
The Boys wraps its 2nd season with a frenzied finale and a frustrating false equivalency

TV Reviews Recap
The Boys wraps its 2nd season with a frenzied finale and a frustrating false equivalency

Photo: Amazon Studios

This post discusses major plot points of The Boys episode “What I Know.”


Excuse me for my cheeky reference to the opening of last week’s penultimate recap—and thank you for reading my recaps during this second season of The Boys. Which, up until the season finale “What I Know,” I mostly enjoyed quite a lot. There were certainly some great moments in the finale: Maeve, Kimiko, and Annie showing us how girls really get it done while the Boys hang back, abashed and impressed; Butcher realizing that Ryan deserves a chance at a normal life, or the closest thing to one; and MM’s exuberant reunion with his family. Those were nice, as well as the look on MM’s daughter’s face. It was very life-affirming!

But, well. I guess we should talk about the Nazi in the room, and the mole in the room, and how those two reveals reframe this season into one that was very often not about the titular Boys themselves. (And suggest a false equivalency between a literal member of the Third Reich and a progressive politician that I don’t really like.) Week to week, the Boys’ mini-adventures, and how it felt like they were meandering toward a narrative climax versus hurtling directly toward it, didn’t really bother me. Looking back on the season as a whole, though, makes plain how much of these eight episodes were really transitioning us toward a version of the Boys that is actually where Garth Ennis’ comic books started out, with Butcher and his team working for Grace Mallory hunting supes. I understand that for fans of the show who haven’t read Ennis’ work, that might not matter very much. Yet it seems to me sort of peculiar to lead two seasons of the show to a plot point that, really, should have been an introductory one. It feels like we’re moving backward, which is an anticlimactic way to end a season that had so many highlights otherwise.

“What I Know” begins with the President declaring a national emergency after the head-exploding spree that went down at the House hearings into Compound-V led by Congresswoman Neuman, and he’s not the only one panicking. The Pentagon and ICE are both ordering Compound-V, too, and while Neuman and Mallory rightly point out that this is essentially a coup by Vought to gain control of the country, Ellsworth from Deadwood isn’t much swayed. “For the record, I agree with you, and I hate this,” he admits, but the only people who could calm down the country are “Jesus Christ or maybe Homelander.” And what are the chances of the latter, when Homelander is busy playing husband and daddy to Stormfront and Ryan, respectively?

I thought this whole happy-family subplot was ripped through too quickly in this episode; I wish it had a little more room to breathe. Last week I was surprised that Ryan turned so quickly on Becca and accused her of being a liar, and people pointed out in the comments that, well, kids can be jerks, and Homelander has been messing with him, and the life that Homelander and Stormfront offer does seem alluring in its own way. Okay, I concede defeat in the face of all that! And I think it makes sense, then, that Ryan is so quickly unnerved by the level of his father’s fame, and by the onslaught of people who want to see him, and by the fact that Stormfront—as sickly sweet as she was being with the boy—isn’t his mother.

Meanwhile, Becca is understandably frantic, and Butcher’s planned manipulation of the situation to get her back, but to leave Ryan behind? Fuckin’ diabolical. But this all seems very in line with who we know Butcher to be: He loves Becca desperately; he had mourned her and wanted to avenge her for so long; and to learn that she’s alive, and birthed Homelander’s son after he raped her? That’s a whole hell of a lot! And we finally get some more of Becca’s perspective in all this through her making Butcher promise that he would protect her son, and once those words were uttered, man, we all knew Becca was a goner, didn’t we? Still, I loved the face-off between Butcher and Stan Edgar, and how matter of factly Giancarlo Esposito delivered that character’s ethos:

“Compound-V raised our stock price. It’s not ruthless. It’s prices per share, that’s all …. It’s not about me. That’s a white man’s luxury. … When, Mr. Butcher, in history, has it been about anything different?”

Ahem: Money. Over. Everything.

I do think Edgar makes an interesting admission here: Yes, Vought was birthed out of Nazi science, and yes, Stormfront is a monster, and yes, they are using right-wing propaganda to stir up interest in Compound-V and continue making a boatload of money. But what can Edgar do as an individual against that? And what can he do as an individual who happens to be a Black man against that? I’m not excusing his choices, necessarily. But I think The Boys did a good job showing here the various levels of complicity it takes to ignore evil, and to let it fester: You have people like Madelyn, who was clearly in it for the glory and, I think, for Homelander, and you have people like Ashley, who primarily seems motivated by fear, and you have people like Edgar, who knows how power works. It’s a brutal world out here in our late-stage-capitalist nightmare, and money sure makes it easier.

What was less effective for me, though, is where the storyline with Stormfront ended up. I’ve complained before, and still am irritated by, the sketchy details of where Stormfront has been for the past 50 or so years. What happened after she essentially retired as Liberty? Neo-Nazism is (depressingly) vogue right now, but the past decades have been defined by a rise of conservatism and xenophobia. Even if The Boys had alluded to her role in some of that, in particular regarding how Vought navigated those waters (was she shaping company ideology behind the scenes?), her character would have felt more well-considered to me. But it felt like a tonal shift for her, just a few episodes ago, to be cooing to Homelander about how people love her and people want to hear what she’s saying, to then screaming at Annie and the Boys about how the photos of her as a Nazi are deepfakes. (A-Train leaking that Church-collected intel as a fuck you to Stormfront’s constant microaggressions was a great writing choice. Having the Church collude with the show’s popular liberal politician, not so great.) Stormfront is very clearly a true believer. So why then panic and freak out about the reveal of her true origin? There is, very clearly, a portion of this country that would love her more for this! We are living that reality right now!

On the one hand, I think The Boys enjoys wading into the waters of pure nihilism in its consideration of how power, capital, and American imperialism all work together. On the other hand, I think the show sometimes rears back when it should lean forward, and that’s how the Stormfront finale felt for me. For a character the show spent so much time building up as cruel and heartless and flat-out maniacal, to then have her hunt down Becca—why? To then have her shy away from the persona she’s cultivated for so long—why? I don’t think that Stormfront needed to stick around for another season, but I do think the dispatching of her character felt very swift. And I hope that the next season of the show doesn’t ignore that Stormfront worked very hard to, and did in fact succeed in creating, an atmosphere of xenophobic hatred (“We’re under attack. It’s called white genocide” was the worst history lesson ever) that will not disappear just because Vought blames the head explosions on her. Again: Some people will love her more for that, and the show should continue to acknowledge the figure they’ve created.

But I guess that leads me to: Where do the Seven, and the Boys, go from here? Maeve, despite her frustration when Annie comes asking for help against Homelander (“Haven’t I don’t enough for you? It doesn’t matter what we do. Nothing changes. Nothing ever changes or gets better, and I’m tired”) does decide to take a stand, coming to save the Boys during their failing fight against Stormfront. Her blackmail of Homelander results in Annie rejoining the Seven and Homelander’s public apology to “two of the best, most loyal friends I’ll ever have,” and we see now how Homelander will never, ever love anyone else more than he loves himself. Not even Stormfront, who played to his ego, and not even Ryan, who might have one day actually begun to care for his father. Homelander is always out for Homelander, and the possibility that Maeve’s cellphone recording of that crashed plane could turn all the adoration he receives into hatred? Well, that cannot do!

And so Homelander’s motivations and decision making, I get. But why would Annie rejoin this group? Her entire arc over this season has been one of increased disinterest and disillusionment, both with her faith and with her membership in the Seven. She was reacting to Homelander’s threats, yes, but also going through her own inner struggle regarding what kind of person she wanted to be. Doesn’t rejoining the Seven wrap that up too neatly? Even if Annie had said something like, “I’m going back to the Seven, but don’t worry, Hughie, I’ll still work with you guys because Vought is an evil corporation and I obviously object to everything they stand for,” that would have been fine! That doesn’t happen, though, and so her progression, too, feels like a step backward. And while Annie goes back to the Seven, MM reunites with his family, Kimiko and Frenchie go off dancing, Butcher considers that job offer from Mallory, and Hughie—well, Hughie might take a job with the head exploder herself, Congresswoman Victoria Neuman.

I’ll be direct: I hated this reveal. Loathed it. I think it’s bad storytelling, since we saw Neuman terrified and freaked out during the hearings where all the heads were exploding. We saw her fear. Yes, she could have been acting. But later on, when we see Neuman after she explodes the head of the Church of the Collective leader Alastair Adana, her eyes are clouded over, and it seems like her body is affected by the toll of committing that telekinetic burst of violence. The way she is acting then, after killing one man, is very different—and far more affected—than she was during the hearings, when she was killing what seemed like a dozen or more. So, what, is one of these people not really Neuman? Is there another doppelganger running around? I guess that could be an option. Regardless of that, though, I think it’s a very lame, very “both sides are bad,” faux-edgy ideology for The Boys to switch from having a neo-Nazi as a villain to now having a progressive politician as a villain. This is why I don’t watch South Park, I don’t have time for these lazy false equivalences! Yes, I am assuming that Neuman is a Vought plant, but also, that doesn’t make this storytelling any better. I am already low-key dreading how this plays out next season, especially with Hughie now working for her campaign. What is going to tip him off that Neuman is not who she seems? Please, The Boys, do not attempt a storyline about, say, universal health care and how it applies to the supes. I mean, they should have it, because health care is a human right. But I’m not trying to watch that!

Here is what I want: more absurdity from Homelander, who ends this season masturbating into the wind, just like the beautiful, pathetic deviant we all know him to be. More instances for Butcher to really derisively call anyone associated with Vought a “cunt.” More examples of Kimiko having Wolverine-like powers and maybe a use of her BOSSY brass knuckles. More soft romance between Annie and Hughie. More Almond Joys. Fewer attempts to make progressive politics seem like an artifice for evil. Maybe ease back on that. I ask for very little!

Stray observations

  • When one of the Boys says, “We can’t just kill everyone”—OK, but you can if they’re Nazis, though.
  • WHY do the Boys keep using guns on supes when they have rarely seemed to actually work on them? You already know what Stormfront can do! This is just a waste of resources!
  • That little pause Butcher takes when he realizes Ryan killed Becca, and the look on his face when he turns around to consider his wife’s son? An excellent allusion to how this story line played out in the comics.
  • “We definitely found fuck all. … I’m not sure I’m using that term properly” made me LOL.
  • www.VoughtAmerica.com/active-supervillain: Did I write that down wrong? It doesn’t work for me as a real website, which would have been such integrated marketing! Dammit, Amazon! Shell out some money for a domain already!
  • “Why is it always, always Billy Joel?” Our question is finally answered! I liked that Annie/Hughie car ride overall, and I am rooting for these crazy kids.
  • Black Noir is a “vegetable”: Does that mean there’s another opening on the Seven? Because they’re down Stormfront now, right, and only A-Train is back? I can do math, I swear!
  • Not entirely sure what to say about the season-long Deep arc. On the one hand, I do think spending time with him was worth it because Chace Crawford really committed to the role this season, and it was somewhat amusing to see what such a high-level narcissist would do to be famous again. But after a while, the Church of the Collective’s spin on Scientology just got kind of, “Yeah, and?” in its presentation. So now that the leader of the Church is dead—well, maybe the Deep steps up? OK, I might have just talked myself into being interested in this again.
  • MM’s Black-power-fist sweatshirt was very good. His fits were right all season.
  • Excellent Frenchie moments: the pleasure with which he provided Becca with a ham and cheese sandwich, and the casual way he delivered the line, “This is nothing compared to the raves I used to set up in Algiers.” Dance the night away, Frenchie and Kimiko, you deserve it.


  • thefrontman-av says:

    Totally agree with this take. The reveal is broadly emblematic of what keeps The Boys in B- or C-level popcorn fare rather than the higher-quality ranks of superhero shows like Watchmen or Legion: The Boys simply doesn’t have anything to say. It’s just vague ramblings about “the man” in a high-budget desaturated wrapper, like Zack Snyder without the slo-mo and hamfisted religious iconography.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Yup. I thought the best scene was the one with Butcher and Edgar since they tried to get at something a little deeper with the line “that’s a white man’s privilege,” but they just sideswiped it and moved on.

    • dremilioezjlizaardo-av says:

      Another SJW cunt review.
      The Boys
      finale was mostly great. Just the right amount of believable “Girls get
      it done” bullshit. Killing Becca and they way she died was a great
      choice and gut punch. Just like I predicted, Homelander Kid is the key
      to everything and Edger has a trump card with the head popping AOC
      senator. My only criticism would be the acting of Homelander’s kid. At
      best his acting is adequate, but the writing really failed him when he
      accidentally killed Becca. He treated his mother like he had just killed
      a stranger with the I’m sorry and not going over to her and it didn’t
      even look like they treid to make him cry. Also, I do not buy Homelander
      letting them go because of that video. More like he would have threaten
      to make Mauve watch as he burned off little pieces of Elena before
      torturing killing them both, killed Butcher, and took his son. And then
      have Edger and the company say the video was a deepfake or kill the
      story completely. All and all, still a great show compared to all the
      other SJW crap we have to wade through.

      • burnaccount616-av says:

        kill yourself

      • burnerxabillion-av says:

        Nothing more pathetic than pretending to be someone else and ranting about “SJW”. Are you full on school shooting incel yet? Or are you in training?

        • dremilioezjlizaardo-av says:

          The only reason I have to pretend to be someone else is to get out of the greys in this crazy leftist socialist echo chamber where you sheep think America all thinks alike. Not even to add to the irony is The Boys comic itself is a reaction to political correctness and SJW Mary Sue backlash.

          • burnerxabillion-av says:

            “crazy leftist socialist echo chamber”Another brainwashed student of Tucker Carlson. Do you model yourself after that kid who shot the clerk this season? I bet you do.

        • simulateur-av says:


        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Are you full on school shooting incel yet? Or are you in training? Any Internet troll, to a man, is a half-assed sociopath who is too much of a pussy to go full serial killer. Thassit.

      • thedreadsimoon-av says:

        No need for namecalling the critic but I agree with you , the liberal agenda has infected all of tv and movies it seems. So what to do? Vote with your wallet. I’ve cancelled netflix for this reason . There’s always foreign tv , Scandinavian crime dramas and in England we can still knock out a period drama that’s worth watching. Mostly I just watch youtube vids about fast cars and deep sea fishing.

      • forgotwhatiwastyping-av says:

        i can’t tell if this a troll post 

      • shadowdemon-av says:

        “Another SJW cunt review.”You automatically forfeit all credibility with that opening line.

    • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

      I like that it doesn’t have anything to say. What is it you need to be told by television?

      • sickomode-av says:

        Thank you. One other person left with common sense at least

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      • loramipsum-av says:

        Also, Legion had nothing to say.

        • gildie-av says:

          Legion was saying something about mental illness, wasn’t it? I didn’t get that invested but mean to finish it someday..
          I don’t think The Boys is without things to say. It’s not preaching a direct commentary about the 2020 election which in itself isn’t a bad thing but maybe it’s falling flat because it’s difficult to process anything political that isn’t about Nov 3 right now.

        • kasukesadiki-av says:

          Yea I don’t feel like Legion was the best example there lol, it definitely went off the rails

        • loveinthetimeofcoronavirus-av says:

          You don’t listen to Legion, you look at it.

      • rkpatrick-av says:

        I agree.  All it really has to say is “Are you not entertained?!?!”

      • moggett-av says:

        We “need” to be told all sorts of things by art. What are you talking about?  And if the Boys wants to be lightweight meaningless fair, then why is it wading into politics at all? It sounds like you want the Boys to be able to pretend to be deep, but still be able to whimper about how it’s all just for meaningless fun anyway, if they get challenged on what they are saying.

        • roboj-av says:

          Art is not obligated to need to tell you or anyone, anything, about nothing. And if it does, it doesn’t have to specifically pander to and agree with your specific interests and politics. Its ridiculous how you all are being dismissive of this show and are hating on it now because it paints a liberal as a bad guy.

          • moggett-av says:

            If an artist is going to wade into politics, the artist doesn’t get to turn around and throw a tantrum because some people don’t like what he’s saying. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. How dare people disagree with the political message of a show you like?

