Tenet coming to DVD and on-demand in December

Aux Features Film
Tenet coming to DVD and on-demand in December
Tenet Photo: Melinda Sue Gordon (Warner Bros.

In case you needed another indication that things won’t be going back to “normal” any time soon: Tenet, the film that was supposed to herald the world’s safe return to movie theaters will soon be heading to home video and on-demand platforms. This comes from Deadline, which says Tenet will be on Blu-ray, DVD, and VOD on December 15, with the “4K UHD combo pack and Blu-ray” including an hour-long featurette called “Looking At The World In A New Way: The Making Of Tenet.” That could be be an interesting time capsule for the pre-COVID days, packed in with a movie that will forever be tied to the endless ramifications that rippled throughout the world from the Trump administration’s utterly disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S.—and as of this writing, we don’t know even know if he’ll lose the election.

Getting back on topic, this news comes just a few days after Tenet director Christopher Nolan addressed the film’s box office take—which was largely disappointing here in the U.S. since many theaters still haven’t reopened across the country—but was relatively respectable in other countries that actually have their shit together. It’s made nearly $350 million worldwide, which Nolan (whose career isn’t going to depend on the success of any one movie anyway) believes is actually pretty good. He said he was “thrilled” about it, even. Nolan was supposedly the one who demanded that Warner Bros. not follow every other studio and delay Tenet into 2021 or push it to on-demand services, but the fact that it is happening now seems to indicate that he has moved on from that particular fight.

Whatever the reasoning, at least everyone will soon be able to see Tenet without being judged and/or going to a country that isn’t as stupid as this one.


  • dealylama2-av says:

    Saw it in a drive in. I loved it but I really have a hard time believing the average viewer would have any idea what the hell is going on in that entire movie, even by Nolan standards. Not saying I even did.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      I believe that its about palindromes but you have to blink your eyes every other millisecond for that to be apparant

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      It was pretty simple really IMO. It’s basically just the end of Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey:We have a cunning plan to defeat you by travelling back in time!I knew you were going to do that so I travelled further back in time to foil your travelling back in time to foil me!We knew you were going to do that so we travelled even further back in time to foil your foiling us by travelling back in time to foil us!

  • the-assignment-av says:

    I highly recommend watching with subtitles. The dialogue can move pretty quickly, and the sound editing is such that it’s easy to miss what’s being said.Overall a very entertaining film though, and a decent successor to Inception.

  • sleepattack-av says:

    I fought the urge to see this in one of the few movie theaters that was open within a few hours of my house, and I’m glad I did. My assumption is that when theaters here reopen, a movie this significant (and presumably worth seeing on the big screen) may be re-released, at least for a short time. In the meantime, I’ll be happy to rent it and watch at home.

  • dirtside-av says:

    I’m not going near a theater until there’s a vaccine (or, ha ha ha, the pandemic ends by being contained), so I’ll be happy to watch this on streaming at home. I’ll be instituting theater rules, though: all lights off, volume way up, no talking, no interruptions, no pausing.

  • toronto-will-av says:

    I’m curious whether it will be available for rent at normal rates, or if it will get the Mulan treatment and still cost an arm and a leg for a while.Nolan should be happy, and I’m sure the studio is pleased to put some black ink into their 2020 books. It’s really not that bad to gross $350m at the box office, with reasonable hopes for a great haul in streaming/DVD revenue, since there are still a lot of people who haven’t seen it (and in a quiet summer for blockbusters, I don’t think anyone’s forgotten all the advertising).It won’t be a huge profit at the end of the day, after discounting the $200m production budget, marketing costs, and the the cut of money that goes to the theaters/digital distributors—but it’s respectable, all things considered, and that positive cash flow is probably huge for Warner Bros., in a miserable year.

    • kevinkap-av says:

      I think it will be the now traditional “buy” VOD somewhere from 19-29.99$ and then have a lower rental rate.I’ll just buy it on Blu-Ray because Nolan films move all over the different streaming services. 

      • mrmeseekslookatme-av says:

        Ya, I generally don’t buy new releases on disc right away as I like to wait for the price to drop. But since I didn’t get to see this in the theater I’ll be pre-ordering this one no matter the price. Hopefully there are a lot of like minded movie lovers out there and together we can show that physical media has quite a bit of life left in it!

  • allbetsareoffagain-av says:

    Oh my god, cinema dies in December!

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Truly don’t care.  You want to point to an overrated director, Nolan is at the top of my list.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Already available and a much better time travel movie.As is this:And even this:And then there’s this (still more or less works even if you’ve never seen Doctor Who before, believe it or not).I found Tenet’s big problem for me is that it doesn’t use the potential of the time travel narrative very much. Unlike all of the above which weave future versions of characters and really take advantage of everything being non-linear, I found it very unsatisfying that it was basically a bit of dialogue at the end where we’re told(very slight spoiler)that Character X was pulling all the strings from behind the scenes having seen it all play out. Actually seeing some of that would have potentially been nice.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      “I found Tenet’s big problem for me is that it doesn’t use the potential of the time travel narrative very much.”Hmm, this replace the time travel stuff with the dream tripping stuff and this is exactly how I felt about Inception. Glad I did not set my hopes high for this one.Also, upvoted for Predestination. I’ve recommended that to many people as the rare time travel story that achieves a closed loop and doesn’t have the inherent logical questions/inconsistencies of most time travel stories. And Sarah Snook was fantastic. I’ve also been meaning to check out Timecrimes for years.

      • mr-smith1466-av says:

        I’m so happy Sarah Snook is getting international acclaim and attention with stuff like Succession. Watching her in Predestination was like a knockout performance. Even in Australia she was a total unknown before predestination, but after that she started getting supporting parts in various high profile Australian films. Succession was a huge and well deserved international jump for her.

  • secretagentman-av says:

    Saw it in a theatre in Toronto. Maybe 10 of us in the whole place. Really liked Washington and Debicki, and Pattinson did not suck, but the movie? Lost me about halfway through and I could never catch up.

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      How was the Localization, eh? Was it beauty, or did it drive you oat of your mind?

    • ellisdean204-av says:

      Pattinson’s performance was my favorite part, actually.  The movie was a high-tech dumpster fire of plot holes and complete confusion.  And the backwards fights were silly AF.

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      That’s a really good and accurate description. Now, if the kid turned around at the end, there might have been something there, but no.

  • galdarn-av says:

    “In case you needed another indication that things won’t be going back to “normal” any time soon: Tenet, the film that was supposed to herald the world’s safe return to movie theaters will soon be heading to home video and on-demand platforms.”

    Um, a home video/OD release in the months following a theatrical release of a movie*is* normal.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Tenet coming to DVD and on-demand in DecemberBut only DVD and on-demand in theaters, where you can appreciate the{breaks down coughing}

  • bitingthrough-av says:

    Call me when it comes to CliffsNotes.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    Well, it’s going to be no-demand from me. Saw it once, and see no need to prolong the suffering.

  • stevengilpin-av says:

    I really want to watch this but I’m almost 100% sure I’m going to dislike it. 

  • franknstein-av says:

    It’s not the same without a sound system that turns your insides into pulp and drowns out the dialogue…. 🙂

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      “*mumble mumble* inversion *mumble mumble* communes with the future *loud explosion* temporal pincer movement *loud music* You Wanna crash a plane?”

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