The Book Of Boba Fett will premiere in 2021, followed by The Mandalorian season 3

Aux Features TV
The Book Of Boba Fett will premiere in 2021, followed by The Mandalorian season 3
Screenshot: Disney+

You can blame that bastard Boba Fett for the delayed return of our precious genocidal maniac Baby Yoda. Disney+ has officially confirmed that The Book Of Boba Fett, teased at the end of The Mandalorian season two, will debut in December 2021, with Jon Favreau additionally revealing on this morning’s Good Morning America that the third season of The Mandalorian will head into production after. Temuera Morrison will reprise his iconic role as the famed Star Wars bounty hunter opposite Ming-Na Wen:

“So this is actually separate from The Mandalorian season three,” Favreau explained, “but what we didn’t say in that announcement is that the next show coming up, Kathy [Kennedy] said the next chapter, is The Book Of Boba Fett. And then we go into production right after that on season three of The Mandalorian. We’re working on pre-production on that right now, while we’re in production on Boba Fett.” Sounds busy.

According to Favreau, who is executive producing the new series alongside Dave Filoni and Robert Rodriguez, it seems that the first season of The Book Of Boba Fett will pick up where season two of The Mandalorian left off with its narrative leading into the third “chapter” of the Baby Yoda/Mando journey.


  • singleuseplastic-av says:
  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    So we’ve got to wait TWO years for more Mando goodness?!

    • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

      I think the Boba Fett show will end in February and Mando season three will air right after that so about 14 months. 

      • gwbiy2006-av says:

        Yeah, I see that now. At first glance this read like they were going to start production on S3 of Mando after The Fett show airs, not after it’s been filmed.

        • junwello-av says:

          That’s how I took it too.  But either way, I’m just so glad there’s going to be a true season three.  

        • corvus6-av says:

          I watched the clip with Favreau. They are in production on Fett right now, pre-production on Mando. When Fett production ends they go into Mando production.

          So my guess is Mando airs after Fett finishes (within a month?) rather than a year later.

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          It certainly read that way to me, but I was pretty sure they meant production, because it would make no sense to do that. At the end Favreau states the following:“And then we go into production right after that on season three of The Mandalorian. We’re working on pre-production on that right now, while we’re in production on Boba Fett.””That pretty clearly implies production will begin when production of Boba Fett is done.

    • galdarn-av says:

      I guess your medium talent doesn’t include reading comprehension.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    works for me! i was warming to the idea of mandalorian being a stealth anthology series, but disney gonna disney.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Ming-Na Wen and Boba Fett in a series together?  I didn’t know that I needed it but now I do and nothing else.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      As if these showrunners needed even more proof to build their case for running the whole franchise, they not only brought her back but were smart enough to give her a close-quarters combat scene in the finale despite being a sniper.She’s so fucking cool.

    • largegarlic-av says:

      I don’t know. I thought these two characters were fine as secondary ones in the Mandalorian, but they seemed too one-dimensional to build a whole show around. 

      • dirtside-av says:

        Pretty much all the characters in The Mandalorian are one-dimensional. It’s fine if all you want is cool action scenes and neat visuals, but this show has made it obvious to me how important characterization, character development, and solid narrative structure is to a satisfying TV show.

      • corvus6-av says:

        I thought Bill Burr’s character was pretty one-dimensional in his first episode. Look what they did with him. They can expand the characterization.
        Adult Boba Fett is a pretty blank slate they can do a lot with.

    • mullah-omar-av says:

      It’s awesome to see Temuera Morrison having a late-career resurgence. The dude was incredible in ONCE WERE WARRIORS and then fell into some Hollywood dreck that seemed to derail him for a while. At 59 but in a role where a helmet is expected, I’ll bet he’s glad he can hand off the action scenes to a stunt double.  Better late than never, though.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    How much Boba Fett saying “Tatooine” will there be in this spinoff?

  • mr-threepwood-av says:

    Yeah… The had something decent on their hands with The Mandalorian, but then they gotta fuck everything up by being all fanservice-y and bringing Boba Fett and Luke Skywalker into this. Basically, the same thing that ruined the last movie. I’m close to not caring about any of it anymore.

    • nilus-av says:

      Honestly I was okay with both of those far more then the all the Clone Wars cartoon shit.  At least I saw the things Luke and Boba Fett were in 

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      Dude, Luke was in the episode for like the last 5 minutes, and he’s not likely to make an appearance again.

      • mr-threepwood-av says:

        It doesn’t matter. He basically became what the whole season has been building up to. He stole the spotlight from the lead character, he deus-ex-machina’d the hell out of that episode. It didn’t mean anything, it didn’t have any storytelling purpose other than “hey, you all like Luke Skywalker, so here he is for no reason”.