          • roboj-av says:

            The artist isn’t throwing a tantrum, you guys are because you disagree with his politics and message. I don’t get how simple I and others have to make it that art/artist/entertainment is free to say and do whatever it wants and you don’t have agree with it or like it, but it doesn’t and won’t change for you. Watch and do something else with your life if the politics and message of this show bothers you so much.

          • regol-av says:

            Tantrum = Commenting on a pop culture site review about the artistic merits of the show? Wow.

          • roboj-av says:

            I’m pretty wowed too that you’re using this dumb, nonsenscial, personal attack as some kind of legit argument.

          • regol-av says:

            Attack…?I’ll say it once more. Wow.

          • moggett-av says:

            Um yeah. The artist is free to say whatever he wants and his audience is free to say whatever they want about what he said. Where did you get the weird idea that people aren’t allowed to disagree with someone’s politics if they present it in their art?  Also, what are you babbling about?  Change for me?  

          • roboj-av says:

            I’m “babbling” eh? There it is. This isn’t an an adult having a mature debate and discussion about political messaging and expression in art, i’m talking to a jerk who resorts to insults because people don’t auto agree with his slippery slope tantrums. Should’ve figured as much.

          • moggett-av says:

            I mean you’re the one talking a lot of gibberish about random audience members having the power to force a tv show to change. You really think a critical article in the A.V. club or my even more random agreement has any direct relevance to the show?Though to be fair to you, I suspect the real issue is that someone dared to say they don’t like something you like. 

          • roboj-av says:

            That’s not what i’ve been saying or aruging at all, but since you keep revealing more and more that you’re really just a manchild that resorts to making insults like a whiny teenage boy whenever someone dares critiques your simpleton opinions, I can see why you don’t get it. Keep replying though. I know it was a mistake that I replied to you in the first place. What a waste of my time.

          • rellengibbons-av says:

            Aww, did snowflake get upset because his babbling was called babbling? Insults should stay at the subliminal level. 

          • rellengibbons-av says:

            Similarly, people are “free to say and do whatever they want” and you don’t have agree with it or like it, but they “won’t change for you.” Do something else with your life if the politics and message of the people commenting bothers you so much. See?

          • shhh2322-av says:

            Wow you’re such an idiot. 

          • shhh2322-av says:

            Like crazy crazy stupid. Please shut the fuck up. No one cares what you think about anything. 

        • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

          It’s not really “wading into politics” anymore than House of Cards was. It’s telling a tale. Politics are part of its story, but not really part of its message, because there isn’t one.

          • moggett-av says:

            Nonsense. They’ve deliberately engaged with issues that are active elements of politics right now. Are you saying that was an accident? And House of Cards isn’t “just” telling a story either. It has a very clear vision and theme about people in power and how politics “really” works. What are you talking about?

          • shhh2322-av says:

            Legitimately consider killing yourself 

          • simulateur-av says:

            What you described is exactly what telling a story entails. Are you ok?

          • moggett-av says:

            Are you? I described telling a story and you … argumentatively agree with me? Are you upset because I said stories often have themes (and House of Cards is one such story)?  Something else?

      • thefrontman-av says:

        “What is it you need to be told by television?”

        … a compelling story?

      • davyboy-av says:

        Why do people feel the need to force their way into a discussion just to say that they don’t think the discussion should even be occurring? Is it that important to you to make sure everyone else knows how “above it all” you are?

        Just stay out of it if you are going to challenge the fundamental assumptions others are expected to agree to if they want to have a meaningful conversation. In this case, one of those assumptions is, “I enjoy it when art has something to say and says it well”.

        You don’t accept the parameters of the discussion at hand. You enjoy watching shows purely for the entertainment value. Fine. Hats off to you; that’s totally fine. But other people expect or want to see different things, and that’s fine too, and they should be able to talk about it that way too. The conversation isn’t for you or about you, so why don’t you just butt out? All you’re doing is antagonizing people for absolutely NO reason.

        • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

          I never said the discussion shouldn’t be occurring. What are you talking about? I’m participating in the discussion. I’m literally disagreeing with the comment I’m replying to. 

          • davyboy-av says:

            You’re not participating in it; you’re just derailing it. Your response is a non sequitur and your “disagreement” is, in fact, with what the topic should be. You didn’t challenge the assertion that the show has nothing to say; you challenged the idea that it should have something to say at all – you’re not abiding by the parameters of the discussion, which make assumptions about what people value in a creative work. This is basic social etiquette – if all you have to add to a conversation is, “dude, it’s just a movie/game/TV show”, you don’t need to participate in it. You’re just making noise for the sake of being heard.

            Compare it to this situation: a person is criticizing the positions of someone else and another person wanders up and says, “well, they have the RIGHT to those opinions”. That they have the right was never in dispute in the first place; it’s a completely useless contribution to the conversation.

            Besides that, the person you responded to said it worked fine as “popcorn fare”. You didn’t even say anything that’s necessarily in conflict with the OP. You’re just being antagonistic.

          • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

            I’m not doing that, and you’re not the discussion police. I’m participating in the discussion. Not sure what you’re doing. Do you have any thoughts on The Boys?

          • simulateur-av says:

            Did you read the whole thread?

      • steve-harvey-oswald-av says:

        Yep, I’m also gonna go with this take. I’m not on board with the HURRRR STICK TO SPORTS/ACTING/MUSIC DURRRRRR folks in the slightest, either, for the record – but if a show chooses to be entertainment rather than social commentary, then it is perfectly entitled to do that and exist as-is. We need B and C level popcorn stuff sometimes. Life is serious enough. I don’t need all my movies and shows to be serious, heavy hitting takes. I don’t understand why so many people have such a hard time just watching something without writing a mental literary criticism thesis on it. I didn’t ever think this show was depicting some kind of BOTH SIDES BAD message while watching it. That seems to be a takeaway only a handful of you read into, while actively looking for something to be offended by. Neuman looks and acts nothing like AOC, at least to me. She seems like every other politician character in every other superhero story I’ve ever seen. So what if she actually isn’t a legit progressive politician hero in this universe? Who fucking cares? This show isn’t real.

      • simulateur-av says:

        Well. Fucking. Said.  A show doesn’t need to validate your worldview or have some grand meaning. Thinking The Boys aims to that is idiotic. 

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      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Art bad, only splosions.

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      Legion though?

    • thants-av says:

      It’s had a ton to say this season though. One weird tone-deaf reveal doesn’t change that.

    • seven-deuce-av says:


  • beertown-av says:

    Definitely hit more than a few false notes this episode, but I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt on the whole “AOC = Antagonistic Overpowered Congresswoman” reveal. The Boys has proven to be a touch more smartly-written than the source material would imply, and more so than the naysayers give it credit for. Especially this season, which turned Aya Cash loose and benefited immensely from it. I’ll just see what’s up their sleeve next season.

    • dremilioezjlizaardo-av says:

      Headpopper™ is align with Edger somehow.
      The Boys
      finale was mostly great. Just the right amount of believable “Girls get
      it done” bullshit. Killing Becca and they way she died was a great
      choice and gut punch. Just like I predicted, Homelander Kid is the key
      to everything and Edger has a trump card with the head popping AOC
      senator. My only criticism would be the acting of Homelander’s kid. At
      best his acting is adequate, but the writing really failed him when he
      accidentally killed Becca. He treated his mother like he had just killed
      a stranger with the I’m sorry and not going over to her and it didn’t
      even look like they treid to make him cry. Also, I do not buy Homelander
      letting them go because of that video. More like he would have threaten
      to make Mauve watch as he burned off little pieces of Elena before
      torturing killing them both, killed Butcher, and took his son. And then
      have Edger and the company say the video was a deepfake or kill the
      story completely. All and all, still a great show compared to all the
      other SJW crap we have to wade through.

    • alexanderlhamilton89-av says:

      It is being pretty true to its source material vs last season. The boys comic really is nihilistic. Huey is really the only “good” guy in the whole thing all politicians are corrupt psychopaths all the supes are too. Only normal people without any power can even be slightly good and then they never get a chance. Also I hate whenever a villain makes the, its all about money and it always has been for all eternity quote. Especially when in this instance ACTUAL Nazi’s are a plot point and they did not commit genocide for the money or start WW2. People more commonly do things because they believe they should than for the money most people arent min maxing their life. Capitalism is only a few hundred years old anyways. Pretty young for an eternal truth.

      • murrychang-av says:

        The Nazis and WW2 were a response to the Treaty of Versailles: It very much WAS all about the money. WW1 was about needing to get the most out of all the war equipment that the European countries had bought over the previous ~20 years. Go back to The Crusades: Supposedly about religion but more about robbing the wealth of the eastern Mediterranean.It’s a cynical but not historically inaccurate viewpoint.

        • alexanderlhamilton89-av says:

          It actually less cynical and it is inaccurate. WW1 had nothing to do with equipment and the treaty of Versailles didnt cause the great depression that crushed what little remained of Germanies pride and economy.Money is a useful thing you can use it to protect yourself, make your life comfortable pay for medical treatment. And thus when people go to war for it, general conquest of land and people to acquire resources. We understand. No one is confused why Rome invaded places. What catches our attention and what is truly terrible is when you do something not to take care of you and yours, but purely for ideological reasons when you are willing to go on a crusade(which didnt funnel any wealth back to europe It was all used to establish the never self sufficient crusader states) that is frightening because now you are killing for an idea and where does that stop? Who does that stop with? If the crusades for the holy land were successful(impossible) what would have been next? Kill the heart of the enemy burn Mecca? And even wars that start for profit can evolve. Ghengis Khan eventually believed it was Gods(Tengri) will that everything under the sky be ruled by the mongols. So when they approached a new town they didnt demand acquiescence. They simply informed them they were part of the Mongol empire and they always had been and would be treated as traitors if they didnt act like they were part of the mongol empire.  I am guessing you are one of those guys who attributes every war since the invention of the combustion engine to oil. And thinks the military industrial complex which is insignificant to silicon valley or wallstreet somehow gets to start wars that messes with aforementioned’s money. And the worst thing about this idea is it excuses the evil that is committed by these ideologues. If they are just getting resources like everyone else had done through history then really are the Nazi’s that bad………

          • murrychang-av says:

            “WW1 had nothing to do with equipment”Wrong.“treaty of Versailles didnt cause the great depression that crushed what little remained of Germanies pride and economy”No, it was a huge driver in the the decade long depression and resentment that allowed for the rise of the Nazi party. I’ve been studying this shit for decades, you’re specifically wrong about this.
            “(which didnt funnel any wealth back to europe It was all used to establish the never self sufficient crusader states)“The Knights Templar didn’t bring back any wealth from the Holy Land, you say? They only bought back horrible, pagan rituals, right? You’re an easy mark if you’re still believing 700 year old propaganda like that.
            “I am guessing you are one of those guys who attributes every war since the invention of the combustion engine to oil”You’d guess wrong! We didn’t invade Afghanistan, Grenada or Korea for oil, to give the first 3 examples I thought of in about 2 seconds. That’s a damn stupid thing to say, to be quite honest.
            You’re gonna want to learn a LOT more about history before you come at me with this garbage.

    • ducktopus-av says:

      I think being straight up clever is undervalued so strong star for Antagonistic Overpowered Congresswoman.  Odysseus was clever, just sayin

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      “AOC = Antagonistic Overpowered Congresswoman”Okay that is excellent! Permission to call her this all next season?

    • nightriderkyle-av says:

      I don’t know, I’d be even more pro-AOC if she could explode people’s heads. That’s just what this country needs.

    • amfo-av says:

      So, what, is one of these people not really Neuman? Is there another doppelganger running around? I’m around 50-60% sure the AOC Is Headpopper thing is misdirection. I think the headpopper is the fly we saw several times in season 1 and a couple times in season 2. He goes in your ear and, well… After the headpoppin’ hearings I was all “yay the fly dude is about to be introduced!” It seems so right, it took about as long as a fly would take to buzz to the next exploding head, it made sense that Vought would have a teeny tiny spy hero who could explode heads, it explains why Mr Edgar seems so cool about everything all the time – he knows most of what everyond is doing so it’s like Operation Ultra – he deliberately let things leak because if he “knew” that the Boys were about to drop the truth about compound V it would expose his spy……I’m talking like an evil version of this:
      If it turns out it WAS Ms AOC-Analog, I will be… more or less the normal amount of disappointed with The Boys.What happened to Stormfront also being Liberty/Captain America, by the way?

      • dougr1-av says:

        So Neumann could be a telepath giving instructions to a tiny guy? Which is why her eyes changed when she was far away, but she didn’t have to do more than look in the hearing room? Intriguing.

        • amfo-av says:

          Oh I didn’t think of that… I’d be happy with that. Maybe fly guy is her “sister” (would be nuts if they made it a brother) who got tinified by Compound V and that’s why she hates Vought so much…

    • clintonpaedoisland-av says:

      AOC and the Democrats are equally as dangerous as Bush and the Republicans. If you are unable to see that then you are biased. Orange man bad 

    • loginuniqueidentifier-av says:

      Yeah I’m not gonna assume they’re gonna depict AOC as evil.  Even though it seems implied that she’s working on behalf of Vought.  It is such a bold creative choice to make a direct analogue for AOC.  I’m curious to see where they take it.

    • filthyharry-av says:

      Yes, given the event at the congressional hearing silenced the dr. from testifying and propelled support for compound V and then she punished Alistair for being responsible for letting the dirt out on Stormfront, I don’t think her role as “a progressive politician” is genuine.

    • shindean-av says:

      Great outlook, I’m not really frustrated with the reveal because it’s more of an opening to the next season. Plus, without all the heads exploding, it wouldn’t have led up to the tension and thriller stakes that makes the show so interesting.
      A plot hole works both ways: If didn’t help in any way to move the plot forward, it can’t be faulted for getting in the way of great climax that included the beatdown of a nazi.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      The source material is infinitely more aware of its limits than this bizarre attempt to make it into a middlebrow TV show is aware of its own

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Wait…you mean that there might possibly be a storyline reveal down the line that could validate and perhaps even *GASP* enrich the overall concept!?

    • hunchojacktonto-av says:

      Yeah, I agree. I was reading this review thinking that she doesn’t have a lot of faith in the writers. Now, I could absolutely be proven wrong. But I got to watch a Nazi get curb stomped by superheroes (artist rendition below)and then get cooked by a child’s rage until said Nazi was nothing more than a charred Monty Python’s Black Knight-esque crisp.*chef’s kiss*After that, we riding this one out. If next season they pull some “bad people on both sides’ bullshit, well then I suppose I’ll have to eat these megabytes.

  • king_e_dawg-av says:

    Hahaha wow. They made a suggestion about MY fave so now I don’t care for it. AV Club at it again.I’ve loved every minute of this show because it’s never afraid to take a long, ugly look at a fundamental American truth: in this country, everyone is selling something. Everyone.It was probably also a reference to the fact that like half the Bernie bros on Twitter are actually Russian bots and you shouldn’t hitch your wagon to anyone trying to stir shit up and deflect and divide… but never mind that. Right?

    • therocketpilot-av says:

      Go back on your meds, kid.

    • cbbang-av says:

      Stop dividing the country with your better ideas on addressing the climate, poverty and healthcare!

      Now excuse my xenophobia as I call you a Russian bot.

      • king_e_dawg-av says:

        lol what? I think you’re confused, see Victoria Neuman is a fictional character, she doesn’t believe in any of that stuff because she’s not AOC (someone I don’t have a bad word to say about!), she’s Victoria Neuman.It used to be you could make a fictional character similar to a real person but perhaps different or an amalgam of things but now everyone thinks it’s a 1:1 connection so everything bad you suggest about the character is how you feel about the person, but this is dumb and wrong

        • simulateur-av says:

          Right in your first comment and here as well. These people watched the show thinking it would pander to their political beliefs when it’s satire: no side is exempt. 

