being the other) to escape that film with any dignity intact.” Counterpoint on Lee:

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    there may be an age thing going on, Boba is an unaltered clone of Jango so he’d be like 40 I think and Morrison is about 20 years older than that so he might just do the voice of Boba and maybe a single non-helmet shot with some digital trickery.Actually, speaking of helmets, the Mandalorians kept taking their helmets off all the time on Clone Wars and Rebels. And Jedi were heavily involved in Mandalorian business. So why does Mando and his crew not take off their helmets and have no idea what’s going on with Jedi and the Force? Right now my head canon is Mando’s crew are crazy isolationist extremists even by Mandalorian standards so their way of living and knowledge is different. And to be fair, that notion isn’t exactly disputed by the show itself. (also they went through a purge themselves but that was beforehand when Mando hadn’t taken his helmet off since he was a kid in the Clone Wars, something we saw frequently on the show)Greef and a former Rebel not knowing is a bit dicey though but, hey, outer rim yokels, etc. Would like to know if Boba is a Mandalorian or just stole their armor? Only source for that was a guy in Clone Wars who said Jango wasn’t  Mandalorian but that guy turned out to be a lying liar. 

    • arcanumv-av says:

      Your head canon about the helmets makes sense. It’s also clear in the series that they adopt people into their way of life, so they’re not all natives of Mandalore. For them, Mandalorianism is a way of life more than their default birthright. In our real world, you find that situation often produces groups that double down on conservative performance of their identity, up to and including taking on more rigorous practices than larger, more established groups.Some of the most fanatic religious devotees, for example, are recent converts. Many even argue that the larger, more established groups are doing it wrong, have gotten lazy, and have lost the true path. It’s also common in cultural or religious groups living in diaspora or exile.A lot of that comes from trying to prove to others and to themselves that they’re doing it right. Din Djarin is always under the microscope to prove that he’s a “real Mandalorian,” as are any adopted other members of his group. They may have some old hardliner Mandalorian philosophy recordings, sort of like the Hagakure.In contrast, a native Mandalorian would have more flexibility in conduct. Nobody’s going to challenge Sabine Wren’s Mandalorian-ness whe she takes off her helmet.

      • suckabee-av says:

        A good point of comparison is Worf in Star Trek. He was raised by humans but takes Klingon culture a lot more seriously than other Klingons we see, particularly the time he’s in a Klingon bar and is disgusted by everyone getting drunk and partying.

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      Answer is:ITS REX!

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      The reasoning seems to be that the empire did a genocide on mandalore, and the cell mando lives with is one of the few remnants of their society. As they’re still in hiding and trying to hold onto their culture they end up leaning into it a lot harder than previous generations.

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  • lmh325-av says:

    Filoni posted concept art that looks a lot like Ahsoka and an aged Captain Rex. I’m guessing he’s Captain Rex.

    • billingsley-av says:

      That would be a masterful troll and masterful fanservice at the same time. Star Wars megafans will go bananas for Rex, “normal” Star Wars fans will wonder why everyone made a big deal about Boba Fett coming back when the guy who would logically play him is actually portraying some random clone trooper.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        There are no “normal” Star Wars fans anymore. We’ve all been seduced by the dark side in one way or another.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          The dark side of the fandom is a pathway to many hot takes some consider to be unnatural.

      • lmh325-av says:

        The reporting seems to be assuming he’s playing Boba Fett because “Boba Fett was a clone of the character he played in the prequels,” but seems to ignore that he could be playing any of those clones.I wouldn’t have gone Captain Rex if a) Disney+ wasn’t potentially looking to get newer/younger/re-engaged fans to watch Clone Wars and b) they hadn’t already leaked the news about Ahsoka.

    • Greycat-av says:

      I am far more stoked about him being Rex than Boba.

      • lmh325-av says:

        The Mandalorian has done a good job of not getting bogged down with characters from the original trilogy. If they are bringing Ahsoka and Rex in at least it perpetuates their story. Bringing Boba in feels like an attempt to just be like “REMEMBER THE GUY YOU LIKE!” Hopefully, Filoni and Favreau are savvy enough to see the backlash of the last trilogy and not go that way.

  • spacesheriff-av says:

    nothing but the least creative decisions for MY star wars!

    • bryanska-av says:

      This franchise is like an office holiday party. Boxes and boxes of the same decorations hung on the same walls since 1977. Every year a new committe is formed. They get a budget. They look at what was purchased last year,and decides it’s just easiest to buy the exact same shit. Each member of the bored committee members go out to buy their one thing. One gets plates. One gets punch. One gets a cake off the bakery shelf. “ooh is it from the new hhip cupcake place? No it’s a Kroger cake” One opens the old dusty boxes in the supply room and unfolds the STAR WARS letters. Everyone gets up from their desks at 133 PM, attends till 157 PM, fake-smiles, and goes back to their desks.