        • bamaguy2718-av says:

          Season One ended with Mando being tasked with locating Jedi to bring Grogu too as he was a foundling needing to be reunited with his kind. The entire point of Season 2 was the journey to do just that. There were basically two realistic options, Ahsoka and Luke. Ahsoka saw what happened to her mentor and decided not to train Grogu. I can’t see how you can say Luke showing up two episodes after Grogu connected with some unknown Jedi means nothing or has no storytelling purpose. Deus ex machina, sure, but it was at least set up properly this season.  

          • ooklathemok3994-av says:

            You forgot Bill Skywalker, Luke’s half-brother from when Uncle Owen used to go into town for power converters and bang Merl Tosche’s wife. 

        • bigal6ft6-av says:

          Pretty much every problem post ROTJ can be solved which “and then Luke Skywalker showed up” which is why JJ punted the problem to the next guy and then the next guy had to nerf his powers, which Luke eventually used again at the end.I am actually fine with how Luke was used in the episode, Grogu had to call to a Jedi and literally the only one at that time period is Luke so he had to show up.

    • spacesheriff-av says:

      i’m going back to college to study neurosurgery so that i can figure out which part of my stupid lizard brain keeps caring about star wars and burn it out with a white-hot piece of wire

  • ducktopus-av says:

    My question is more about the content delays, I am literally running out of shows I want to watch and going back to things I missed some years ago (how is “godless”?), as far as streaming if I were these people I would get this stuff out ASAP not in a damn year

    • labbla-av says:

      Stuff can take long to make even in non pandemic times. They aren’t made of magic. 

    • dudicus-av says:

      COVID 19 makes it harder to film shit so production delays have to be baked in to temper expectations also have to arrange the availability of actors and directors which given the people they use is more umm difficult.Keep in mind Fennec is also in the Bad Batch and possibly also in the show starring Samuel Jackson. Along with what ever else she has already committed to.

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      If they released everything at once then no one would keep their subscription for longer than a month or two.  Then they wouldn’t have the budget to make these good shows.

    • dpc61820-av says:

      I loved Godless! But only at first…The creator made a big deal about having this excellent idea of making a show (maybe it was originally going to be a movie, but it became a limited series) about an old west mining town that was practically all women. This really happened in US history where a mining accident that killed most of the men left behind a town of women. Such a great idea! But then… the show ends up being about Two. Great. Men. who must face off in an epic man-vs-man battle. Wait, what happened to your show about a town of women?? Parts of it really were great and it deserves much of the praise it got. But be prepared that you’re in for a limited series about a man needing to face off against his former mentor/father figure, NOT a show about an old west town run by women. 

      • gterry-av says:

        Well the women do kind of have a big moment at the end. Plus Merritt Weaver is awesome, although at this point that should be no surprise.

      • ducktopus-av says:

        I’m only two episodes in but the women of the town ALREADY voted that they can’t live without men, hardly seems like what got billing.  We’ve spent more time with Scoot McNairy than with Merrit Wever, we’re even following him on his travels, it does feel a bit like fake billing.

    • murrychang-av says:

      New season of The Expanse is happening, if you haven’t watched that you have 4 seasons to catch up on.

      • ducktopus-av says:

        I am caught up but staying with people who haven’t seen the other seasons…wondering if I should just binge the new season on my phone

        • murrychang-av says:

          I’ve gotten through the first 2 episodes so far.  They’re really good but I’m kinda going hardcore on Cyberpunk 2077 so I don’t know when I’m gonna watch the third one lol

      • ducktopus-av says:

        I am caught up but staying with people who haven’t seen the other seasons…wondering if I should just binge the new season on my phone

  • labbla-av says:

    So now there’s two Boba Fett shows 

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    I quite like the Mandalorian, so here’s hoping they can get back to the S1 magic when half the episodes weren’t back door pilots for other shows.

    • nilus-av says:

      Yeah I hope so as well.  I didn’t hate the second season but season 1 was a high bar to hit a second time.   I’d like more episodes in season 3 spent with our friends we met in this series instead of people from EU novels and CGI shows that a lot of us didn’t watch or read

      • corvus6-av says:

        I don’t get this. The way both Ashoka and Bo-Katan were used doesn’t require having seen Clone Wars/Rebels to understand what’s going on. They give you all the info you need within the episodes.

  • perlafas-av says:

    Only thing potentially redeeming it : If it ends with Boba Fett falling into a sarlacc pit. Again. For good. 

    • labbla-av says:

      That would make it all worth it.

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      Falls in, and then it takes a cue from American Dad!
      *Fett falls in, cuts to another character in a location completely related to the incident*
      “That’s it, y’all! Fett’s dead!”

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    The best thing about this is Grace Randolph looks like an idiot yet again for insisting over the last few days that The Mandalorian was actually becoming about Boba Fett because of the completely false rumor she herself started that Pedro Pascal is a prima donna who refused to do a faceless role anymore.