          • king_e_dawg-av says:

            To be clear, you should never consider Trump, or really the GOP at large a legitimate side of the political debate; they are criminals using political ideology as a smokescreen to further enrich themselves off a global economy of ruthless oppression and resource hoarding (this is basically the plot of Die Hard, which makes sense when you consider the era Trump and all these Wall Street bloodsuckers made their name in). There’s a not insignificant number of Dems you can lump in there too, but The Boys isn’t as concerned about the heroes and villains we jump back and forth between stanning/cancelling as it is the people’s willingness to vehemently back those ideologies while ignoring their complexities, challenges, shortcomings, and in some cases falsehoods.

        • pelusilla99-av says:

          “It used to be you could make a fictional character similar to a real
          person but perhaps different or an amalgam of things but now everyone
          thinks it’s a 1:1 connection so everything bad you suggest about the
          character is how you feel about the person, but this is dumb and wrong”Couldn’t agree more. The fact that the this is the default mindset now for a lot of people is insane. There are a lot of bad takes out there, I agree, but people feel the need to manufacture even more for some reason.

    • truthfairy67-av says:

      But yet they can rationalize away a black man hiring and working with a literal Nazi for profit. This article would be hilarious if the echo chamber here didn’t show how many people actually think like this.

  • olftze-av says:

    Nah, I thought it was a great reveal. And I do like the politician she is based upon. It actually, incidentally, touches on something I’ve thought about for a while. What would happen if an actual serial killer is elected to national office? It’s bound to happen eventually, purely by mere statistics. And if politics is a game, made sharper by the morally muted mature required to be a serial killer in the first place, then winning could be expedited with discrete kills.There are scattered historical examples. But what might it be like in modern small-d democratic governance? Exploding heads is merely a narrative convenience. How might political systems respond? How might the populace?

  • kristoferj-av says:

    To me, it’s always difficult to find flaws during the first viewing of a show I so dearly love. Your review definitely gave me that necessary perspective, which I really appreciate.Probably my biggest gripe is Stormfront herself. While her overall arc was great and Aya Cash was superb, I still feel that there were parts missing. Like you said, what happened after she stopped being Liberty? Why did she stop? When did she become Stormfront? Hell, did she have lightning powers all along or does she have a wider set of abilities? They marketed Stormfront as this social media savvy “hero.” To my memory, she used a social media app twice during the season. Yes, there was the meme making part and commenting about “your uncle’s Facebook,” but I feel like they should have leaned on that social media aspect a bit more. At least before diving head-first into the whole “I’m a Nazi from the Third Reich and Vought founder’s wife.”As for Annie, I get her decision much more than I thought I would. She’s still very much in the fight to bring down Vought, but I find that her choice in staying with the Seven was admirable. It says a lot about her character and that’s bound to make for some juicy drama in S3.Ryan’s whole deal can be summed up pretty quickly imo: kids are crazy emotional, kinda dumb, and reckless to no end. It’s a situation that happens to parents way too often: “I hate you!”, “You’re not my dad/mum anymore!” and all that. Just add superpowers, a psychotic father and you’re set.Giancarlo Esposito got criminally little screen time this season, but he’s naturally coming back next season, so I hope we see more of him them.

  • gilgurth-av says:

    I think you are projecting too much on this. The Neuman reveal doesn’t mean Progressives = Nazis. It means she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we have not a clue what her game is. I didn’t get that take at all. Cults of personalities are bad things was my biggest take away. If, next year, they show her as committed to the movement she’s leading as is, without ulterior motives, I’ll stand corrected. Also not sure if the white pupils is manifesting her powers or something else. We just don’t know enough to speculate yet. 

    • risingson2-av says:

      Yeah well, but she looks eeriely similar to AOC and that is not an innocent choice at all. I agree that is cheapens the whole season and I hate it too.

      • gilgurth-av says:

        But that’s the jump off point. You have expectations and they subvert them. I mean… this is fiction 101.

        • risingson2-av says:

          It’s a very lazy and coward twist, not a subversion. And she is the only character that looks like a current politician. It’s extreme bad taste to make an infantile South park point of “all sides are bad hahaha”. I don’t fucking want a TV show to tell me than someone who is trying to make the Nazis accountable is as bad as the Nazis, because that is propaganda.

          • weedlord420-av says:

            The show hasn’t made that point though? Neumann is clearly in Vought’s pocket, so it’s still the one bad side.

          • roboj-av says:

            How do you know that she is?

          • weedlord420-av says:

            I thought the show demonstrated it pretty clearly whenever Stormfront and Homelander deduce that the head popper must be working for Vought. By staging that incident at her hearing, it raises fear of super villains, which works for Vought. She’s not a Nazi like Stormfront, but she is aligned with Vought ultimately.

          • roboj-av says:

            While the show did do that as you say, i’m not how sure that connects to Neumann who they’ve kept as pretty ambigious aside from her anti-supe activism. Even the AOC analogues that people here have been doing is kind of weak.

          • weedlord420-av says:

            That’s fair enough I suppose, that’s just how I read it.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            The “Neumann is clearly AOC” thing has mystified me throughout these reviews, to be honest. Everyone here seems to take it as read for some reason, but why? Yes, they’re both young (though Neumann’s not as young as AOC) and female. But beyond that? Neumann isn’t keen on one particular company having more power than the government, and I noticed at one point was implied to be from ‘the left’ (by comparison with actual Nazis), but is there any indication that she’s specifically a progressive flagbearer, rather than any other brand of non-Nazi? I mean, regulating Vought would be something almost the whole of the left, and a chunk of the right, could get behind.I know someone here said that they thought they looked the same, but I don’t get it. Is that just Americans not being able to tell the difference between Puerto Rican American and Lebanese Australian? Because other than “not WASP” (although obviously ‘Victoria Neumann’ suggests the character is ethnically German even if the actress they cast ended up not being), and “young woman looking professional yet relatable”, I’m not sure where the resemblance is…

          • toshyfresh-av says:

            AOC receives death threats daily, so yeah it’s really irresponsible. If they had made Neuman a middle age red headed woman, I’d have no problem. But Instead they so clearly modeled her after AOC, it’s very obvious.

          • thants-av says:

            Every other part of this season have been shockingly direct and brave talking about the alt-right. They’ve earned a little benefit of the doubt.

          • frankreynolds-av says:

            Nazis are such a lazy cliche at this point

          • dremilioezjlizaardo-av says:

            Jesus, you must hate all the liberal socialist entertainers and athletes telling you to vote for Biden so Kamala can become president by default.

          • theraceofspades-av says:

            Its not propaganda… It’s FICTION. It’s television. It’s not real guy, it’s not real. Just remember… Only YOU can prevent personal delusional meanings to fake stories written for a screen to project to your ocular sockets!You sound as bad a trump supporter….

          • steve-harvey-oswald-av says:

            As a liberal person who is also very attuned to current events, my brain didn’t make any connections between Neuman and any real world politician of ours while watching the show. That idea didn’t pop into my head, until I read this. I think you’re all reading far too much into the proceedings…and Neuman doesn’t look a damn thing like Ocasio-Cortez. 

        • jaqenhghar8050-av says:

          Then why didnt they make the nazi look like one of our current nazi politicians?  Especially since Stormfront is a male in the comic book?  They went out if their way to change Storkfront so as not to associate them with anyone real and yet they chose to make this character look, act, and sound like a politician oj the left that already deals with an incredible amount of hate and make her one of the most formidable villians.

          • gilgurth-av says:

            They had to rethink the comic start to finish, Butcher’s wife (and the kid) aren’t alive by the time the show starts.  The seven don’t implode, ever… they cleaned up a lot of Ennis’s over the top stuff that’s never gonna play. This whole subplot is new, as is the Deep/scientology thing. It’s all uncharted. I don’t think they’re trying to take a shit on AOC at all. I could be wrong, but they haven’t shown anything like that, people are just losing their shit over a few seconds that haven’t been even hinted yet. If she a pawn? IS she playing everyone? Mind controlled? Who the hell knows, that’s Season 3’s issue. Let’s not assume to make pithy points.

          • lobstertail-av says:

            the point is that you can’t judge someone’s true intentions by what you see on the surface, and I’m pretty sure we all agree they succeeded with Neumann, or else we wouldn’t be talking about this. “Then why didnt they make the nazi look like one of our current nazi politicians?”uh, because that would be fucking obvious? 

          • theraceofspades-av says:

            Yeah but she’s not a Nazi on the show. Storm front was the only Nazi. No where does it say or imply that Nueman is a Nazi. Just that she’s a supe…….and furthermore , how do we know she’s not being controlled by the head exploding supe? Which would explain why her eyes didn’t turn at the hearing…..Alot of people are jumping off that bridge for some reason, I don’t know why….

          • retalhuleu-av says:

            It’s a twisty twist. I thought her character was well written and played–a female Richard Spencer (barf). She’s super attractive and witty. She made an awesome foil to Tony Starrs’ insane Homelander. 

        • osab-av says:

          I was gonna say the same, I’m really happy the clear AOC clone went into a completely different direction because them just “having” an AOC clone who what? runs for presidency? seems stupid.

      • sickomode-av says:

        Wondering if you’d have been equally offended had they used an actor that looked like the President? Why not?

      • toshyfresh-av says:

        AOC is responsible for costing Amazon billions of dollars. I’m not saying anything I’m just saying.

        • gilgurth-av says:

          So you don’t know how government works, got it. A member of the House of Representatives has no say in state and city politics other than being able to give their opinions. That deal was sunk because Amazon wouldn’t guarantee a minimum number of jobs for that 20 billion+ in tax breaks. They kept floating huge numbers, 10’s of thousands but refused to even commit to 500 or 1000.

          • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

            Amazon only lost that much money by not getting the New York deal if you accept their absurd corporate propaganda figures at face value. Anyway, Bezos seems to be doing just fine I don’t know if you’ve heard

        • dougr1-av says:

          Oh, you meant to say trying to make sure Amazon pays their fair share of taxes.

      • ajvia1-av says:

        God forbid a project uses liberals as bad guys. Imagine the headache you will get having to use “fiction” as the starting point. And they’re going to do something “different”?!? No. Thank. You.I prefer my fictional entertainment NOT present anyting different from my actual IRL viewpoints, lest I have to go against my moral beliefs while, you know, watching a TV show about superheroes.

      • shindean-av says:

        But, to go with your argument, if they made a protagonist who looked exactly like Donald Trump, would that make you feel better?
        Her reveal was more of a teaser for the next season than it actually had any effect on this season, the ending was triggered more on the personal drama happening in the show itself than exploding heads.
        I love AOC, but considering this show uses the word cunt every other scene, I’m doubtful they’re more worried about being progressive as they are of just trying their best to writing a compelling story.

      • phubarrh-av says:

        Reminds me of how Stranger Things cast their evil mad scientist with a Timothy Leary lookalike…rather nauseating considering they had Leary’s goddaughter/caretaker in a leading role.

      • lobstertail-av says:

        I don’t see the resemblance.  you see what you choose to see.  Neumann’s character seems to come more from a place of white privilege herself than AOC did.  The point could easily be as simple as “white woke people aren’t really liberal”.

      • thenewloon-av says:

        Well AOC sucks…so I don’t see an issue

    • truthfairy67-av says:

      She’s not a Nazi. She is evil. I find is scary how that is so hard to stomach for some because she is ‘progressive’. She’s a Supe! This show is all about how power corrupts. Just like Edgar. He rationalizes it with a semi valid point but he still chooses to work with a Nazi for profit and power.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      Could be something else, but we know that Annie’s eyes glow when she manifests her powers, so weird eye stuff is not new to the show.

    • alphablu-av says:

      I think the reviewer’s problem is more that someone could dare to imagine that there are those on the left that are as bad as those on the right. The left, of course, being paragons of endless virtue who have never had anyone on “their side” who could be considered even close to the Nazis.

      Remember: The bad people on the right are immediate threats that should be dealt with immediately. The bad people on the left were invented by the right, as there are no bad people on the left.

      Or, I guess, next season better start with Neuman kneeling before a picture of Marx with her screaming “Hail Stalin!” over and over again to make it more believable… 😛

      • gilgurth-av says:

        In modern politics I’d laugh at that. Right now, yeah, one side wants the title of pure evil far more. The Left has exceses but it’s the fringe. The right? since they vote lock step/party line? It’s all the main stream, so… No

      • hamiltonistrash-av says:

        the republican candidate has been endorsed by the kkk and the taliban.the democratic candidate has been endorsed by scientific american.“I think the reviewer’s problem is more that someone could dare to
        imagine that there are those on the left that are as bad as those on the
        right.”I think your problem is is that you refuse to imagine anything else.

      • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

        Wow so edgy bro. Did you cut and paste that from Ben Shapiro?

    • blueladybug2020-av says:

      As a liberal it seems dangerous to be offended that a politician might be lying to get our votes. Actually it’s dangerous regardless of parties.Human history is riddled with examples of power corrupting and not being used to actually benefit the masses.The entire show is a critique of power structures corrupting society, to ignore that it could seep into all sides is proof that we as a species are too blinded by our own bias to accept larger criticisms of our culture as a whole.

    • bc222-av says:

      Agreed. How could this be a “both sides are bad” argument when they’re
      on the SAME side? Wasn’t Neuman working FOR Vought? What other reason
      would she have to explode all the head of the witnesses, or the Church
      guy who ruined their plans? After the reveal it seemed pretty obvious
      that Neuman took up the crusade so that no one else would, and then she
      could control it in Vought’s favor. And the gathering of witnesses to
      testify was just a way to round up all their enemies. This is not a
      “progressive and nazis are the same!” argument at all. It’s just a plot
      twist that she was never a progressive politician at all, just a Vought
      Also, I think the white pupils were just meant to highlight the fact that she’s a supe, not just some nefarious politician with a hit squad at her disposal.
      Also, “NEUMAN!” should’ve been a big hint.

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      Yeah, this bad adaptation of a funny and occasionally clever comic book generally does have themes that insipid at its core.

  • theeargonaut-av says:

    So they made the progressive politician a baddie? So what? ‘The Boys’ isn’t exactly subtle (but it’s a shedload subtler than its source material). Yet you seem to think that we’d all believe that having the Congresswoman be the chief head’sploder that it somehow discredits her cause? Jeez. Your argument’s about as good as carnivores that bleat about Hitler being a vegetarian…

  • takachulo-av says:

    How could anybody with even a passing knowledge of the comics not know Neuman was going to be a bad guy? Sure, the role is gender swapped but the name is 99% the same.

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    I liked it. I have never read or even heard of the comic, so I’m not hindered by comparisons to it and I assume the characters are works of fiction. Though they may be inspired-by, they aren’t actually representations of real people. If I’m not mistaken the Congresswoman in this season was either the chair or a powerful member of some committee, who made frequent television appearances and was hanging-out with CIA agents at the White House. I don’t believe any of that could describe the popular, real-life Congresswoman from New York.Also, I haven’t dove deep into Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s politics — and I know nothing of Erik Kripke’s — but my impression is they like things that are fucked-up and if she were willing, they would smoke a joint with AOC.There were a couple of scenes early in the the episode that made me laugh because I thought they were fun. I did think the “white genocide” line was little too on the nose and kind of thought it might be leading Homelander to eventually push back for his son, but when Ryan was obviously winding himself up, I actually exclaimed, “he’s going to show you hate”. Though I was a little disappointed that was the end of Stormfront, I wouldn’t mind another season of Aya Cash.If I were rating, I’d give it a B. The epilogue was a little long and they wrapped-up two storylines with good actors they could have used in the future, but I thought most of what happened was quite fun.

    • dremilioezjlizaardo-av says:

      The Boys
      finale was mostly great. Just the right amount of believable “Girls get
      it done” bullshit. Killing Becca and they way she died was a great
      choice and gut punch. Just like I predicted, Homelander Kid is the key
      to everything and Edger has a trump card with the head popping AOC
      senator. My only criticism would be the acting of Homelander’s kid. At
      best his acting is adequate, but the writing really failed him when he
      accidentally killed Becca. He treated his mother like he had just killed
      a stranger with the I’m sorry and not going over to her and it didn’t
      even look like they treid to make him cry. Also, I do not buy Homelander
      letting them go because of that video. More like he would have threaten
      to make Mauve watch as he burned off little pieces of Elena before
      torturing killing them both, killed Butcher, and took his son. And then
      have Edger and the company say the video was a deepfake or kill the
      story completely. All and all, still a great show compared to all the
      other SJW crap we have to wade through.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      The way they left Stormfront seems quite ripe for the Darth Vader treatment (it looks suspiciously similar!). Also, Liberty was reinvented as Stormfront and could be reinvented again one day.

