The A.V. Club plays: Who’s still alive on The Walking Dead?

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Though it has had a slightly down year, The Walking Dead is still the highest-rated show on television. But how well do our pop culture experts know the most popular show on television? With the season-eight premiere around the corner, we quizzed a number of A.V. Club staffers with varying degrees of Walking Dead expertise on the show’s infamous (and quite ludicrous) body count.

The contestants, in order of appearance:

Erik Adams, TV Editor

Total seasons watched: 0.5
Final score: 6/8

Baraka Kaseko, Web Producer

Total seasons watched: 1
Final score: 4/8

Alex Dowd, Film Editor

Total seasons watched: All 7
Final score: 8/8

Leonardo Garcia, Creative Director

Total seasons watched: 3 (but he reads the comics)
Final score: 6/8

Andrew Roddewig, Studio Manager

Total seasons watched: 6
Final score: 8/8

Iris Lin, Senior Video Producer

Total seasons watched: 6
Final score: 7/8

Josh Modell, Editorial Director

Total seasons watched: All 7
Final score: 8/8

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