The best movies to watch on Hulu right now

With new films like All Of Us Strangers, flamin' hot originals like Flamin' Hot, Oscar winners, and horror fare, Hulu has something for everyone

Film Lists Hulu
The best movies to watch on Hulu right now
Clockwise from top left: The Equalizer (Sony), Palm Springs (Hulu), Triangle Of Sadness (Neon), Parasite (Neon) Graphic: AVClub

Hulu, like all streaming services, adds and loses titles every month. If you see something that you want to stream, don’t assume that it will still be there two weeks or two months later when you get around to it. That show or film may hop over to another streaming service like Netflix or Amazon Prime for a few months, or it may disappear from streaming altogether for an indeterminate amount of time. The lesson here? Stream ‘em while they’re hot.

That includes the new-to-streaming film All Of Us Strangers, which has been doing pretty well in the independent movie awards circuit. Hulu’s also the place for Denzel Washington to 86 hordes of bad guys using pistols, chains, knives, razor wire, and Lord knows what else in the first two kick-ass Equalizer films. Or catch the snack chip origin story Flamin’ Hot and the Oscar-nominated black comedy Triangle Of Sadness. But wait, there’s more! From Oscar-winning Best Pictures like Parasite to horror hits Memories Of Murder and the Palme d’Or winner Titane there’s truly something for everyone. Read on for Hulu’s best movies, and The A.V. Club’s thoughts on each.

This list was updated on February 24, 2024.

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All of Us Strangers | Official Trailer | Searchlight Pictures

Andrew Haigh is a master storyteller of love stories, both about budding connections (Weekend) and lifetime marriages falling apart (45 Years). He’s also one of the best contemporary chroniclers of gay lives (Weekend, HBO’s Looking). In , he combines these elements to arrive at a story even richer than what he has done before. This is a film about a new and exciting love tinged with sadness, and it’s also about how to reconcile unresolved feelings between parents and their adult children. It’s a film about first and last chances at love, redemption, and healing wounds. All Of Us Strangers tells how continuing relationships—those that last a lifetime—can bring so much joy because of the strong connections they engender, yet also bring so much sorrow because of the expectations they come with. []


  • laserface1242-av says:

    Also Bumblebee is pretty good.

  • zirconblue-av says:

    When did this one entry per page bullshit start?

  • Obi-Haiv-av says:

    What the fuck is up with the slide shows?  

    • bmglmc-av says:

      1 page = 1 “page click” per article
      25 pages = “25 page clicks” for the same article

    • PapaKyle-av says:

      Yeah. I thought only those sleezeball click icons at the bottom of articles we it. Ya know, the ones where you’re guaranteed to get some kind of malware alert after clicking. Hell… at the bottom of this article alone I see, “20 aliens who are gorgeous in real life.” A true fall from grace.

    • sh90706-av says:

      just have to edit the URL, insert the last slide # to get to the good part. (here)

    • drkschtz-av says:

      This comment was really fresh in September of 2019.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      How is scrolling through 46 picture-paragraph-picture-paragraph better?

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Two years later it’s all slide shows. Welcome to the future.

    • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

      Pablo Escobar’s cocaine hippos were once the pride and joy of his private zoo. These magnificent creatures were brought from Africa to Colombia and quickly became the talk of the town. But after Escobar’s death, the hippos were left to fend for themselves, and they quickly became an invasive species in the country’s rivers and lakes.In an effort to control their population and protect the environment, a team of experts was brought in to relocate the hippos to a rehab center. But there was one problem: their feet were too big for the 12 steps.The rehab center had been designed for human patients, not four-ton hippos. The 12-step program was a proven method for addiction recovery, but the hippos’ large feet made it difficult for them to navigate the stairs. Every time they tried to take a step, their feet would get stuck between the steps, causing them to stumble and fall.The rehab team tried everything to help the hippos adjust. They installed ramps and even tried to teach the hippos how to climb stairs, but nothing seemed to work. The hippos were frustrated and agitated, and it seemed like they were never going to be able to complete the program.Then, one day, a brilliant idea struck the rehab team. Instead of trying to make the hippos fit into the 12-step program, they decided to adapt the program to fit the hippos. They redesigned the stairs to be wider and more stable, and they even added a few extra steps to accommodate the hippos’ long strides.The hippos were skeptical at first, but they soon found that the new stairs were much easier to navigate. They began to make progress in the program, and they started to feel like they were finally on the road to recovery.As the weeks went by, the hippos became more and more comfortable with their new surroundings. They started to form bonds with the other animals in the rehab center, and they even began to look forward to their daily therapy sessions.Eventually, the hippos were deemed fit to return to the wild. But instead of releasing them back into the rivers and lakes of Colombia, the rehab team decided to relocate them to a wildlife sanctuary where they could live out their lives in peace.The hippos had come a long way since their days in Escobar’s zoo. They had faced incredible challenges and had overcome them with resilience and determination. And while their feet may have been too big for the 12 steps, they had proven that with a little creativity and adaptation, anything is possible. Anything except enjoying these fucking slideshows.