      • sonicoooahh-av says:

        It could be a setup for a Darth Vader, but it would have to be Vought to do it and because one assumes she has controlling interest in the company through her inheritance, it wouldn’t really be in Edgar’s best interest to give her legs. (Though it is based on a comic book, so maybe she has mind control. IDK)

    • drunkensuperman-av says:

      I don’t get the AOC comparison myself. I don’t think they really look alike other than being women of color, and they have entirely different racial backgrounds. It’d be shitty if that was actually the intent, but it’s also a weird thing to presume.

      • sonicoooahh-av says:

        I’m also having a hard time remembering what progressive issues she championed. Maybe something was said in the intro or wrap-up of the news interview segment, but I don’t recall it now. I really think that because she’s young and attractive with brown hair, her being a stand-in for Alexandria Ocasio-Corte has simply become an internet meme.

        • bc222-av says:

          Yeah, “charismatic woman of color” seems like a stretch to make her an “obvious” AOC comparison.Part of me also thinks if they wanted to make it an AOC comparison they wouldn’t have named her “Neuman.” I didn’t make it past the first arc in the comics so not sure if this character already existed, but maybe they created the character and then… hired an actress they really liked? Who just happened to be a woman of color?
          “Charismatic politician who’s secretly a bad guy” is not really a revolutionary character type. Yet when you cast it with someone who kinda reminds people of AOC, it’s suddenly a “progressives are just as bad as Nazis!” comparison?  And… did she have any other character qualities we saw that we can identify as “progressive” anyway?

          • sonicoooahh-av says:

            I’ve seen people suggest that because she appeared to stand up to a corporation and unchecked power, but I’d bet if you surveyed the preppers Glenn Beck used to sell backpacks with “food insurance” caches, who also bought the buriable stores of heirloom seeds for when after the government agents come to take their gold, they would feel the same way.If you look at her IMDB, the actress who plays the Congresswoman was in Kripke’s Timeless, where she played “Jiya”, “Rufus’” nerdy love interest who was left back in time and came back with premonitions. Most likely, Kripke appreciated her work on that show and because she was more starting her career than her co-stars, he offered and she accepted another layered role.All the… she looks like AOC… is just internet noise.As for actors getting typecast, though I’ve seen her in lots of things and she does very well at what she has done, it’s going to be little hard to keep Laila Robins’ “Grace Mallory” separate from her role on The Blacklist, not only for the audience, but quite possibly for her.

          • bc222-av says:

            I watched the end of the ep just now, and I guess I didn’t notice that Neuman IS a congresswoman representing the 6th district of New York in Queens, so I suppose the AOC comparisons could be based off more than looks. Still, even if she were named Andrea Cortezio-Ortega, I still don’t think the show is trying to make an “extreme progressives are just as bad as Nazis” point. Just seems like the show wanted us to believe in Neuman and her crusade, just so they could pull the rug out, narratively. And that’s it.

          • dougr1-av says:

            So she’s one of the Kripke Players. I guess once you show skill working with scrap metal, Eric likes to use you in everything. Which explains Jim Beaver as “Bob” Singer and Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy, when’s Jared Padlecki going to show up?

          • sonicoooahh-av says:

            I kind of felt the need to apologize to Ms. Doumit. Pushing back against the idea that she got the job for her looks, I did not mean to suggest that instead it was for who she knows. Personally, I think she has done well with both roles and did not realize she was “Jiya” in Timeless, perhaps because she’s well lit this time and the character doesn’t live in a bunker. Nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed what she has done with both roles and I can see why Mr. Kripke likes her work.

          • steve-harvey-oswald-av says:

            “Charismatic politician who’s secretly a bad guy” is not really a revolutionary character type. Yet when you cast it with someone who kinda reminds people of AOC, it’s suddenly a “progressives are just as bad as Nazis!” comparison? And… did she have any other character qualities we saw that we can identify as “progressive” anyway?This 100%.As a flaming liberal progressive AOC and Bernie loving guy, I didn’t notice anything resembling AOC with Neuman once. Never even crossed my mind once. And you nailed exactly what I just said in another comment reply here – Neuman seems like every other politician in every other superhero story I’ve ever seen. They seem like they are in it for the better good, but are actually in it for themselves. This has nothing to do with making a statement about real-world progressive politics, and seems much more like (as the AV Club writer said) lazy, cliche plotting. We hardly even know her character at this point – all we’ve seen her do up until the reveal tonight was “be angry and demand action against the supes” for a couple minutes in a couple episodes. I’m not really sure how that makes her an intentional stand-in for AOC. 

      • dougr1-av says:

        Yeah, Claudia Doumit is Lebanese/Italian and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Puerto Rican.

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      Show is wildly divergent from the comics and also much better. 

  • vokter-av says:

    Strange review, to be quite honest. I don’t think having a fictional congresswoman who looks like AOC makes it so that the show needs to make her a 1:1 summary of AOC herself. Neuman wants the american government to have more control over supes/weapons. If you ask AOC, I don’t think she advocates for the US to have better weapons, but instead focuses her efforts in allocating those resources to things that benefit the working class.Saying that the show shouldn’t try to address the problems of socdem politics in the US is the liberal take I’d expect from an alt-right parody describing what the left looks like. Wanting every real life expy of someone you like to be an absolute saint in fiction is weird, especially when you consider that the show has also addressed some other problems related to that (systemic racism being something that no single black person can easily overpower; progressive topics being coopted into profit; american neofascism being not a big event, but a constant state that has been built for decades).It’s like the critic/reviewer ignored everything about the show just because “AOC-like person turned out to be bad”.

  • light-emitting-diode-av says:

    Her being an ersatz AOC was a mislead that even got me. I thought she simply was a new character with a nod to the comics Neuman. That she’s turning out to be the Neuman of this adaptation is honestly kind of refreshing. I’d still give the episode a B-, mostly because Rebecca was fridged. We never got to explore her as a character except for how she related to Butcher and Ryan. I think that if they were going to have her alive, they should at least have kept her alive for more than a season to mess with Butcher’s motivation. 

  • ellestra-av says:

    The whole – both sides are bad – take also annoyed me. This is such a bullshit to use especially when one side is actually actively preaching hurting people. And it was clearly there for shock value. But this is what we got and now we have to live with it.
    Neumann clearly works for Vought. She destroyed the hearing and both saved Vought from anything Voglebaum could reveal and made sure company got that Compound V contract (I suppose this was the we are pharma company plot Edgar told Homelander about). She killed Raynor for figuring out who Stormfront is and then killed Adana for revealing it and losing Vought that government contract. And for wanting to reveal more supes secrets – bad for company. The only thing I wonder why do it herself. The exploded heads are pretty signature move and she no longer can blame it on Stormfront.So I still think she works directly for Edgar. It makes perfect sense for him to have someone embedded on both sides polarizing the public. Stormfront to rail up one and Neuman the other. In times of strife and uncertainty there is money to be made. And I’m still sure Edgar had a plan to take Stormfront out once she became superfluous – he says he needs her for now – this was just too soon and money was lost. No wonder he was unhappy with documents getting out.Especially since they also lost Ryan. Homelander’s son is out of their hands and he no longer has a mother and that fucked up a lot of contingencies. Although with Mallory reporting to Neuman he should be able to remedy that.

    • abigpileofwool-av says:

      I hadn’t thought about how continuing to explode heads ruins the “Stormfront was exploding all the heads” story, that’s a good point.

    • ellestra-av says:

      Last week I was surprised that Ryan turned so quickly on Becca and accused her of being a liar, and people pointed out in the comments that, well, kids can be jerks Yes, this was such a typical kid behaviour that it was obvious not only why he did it – kids don’t deal with emotions well – but also that it wouldn’t last – just like I predicted he just wanted to go back to mom. It was almost sad watching Homelander try to distract Ryan from wanting mom more than him with things that only made it worse. It’s only when he gets real and tell him about his childhood that the connections starts forming. But of course Homelander isn’t really that kid any more. Between Stormfront hanging over him like he’s he One Ring to Homelander coming all covered in blood it’s no wonder Ryan choses Butcher. He may not know him at all but his mom vouched for him. And we finally get some more of Becca’s perspective in all this through her making Butcher promise that he would protect her son, and once those words were uttered, man, we all knew Becca was a goner, didn’t we?
      I really, really hate it that they killed off Becca. And that’s she’s dead because Butcher had a change of heart and decided to be decent and put her and Ryan needs before his own. Butcher has tendency to use others as his conscience and Becca was once again taken for him for doing that. This is not going to make anything any better for either him or Ryan.Becca’s death – for real this time – means Ryan no longer has a mother. And what worse Ryan caused her death while trying to save her. And mutilated a person (very evil person who tried to killed his mother but still a person). And saw who his father really is. And then the last person he has connection with – Butcher – leaves him with strangers. I wonder if he can grow up fine. Stormfront is very clearly a true believer. So why then panic and freak out about the reveal of her true origin? There is, very clearly, a portion of this country that would love her more for this! Sure there are people who would still stand by her but that’s not enough. She wants broader appeal. The kind of being Homelander’s girlfriend and America’s rightwing sweetheart gives her. As she says a lot of people agree with her but they just don’t like the word “Nazi”. So she can’t be a real Nazi. She has to stick to dog whistles (the kind you have to be hearing impaired not to hear but still dog whistles). But why would Annie rejoin this group? Her entire arc over this season has been one of increased disinterest and disillusionment, both with her faith and with her membership in the Seven.
      She was disilusioned because she thought she was alone and no one else cared about injustice or would do anything about it. But then Meve saved her and even though she refused twice she came and saved the day again in their hour of need. Anie got her sign. She isn’t alone in this fight any more. She has Maeve and maybe also A-Train (guy knows neither Homelander nor Vought will be there for him). She also no longer at complete mercy of Homelander whims.
      And she can do so much more to help as Starlight of The Seven – the superhero who uncovered evil Nazi and her plot to take over America – than she can as Annie January. The last two episodes were about rebuilding her faith both in higher power (see the cross) and in being superhero.
      Her blackmail of Homelander results in Annie rejoining the Seven and
      Homelander’s public apology to “two of the best, most loyal friends I’ll
      ever have,”

      I know it’s not going to last but at least for now Queen Maeve rules this shitshow that is The Seven.
      Annie’s plea worked and she came to save the day. I was so happy she
      didn’t die. That instead she is the big, damn hero. She saved everyone
      and took out all the antagonists – from Black Noir to kicking the shit
      out of Stormfront to blackmailing Homelander into giving them everything
      they wanted.
      There were certainly some great moments in the finale: Maeve, Kimiko, and Annie showing us how girls really get it done while the Boys hang back, abashed and impressed;

      It was so satisfying to see the three of
      them – Kimiko, Annie and Maeve – kicking the shit out of Stormfront
      while the guys watched. It nicely mirrored the fake scene in the movie
      with three women – blonde, redhead and brunette – coming together to
      save the day. Only this time they switched brunettes and they actually
      worked together for real. Girls get it done. WHY do the Boys keep using guns on supes when they have rarely seemed to actually work on them? You already know what Stormfront can do! This is just a waste of resources! Try to distract or slow her down just a little so the super support has time to arrive. I mean it was clearly explained in the LAW PSA at the beginning of the episode.
      Not entirely sure what to say about the season-long Deep arc.
      I really liked how after a season of trying to humanise both The Deep and Homelander the ending remonded us what kind of shitty people they really are. Yes, their backstories are sad and you wish you could’ve saved them then but what they are now doesn’t deserve redemption.

      • thesaltdoll-av says:

        Redemption, by definition, isn’t something that’s “deserved.”

      • squamateprimate-av says:

        Your comment is genuinely disturbing: parasocial fantasies that these characters are real. You don’t appreciate scenes because they affect you or because they’re effective. You “like” them when the “right” fake friends win. This is not investment in a story, but in a deluded personal fantasy.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Cindy is still out there with powers similar to Neuman if they wanted another patsy.

    • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

      How is it “both sides are bad” when both bad people are on the same side? 

      • ellestra-av says:

        In the show it makes perfect sense for Vought to try to control all the sides. Wind up the emotions to splinter the public. Divide and rule as Romans said. Making sure at the same time they keep control of government attempts to control them – from the commission disaster to Neuman heading the sup control force.But it doesn’t change that in the meta it still looks bad. It was the shows choice to make Vic the Veep from comics into someone who is barely disguised AOC. This whole all sides of the political spectrum are really puppets of the same evil corporations and you can’t trust anyone is not really helpful. This kind of conspiracy theories about her being a sellout are bad enough in real life already. The show really didn’t need to throw them a bone in fiction.

        • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

          What do you mean by “helpful?” What do you think the purpose of this TV show is?

        • roboj-av says:

          We really don’t know Neumann’s intentions yet or if she’s in the pocket for Vought, or anything. She is clearly pretending to be a progressive in order to hide whatever her true intentions which we’ll find out. And even if she does really have progressive views, are you arguing that progressive politicians can’t ever be evil and corrupt?
          As a another commenter had correctly mentioned, one of the point of good, intelligent fiction is to subvert expectations, not to keel over to political tribalism in order to make things “helpful.” This show isn’t about feel good political inspiration, its a TV show based on a comic book written by a guy who was a total nihilist. Yes, they changed around quite a bit from the original comic, but the message is still sort of the same: everyone, heroes too, are the worst. 

          • ellestra-av says:

            I’m not arguing anything about politicians in general. There is plenty of examples of hypocrisy and corruption everywhere. However, the both sides argument really doesn’t hold in something that is a exaggeration of current American political events. And just saying but comic books doesn’t hold when they change so many thing to be closer to now. Not to mention making a lot of characters deeper and less awful.
            I also wouldn’t care this much if they didn’t make Neuman an AOC expy. What I’m saying is that it’s shitty to model Neuman after an actual person and then lean into a conspiracy theory. It’s like making Hillary Clinton expy a leader of pedophile ring. At least Stormfront was personification of a general archetype not anyone in particular. There was no reason Neuman couldn’t have been one too. I get why they change the meta level political commentary to be more current. It’s often a pretty good satire – that PSA at the beginning was glorious (teachers with guns). But the way they use real person characteristic and then indulge the worst parts of internet isn’t good satire or any relevant commentary.
            As a lot of recent misfires show subverting expectations doesn’t mean good, intelligent fiction. Relying on shock value does not good story make. But as I said in my reaction this revelation makes sense in universe. I get it The Boys are the only ones who can change the world. Everyone else is ineffective or lying. It’s the same lone hero narrative that superhero stories rely on in an anti-superhero story. It’s amusing in the same way Birdman using all the actors who played comic book characters was. I’m simply against the means they used to achieve that.

          • roboj-av says:

            1. As others here have mentioned, the AOC connection is insinuated by the audience, and not by the actual show. Aside from being anti-supe and seemingly liberal, the show hasn’t made any kind of direct and official case that she is any kind of progressive, let alone an AOC. Because she kind of sort of looks Hispanic, even though the actress is actually Lebanese, and she’s a crowd rousing activist, everyone made the huge leap that its some kind of AOC expy even though she hasn’t said anything that makes her a progressive. I never thought of it myself, I just noticed the show doing another gender and personality swap from the comics.2. In that respect, it goes back to what I said previously, we really don’t know what Neumann is, what she’s up to, who she really works for or anything yet, so we should wait and see for the show to explain and reveal that before we assume that it is making that argument. 3. And saying again, it’s hypocritical to be against a both sides argument when they start making fun and satairizing your side, but are you generally okay with them making fun of the side you disagree with. As progressive liberal myself who lives a short 10 min subway ride from AOC’s district and donated to her campaign, if this does turn out to be a offical expy/parody of her, i’m fine with it. We’re allowed to make fun and critiques of ourselves. And as a fictional TV show that is based off of nilhilistic philosophies, as you admitted yourself, its not surprising that they’re going down this route, nor are they beholden to pleasing real world sensibilities or being “helpful.” This is the sort false equivalence that the right claims that liberals do and the right does do themselves. At least compared to Ennis, the showrunners are being fairly polite, respectful and civil when making the both sides argument. And considering that they’ve been pretty good at trashing the right-wing, corporations, patriotism, etc the entire season, one overture towards liberals too can’t hurt.So why don’t we wait to see just who and what this Neumann really is and who she stands for before making the assumption that she is some kind of evil hypocritical AOC, and if she turns out to be, be a little more open minded and less sensitive about it.

