The Boys‘ Erin Moriarty exits social media after Megyn Kelly plastic surgery accusations

“You’ve lost the privilege of this account," the Starlight performer wrote, while fending off bizarre accusations from former Fox News host Kelly

Aux News Moriarty
The Boys‘ Erin Moriarty exits social media after Megyn Kelly plastic surgery accusations
Erin Moriarty Photo: Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for BoxLunch

Actor Erin Moriarty—best known for her starring role as superhero Starlight in Amazon Prime’s The Boys—has announced that she’s leaving social media, after facing bizarre accusations of having a cosmetic surgery “addiction” from former Fox News star Megyn Kelly, despite there being, as far as we can tell, zero evidence to back said accusations up.

And while there’s something slightly, let’s say, nostalgic(?) about the idea of Megyn Kelly having genuine influence over anyone—it has been a minute, on that score—her actual comments were pretty horrific, and Moriarty’s response righteously angry. Per THR, Kelly had apparently been doing a segment on the January 17 installment of her podcast, where she decided to hold up Moriarty as a symptom of a “social illness” centered on plastic surgery. Then she compared a supposedly “recent” picture of Moriarty with an even more modern one, saying of the latter, “I thought, ‘is this an AI-generated face’… but apparently it’s real.” Just vile shit, honestly.

Moriarty responded on Instagram, where she lobbed plenty of accusations of false journalism against Kelly, but also fired back at those who believed, spread, and acted on her claims, calling the reactions “widespread.” “You’ve lost the privilege of this account. so, you can believe whatever you want,” she wrote at one point in the statement. “But there’s no excuse for these horrific allegations, the verbal abuse that I have had to delete, and the genuinely false information that is being used to perpetrate a message that is exhibitionist feminism. You don’t have to believe me when I say these videos are absolutely false but the way this has been spoken about, the way I have been spoken to, I will not accept.”

Among other things, Moriarty—who has nearly 2 million followers on the platform—noted that the image of her that Kelly used as a “before” photo was more than a decade old, while also calling out the podcast host with a “shame on you.” She also got in a Boys reference, to boot, referring to Kelly’s old home at Fox News as “Voight incarnate”— referencing the evil corporate mega-giant from the show (although she later had to remind herself and readers that Kelly no longer works for the company, having jumped ship from the network in 2017 before failing catastrophically to make a crossover to a less embarrassing job at NBC News).

[via The Hollywood Reporter]


  • nilus-av says:

    Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.

    • rpdm-av says:

      Her face is both stupid and annoying looking. – Darlene Vegan, California, United States, May 2016

    • divisiblebyzero0-av says:

      I know it is tempting to accuse Megyn Kelly (that’s “Megyn” spelled with a “y” because of course it is) of having surgeries that alter her natural appearance. I would like to point out, however, that nothing was ever natural about Megyn-with-a-“y” as she emerged fully formed from a vat labeled “conservative blonde female news anchor #7″ located somewhere beneath Rupert Murdoch’s evil volcano lair.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Right? No way in hell is that an untouched 53.

    • ndlb-av says:

      Hypocrisy and projection?  From a FauxNews talking head?  Well, I never…

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      And of course, if she has that’s her business and nothing for any of us to concern ourselves with, as it’s also none of our business if Moriarty has either. (Though, as the article points out, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of that.) Kelly is a horrible person in general, and I feel like that’s always worth remarking on.

    • kim-porter-av says:

      “It was wrong of Megyn Kelly to speculate about a woman’s plastic surgery with no evidence. Now here’s some speculation about her plastic surgery.”Looking forward to when the “being as mean as possible to people we’ve decided are bad actually makes us good people” strain of progressivism dies.

      • timebobby-av says:

        It never will. They’re not smart enough to ever get it.

      • garland137-av says:

        Except Nilus is criticising her hypocrisy, not the plastic surgery itself.  He’s also not orchestrating an online harassment campaign against her, either.