  • junwello-av says:

    “[T]he tenuous link to canon that is Baby Yoda”??? Don’t you mean “the life-altering cuteness force that is Baby Yoda?” I mean, he made Werner Herzog cry. Think about it. That song about Baby Yoda set to the tune of “Into the Unknown” is all that’s getting me through quarantine.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    What’s next, Star Wars? I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave us a Darth Vader origin story where Anikan Skywalker is a whiney little bitch!

  • Torsloke-av says:

    There wasn’t a way to write that headline with some sort of spoiler alert? 

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    One, fuck it. Temuera Morrison is Boba Fett now? Good. Yes. Dude deserves it, and I’m down. For all everyone complains about him—Boba Fett’s my dude. I’m also hoping Morrison plays Rex or some other forgotten clone. Like, given how bad reality is right now, just straight up Give me that fan service, show.

  • nilus-av says:

    I thought season two was already filmed. This must be season three right?

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      We just found out about Ahsoka being in S2.This just means we’re getting Rex!

  • nilus-av says:

    Clearly you all aren’t see the true Disney synergy in all this.  He going to play a live action version of Chief Tui aka Moana’s dad.  It will establish that the Disney Princess universe is actually part of the Star Wars universe and allow them to bring the Rock into season 3 of the show as Maui. 

  • Sledgewell-av says:

    Yeah! FUCK canon!

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    On May 4th, for the heck of it, I looked up and listened to the Return of the Jedi radio broadcast from 1984 (or thereabouts). This is the one where John Lithgow did Yoda’s voice for one scene, Perry King played Han Solo, and Ed Asner did Jabba the Hutt’s voice. Asner was so good, I had to question reality: was he Jabba’s voice in the film? I forget. But if not, it was spot on. Luke and Leia were good. Perry King as Han was passable.Anyway, assuming the radio production used elements of the original screenplay’s first draft, there were some nice extra scenes that could have worked in the original movie. Luke building his new lightsaber in Ben’s old homestead being one. An Empire blockade around Tatooine was another idea they introduced, but didn’t do much with. (See, the Empire knew Luke would go to rescue Han, so they were waiting for them.) In the radio-play, once Boba Fett goes down the Sarlacc’s gullet, there is dialogue where Han wonders aloud if he’s really dead. It was an elbow nudge to the ribs and a wink that Lucas was leaving the door open for a Boba Fett return. And this was in 83-84. So, if they bring him back, fine. I’m not going to bitch. I assume he’ll be half burned up, insane, and digested. Although, if he was being readied for a Millennium’s worth of torturous semi-aware preservation and digestion, after a decade, he might be fine. Just some skin irritation. Very sleepy, probably. Nothing a little hypospray wouldn’t cure. If he’s stuck with a painful neurotoxin in his system for the rest of his life, that might make him more ornery than usual. But hey, if the effects are permanent, he might live to be a one thousand and eighty-five year old man. Surely a comic or someone’s fan fiction has covered this already somewhere.Edit: I realize now that a decade would suss out to 1/100 of a full body digestion. Assuming Boba was 6 ft tall and 200 lbs, loosing one one-hundredth of your body mass to painful digestive fluids, actually would be quite damaging. But let’s assume that the last of you to-go would be your heart, core, upper spinal column and majority of your brain. So after a thousand years, you don’t blip out of existence. You are held alive for as long as possible. In this scenario, there would still be maybe 25/30 pounds of you left before light’s out. And if we assume that his armor took a year to dissolve … after a decade his skin might well be burned off and his fingers and toes might be stumpy. So, yeah, he’d be gross.Unless he’s dissolved from the inside out. Or in an even creepier possibility, parts of the Sarlacc’s stomach might attach and burrow into his body and replace his own organs with painful yet semi functional replicas. Kind of like a hybrid between The Thing and the sailors melded into the ship walls in Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Boba would be like a fly on flypaper. The first ten years might be the worst ten years. Yikes.

    • brickstarter-av says:

      The scene where Luke builds the lightsaber was actually filmed and then cut because it ruined the pacing of the opening of the film, and personally I think it works better when the lightsaber is revealed in the middle of battle as a surprise.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • chally-sheedy-15-av says:

    Sadly too late to have Jason Wingreen dub over all his lines on The Mandalorian, which seems only fair.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “Turns out, when something takes over a millennium to digest you, you just get bored real quick and look for a way out. I only spent about a week in that sarlaac.”

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