          • ellestra-av says:

            1. Yes, sure – everyone all over internet picking up on her looks, speeches, politics and her dancing videos were just completely off base and the creators clearly didn’t mean to suggest that. But of course she isn’t AOC she’s Victoria Neuman. She’s just someone sharing a lot of her characteristics and people picking on that are not delusional.2. I don’t know what you are trying to say here. That she isn’t evil even though we’ve seen her murder people violently all season? The Vought connection is still conjecture – although all her murders were very convent for Vought – but even lack of it doesn’t make her any better.3. The thing about satire is taking existing characteristics of something and amplifying them. The Boys generally are pretty good if a bit heavy handed at that (again that PSA). This ‘she is just a stooge in it for the greed’ is nothing new to say about politicians of course. But using AOC expy is not satire of her or even Democrats (there are much better ones showing the ineffective bipartisanship till you lose out there) it’s just giving a nod to the shittiest people with their conspiracy theories.

          • roboj-av says:

            1. Your passive aggressive sarcasm and snark is really unnecessary here as I would think we’re having a mature and civil conversation. And in that respect, calm down. No one is calling you delusional as you’re only repeating what I said: that the ties of her character to AOC are strictly from audience members on the internet and not from the actual showrunners themselves. Unless you’ve got something directly from them themselves that specifically say it, or can copy and paste lines where she is saying things that make her out to be progressive, i’m not seeing it. She is an anti-Vought and Superhero activist, but what and how does that make her AOC exactly? Does every young brown skinned charismatic woman politician depicted in fiction have to be an AOC proxy now? Even in this very comment section there are many of us here that are saying that the connection to AOC is very weak at best and that’s something that’s also being said all over the internet. The attractive, charismatic, crusading politician who’s secretly a bad person is a common and predictable trope in fiction, so again, to make it into “they’re doing Trumpian both sides/many sides to attack AOC” argument is a bit of a reach.
            2. Yes, until we understand and its made clear why she’s been going around killing people, we can’t really say that’s shes evil. It is a show where both the good and bad guys are going around violently killing others for all kinds of reasons, and playing on all kinds of twists, you can really say what a character’s motives are. Yes, it seems that its convenient for Vought, but why didn’t she pop the heads of Mallory, The Boys, or Starlight either? As another commentor here said, i’d rather give the writers the benefit of the doubt and wait and see what gets revealed next season than than presume, assume, and get worked up only to be proven wrong.
            3. The reason this “it’s just giving a nod to the shittiest people with their conspiracy theories” doesn’t add up because this show has spent the entire season trashing on conservatives and the far-right. They had an cold open in the second to last episode they had a shitty person with a conspiracy theory commit an awful crime in order to make a pretty blunt and direct point about those kinds of people. Between that, and literally everything else going on this season, I highly doubt that any QAnon/Proud Boy/etc, etc, is actually willingly watching this show or that the showrunners would actively cater to them. Again, it seems that you’re missing the point, which that they’re trying to mimic Ennis’s simplistic and edge-lordly nihilism of “everyone sucks, but American corporate conservatism/far-right suck even more.”

          • squamateprimate-av says:

            “tribalism”, are liberals not over that empty semi-Nazi catchphrase yet?

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Yep.It’s really more “The American Military Industrial Complex is Bad, and they wrap themselves in the rhetoric of both sides to preserve their power/money.”

    • dudicus-av says:

      Pretty sure Victoria Newman is something Vought has been planning for a long time. Its inevitable that the Government would make a new Super Oversight organization. So place a supe as Anti Vought and make her openly go against Vought to protect the company from damage. Obviously she can’t stop everything, but they now have a fox guarding the hen house and Hughie isn’t stupid he’s going to figure it out sooner rather then later.

      • ellestra-av says:

        Yes, it seems like the plan was to have her push for it so she can be the one who runs it. This way Vought has oversight over the Oversight Committee.

    • orp-av says:

      The only ‘fix’ would be to reveal the character to actually be a liberal instead of a progressive, I guess. It was presented as AOC, but it’s reavealed she’s actually Clinton. She’s the DNC itself, where actual progressives (Hughie) goes to die.

      • ellestra-av says:

        Still, if she was to be a commentary on a DNC insider kind of democratic politician this wouldn’t really be how to do it. They should’ve made one whose ineffective with tendency to try to talk it out with people who have no interest in talking it out. And appeasing them by giving them what they want in hope of getting something back while they break all their promises.

      • daymanaaaa-av says:

        I think you guys are taking this a tad too literally 

    • spacesheriff-av says:

      it’s super weird to me that all the characters basically stop caring about who the head exploder actually is after the hearing. i guess they all assumed it was stormfront? so the reveal just ends up being for the audience’s own sake. “remember those exploding heads? that was really *drumroll* the butler!”

      • ellestra-av says:

        I suspect there are some who know this is not one of Stormfront’s powers. I mean The Boys and friends should know since she didn’t explode any of their heads. But I suppose they are leaving that myster to Mallory’s new team. They can’t do everything.

  • timreed83-av says:

    I don’t know how you could possibly think that this episode was suggesting “both sides are bad” or any sort of equivalency between Nazis and progressives. That’s just ridiculous. Some people fake/use progressivism in order to gain power and wealth; Neuman is one of those people.Why was Stormfront upset about her Nazi past being revealed? Because she knows it will make her less popular, especially with people in power. “People like what I say, they just don’t like the word ‘Nazi’”. You can say all kinds of white supremacist shit as long you don’t explicitly say that you’re a white supremacist. Another great commentary on what’s happening in the real world. All in all a solid episode.

    • rayoso-av says:

      Bingo, Also: to then have her hunt down Becca—why?

      Because HL still had an attachment to her, and the kid did too. With her gone, SF can be the new Mommy for both of them and secure two Ubermen under her thumb.

    • luke512-av says:

      I think the potential misstep was making her an obvious AOC clone, cause there’s only one person in culture you can really compare her to. So any story about her, or anything they say about her will (rightly or wrongly) be applied to the real congresswoman.
      As opposed to mocking the bs false empowerment of corporations and fake woke leaders. One is a group without an obvious target the show can comment on without fear, the other is a actual person.

      • akinjaguy-av says:

        I think that’s the authors issue with it as well, if aoc didn’t exist  but the same storyline played out it would make an interesting turn for the character, but if you bring a lot of aoc to the character the heel turn feels like a betrayal of AOC.

        • timreed83-av says:

          She’s a progressive female politician with dark hair. Is that really “bringing a lot of aoc to the character”?

          • inspectorhammer-av says:

            As luke333 pointed out above, they both represent Queens.  There was also a reference to a video of her dancing, something that has also happened with Cortez.

          • akinjaguy-av says:

            I agree with you, I was talking about the author.

      • rodriguez79-av says:

        Homelander can only really be compared to Superman, which makes this twist on AOC bang on theme for the whole show.The people who are evil in real life are evil in the show…and so is everyone else.They have no problem twisting everyone to be evil while still calling out Nazis and Scientology at the same time. It’s outrageous, over the top fun and so of course the AV Club review cries about false equivalency because this place lost its mind when Trump won and has never found it again.

        • luke512-av says:

          The difference being Superman is fictional and the Nazis and Scientologists they’re calling out are loose groups… as opposed to an actual real life person.I’m not saying it’ll be terrible, or the writers are bad or hate the real life congresswoman, but whichever storyline they write her will somewhat be a comment on AOC because that’s in whose image the character was created.

          • rodriguez79-av says:

            I disagree. Whatever they do with her will be a story for their evil version of AOC, not a comment on the real life person herself.This isn’t South Park doing Garrison-as-Trump, it’s just a rug-pull to make a character evil that everyone took to be a straight AOC equivalent, imo.Now they’ve made the distinction, an evil politician hiding in under the cover of a progressive anti-Supe stance is surely far enough from AOC that the hand wringing in this review is misplaced.

      • lobstertail-av says:

        I don’t know if the intention was for Neumann to be an AOC clone, but if the idea was to make a commentary on fake wokeness, who else would you use as a caricature?  

        • luke512-av says:

          I would probably not base it too closely on a real person, or lift all the bullet points off AOC’s character chart for a start. At the very least change one key thing (I mean they both represent Queens)
          But its early, they may do a 180 with her, differentiating her on the outset. Who knows what S3 holds, or where they’ll take her character. Could be amazing.

    • drunkensuperman-av says:

      Exactly. The Nazis are the supervillains of the real world. Everyone, well almost everyone hates the Nazis. Even your average run of the mill American racist hates the Nazis. The real Nazis we have today HATE being called Nazis, that’s why they come up with white genocide and nationalism and slogans about preserving their culture.

      • alphablu-av says:

        “The real Nazis we have today HATE being called Nazis…”

        We don’t have any real Nazis today. The Nazis died out decades ago. Today we have bigots in cosplay, and they’re as useless and as powerless as ever.

      • teagangatewood-av says:

        I think having all of Stormfront’s fans turning on her was because they do not have a FOX news channel to spin her story in their universe.

        • hammerbutt-av says:

          That was the point Stormfront made to Homelander earlier in the season he just needed someone who knew how to spin his story on social media.

    • orp-av says:

      People don’t really fake progressivism in poltics to get rich. What? Who gets rich out of that? You can get rich being a liberal in the DNC like the Clintons, but a progressive? If you go too far in ‘faking it’ you get shunned out by the estabilishment. You run the risk of going too close to Bernie Sanders, after all.It’s much easier to get rich by ‘faking’ being a republican or ultra conservative. Why risk it being a ‘fake’ progressive? Faking being a progressive makes no sense. When people try they are easily called out by real progressives and the mask falls off.People are progressive because they believe at least a little in it. To say they are faking it seems a bit of the political nihilism and false equivalency that the article criticises the show for.

      • groundcontroltouncletom-av says:

        Faking conservatism in NYC will not make you very popular.

      • perlafas-av says:

        Not every one seeks profit from the same product. If there’s an available niche to exploit it will be exploited.That said, humans are complex. I keep saying that in the humanitarian field you see both the best and the worst kind of people, the worst being utter assholes morally shielded by the feeling, status and feedback of “being a hero” and “doing good for the world”. Still, this line of work isn’t a mere calculation. It’s also a chosen self-image, chosen from preferred values. There’s so many ways to be a good person and so many ways to be a bad one, they can combine very easily. Fighting for a cause and also seeking personal benefit, recycling plastic and treating people like shit, pushing for justice and adoring the spotlights, helping people but seeking gratitude above all, crusading for a simple cause without the slightest understanding or curiosity for the world… It doesn’t need to be all a lie, just idiocy, evil, egomania, self-righteousness, opportunism, to varying degrees. Being humans. So, “being on the good side” do not tell much about a human. Of course, fictions and propaganda like to caricature that with pure mustache-twirling hypocrites that consciously aim at the opposite of what they proclaim. Real assholery isn’t as self-conscious, but still is very much a thing in the most noble of places. Also, if a plot requires a twist, good guys gotta bad guy.    

      • theraceofspades-av says:

        Just being a congress-person in general makes you rich. Doesn’t matter what side you’re on. They are all ‘the elite”. The 1%. If you want to get elected and the Republicans have a surefire candidate you cannot get out of your way, it’s real easy to just flip sides and pretend. Countless, real life politicians have done it. It’s not that hard to fool people. Look who’s in the white house right now! You seem very naive or young or both.

      • timreed83-av says:

        Tulsi Gabbard managed to convince a lot of people that she was a progressive; now she’s stopped pretending and just tweets right wing conspiracy theories. It happens.

      • buh-lurredlines-av says:

        Bernie Sanders is rich.

    • bc222-av says:

      Yeah, i saw this headline before i watched the ep, and I was a little worried they were gonna blow the season. But even with the headline to this review in mind the entire time I watched the ep, just waiting to groan at some hamfisted false equivalency, after the ep ended all I could thing was… wha?I really thought one of the few positives to come out of the last four
      years would be that people would know and recognize what a “false
      equivalency” was, but that doesn’t seem to have happened as much as i’d hoped.To me it just seemed like a standard—if not even particularly inventive—season finale plot twist, to leave you with questions for the next season. Like, was Neuman working for Vought, I guess? Makes sense that they’d want to install their own people in the highest levels of government. And then, in another great commentary of what’s happening in the real world… Basically accuse someone of what they’re really doing. And also installing someone in the head of an agency who’s basically working counter to that agency’s purpose.
      Plus, SOMEONE had to be exploding the heads, and when you go down the list of who it could be… Edgar made sense but to obvious. Not Mallory. The Church of the collective had no reason explode the heads. And then you’re basically out of characters with enough screen time and in-world juice to pull it off.Basically, there were way too many plot points to consider to even get to the “are progressives and nazis different sides of the same coin?” Real stretch.

      • squamateprimate-av says:

        Calm down, nerd

      • rodriguez79-av says:

        I watched the show, saw the headline and said the words ‘fuck off’ because I knew instantly what the complaint would be about.But yeah I’ve ruined many a show doing what you did, with a review header in the back of my mind for the whole viewing and then wondered wtf they were on about

      • hammerbutt-av says:

        My problem is they did introduce a character who could explode heads Cindy who escaped from the mental institution where they were injecting people with Compound V. The episode ends with her hitchhiking and getting into a car. It just felt like they did a last minute rewrite and gave Cindy’s powers to this AOC character.

    • kumagorok-av says:

      For real, I had to read that part of the review twice to understand what the reviewer was trying to say. Like, do they also wonder why Trump never wears a KKK hood during his rallies?

    • chibbsvic-av says:

      Reviews like this are why I haven’t read an AV Club review in a long time.  

    • kenmcnair-av says:

      Truly, the false equivalency claim seems like it could only come from someone with political views that lean more hysterical than just left. The character isn’t actually AOC. She doesn’t have to be a beacon of purity. First, the show already has Starlight for that. Second, they’re writing a fictional show about superheroes; not a treatise on progressive politics as the correct path for America in this dark time. I’d say that’s true, but it’d be a very boring show.

    • tossmidwest-av says:

      Yeah, I wouldn’t really consider this both-sideism either, because I don’t really think the show has said anything about progressives or progressivism yet. The most obvious possibility in play is that Neuman is a Vought plant, in which case the show would only be saying something narrow in depicting her character as essentially a spy, as opposed to saying something generalizable to progressive politicians at large.

  • corvus6-av says:

    Honestly I thought they were going pretty light on the Neuman = AOC thing throughout the season. Like, obviously I saw it, but it wasn’t as heavy handed as I’ve seen elsewhere. And since they gave her a heel turn that makes sense.

    It honestly doesn’t bother me.

  • endsongx23-av says:

    Before Maeve came in, which actually had me cheering and i truly did enjoy, I was convinced that Homelander was going to try and kill Butcher, only to realize that Butcher had already taken Compound V. I know that’s coming and I don’t know when they’ll do it when they’ve set a road so very different from the source.Admittedly, i’m not quite done with the finale, so maybe that’ll be our cliffhanger but however the cookie crumbles, The Boys taking Compound V feels like a foregone conclusion

  • zgberg-av says:

    Blah blah blah. A episode 

  • robrodgers46-av says:

    I mean, AOC makes people’s heads explode? That’s just funny and kind of a compliment. I was fine with it. Storefront isn’t dead. Keep that in mind. And next season is going to involve Soldier Boy somehow. I can’t wait. 