      • nilus-av says:

        As mean as possible?   Hardly.  

      • abradolphlincler81-av says:

        Yep.  I hate Trump, but I won’t participate in the body-shaming.  

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Looking forward to when the “being as mean as possible to people we’ve decided are bad actually makes us good people” strain of progressivism dies.”

        Yeah, I’m with you. Nobody should be allowed to point out the utter hypocrisy of others. That’s MEAN, you fucking loser.

      • roboj-av says:

        So do you actually have an opinion on what Kelly actually said and did and/or agree with her? Or you’re just another internet conservatroll here to do the usual: “SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT!! HAHA LIBS OWNED!!”

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      She’s not talking about “getting work done”, bud. She’s speculating about an “addiction” to it.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Ok, I knew 2024 was gonna be nuts going in, but Megyn Kelly accusing Erin Moriarty of having plastic surgery was not on my “The End is Nigh” bingo card.
    Like, just, why? What are you doing Megyn Kelly? What. Are. You. Doing. You want to expose the “social illness” of cosmetic surgery, and your goto exemplar is.. Erin Moriarty? Like.. what am I missing here? Just. Huh? 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      The bingo card printing industry hasn’t been able to keep up with any of the major trends of the last five or so years.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        It’s just exceptionally weird to me. I mean, I know people here watch The Boys and it’s a pretty successful show, but if I were to ask someone on the street who Erin Moriarty was, would they know? Does anyone watching Megyn Kelly really know?
        I’d expect I’d get someone asking “is it Moriarty’s sister from Sherlock Holmes?”

        • captainbubb-av says:

          Yeah… I’d say I’m pretty up on pop culture, though I don’t watch a lot of tv anymore. I know what The Boys is but would not have known Moriarty’s name, what she looks like now, or what she looked like 10 years ago. It is an odd choice, like does Megyn Kelly watch The Boys and hates her? Or Moriarty’s pictures came up in a Google search (but only after scrolling past the more famous celebs that she was too afraid to pick on)?

          • babbylonian-av says:

            Given the theme of racist corporatism in The Boys, I don’t think any former or current Fox News employee can watch the show without feeling attacked…certainly none who have the slightest self-awareness.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          People like Kelly are going to go after easy pickings (less famous people) like Moriarty. I doubt she’d try that with Madonna – who would crush her.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Does anyone watching Megyn Kelly really know?”

          No, no righties watch The Boys!

  • donnation-av says:

    Uhh…She’s either altering her photos significantly or she’s had significant work done on her face.  Either way, pretending that one or the other isn’t happening is laughable.  

    • mikeyp1983-av says:

      Her having work done isn’t the same as having an “addiction” to cosmetic surgery, as Kelly baselessly claimed.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        That’s true but it doesn’t matter anyway unless Kelly wants to take on all of Hollywood (and a decent % of the US). She’s 53 herself and, like a good little narcissist, she’s projecting.

    • melleners2000-av says:

      I think you’re missing the point.

      • donnation-av says:

        No you’re missing the point.  For AV/Club to say “We see no evidence…” is ridiculous.  I wasn’t saying it was at all right for MK to call her out like that but let’s not pretend that she doesn’t look vastly different.  And btw, that’s fine, she can do what she wants.  

      • donnation-av says:

        I mean she can deny it all she wants, but this isn’t natural aging. She’s either had work done or is using filters on her social media. Either way, why not own it or better yet just ignore Kelly?[img]

        • roboj-av says:

          She can’t exactly “ignore Kelly” when she’s instigating an online harassment campaign against her can she?How about Kelly mind her own damn business and ignore Erin and literally talk about anything else out there?

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        The sanctimonious outrage that you’re supplying? 

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      Weight loss, make up and filters.

    • thewalkernz1-av says:

      Aside from the simple fact that people’s looks change as they age, and that every celebrity photo published is altered in some way (and not often by the celebrity – red carpet photo > glam profile applied in Lightroom). Plus some obvious weight loss & in the exact photo used has contouring makeup applied. ‘She’s altering’ is one heck of a bad assumption.