  • alksfund-av says:

    Remember when A.V. Club used to be legit?   This list should be called “Movies on Hulu”

  • drwutwut-av says:

    Who is the asshat that decided slideshows should be a thing for something like this?

  • devildoggie-av says:

    Great,thanks for this. Happy to see Border on this list. Stayed with me for days.

  • KevinCoulter-av says:

    Thanks for the suggestions. Many of these I might not have found on my own.Though the slide show format ruined my childhood, sent me into a deep depression, is everything wrong with this once great nation, and is just another example of how today’s youth are spoiled. And I have nothing better to do than complain about this free website.

  • bejezzers-av says:

    Sister’s Brothers was as good as this new slideshow format is bad.

  • recognitions-av says:

    I’m so bored at home I’m ready to cut off my meek!

  • swabbox-av says:

    Since the slideshow format breaks your “Replies” link in the article header (hey… might want to file a Jira on that one) I edited the URL to jump directly to slide 47 to tell you there’s no way in fuck I’m clicking through your 47-page slideshow.P.S. File that Jira.

  • treymarksthespot-av says:

    Can I get a slideshow of people’s comments complaining about slideshows?

  • jayrig5-av says:

    I think Columbus is still on Hulu, and if so that’s definitely worth watching.

  • beckywiththebadhair-av says:

    “Proxy” is one wild ride. I watched it after seeing it mentioned here and really enjoyed it.  

  • tap-dancin-av says:

    I’m glad I re-subscribed to hulu recently. This list looks good for the most part. Looks like I need to write up a list. And no one likes the slideshows, but I don’t think I made enough stink about it to get greyed 🙁

  • therealchrisward-av says:

    Frank Stallone

  • miked1954-av says:

    An 86 page slide show? It would require considerable dedication to get through that. Is it a list of the ‘best’ movies on Netflix or just ‘all’ movies on Netflix?

    • merchantfan1-av says:

      Yeah I’m just jumping around using the slide list feature especially bc it’s just a bunch of random different movies

  • gnarfle-the-garthok-av says:

    Would be nice if they just reviewed the movies without their anti-religion and anti-Trump views getting in the way.

  • perlafas-av says:

    Two clicks. Start slideshow. -> List slides. Done.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Even when she’s playing a loaded train wreck; Anne Hathaway is just so . . . nice!

  • jasonseals-av says:

    I really like it. anyone know for home temple?

  • jebhoge-av says:

    American Ultra is a fun flick.

  • theeverpresent-footballplayerrapist-av says:

    The Commuter is not on Hulu, and the link here 404s.

  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    Hell or High Water (#50) has some of my favorite dialogue ever.Bear: [Comanche] means “Enemy Forever.”Tanner: Enemies with who?Bear: Everyone.Tanner: Know what that makes me?Bear: [intimidating] An enemy.Tanner: [somehow more intimidating] No. It makes me the Comanche.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Comments here from two years ago? Why is this posted on 8/22? Is anyone there, lol?

    • nilus-av says:

      I think they just update the same slide show every month with the newest movies.  The Inventory does something similar where if a product goes on sale again they reuse the last article and just update the links.   I’ll get people responding to posts I made three years ago from there all the time 

  • bozo44-av says:

    If this is the best. It’s really time to drop the service.

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    Weird that your description of Monos doesn’t mention Julianne Nicholson’s character being held hostage by the child soldiers.

  • big-spaghetti-av says:

    David Dastmalchian in a movie about a serial killer?  I wonder who he plays…

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Did anyone else notice the much larger chunk of ad space being devoted to Hulu above the link for this article…. what’s going on here….? Feels something or part of something got sold here.

  • thmill-av says:

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  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “As its title indicates, The Assistant looks at a powerful serial abuser—at the patterns of exploitation, at the network of enablers he builds around himself over several decades—through the at-once limited and privileged perspective of someone very low on the totem pole of his empire.”Does the title really indicate all of that?

  • hcd4-av says:

    Hmm, I know it may be an individual thing that the Equalizer’s “sadistic retribution” sthick isn’t something to be excited about, having both Equalizers listed seems unnecessary even disragrding my personal taste.Also a bete noire: “Based upon” stories that are lie so we feel good. Screw Flamin’ Hot.

  • marty--funkhouser-av says:

    Palm Springs FTW. Great flick.

  • mealplan-av says:

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