  • dremilioezjlizaardo-av says:

    Another SJW cunt review.
    The Boys finale was mostly great. Just the right amount of believable “Girls get it done” bullshit. Killing Becca and they way she died was a great choice and gut punch. Just like I predicted, Homelander Kid is the key to everything and Edger has a trump card with the head popping AOC senator. My only criticism would be the acting of Homelander’s kid. At best his acting is adequate, but the writing really failed him when he accidentally killed Becca. He treated his mother like he had just killed a stranger with the I’m sorry and not going over to her and it didn’t even look like they treid to make him cry. Also, I do not buy Homelander letting them go because of that video. More like he would have threaten to make Mauve watch as he burned off little pieces of Elena before torturing killing them both, killed Butcher, and took his son. And then have Edger and the company say the video was a deepfake or kill the story completely. All and all, still a great show compared to all the other SJW crap we have to wade through.

  • truthfairy67-av says:

    Wow. You can rationalize away a black man colluding with literal Nazis and can’t imagine a progressive politician being evil? Wow. You are so woke, you need to wake up.

  • itsmekaustav77-av says:

    I have to strongly disagree with you on this one Roxana and this is coming from someone who knocked doors for Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign and regularly donates to progressives. They are clearly going for how opposition in this country and almost everywhere else is controlled. Corporations know that their greed will always result in a push back and they buy the face of that push back and make them do just enough to keep an actual revolution from happening. That’s not false equivalency, that’s just the reality of the world we live in.

  • abigpileofwool-av says:

    A small detail I really liked was how Annie has her original costume back at the end of the episode, presumably as part of whatever deal she cut.I am a little worried about where they can take certain characters (esp Homelander) going forward from here

  • kangataoldotcom-av says:

    Honestly, Kang didn’t read any political commentary in the Neumann reveal. But that might be because the reveal seemed so nonsensical, and Kang was reeling from the fifteen-car pileup of sloppy writing throughout this finale.1. Butcher makes a deal with Edgar… ‘You tell me where Ryan is, and I’ll rescue him.’ But… Why does Edgar need Butcher’s help? Is Butcher any more qualified to rescue Ryan than Edgar’s army of goons, assisted by any Supe who wants to get into (or stay in) The Seven?2. Butcher changes his mind… decides to keep Ryan with Becca! Oh no, this complicates things! Except it doesn’t. Edgar would ALREADY prefer Becca stay and raise Ryan, so he’s got no problem with it. I suppose that Becca and Ryan are now ‘free’. But is living on the run from Homelander and co. any more free than being relocated and protected by Vought’s immense resources and intel?3. They could at least prep the audience to expect that Stormfront’s eyes are not invulnerable. That was a WTF moment. Also, it beggared belief that the normally ultraviolent Stormfront would use her electricity as non-lethal tasers throughout her fight with the boys. That was ridiculous.4. Agree with you, Roxana— WHY ON EARTH IS ANNIE BACK IN THE SEVEN???? 5. This episode was a major disappointment. It was riddled with logic holes and characters’ motivations were bent into pretzels to accomodate the plot. All to essentially return to the status quo. For a show with so much swagger, this finale played it safer than childproof scissors.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Nobody actually died, except Becca.. That was unforgivable. Especially with the ‘peril’ everybody should have been in with a desperate and angry Homelander and Stormfront. Homelander wasted about 20 mins with a room full of humans.

      • abvanar-av says:

        We watched Homelander cut one of the guards in half, lengthwise. It’s heavily implied that the rest of the operators were killed by Homelander, too. We watched Alistair’s head explode. Quite a few people died in this episode.

        • onslaught1-av says:

          The guards were fodder and again my problem is that Homelander was somehow preoccupied with them the whole time it took for Stormfront to fly back from the tower, fight the ladies, find Becca and Butcher, tussle with them and be annihilated by Ryan.. Who cares about Alistair, that was a very good shock though im not complaining about that. My complaints lie in how angry and unbalanced Stormfront AND Homelander where at the same time. Yet they caused barely any damage, They have done more in other episodes being rationale and level headed.

          • rodriguez79-av says:

            He was occupied with the Vought soldiers because he was trying to get information from them that they didn’t have, re the location of his son.You can tell from the gore all over Homelander when he’d finished with them that he must have gotten close and probably tortured them, rather than killing them from across the room like he did the first guy.

          • onslaught1-av says:

            As opposed to using his flight and super hearing to find the only people who were fairly close to where they were.. That’s my point the gore told me he spent time in the cabin with some unknowns who knew nothing..Homelander is not the brightest but he is also not that stupid. The scene was there solely to have a reason not to have Homelander apart of the ‘girls get it done’ beatdown of Stormfront and the initial confrontation between Stormfront and Becca/Butcher. Both scenes were amazing but how different and how much bloodier would they have gone if Homelander was there. How did Stormfront find them? and so quickly? Not to mention Maeve with no flight all seemed to get things done and get to places quicker than it took Homelander to deal with a bunch of grunts.

    • beeeeeeeeeeej-av says:

      Regarding 3, the show has previously set up that ‘invulnerable’ supes may have soft tissue weaknesses with the imaginative way The Boys took out Translucent. Stormfront is incredibly durable, but Maeve, Annie and Kimiko are all able to wound her so she isn’t invincible, it’s not too much of a stretch that her eyes wouldn’t have the same invulnerability as her skin.Also, her use of lightning throughout the show has entirely been non-lethal as far as I remember no? And when she shocked Hughie, MM and Frenchie she was also under attack from Annie, and was only incapacitating the minor annoyance of the guys shooting her while she took out the immediate threat of Annie. There would be no point in spending extra time fully frying the boys when she can easily dispatch them after dealing with Annie.

      • knukulele-av says:

        So if next season has Darth Stormfront, all they have to do is shoot her in the other eye? Thru a conveniently placed weak spot on her helmet?

        • beeeeeeeeeeej-av says:

          I don’t imagine that Stormfront will go full Vader, instead I reckon Homelander will be keeping her limbless body around for some rather unpleasant sexual scenes to further show his depravity down the line (especially as his relationship with Ryan showed a somewhat more sympathetic side which will be completely destroyed by the end of the series).

      • nenburner-av says:

        Also, her use of lightning throughout the show has entirely been non-lethal as far as I remember no?I mean, except when she killed dozens of people in an apartment complex.

        • beeeeeeeeeeej-av says:

          True, but it seemed that she killed them with general blunt force trauma or igniting explosives, she wasn’t shown directly killing anyone during that scene using lightning as far as I remember.

      • chepelotudo-av says:

        Yeah but Stormfront’s tits can be lasered. Not the rest of her?

        • beeeeeeeeeeej-av says:

          Homelander is likely holding back his full power in that scene, he has never been in a scenario where he didn’t have to fully reign in the true extent of his powers with the fear of hurting someone. It’s also possible Ryan is more powerful than Homelander, being a natural born supe, but it’s also clear he used the current full extent of his power on Stormfront and didn’t have the ability to control his powers in the way Homelander can, that’s how Becca died with Ryan unable to dial in his powers and focus entirely on Stormfront.

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      “Also, it beggared belief that the normally ultraviolent Stormfront would use her electricity as non-lethal tasers throughout her fight with the boys. That was ridiculous.”Biggest misstep for me too. Even if she didn’t take out the others she definitely would have fried MM. (You know why)

    • shockrates-av says:

      Yeah, Stormfront’s nonlethal lightning blasts reminded me of the old X-Men cartoon when Wolverine would tackle bad guys with his claws out.

  • talljay-av says:

    Don’t think they were drawing a false comparison cause the show through Homelander and Stormfront conservation states the congressional mind blow had to be an Edgar plan. It looks like more Neuman is another Vought plant. As well the show is portraying the way corporations use fake woke progressivism as part of their branding (Brave Maeve, girls get it done etc) so to have put one of their own as a deep cover politician is not much of reach especially for Vought. Will see tho what they end up doing next season maybe I’m wrong but that would be dumb choice for the show to make her into just being a lone wolf.Overall I think the finale wrapped up its storylines pretty well while leaving some juicy stuff to look for next season, but I feel like some of the missteps would be better rectified had more time to work with instead of 8 episodes. Felt like we were just getting started.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    So why then panic and freak out about the reveal of her true origin?I don’t think she actually was. She then immediately said something like, “they love what I’m saying; they just dislike the term Nazi.” Which is true! Her whole thing is being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Being the fashionable fascist. Being an out-and-out Nazi is political suicide, even to Nazis-except-in-Name. As for the Neuman reveal, I’m going to wait on it. It might be a “ends-justify-the-means” thing, someone who has a personal stake in Vought going down, or she’s another Vought plant. She does, after all, know a lot about Vought’s inner-workings. I didn’t quite see them going “both sides” on this front, but I might be wrong. I hope her motivation is more interesting than simple “trying to get political power.” I’m hopeful embedding Hughie in her campaign will yield more interesting storylines than simply The Boys vs. Politician.For the most part, though, I found the episode pretty good. It subverted my expectations in a lot of ways. Butcher helping Becca, and then keeping the kid alive and giving him a chance at a better life. It’s a softening of edges I wasn’t quite sure gels with the Butcher from the comics, but I think it’s better for the longevity of the show and created a more complex picture. As for where they can go from here, I think the show ought to move away from the Seven as major antagonists. We’re basically where they were at the start of the comics, right? In a sort of Cold War with each other? I think it would be beneficial to see how the other “heroes” live. Or, hell. Go international.

    • Rev2-av says:

      Would have been funny if Stormfront called herself an “anti fascist” and mainstream media just ignored all of the violent shit she does…

  • onslaught1-av says:

    I thought it was a good episode but should have been a great/epic one. I enjoyed it thoroughly but once it ended I was left a little disappointed and not in the nooo that’s the last episode way but more the is that it way. I found Homelanders story deeply underwhelming episode in particular towards the end. There were 3 or 4 good ideas but none got the time it deserved. I also felt he was incredibly passive for someone we have been told throughout the season is becoming even more unhinged and impulsive. He craves adulation, love and worship from the ‘mud people’as he puts it. Yet he barely reacted when his SON who he seemed to forge a small real connection with was taken and when his girlfriend who he sees as his equal or at least a new toy and distraction from his loneliness got murked into pieces. He just stood there and got blackmailed by Maeve, Even the time he wasted killing the Vought soldiers OFFSCREEN, it just seemed unnecessary especially when he did nothing after the fact, It all just made no sense to me considering the foreshadowing when he killed doppelganger and when he imagined himself lazering the entire crowd.‘’Fewer attempts to make progressive politics seem like an artifice for evil’’. EERM why? I love that the ‘good’ congresswoman is evil and has a hidden agenda and plan not even Edgar, Mallory or the church who she appeared to be in cahoots with were aware of. This idea that people behind ‘progressive politics’ cant be duplicitous, ruthless and untrustworthy is the false equivalency.I wonder how and in what state they might bring back Stormfront and Noir. Didn’t like how they nerfed Stormfront, who was able to throw Homelander but struggled with three people who are alot weaker. I know they had the numbers but still, look how easily she dealt with Kimiko and her Brother. Her lightning also just became trash for no reason, tot he point she attacked 4 normal people with it and barely left a scratch. Flipped MMs car violently and he and Becca just got up like nothing. If they made her as formidable as she has seemed since episode 3 that victory or making her retreat would have been more earned. I agree it was also out of character how quickly she unravelled at being exposed when she would still have a certain number of followers, at that point in the story she was still indestructible to everybody except Homelander.Cindy is still out there.

    • sickomode-av says:

      Because the precious leftist politics must be protected at all costs!!! Truth be damned

    • protagonist13-av says:

      Nerfing Stormfront, or at least leveling the playing field could have been done in a way that makes more sense, and I kept expecting it to happen. They’ve established that Starlight depletes her power when she uses it, but get’s “charged” up with electrical power. I was expecting that first blast Stormfront hit her with to not only revive her, but supercharge her powers. That would more believably give her an edge against Stormfront and also give a reason why she couldn’t continue to use the lightning.

      • onslaught1-av says:

        Everyone’s hyping that fight and im just pissed at how badly they nerfed Stormfront and sidelined the guys.. What happened to the Emp that was meant to disrupt her powers.

        • burnitbreh-av says:

          It was destroyed with the car.

          • onslaught1-av says:

            I know. All those useful weapons that could be of use and there sitting in the back seat of the car when your literally there to extract and very likely will have to fight said supes.

      • daymanaaaa-av says:

        I mean you guys are forgetting about Queen Maeve who’s been established as being incredibly strong, like Wonder Woman levels strong. 

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      Yea perhaps. The only thing I’ll say is we don’t actually know how strong Maeve is compared to Homelander. 

  • tinyepics-av says:

    Prime has so little original content it’s really strange that it limits the few shows it has to 8 episode series. Really loved this season of The Boys but a couple more episodes would have certainly been beneficial to rounding the whole thing out.    

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    I’m not sure you’re understanding Neuman’s power play, at least as I see it. Hear me out: What if:1. She doesn’t REALLY think hearings will accomplish much, and Vought will just keep getting away with things despite finally having a witness?2. She then realizes the thing to do is to make the hearings look like they’ve been attacked by a Supe or Supe Terrorist, and knows the government will respond by creating more government to prevent such terror and tramp down on Supes in General — thus REALLY having Vought by the short hairs3. She knows she’ll likely be put in the powerful role of essentially Dept. of Homeland Security Chief for Supes given she was the initiator of the hearings and perceived as a surviving victim. MORE POWER!

  • ajaxjs-av says:

    It seems really odd how the reviewer is so personally invested in the show not daring to take a single shot at progressive politics, while seemingly being convinced that a statistically significant portion of RL America would support an outright Nazi.That suggests a complete disconnect with reality.

  • bedukay-av says:

    Annie does address going back to vought she tells Hughie something along the lines of you can’t jump ship and let the assholes take the rudder.

  • fk62282-av says:

    I’m so glad Becca is dead. No more overwrought conversations, constantly on the verge of tears. She’s lucky Homelander is so abhorrent, because it overshadowed the fact that she is a terrible mother. Constantly lying to your son and keeping him isolated from the entire world because all he needs is Mommy? That’s not how you get Superman, it’s how you get Norman Bates.

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      I mean, maybe she could have been honest with him but she didn’t have much choice regarding their living situation…

    • hamiltonistrash-av says:

      kid’s gonna be Brightburn

    • spacesheriff-av says:

      yeah it’s fucked up that she built an entire fake town surrounded by a 100-foot-high concrete wall with armed guards entirely by herself and lived there by her own volition

  • ohnoray-av says:

    I kind of thought the Neuman/AOC character reminded me of Shiv and Cherry Jones family from Succession. If AOC/Neuman is really just an agent for Vought, then it doesn’t matter what stance she is on or what stance the corporation she is with takes, liberal or not, they stand for the same thing. I think to get angry about that is to sort of miss the evil of capitalism, which I think people are cluing into more than ever.

    • sickomode-av says:

      Not everyone who watched the show assumed that was supposed to be AOC

      • ohnoray-av says:

        I mean it was clearly supposed to be an easy reference to AOC visually. But I think now she’s totally her own character as Neuman, and is just an easy stand in for the idea that regardless of a politicians beliefs, if they are there to serve big corporations first and foremost than they are going to be bad news for their country. It’s a different kind of evil, one that people can blame the system of things instead of themselves. I think that’s a fair avenue to explore after the evil Stormfront represents.

      • drmike77-av says:

        I watch shows like this to get away from current news, not to make connections to it.