      Aside from all of that, whether Erin Moriarty has or has not had work done is not the core of her grievance. Don’t mock people for having work done either.

    • necgray-av says:

      Is your screen name short for Dumb to the GoddamI’mDumb?

    • srgntpep-av says:

      I mean Kelly’s obviously had some work, sure.  Weird she decides to call people out for the same thing, though.

    • brianfowler713-av says:

      Here’s a crazy thought; Her body, her choice?

      • donnation-av says:

        100%.  I was simply replying to AV/Club who wrote that they see no evidence of any type of surgery.  She looks significantly different and has had either a lot of work done or is altering her pictures.  She can do either, but writing that she looks the same is a joke.  

        • mfolwell-av says:

          No one suggested that she looks the same, only that there’s no evidence of surgery. It turns out that heavy makeup (not to mention 10 years of aging) can significantly change the way a person looks without surgical intervention.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “She can do either, but writing that she looks the same is a joke.”

          They didn’t say she looked the same, moron.

      • timebobby-av says:

        You do not have a choice to not have others comment on what you do with your body.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Not in mah ‘Murka!

      • drippy666-av says:

        100%.  And since she is a public figure who relies on her attractiveness to land roles and build a fandom we are 100% allowed to comment on it. 

      • cabbagehead-av says:

        yes but if she wants to post pictures of herself on social media then she needs to accept that people have the right to judge and comment and will do so. 

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        You’re so brave and such a good person. 

    • nimbh-av says:

      Who gives a shit, nerd? 

  • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

    “I got them talking about me again! It isn’t over yet!” — Mygyn Kylly

  • ddrummer88-av says:

    I mean this is like something out of the Boys and Starlight responding to it lol

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I’m waiting for Sherlock Holmes to weigh in.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Managed to avoid Fox news up until about two years ago. This Creature was the first thing I saw. I’m a devout feminist but this is a monster, an outright malignant narcissist, and these people are extremely self-loathing despite their bluster. I’d feel pity if it weren’t for all the damage she’s doing. I wish Erin had ignored this.

    • wildchoir-av says:

      although I absolutely agree with your assessment of her.. Megyn Kelly famously hasn’t been on Fox News since 2017

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Thank you. I just clicked on a link and there she was. I assumed it was Fox. More likely it was a YouTube from her time there. I’m sure it was Fox though.At least I can still say I’ve never ‘tuned in’ to Fox News in real time, lol.

        • krstwox1-av says:

          its almost like youre full of shit

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          Honestly, can’t exactly blame you for thinking you saw Kelly, because…well, they all look alike:

          • agentz-av says:

            Are they factory producing them>

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Yes. A factory run by a rather stern old German man out of Brazil.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Yes indeed. America has a ‘type’ doesn’t it?

          • dutchmasterr-av says:

            If by “America” you mean former FOX News CEO Roger Ailes, then yes. 

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Looks like America has a selection of the cream, the bone, the white, the off-white, the ivory or the beige too.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            That’s a proper deep cultural cut right there.
            You certainly wouldn’t see people like Hafadozen Marsbars or Wasim Ramamadrooter or Grahee-Mee Labrooy on Fox.

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Grahee-Mee Labrooy? His name’s Graham, Max.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Well, Bill, his teammates’ have got long, and complicated, names. Seems a pity, really, for this young man to miss out. Reckon I’ll just go on calling him Grahee-Mee.

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Gee, you’re fucked in the head sometimes Max.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            My absolute favourite Bill Lawry line. The quiet, fearful disconcertedness in his voice.It’s just not cricket without Richie and the team.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I just clicked on a link and there she was.”

          Fox News is a TV station, shit for brains. You clicked on a link.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        “Fox News: We don’t have much in the way of standards, but we’re proud to say that Megyn Kelly no longer reaches them.”

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Managed to avoid Fox news up until about two years ago. This Creature was the first thing I saw.”