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      How many times does she have to get proven wrong before people stop going to her for industry news?
      Still remember back when she insisted Kathleen Kennedy was being sacked pre-RoS.

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    So, Robert Rodriguez, the man who has a successful history telling western style crime stories is in charge of the story of Boba Fett taking over a crime syndicate in a western style atmosphere (Tatooine)? Hell yes! Sign me up.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I only just finished the Mandalorian last night and I’m honestly disappointed to hear there’s gonna be a 3rd season. It ended at such a natural place that I felt a series wrap would’ve been perfect. But I guess nowadays nothing is allowed to end until we squeeze every last bit of money out of it and use it to backdoor pilot at least a few more series. Keep beatin’ that horse, Mickey!

    • objectivelybiased-av says:

      Hard to say this felt like a series wrap when there’s a giant dangling darksaber to be dealt with. 

      • weedlord420-av says:

        Yeah but that could be dealt with easily in like 1 episode. And aren’t Bo-Katan and her crew getting one of those spin-offs? Do her reclaiming the saber from Mando in episode 1 and that’s everything in a bow. My real point is that Mando’s arc is over. He doesn’t care about retaking Mandalore or Thrawn or the darksaber or any of the other lingering plot points. There’s no real reason for The Mandalorian to continue as it is, focusing on The Mandalorian, unless it goes back to bounty-of-the-week episodic stuff and frankly I don’t want that, I think it undercuts how excellent the end of season 2 was.

        • objectivelybiased-av says:

          Din discovered there’s much more to being a Mandalorian than he believes. In that regard, there’s much more to explore with his character, post-Grogu. Not to mention, there’s still the goal of reuniting the scattered remains of the Mandalorian people, plus future encounters with the various friends, allies, and enemies he’s made over the course of the past two seasons.

          There’s plenty left in the tank for The Mandalorian as a series.

      • mullah-omar-av says:

        “Once you go darksaber…”

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I wish more American productions would be satisfied with one or two seasons. I think there’s plenty more that can be done with this show, but I agree that this would have been a very good stopping point. Throw away the Darksaber hook if you have to, but like you said, it’s easy enough to deal with in a different series if they want to. It’s also perfectly fine to leave a story line unresolved. A good idea, even, considering all that’s been written on the nature of, “hey I wonder whatever happened to that bounty hunter guy who was being digested for 1000 years.”

      I think the Marvel branch of Disney is truly starting to understand how to do expanded universe stuff, but we’ll just have to see if we end up getting six seasons of Loki or whatever. It wouldn’t be too hard for the Star Wars guys to go across the hall and ask how to connect their ten new shows in a way that doesn’t require them all to be wrung completely dry.

  • kirkchop-av says:

    Star Wars: The Pandering Continues

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Is Baby Yoda confirmed for season 3? B/c (SPOILER) it sure seemed like he’s gone to Luke Skywalker’s Academy of Jedi Combat and Hairstyling, which kind of limits his opportunities. Like maybe we’ll get a baby Wookiee fir season 3, or something. A gaggle of porgs? Those crystal foxes?

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      It would kinda suck if the very first episode of S3 was Mando going “Hey, Grogu, did you enjoy your weekend of Jedi training school?” The kid will be gone for awhile (I’d put the line at s3e7 and bet the over) but I don’t think Luke is training Grogu as a Jedi Order proper member, it’s more keep a cap on the kids powers so he doesn’t do anything really bad. Luke would actually let the kid go back to Mando who he has an attachment because Luke is nota giant asshole like the Jedi Council were. Grogru isn’t a Jedi, he’s a Mandalorian. It’s not a race, it’s a creed.

    • perlafas-av says:

      maybe we’ll get a baby Wookiee for season 3Oh yes.

  • glorbgorb-av says:

    The mystery and coolness behind Boba Fett diminished somewhat when he was in the prequels as a kid. Things were too tidy. Now a spin-off series? I dunno about that one.And I see references to Marvel fatigue all the time. Why not Star Wars fatigue?

  • corvus6-av says:

    I don’t get people being so angry about Boba Fett getting a show. Mando is getting it’s own 3rd season. Other than his big action set-piece in one episode, Fett was a total supporting character to Mando (sidekick indeed).
    Don’t like Boba Fett? Don’t watch his show. I do like Boba Fett. I’m glad he’s alive and can’t wait to see what they do with him. I’m also ecstatic the Mandalorian isn’t becoming the Boba Fett show.

    I’m worried about over-saturation with so many shows announced, but on the other hand, Favreau and Filoni have earned my trust and the Mandalorian won’t have to carry the entire franchise by itself. I’m going to give it a shot. I’m sure some of the shows will be better than others, just like how the EU stuff varied wildly in quality.

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