  • treeves15146-av says:

    I really did not like this season, and really the finale. I do not care about the politics, I do not think a show has to pander to one side’s politics to like it. If they want to make a leftist evil and it is fun, I am all for it. I didn’t like it because it was sloppy and made no sense. Th congresswoman ran against Vaught all season..so she is supposed to be some deep fake Vaught plant? (why would she call congressional hearing to just kill everyone? Wouldn’t it be better to bury it if you were on Vaught’s side?) I said last episode if the head exploder was some new person, that would be lame..and they did it. And as the review said, her power made no sense.It was all rather “super happy ending” too. So Ryan’s kid can fry Stormfront when Homelander could do it for sex thrills and she shrugged it off? And they did that old trope of someone conveniently fighting suddenly with fists, when she has lightening bolts. Plus, they did that other old chestnut of introducing a new person to conveniently kill at the end while the core cast remains untouchable.The Boys storyline basically spun its wheels the whole season. It was all character based and they really had no agency at all other than watching some convenient super allies do their work for them.Finally, where do they go from here? That ending, besides the lame congresswoman reveal, seemed pretty finale. Why would MM or Frenchie come back? Butcher’s story seems to have come full circle and his wife is dead and he saved her son..so what is his motivation now? Hughie seems completely over his ex’s death and is no longer trying to kill A-Train. Starlight and Maeve seem to have no more story to tell either, they both stood up and look to try to keep Homelander under control. It looked more like a happy time series finale than a season one. I liked the first season, having not read the comic, because it was a bunch of normal humans hating supes and dispatching them amusingly and showing the superheroes to be all massive jerks. It was novel. Now half the supes are “good” or at least “not bad” and it is basically star wars with homelander as the evil emperor that needs taken down. And the boys now look like they are done and cannot kill anyone except him, and not without super help. Meh, this was not the fun nihilistic take down of the genre that the first season delivered on.

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      “why would she call congressional hearing to just kill everyone? Wouldn’t it be better to bury it if you were on Vaught’s side?”I agree that some of the writing didn’t make sense but this one actually does. Doing it at the hearing is what scared everyone enough to have the government, military and law enforcement all ready to buy copious amounts of Compound V, which means Vought stock goes up, which is all they care about. “So Ryan’s kid can fry Stormfront when Homelander could do it for sex thrills and she shrugged it off?”People always ask questions like this but that assumes that superpowers, unlike every other physical ability, can only be used at one intensity. Homelander can vary the intensity of his lasers, as he did with Stormfront. It’s a pretty safe bet that even though he increased the intensity he didn’t go full blast when they were having their sexytime. Whereas Ryan’s blast was completely uncontrolled (hence Becca dying) and born of rage and desperation, so very likely at full power.Not to mention, he might just straight up be stronger than Homelander, being natural born and all.

    • roboj-av says:

      1. Butcher still hates supers and still sees them and Vought as a threat. That’s his motivation.
      2. Ryan fried Stormfront with a high powered blast versus the lower powered one Homelander used on her for sex.3. Hughie still wants to stop Vought, A-Train, and supers if that wasn’t made plainly obvious by joining Neuman’s campaign and him saying he prefers to stop them legitimately and legally and not by killing them all.
      4. There is still Neumann and her obviously evil but yet unrevealed intentions that will probably bring the team back together in order to stop her.5. Yes, there is still Homelander, that if it’s following the comics, will take an even darker turn next season (won’t spoil that for you)
      6. Throughout the season, various supes from the comics have been name dropped or had cameos. They will probably appear next season.7. The point you are missing is that Edgar, Homelander, and Vought are still around, can still create more evil supes, and will need to be stopped.

      • rodriguez79-av says:

        Also 8. The purpose of Neumann calling the hearing and killing the people she did would be an obvious boon for Vought, even if it wasn’t explicitly stated as such in the show. Which it was.Increasing the perceived threat level of ‘Super villains’ is exactly what Vought wanted, and was achieved via the head explodings at the hearing

      • treeves15146-av says:

        1. A general dislike is not the same a personal. That has been resolved.2. That is a lot of assumptions.3.Yes, but again, see #14-7.  Yes, I am sure they have plot and plenty of baddies.  But the point is this show is called “The Boys” and the boys really seem to have no personal motivations anymore to keep doing what they are doing.  It is not called “The Seven”

        • roboj-av says:

          Have you been watching and paying attention to this show at all? Because it seems that you haven’t been. The whole point of this show and the original comic that it’s based off of, is to stop the evil and corrupt corporation from using their manufactured superheros who are as corrupt and evil as the corporation who created them, from taking over the US government. It is personal for Butcher because their biggest superhero raped his wife, tried to kill him, was indirectly responsible for her death, and left him with a son he doesn’t really want. And no, it is not resolved because Homelander is still alive and free and Butcher wants him dead; Vought still exists and they are still creating superheroes for nefarious purposes, and now you have Neumann showing her true colors and Hughie working for her to advance his personal beliefs of stopping Vought and the supers non-violently. Knowing Hughie, he will figure her out and tell Mallory and Butcher which will mean the team coming back together to stop her and Vought again.
          If this is too much for you to process as it seemingly is, just stop and watch something else more your speed and simple enough for you to understand. Judging from the stars I got versus yours, i’m not alone here in thinking you haven’t been following along properly.

    • burnerxabillion-av says:

      “.so she is supposed to be some deep fake Vaught plant? (why would she call congressional hearing to just kill everyone? Wouldn’t it be better to bury it if you were on Vaught’s side?)“Well she killed the guy who probably had the most dirt on Vought and was about to go under oath. What better way to do it as a plant then to give the impression you are going against Vought so you can find out who has the dirt on Vought? Also, if they buried the lede they wouldn’t have been able to create the panic and demand for Compound V.

    • malcolmtucker802-av says:

      Season one was exposition. Season 2 was Act II; put Act I’s storylines to bed, more or less. Seems like Neumann will be a series regular and the central baddie; Butcher & Hughie both going to work for/with her. It will be interesting to see if they can keep any kind of freshness to the central conceit of the Seven.

  • jaqenhghar8050-av says:

    Yeah I knew as soon as they brought AOC into it something was up.  I mean she was portrayed badly the entire series.  Or at least portrayed in a way that would confirm everything the right thinks about her.  So I wasnt surprised by the end just disappointed.

  • bnnblnc-av says:

    1. We need an article that highlights enter t-shirt MM wore this season. Costume designer deserves an award for this. 2. I have to wonder if the rushed and cleanly wrapped up ending was COVID related. Weren’t they still shooting when the pandemic hit?3. If Newman does end up being a baddie, I want a cheesy Seinfeld-esque, “Hello, Newman” when she’s finally confronted. 4. Her being a head popping villain, however, makes no sense. What purpose did it serve to kill Raynor, or slaughter the very committee she was chairing that could take down Vought? Especially since the latter did more to help Vought than hurt them?5. Annie’s return to the Seven makes sense in that she’s foolish enough to think she can change Vought culture from the inside. 6. We need an Ashley Barrett dedication, because she puts up with way to much shit for one person to handle. Maybe in the end, she makes buckets of money after releasing an unauthorized memoir of her time with Vought. 

  • laurenceq-av says:

    I think (many) of your Stormfront issues are addressed in the episode when she says, “A lot of people believe in my message, they just don’t like the word Nazi.”  Which I think is a pretty fair and accurate assessment.  Far right shitbaggery is on the rise, but the word Nazi still is a pretty powerful third rail that even people with nazi-esque views would never actually embrace.  

    • ducktopus-av says:

      they’re just pre-reich-swastikal-chauvinists, right?

    • sickomode-av says:

      Extremism is like crossing the street…you better look right and left. I see violence rising on both radical sides yet you only mention one???

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Only one exists. At best, you’re a fool and a dupe if you believe otherwise, if not a budding fascist yourself.

        • sickomode-av says:

          Radicalism only exists on one side??? Ladies and gentlemen, the sheeple have spoken. Only the right has violent extremists. Pay no attention to your eyes and ears. What a clown 

          • roboj-av says:

            Go on, say “aNtIfA r ThA rEaL bAd GuYz” while you ignore and play down the fact that right-wing extremists have murdered three police officers since January and plotted to kidnap the governor of a state. You know you want to.

          • x32394-av says:

            The fact that is all you could mention over a year really shows right wing violence is basically non-existent in America. Considering there has been over 673 left wing riots this summer, which includes over 34 civilians killed by left wing violence and over 20 police officers killed and 600 injured. Over 1500 businesses in Minneapolis have been damaged or destroyed all by left wing extremists. But you’re right. The handful examples of right wing violence outweigh the constant and never ending violent acts perpetrated by the left wing.  

          • mark12richards-av says:

            What about all the antifa people burning businesses in minority communities?Oh, that’s right. Antifa is just an “idea.” LOL

          • Rev2-av says:

            Must be so frustrating to see that all of the violent rioting, anarchy, burning of public buildings and businesses, attacks and assaulting of police, journalists and citizens is all coming from leftists. Adorable to see people try to deny it in the age of ubiquitous phone cameras. I imagine you’d go fetal and suck your coddled thumb before you actually looked at the endless video evidence available online.MaYbE iF I kEEp ignoring the EndlEss leftist vioLence, It wILl gO aWaY. All cops are bastards. I didn’t see shit. Rose City Nazifa 4eva!

          • buh-lurredlines-av says:

            Antifa burned down some buildings and looted

          • hewhewjhkwefj-av says:

            Ladies and gentlemen, the sheeple have spoken.
            You said “sheeple”.

          • thants-av says:

            Yes, sometimes one side is worse. Was the Nazi resistance just as bad as the Nazis? Take your pro-Nazi shit somewhere else.

          • Rev2-av says:

            The Nazi resistance didn’t act like Nazis, destroy their own cities or attack innocent citizens, journalists and police, comrade.

          • argiebargie-av says:

            the sheeple have spokenAs if you didn’t already had trouble with people taking you seriously.

          • malcolmtucker802-av says:

            Pay no attention to Hannity, more like

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            hOrsEsHoe THeOrY

        • Rev2-av says:

          You’d have to be a blind fool to think the extremism on the right is the problem now. Months of anarchy and rioting by a bunch of violent leftist kids that think anyone to the right of them is a “fascist” and a “Nazi” isn’t fighting fascism. It’s paranoia. Young and dumb coddled regressive are a threat to our democracy. Be better.

      • thants-av says:

        Fuck your both sides bullshit.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Right wing extremism will kill me and my family for not being white.Left wing extremism will get us healthcare without strings attached.Eh, I’ll take the latter. Venceremos!

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    Who knows? Maybe she’s exploding heads for the right reasons? Everyone in this show’s universe is morally compromised to some degree or worse. Maybe all those people had it coming for reasons we have yet to know about. Obviously, exploding heads in reality is not justifiable, but this is fiction, and every character in this story has had to do some messed up shit so anything goes.

  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    Didn’t like that after the epic car crash, everyone inside survived without a scratch. Did like the rest of the battle, though. Delivered better than Umbrella Academy’s final fight. Stormfront tho. She has been inconsistently written all season. I enjoyed watching her get pummeled. Homelander rubbing one out overlooking the city he protects? Legendary. It’s an indelible image, that I feel is rife with meaning. The God, desperate to be loved, jerking off to his own self-importance, high above (and probably all over) his citizens. Lol

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Stormfront is very clearly a true believer. So why then panic and freak
    out about the reveal of her true origin? There is, very clearly, a
    portion of this country that would love her more for this! We are living
    that reality right now!

    Stormfront herself points it out, people just don’t like the word Nazi. Just like real life, there’s a lot of people with some real fascist beliefs out there but still balk at the term Nazi. Part of it is just plain denial and part of it is the simple fact that a lot of people honestly don’t understand the tenets of Nazism and how close their own fucked-up views may align with them, they just know “Nazis = evil” from their history class back in school and don’t want to be called that. I mean sure, there are straight up Neo-Nazis out there who think that Nazis had it right but they don’t make up the majority of Trump oops I mean Stormfront supporters.

    • sickomode-av says:

      Great review. Now can we get the same in depth analysis of violent extreme leftists and what they’re parading around as? No? Is it that they don’t exist or you’re ok with violence as long as you’re side does it?

      • weedlord420-av says:

        If that’s what you took away from my post you either a.) thought I was calling you a Nazi in which case maybe you should think about why that is, b.) are an actual Neo-Nazi and really got mad about it, or c.) are cruising comment threads all over this website in order to own the libs that even slightly badmouth Trump, in which case, I’m honored you took the time to comment on mine. Thanks for stopping by!

      • argiebargie-av says:

        Fuck you and the starving Breibart horse you rode on.

    • joeasone-av says:

      Your a hater and a buffoon. I work with hundreds of Trump supporters and not one is a racist. Most of them are not white and the ones who are have women of color as spouses. Seriously the left has poisoned so many minds. America is not a racist country. We are the most tolerant country in the world with unlimited opportunities. This is why over a billion people would move here in a second.
      We need to unite as a country and reject the far left who are burning, looting, and destroying property on a nightly basis. The left ALWAYS destroys and divides folks. They have done this in every country they have gained power. If you love freedom and care about your country we must all reject the left before its to late.Those that forget the past are condemned to repeat it.  

      • weedlord420-av says:

        I didn’t say they were racists, I said they were fascists. I also said that a majority of people supporting Stormfront probably aren’t so hardcore as to be outright bigots. I made the mistake of making a Trump joke, who you seem oddly protective of, and summoning multiple supporters who clearly didn’t read what I actually wrote and rather just saw the word Trump then saw red and assumed I had called you racist, in which case maybe you should consider why that is.There’s a whole lot to unpack in your post but frankly you should really just think on why the comments section of an episode recap about Amazon superhero parody series The Boys™ is the hill you’ve chosen to die on. Anyway, I’m honored to see out of the many posts on the internet even slightly badmouthing Trump, you chose to stop by mine!

      • harrydeanlearner-av says:

        “America is not a racist country” – I just laughed harder at the stupidity of your post than I laughed at the fly on Pence’s head.So we shouldn’t reject the far right who literally plot to kidnap and kill political leaders, of course: Fine people on both sides and all. You’re a fucking moron. And I’d love to know how you work for hundreds of Trump supporters and not see a single racist. Shit, the guy you support has a long history of racist signaling. 

  • dremel1313-av says:

    Quite enjoyed the “girls get it done” beatdown on Stormfront. Was a neat gender swapped Easter egg to Stormfront’s end in the comics. And a nice middle finger to the forced girl power scene in the last Avengers movie.

  • corvus6-av says:

    Second thought: the AOC thing is more a misdirect than a comment on AOC. It’s a lot harder to suspect her because of the AOC resemblance. It’s not a comment on progressives or AOC in general.

    • tossmidwest-av says:

      Yeah, I feel like it was more done for shock value as opposed to political commentary. We’ll see what they do with it next season, but my more immediate concerns with this reveal are of the more logistical variety. Like, they seem to imply that Neumann has to be in the immediate vicinity of someone to use her powers, so she probably needed to have Raynor in her eyesight when she made her head explode. If that was the case, why didn’t she kill the Boys as well? Or at least track them to their hideout? Where does she find time to do all this espionage activity while still holding down a job as a US representative? If she’s working for Edgar, is it really the best use of someone with this type of power to have them work as a type of double agent?Again, plenty of time for the writers to dig into this, but I strongly suspect a lot of the implications of the Neumann reveal are just going to be papered over.

  • acharlie13777-av says:

    I really liked the end reveal. It didn’t feel like false equivalency to me so much as it felt like two diametrically opposed viewpoints. Whereas Stormfront tried to rally her rabid fanbase behind her to further her world-domination plans, the Congresswoman is doing the opposite, hiding behind enemy lines to cover up whatever it is she’s trying to do. It’s not saying that both sides are equally terrible, more that any side can be exploited if you play your cards right.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever been more tense watching this show than hearing Neumann ask Hughie if the Boys knew where he was while shutting the door. Totally expected the walls to explode red as “Only the Good Die Young” was playing.

    • kasukesadiki-av says:

      Lol they definitely played up the suspense there but exploding heads in a crowded office (even with the door closed) might not be the best move.