      So you weren’t watching Fox News, since she’d been gone for years by then.

      But hey, don’t let that stop you from trying to make everything about you!

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I wish Erin had ignored this.”

      Yeah, ignoring it would’ve helped.

      God, you’re fucking useless.

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    So Kelly talks shit, and Moriarty’s the one who has to leave, because Kelly is basically a real life Stormfront (in that Kelly doesn’t have “fans” so much as she has “an army”) that will make social media unbearable for Moriarty.
    Just how long does it take for what goes around to come around, exactly?

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      The PISS Army

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      People who behave like this are miserable; some serious internal agony, if that helps. They can perform happiness and satisfaction but they can’t be alone with themselves very long. Karma knows where she lives. Very often they sabatoge themselves because they go too far. Trump has been storming down that path since he went to miliary school. I’m just waiting here, with popcorn.

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        Them being miserable is all well and good, but I wish there was a way to stop their damage. Erin Moriarty’s still the one who fled social media, even though Megyn Kelly’s the one in the wrong.
        For a worse example Trump, for all “the agony” he might be in, is still the likely GOP nomination (and nobody in the GOP with the spine or principles to stop him are in the position to do so).

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          I get you. I’m being targeted by a lunatic myself. I’m a nobody, so the best I can do is lawyer up and hope for the best.
          A-holes like this run the world; always have. And they know how to raise armies, even the nasty little shits like Kelly. As far as Trump is concerned? I’ll put that aside for a moment. The corporatocracy that owns all of us: thousands of teenagers can organize stupid ‘challenges’ in minutes; they can arrive at raves in an hour etc. What if some general tweets went out and every person with a phone were posed with the challenge to walk out ot their workplace, right now, at the same time? Knowing the power of numbers would they do it? Or we all stop paying stupid car insurance or say “no” at tax time. Some one who reads this will tell me I’m an idiot, it would never work. But we have more power than we know. If Trump wins it will be absolute hell. If he loses there’s going to be mayhem – probably worse for everyone if he loses. I’m near to giving up caring about my fellow citizens though. I reject violence, but we can leverage resistence. Saying “no, we’re not playing” to a narc is also effective, but not always possible.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Did you dismiss my reply? That’s ok. I tried to help you out. Sorry if it didn’t satisfy.

          • brianfowler713-av says:

            I swear the only replies I’ve dismissed are from some guy calling himself “The End of Gawker” or something. Your replies are all right here.

    • daveassist-av says:

      I like the comparison as a “real life Stormfront”, with the addition of her having failed miserably in even that miserable role. Failed White Supremacist resting face is a thing, I suppose?

    • xirathi-av says:

      Of course Erin had surgery, just like how we all know that Jesus AND Santa Claus are white….. what a freaking c^nt. 

    • j4x-av says:

      Never.There is no justice and until we start REDACTING people like Kelly in the middle of the night, they will keep making the world worse with impunity.Stringing someone like Ben Shapiro up from a light pole would go far to restore basic civility.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      She didn’t “have to leave.” lol

    • gargsy-av says:

      “So Kelly talks shit, and Moriarty’s the one who has to leave”

      Moriarty CHOSE to leave, asshole.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      No one “has” to do anything. Also, pointing out that someone clearly had work done, when they in fact clearly had work done, doesn’t equate them to a “real life Stormfront”. 

    • scissors6-av says:

      Capeshit has ruined people’s brains. “Stormfront” was an ACTUAL Nazi. Megyn Kelly just says things you sometimes find distasteful. I wish lobotomies were still provided to the cataclysmically stupid.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    She’ll be back as soon as there is a new project to promote.  

  • drboothy-av says:

    Kelly is horrible but the White Knights in here need to google “Erin Moriarty Plastic Surgery”.

    • gargsy-av says:

      OK, I googled “”, now what.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      Speaking of AI-generated.

