The American Horror Story 1984 credits are a gaudy, gorgeous VHS fever dream

Aux Features TV
The American Horror Story 1984 credits are a gaudy, gorgeous VHS fever dream

Say what you like about American Horror Story (and we have): It rarely lacks for style—something it frequently places over, under, around, and just sort of generally on top of substance. That’s never been more abundant than in the lead-up to the show’s upcoming 1984 season, which has veered even harder into its usual tone of camp-gone-rampant than usual. That neon-and-blood-soaked aesthetic has now reached its apparent apotheosis in the form of the show’s opening credits sequence, which Ryan Murphy released on Instagram earlier today.

And honestly, it’s not entirely clear where the blood flowing on the screen ends, and the blood flowing from our eyes begins, here, as this beautiful VHS monstrosity makes its way across the screen. Where Stranger Things attempted to evoke this same kind of ’80s-futurism in a sort of tasteful, classy way, AHS goes the full lenticular Trapper Keeper route, blasting your brain with tape tracking, bloody knives, and a pulsingly cheesy synthwave soundtrack. Will the actual show be any good? Who the hell can say, especially since this trailer feels like it’s carved out the part of our brains where “good” used to live. But it’ll certainly be loud, colorful, and excessive, and what more could you want from an American Horror Story take on 1984?


  • gseller1979-av says:

    Whatever else goes wrong, AHS always has great credit sequences. Though this isn’t exactly its most promising cast, with a few exceptions like Grossman. 

  • feelingsoyoungpopern-av says:

    to be honest, i’m not sure if AHS is “good” but I love it, and it’s wild inconsistencies and penchant for camp is what keeps me coming back. 

  • facetacoreturns-av says:

    Other than Roanoke, the opening credits have consistently been the best part of this series.

  • stephdeferie-av says:


  • handsomecool-av says:

    I’m surprised you didn’t mention one of the more interesting bits about this opening. Murphy says he actually reached out and worked with somebody that posted what was essentially fanart on twitter. That’s really impressive. 

  • aaron1592-av says:

    This might be the time i break down and watch this for the 1st time…

  • reglidan-av says:

    The credits also serve to remind us how completely undistinguished this cast list is, when compared to AHS in seasons past.

    • nunya-biz-av says:

      No joke. BUT! At least it will be some fresh(ish) faces. As much as I love the older casts, these folks might be a breath of fresh air… maybe. 

  • dootsie-av says:

    Prediction: the show will begin by attempting to deliver on the opening sequence with big omg moments and lots of style, will fall into a groove of monster-or-crisis-of-the-week with only flashes of panache, then will end with some half cooked attempt at social commentary in an episode that feels miles removed from the show we’ve been watching, satisfying absolutely none of the tension that’s been building throughout the show’s run.

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