      Now I wonder if the removal of profile icons is less to do with rights or storage space, and more to do with making it it easier for new-created bullshit accounts to blend in with actual commenters.

    • nimbh-av says:

      People who say “white knights” are sad fragile virgin boys with useless dicks.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    I realize Megyn Kelly has been through some shit that nobody should have to endure, but you would think that would make her more sympathetic to what other women have to go through. In short, fuck Megyn Kelly sideways with a lunchbox.

    • j4x-av says:

      Has she though?Or has she barely even begun to suffer karmic payback for her life of spreading vile propaganda and hate?I truly don’t feel a shred of pity for her having to suck Ailes dick, she always had the option to kill herself and continues to choose the greater evil.

      • timebobby-av says:

        “I don’t feel bad about women being raped if they have opinions I dislike” is certainly a bold take. Lmao. 

    • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

      I bet she was more sympathetic.For about twenty minutes.Seven years ago.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Just not my extremely cool collectable Elvis lunchbox!

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      Megyn is human garbage.   She chose her life.   Anything bad that happens to her is karma.  

    • cabbagehead-av says:

      I imagine Kelly was a sympathetic person 25 years ago when she was a working attorney but after she sold her soul to Fox not really

  • scissors6-av says:

    “And while there’s something slightly, let’s say, nostalgic(?) about the idea of Megyn Kelly having genuine influence over anyone—it has been a minute, on that score—”In fairness, no one associated with The Onion should be speaking about long-gone relevance. 

  • krstwox1-av says:

    you are so fucking terrible at writing. sean o’neal must be spinning in his grave

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    This is distracting from the real issue, which is that according to a credible rumour I’ve heard, Moriarty is the descendant of Sherlock Holmes’ adversary and is continuing the work of his criminal empire.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    If the following image is, in fact, the same woman at different times then WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER?!?

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      I remember during season 3, some people’s comments of concern about Erin’s health because she looked a little different, but I hadn’t seen this. That’s pretty crazy. Is it real?

    • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

      If the second pic is accurate, I would hope she has a strong support system around her. Between the makeup and filters it’s really hard to ignore the eyebrows or the narrowed nose. It’s obviously her right but I’d sue the Dr. for the result.

    • mrbungle25001-av says:

      She says that was from 9 years ago, something something makeup 

      • graavity81-av says:

        she says the pic on the LEFT is from a decade ago, but hell look at a pic of her from a couple years ago or the most recent appearance in the boys and you can tell SOMETHING is going on. i think its mostly makeup, but also a significant amount of concerning weight loss.

    • nx-1700-av says:

      If he did that to her beautiful face she needs serious mental help .I remember Nikki Cox a beauty that went down the path of face plastic so far it ended her career

    • bc222-av says:

      I saw that online a week ago and could not believe it. But it looked like she posted those photos on her own IG so I assumed it was real. Charitably… you could say it was a TON of makeup and shading? Photos of her from last month look more like the pic on the left than the right, and she’s clearly wearing a ton of makeup in the second photo.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Photos taken years apart (I’m assuming). Now lighter hair colour, different camera lighting, different makeup, head held at a different angle, pouting lips more, and lost weight like all Hollywood actresses do (which I don’t agree with but not my call).
      Certainly doesn’t deserve abuse for it.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        Nobody deserves abuse for it and it sure as shit isn’t “news” that deserves the attention of a “journalist” but if that’s the same person then, yeah, a lot has been done.  Nose and lips in particular.  But who gives a shit.  And again, this is gossip and not journalism.  Megyn K. should be ashamed of herself for dabbling in bullshit gossip which is itself immoral but for not doing her job — which is journalism — properly.  

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          I’m honestly not so sure about the nose and lips.
          Like I said, she’s holding her head at a different angle so her nose is at a different angle catching the light in a different way. And I haven’t had cosmetic surgery and I can pout my lips like that, so I think just looking at a couple photos is arguably inconclusive.
          I just wish Hollywood’s standards of beauty didn’t go so far with the weight loss, but I think most people feel that way.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            It’s a joy to see Kate Winslet on screen, at least. And she would be considered smaller than average in the US. If you watched any of SNL this week you can see how Dakota Johnson has whittled herself down to about 5% body fat. I was sorry to see Anya Taylor-Joy do the same.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Yeah you’re probably right.  The lips for sure look fuller and the nose more turned up but that could just as easily be lighting, make-up or angles.  I just wish they turned Karl Urban and Jack Quaid into entirely different people.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “if that’s the same person then, yeah, a lot has been done.”

          You. Don’t. Know. That.


          And THAT is the point, asshead.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      After reading her own message I’m still confused. She had a makeup session? If so then there is some very heavy contouring. I’m no expert but it can make a drastic difference in a photo. Otherwise, the hairline looks receded, her cheeks are gaunt and, yeah, that’s lip filler. Women from all walks of life experiment. Their bodies, money and risks. I can barely recognize so many stars these days. Whatever’s going on, Kelly is an ass crack for putting her on blast and labelling her mentally ill. She picked on a non A-lister and that’s intentional. I hope support is strong for this young woman.

    • liffie420-av says:

      While I certainly hope she hasn’t had a ton of work done, because she is fabulously beautiful, and I will take her at her word. I can believe the pic on the right being heavy makeup and some photoshopping. I have seen some WILD before and after make up comparisons and you would be STUNNED to see the differences.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      So is the on on the right the “Before” picture? Because something like that is usually the “After” IMO.

    • lisacatera2-av says:

      If the following image is, in fact, the same woman at different times then WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER?!?I know, right?
      Seriously though, first Taylor Swift and now Erin Moriarty. Why is 53-year-old Megyn Kelly mean girling millennial aged women? Midlife crisis?

    • cabbagehead-av says:

      weight loss, buccal fat removal, horrible make up…she ruined her face and looks like a monster

    • manosoffate123-av says:

      The photo on the left is the one that’s super old, and the newer one involves a metric shit-ton of makeup. Like thats drag level makeup. Other newer photos her nose looks like it always has.Now, she has most definitely had her lips and her boobs done, which is unfortunate, but she doesn’t look like a bizarre Michael Jackson-ish alien that the right-hand photo makes it look like.

    • nimbh-av says:

      Hi it’s called makeup and lighting. 

  • adamthompson123-av says:

    Trash presenters don’t lose their rabid fans any more. Did you know that Nancy Grace still has a show?

  • j4x-av says:

    Remember when the little blonde nazi had to gargle Roger Ailse lumpy ballsack to get a job?Everyone knows where your mouth has been Meghan, maybe keep it shut.

  • DLoganNZed-av says:

    NBC should fire that goblin. 

  • nobodyspecialatall-av says:

    I think all that Ozempic has invaded Meghan Kelly’s brain!

  • chronophasia-av says:

    I wonder if it’s a requirement for Fox News personality to be absolutely vile. Must be on their resumes. And yet these same personalities only show how truly awful they are until after they become to terrible for Fox News.

    • tscarp2-av says:

      I have a friend who is fairly high up in network news in Manhattan, and she has told me about any number of decent, reasonable friends who bit the Fox apple because of $. Integrity doesn’t cover a Midtown mortgage, apparently. PS: Not condoning. Just commenting.

  • darthcarcass-av says:

    Social Media:  the only way to win is not to play.

  • random-commentor-av says:

    Are people really acting like she hasn’t had a massive amount of plastic surgery.  I’ve followed her on IG since The Boys first came out and I’ve witnessed her face and breasts change first hand.

  • donnation-av says:

    I mean say what you want, but these two photos aren’t “natural” aging. She’s either doing it on purpose with filters or had work done. Either way, why not just own it or better yet, ignore it?[img]

  • itsnotlupus-av says:

    Years ago I honestly felt sorry for Megyn Kelly and then soon realized I was watching Charlize Theron in “Bombshell”.

  • nx-1700-av says:

    What did you do to your face???/

  • usernameorwhatever-av says:

    She had a nose job, aged five years, and lost some weight. The rest is entirely make up, lighting and camera angle.Do I think people go too far with plastic surgery? 100%. But the insane piling on of this actress is ridiculous. There are so many crazier examples.I don’t know how this happened, but I have to assume that it has something to do with the fact that The Boys had a massive right wing fanbase who unironically loved Homelander and they’ve only recently realized that they’re the butt of the joke and that everyone who makes the show hates them.As such, they’ve responded in the way that right wing subhumans always do: find the most visible woman involved and harrass her until her life is barely livable. Classic subhuman strategy. May they all get a little work done on their vital organs.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      So you don’t have a problem with shaming women; you just think there’s better examples of women who could be shamed for plastic surgery?

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        What? They didn’t say that. He suggested the viewers are feeling like fools so they’re taking it out on one of the women in the show. I don’t know if that’s true, but what you’re suggesting isn’t what the OP said.

      • gargsy-av says:

        What a disingenuous response.

      • usernameorwhatever-av says:

        Yes. That is exactly what I said. What a good, non-insane reading of my comment. You have been awarded the “Best Reader Boy” award.

  • grandmasterchang-av says:

    Has anybody told the Right that The Boys is just a show?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      We’ve pretty much given up trying to tell The Right anything.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      They’re really mad at it because they only just realized that their avatar on the show is actually the bad guy and it’s been perfectly obvious to everyone else since the beginning.

    • cabbagehead-av says:

      The left also don’t understand that tv shows are just tv shows otherwise they wouldn’t insist on pushing ultra left-wing ideology in every show and movie

      • nimbh-av says:

        It’s not pushing any ideology it’s called not being a fucking dickhead. It’s no wonder the right has such trouble with it. 

  • kangataoldotcom-av says:

    Megyn Kelly is a disgusting human being, but only slightly less disturbing are the White Knights on this thread attempting to pretend Moriarty hasn’t had a distressing amount of cosmetic surgery, given her youth and beauty. But of course this is late-stage AVClub, where the only content left is the lowest form of manufactured click-baitable ‘controversies’— perfectly packaged and designed to leave no possible room left for a nuance, much less god forbid a humorous discussion—and even our goofy avatars are apparently to risky to share with the group, substituted by pathetic pixilated colorforms. All the while, Palestinian children are blown to bits, Trump fiddles his way through this newest season of ‘Who Wants to Marry a Nazi Millionaire’, and the poor earth boils. You know what, AVClub? Fuck you. Fuck this. And thank you. I think this article finally cured me of thinking any of this was normal. Or sustainable. Everyone, if you’ve read this far, please— for the love of god, just go outside. Signing out forever, the artist formerly known as [email protected]

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      so you don’t think Moriarty needed all that plastic surgery because she’s already young and hott?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “but only slightly less disturbing are the White Knights on this thread attempting to pretend Moriarty hasn’t had a distressing amount of cosmetic surgery”

      So it’s disturbing to point out someone’s hypocrisy?

      Well hey, at least we know your bullshit opinion is worthless.

    • drippy666-av says:

      see you tomorrow.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “attempting to pretend Moriarty hasn’t had a distressing amount of cosmetic surgery”

      Bring the receipts, cunt. Otherwise just walk into the traffic and save everyone else the hassle.

    • nimbh-av says:

      Shut the fuck up, you virgin bitch nerd. 

  • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

    Megyn Kelly has had a ton of plastic surgery. This is just more projection by republicans. Every single republican is a worthless piece of shit. Every single one.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “I thought, ‘is this an AI-generated content… but apparently it’s real.” Just vile shit, honestly.
    – The AV Club

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Sorry ma’am. I don’t discuss plastic surgery with women.”

  • 0vvorldisabombaclaart0-av says:

    . . have people been wondering about it?yes. a lot. does that mean do what Megyn did? no

  • bigbudd45-av says:

    Fuck Megyn Kelly.  Another reminder that even what used to constitute as just “moderate” conservatives before trump were still a special breed of douchbags.  Like Liz Cheney gets lauded….for beliving in democracy?  The rest of us need to stop acting like one day the GOP/Establishment conservatives will re-establish control.  They wont.  The billionaires have realized they can fund MAGA and get a GOP that will only pass deregulation and tax cuts they want, and grind government to a halt when they dont have full control.  The GOP playbook has not fucking changed since Clinton. When they arent in power they will rail against government spending.  When they are in power they will cut social services beyond wnat even their base claims to want, gut taxes on the uber rich, gut any agency enforcement, and crank up spending, then suddenly act like its PBS that is draining our tax dollars and not cutting taxes on the wealthy to a level lower then anyone alive has ever seen.

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    What a vile seaward.

  • tacanta14-av says:

    Proving, for the umpteenth time, that kelly is NOT a journalist and that she IS a vile PoS, masquerading as a human being.

  • precognitions-av says:

    Honestly, nothing Kelly said was that bad. It does appear that Moriarty has some body image issues, and it’s not difficult to ascertain that social media (and, well, being a known actor) is a big part of causing that. She 100% had work done, people have been noticing for years, and it seems like more than anything Moriarty is buckling at the fact it’s so obvious to other people. But the alternative is doing a Madonna and pretending like your face always looked that way.

  • cumnuri83-av says:

    i feel like its been at least 3 weeks of the same meme on reddit clearly showing she had work done. its her right however she was already beautiful, so if pretty women think they are not pretty enough, where does it end? at some point this needs to be discussed as a mental disorder. 

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    She also got in a Boys reference, to boot, referring to Kelly’s old home at Fox News as “Voight incarnate” hahahHAHAHHAYou go Erin, getting off social media will only benefit your mental health anyways. Anything less than absolute insanity is to be expected from MK at this point, who like the article stated hasn’t been relevant for a while so therefore must be trying to disparage celebrities for clicks (and good job AVC at helping her to do that).It’s so fucking typical for right wingers to project like this. If they’re complaining about a problem, they’re 100% already guilty of it.

  • jimmadson2024-av says:

    It is odd that she is so concerned over this your woman’s face when she obviously doesn’t mind “black face”. Remember, that was the comment that got her fired from job at NBC.

  • cabbagehead-av says:

    Megyn Kelly was hot as shit until so lost so much weight and once I accepted the fact that she is a terrible person. Personality can either help or hurt a person’s looks. Hers hurts. Kelly isn’t the only person who has brought up the change in Moriarty’s face and done a deep dive on it. Whatever video Moriarty’s referencing may be fake but the photos she’s posted of herself are not. She ruined her face. 

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    Erin Moriarty isn’t even 30, of course a photo from a decade ago is going to look different from how she does now. 10 years ago she was a teenager. Kelly is a freak who obviously has a weird bug up her ass about cosmetic surgery, remember when she wouldn’t stop badgering Jane Fonda about hers in what was supposed to be a puff piece plug for the new season of Grace & Frankie.

  • recoegnitions-av says:

    Yeah it’s totally “bizarre” to point out something that is obvious to anyone with eyes.

  • ibell-av says:

    Not to lose the point or anything, but she DID get surgery tho, right? I mean, I know I noticed it. 

  • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

    “I don’t know why she got plastic surgery. Only 5 million people called her ugly or said her nose or whatever looked weird. And then she did amount that seems like too much. DISGUSTING! Actually, I don’t actually know if she got surgery but let’s all comment on it publicly; because what are we gonna do — NOT say something? No, let’s @ her. Even better, let’s DM her! I swear, I’m only saying this because I’m worried about her. And if she doesn’t like it, fuck her for having a public persona. She makes more money than me so she isn’t entitled to her feelings or basic decency. TLDR: She’s basically not a human because she’s on TV. Good day’s work, everyone!”

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