  • noraar-av says:

    I really do not see the writers as creating a false equivalency b/w Nazism and liberalism for a number of reason. One, we actually don’t know much about Neuman’s politics outside of her wanting to reign in Vought and supes in general. I guess you could say wanting to reign in a big corporation means she’s liberal, but that’s not a lot to go on. Two, to those saying she looks like AOC – well a lot of people are apparently blind (and maybe a little racially biased?). First off, AOC is a Latina and the women who plays Neuman, Claudia Doumit is of Lebanese descent. Second, they just simply don’t like alike other than being women with black hair. Beyond that, we simply don’t know Neuman’s end game at this point – she could be a Vought plant pretending to be progressive (assuming that she is liberal, see above) in order for Vought to create this false equivalency that all sides are bad, and only Vought can save the world – or something like that.The bottom line is, we have no idea were this reveal is going. If, in season 3, we learn that she is indeed a progressive and is just as bad as Nazism et al, then yeah, this is a terrible move. But, I’m giving the writers the benefit of the doubt for the time being, they’ve earned it thus far.

  • MordsJay-av says:

    Except that progressive politics IS an artifice for evil. 

  • sickomode-av says:

    The partisanship dripping from your review is disgusting. How dare anyone on TV show a “progressive” as an antagonist. I wonder if you’re upset that the violence and looting perpetuated by one side isn’t shown on the boys but I highly doubt it

  • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

    When Stormfront attacked the car, the resulting crash was presented so intensely I assumed it was meant to convey the death or catastrophic injury of every non-supe inside. Then they are all fine. They aren’t even dizzy.

  • theblackswordsman-av says:

    I didn’t read the original series so while I know it diverges on many points from the show, I know that the idea of a nazi supe is, well…canon. That’s it. That’s the thing.

    But I guess (and I know if this doesn’t linger in the grays, I’ll get shit for it) maybe this just isn’t for me. The idea of nazis making “ideal” humans with superpowers is one of those “whoa, what a cool twist” things that’s honestly a little too facile to me, and it’s bugged me from day one for myriad reasons (the Jewish history of Superman, for example, juxtaposed with The Boys talking about compound V testing at fucking Dachau as a way of showing that they REALLY REALLY REALLY are monsters, no no REALLY REALLY REALLY) . The false equivalence thing… I don’t need this, I guess. I absolutely don’t want to knock people for enjoying this (the comic or the show), but fuck, in a world full of real-life nazis doing whatever at this point, I’m not sure I want to mine someone’s hot takes on this front. Basically any media cavalierly touching on the Holocaust is not for me I guess. 🙁 I know, I know; I absolutely should have seen this coming and feel stupid for not picking up on this last season and sticking with it hoping it wouldn’t feel like a bigger knife twist each episode.

  • cio6-av says:

    I think Neumann’s reveal is less of a “both sides are bad” and definitely more of what the show has always had, which is “don’t meet your heroes”. Neumann was presented as nothing less as a saint to viewers. She was anti-Vought, she was willing to help the Boys, she kept trying to do the right thing even after witnessing a bunch of death. The reveal turns all of those actions on their head and reiterates what the show has side time and time again: no one is truly good for the sake of goodness.

  • ducktopus-av says:

    damn, I am really glad I read the comments on this one before commenting. Okay so Neuman is a Vought plant, but they are eventually going to have to justify her worldview the way the just justified Edgar’s, and they might just do it the same way. Easy peasy, people like power. I think it’s impossible to make that a real world commentary on AOC, though I do agree that it is not in perfect taste…I think I have noted and complained about ways in which this show is in too far off from perfect taste to be endured at some points.Of course Starlight rejoined the Seven, that’s where the power is, now that Compound V is not officially circulating she might get the chance to actually help some people. Vain hope.  (maybe that plot point is so obvious to me because of personal experience lol)Stormfront isn’t dead. Nazis never die they just get pastier and fatter.

  • sickomode-av says:

    Roxana kosse nanat 

  • emily619-av says:

    Wow . The fact that you gave this a C+ just cause your upset that the AOC Character is hilarious. Tbh that was the only thing that saved the ending. Trust no one  

  • abvanar-av says:

    Have you considered the possibility that Neuman isn’t the progressive she presents herself as being? That her political campaign and public face are both an act? That she craved power and saw that the way to gain it was to appear to be on the side of the huddled masses? The entire point of the reveal is to make us realize she isn’t who we’ve been led to believe. That isn’t a false equivalency at all, that’s simply the subversion of expectations. Remember, Stormfront started out trashing Vought publicly, even leading protests against them. 

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    But what can Edgar do as an individual against that? And what can he do
    as an individual who happens to be a Black man against that? I’m not
    excusing his choices, necessarily. But I think The Boys did a good job showing here the various levels of complicity it takes to ignore evil, and to let it fester
    Which was all I wanted! Not to assume it, but to confirm it. It’s one thing to project our biases about what we suspect of characters, it’s another for the show to be aware of what they are doing, and put it in the text, which I’m thankful they finally did! That alone makes this episode a win in my eyes.
    The finale worked for me. Regarding the time with Ryan, it was enough needed without overstaying its welcome, and Becca joining the Boys for help, put a lot of interesting pieces in place for the showdown. I was satisfied with where the story arcs ended, and there were a lot of harrowing moments.
    The congresswoman reveal was a little tacky, but it’s whatever. The show was already making false equivalencies between Homelander and Nazis so the Newman thing is par for the course. (I just don’t accept that Homelander would be on board with Stormfront’s rhetoric, and it’s ‘interesting’ some of the faces he was making when she was teaching his son overtly racist things.) Anyway, unlike the Edgar thing, I’m not going to jump to conclusions, about Victoria Nueman, and I’ll just wait and see where this goes.

  • gildie-av says:

    What is it with Amazon and Nazis? I mean, two shows, that could have just been a coincidence, but three?

  • protagonist13-av says:

    To the point of them always loading up with guns when they have been proven to be not very effective against the more powerful supes, it makes me wonder about one of the major changes from the comic, and I’m a little surprised I haven’t really seen it discussed here. In the comics, The Boys dose themselves with a version of compound V to make them capable of holding their own directly against supes. 

    • moonrivers-av says:

      I think it’s been discussed in the comments in various episodes, but just continued to look like they weren’t going to do it – which made the possible military injection thing really weird (though, I guess all controlling parties wouldn’t care about the soldiers killed from the injections)I thought Maybe in the final act of this episode, they would need to (because, yes – the guns have always been pointless!), But no – only Vought bluetooth speakers, apparently

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      I know they said they were gonna keep them powerless, but I can’t help but see all the pieces coming together for them to get dosed with V next season. We know V has been developed for adult treatment, and that shipments were on their way to the CIA, before the policy was scrapped at the end of the episode. Wouldn’t take much for those doses to fall into the hands of the agency’s new black ops anti-supe squad. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had a time jump. 

  • toshyfresh-av says:

    AOC is largely responsible for stopping Amazon’s expansion into Queens, costing them billions of dollars in tax subsidies. The fact that an obvious AOC stand in is revealed to be the villain on Amazon’s biggest show is a bit concerning. I don’t want to asume anything but this doesn’t look good, espshially because of all the death threats Ocasio receives.

  • mfdixon-av says:

    Really?? Look I’m not going to get caught up in recency bias because I just got done watching the episode but The Boys is nothing if not about subversion of tropes and expectations. If the reveal of Congress woman Neuman is meant to be anything it’s that there are bad actors appropriating all sides. How is that not a real world situation to begin with? Regardless, this is fiction anyway and is not beholden to a real world analogue one for one anyway. To criticize it as such is already approaching it from a false equivalency to borrow a term. Not to mention Neuman’s motives are very much still an intriguing mystery. I liked this episode and season off the cuff, and can’t wait to see where it goes next and I’m certainly not going to judge something that is so obvious as humans with too much power is usually a bad thing until I see more. Let’s be a little more open minded and a little less self righteous.

    • Rev2-av says:

      Careful, if you point out what’s going on with the violent and intolerant far left, you’ll upset a lot of National Socialists.

  • kekky2-av says:

    I’m a political scientist. The number one rule of politicians is that they lie and can’t be trusted. It’s honestly not even really a twist. The fact she survived the poppening should’ve clued in she’s integral to the plot. The AOC-ness is obvious, and you are telling us waaay more about yourself than the show when you say you dislike the “both sides” point in the show. Newsflash the world isn’t black and white and there isn’t just 2 sides. Liberals and progressives aid and abet the rise of fascism now and in the past. Don’t believe me? Think I’m biased and off my rocker despite saying I study politics for a living?Allow me to put aside any doubt and give you concrete evidence from a founding father of liberal ideology Voltaire: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. In other words since liberals and progressives are always going off about free speech they allow Nazis and white supremacists to spread their propaganda sand will defend them tooth and nail. Censorship? They laugh and say it can’t be done without turning into 1984 and shrug that unbalanced lunatics telling about race war in a college campus unimpeded is part of our amazing democracy. Taking a shot at progressives is PERFECT because liberals nor progressives will save us from the conservatives and right wing extremists. You know who WILL? The people, much like in a rag tag kinda way the boys are organized. That political perspective is beyond progressives that’s a radical left ideology. And it fits in perfectly with all the shots against capitalism and patriarchy and imperialism and racism in the show

  • bedukay-av says:

    Starlight did address why she went back to vought. She told Hughie that you can’t jump ship and let the a******s take the rudder. 

  • thants-av says:

    Eh, the AOC thing made me nervous but all the other political commentary has be really, really good, so I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.Other than that, I have no idea why this got a C+, it was an amazingly satisfying season finale.

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    Easy B+, thanks for playing. 

  • endlessben-av says:

    Fewer attempts to make progressive politics seem like an artifice for evil.I mean, it is an Amazon show.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Some third world countries don’t even HAVE exclamation points. So maybe let’s save some for them! Oops.

  • ahastings7-av says:

    You talk about false equivalencies and then equate conservatism with xenophobia. You raise narrative criticisms but then reveal that you dislike that decision because of the *perception*, that it doesn’t paint liberal ideology in a favorable light. Not everything is liberal vs conservative, but that seems to be your litmus test for what works and what doesn’t.

  • tesseracht-av says:

    Ellsworth from Deadwood You mean Bobby Singer from Supernatural? Who, by the way, is ALSO named Robert Singer on THIS show.

  • moonrivers-av says:

    I really didn’t read it as a “both sides” thing – more as a “holy shit, she’s a secret super!” Bc Mallory, etc seemed to not have any idea about this, right? I don’t know – my first thought just Wasn’t “oh, Vought agent”.But then why would she explode the heads of people She helped set up for the hearing? I don’t know! I hope we find out next season – and her reveal/Hughie joining her made me actually want another season, to see how much further they could push this past the comics… Also, I thought Annie very explicitly says how she’s going back to the Seven – even though there isn’t a guarantee of her safety – to be in the thick of it, and fight from the inside, while she has the opportunity to do so, no?

  • frankreynolds-av says:

    they should have stuck with the comics instead of going woke.

  • haodraws-av says:

    So some people projected AOC into Neuman and are now pissed that she turns out not to be an AOC stand-in. I guess it speaks more about how rare it is to see a PoC woman with the kind of popularity AOC has in politics that a character with the barest of similarities get mistaken for a stand-in/analogue of her

  • jeninabq-av says:

    Guys, guys, guys…sshh. AOC is gonna be just fine. This is not a show about nuanced politics. And no one who hates AOC is going to be watching a show that directly mocks them and mocks authoritarianism. This false equivalency hot take is just sad. And I say that as a Progressive who donated to her campaign. 

    • knukulele-av says:

      There are more than a few latent fascists in these comments. THat’s the strange thing about many Nazis. They can’t recognize they are Nazis.

    • hamiltonistrash-av says:

      fellow progressive from Rural America(tm) here. you’re giving them way too much credit to think not a significant % of them will miss that it’s mocking them and authoritarianism

      • jeninabq-av says:

        What I’m not missing is that no one on either side will or can be influenced politically by a violent comic book adaptation that is only streamed on Amazon. Progressives should (and do) pick their battles much, much wiser. For instance, more Progressive political action is being focused on Jaime Harrison who is running neck to neck with Lindsay Graham and has raised 57 million dollars. Or the fact that Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman both defeated Dem establishment candidates in districts that include mostly poor POC.  The only indication that this show gives regarding the congresswoman is that she sorta looks like AOC, but actually doesn’t. They don’t discuss her policies on social net issues or financial issues. It’s simply a visual tip. And the fact that any Progressive would be triggered by that points to the fact that too many Progressives are signaled by identity politics. See also: Kamala Harris. Real Progressives may watch a show like The Boys, but they aren’t triggered or angered by the showrunners using a character that (sorta) looks like AOC. If you feel that way, you’re not a Progressive. Stop blaming The Boys, or South Park, or any other over-the-top TV show for political bad actors. Dumb.

  • minasands-av says:

    Hopefully the third season will delve more into Maeve’s most impressive superpower: she can sense wherever the plot needs her to be and instantly teleport there.

  • alwaysbeshooting-av says:

    I was also disappointed by this last episode, despite otherwise loving this season.One major issue I had (among others) was the lack of in-universe urgency from Episode 7’s “Holy fuck! There’s an unknown supe blowing people’s goddamn heads off!!!”-moment. I’d have thought this unknown force would threaten existing supes like Homelander and Stormfront, and they’d demand answers from Edgar (or investigate themselves). Instead, they’re just hanging out with Ryan, and everyone else seems (relatively) calm considering the terrifying bloodbath that just occurred on national TV.
    That last Episode 7 scene promised an total upending of the status quo and supe power balance, and Episode 8 just never really delivers on that promise, aside from a little tease that sets up Season 3.

  • handsomecool-av says:

    The headpopper reveal was extremely frustrating. Like you said, it really doesn’t make sense! Overall the season was a lot of fun, but it is disappointing that none of the groundwork they’ve laid out for the next season is even the least bit exciting.

    It’s like the opposite of The Umbrella Academy, where I struggle to get through the season, but then boom they throw in a really fun cliffhanger twist in the finale.

  • oompaloompa11-av says:

    This reviewer has always been awful, but this takes the cake.How the hell did you jump to that conclusion? An AoC analogue turning out to be a supe just means Edgar’s got his tendrils everywhere and is playing the long game. This can’t be a “Both sides are bad” argument when Neumann isn’t even on the good guys’ side to begin with.You’re literally the mythical triggered lib far righters would like to imagine the left is.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    I don’t understand how Ryan’s laser vision burned Stormfront to a Skywalker-esque crisp, with a burned face, scorched off limbs, etc. while his mom got a very clean neck laceration.  

  • arachnar-av says:

    Let’s not forget “West Elm Death Star” when Stormfront is referring to Ashley’s office. Loved when everyone beat the shit out of her and Maeve calling her a Kraut. Also how is she bullet proof but you can stab her eye out?

  • thetorridzone-av says:

    So in a season of a show which is intentionally Hot Topic nihilistic the thing that really sticks with the reviewer is that a season finale reveal might mean an analog of a real life politician is evil?KI very much get being on a hair trigger these days. Personally I hate how the show itself has mocked the “Girls get it done” and “Brave Maeve” Vought marketing bullshit in lieu of having female characters that aren’t either cowed by the male characters in their orbit (usually Homelander), or blindly following them. Regardless of the whether or not those characters have any cogent plan. Aaanndd also squanders any possibility of legitimatizing said female characters by doing the classic “only girls can beat up other girls cuz it doesn’t really count then” trope that literally everyone in the audience is familiar with. To then have the season’s Big Bad killed by a kid. Who, bonus, fridges his mom at the same moment!This show is gross trash. The comedy relief is a fish man/sexual predator. Just seems way out of left field to be pissed at a show (which has consistently gotten upper middling grades) for being what it is.

    • hamrovesghost-av says:

      It’s ironic that this show spends so much time smugly satirizing rainbow capitalism and yet its only 2 queer characters are a villainous closeted evangelist and a bi female character who barely has an arc. 

      • simulateur-av says:

        So they should just insert and develop queer characters for the sake of proving they’re DEFINITELY above rainbow capitalism? Brilliant.

  • joeasone-av says:

    Horrendous review. Your comment that Americans would be happy if her Nazi ideas were discussed is asinine. Americans hate Nazis. I have never met one person who has ever said one nice thing about Nazis. Your obviously a leftist hack who thinks if someone wants low taxes and a secure border than we like nazis. That’s hateful and insane on your part. Nazism like Communism are evil forms of government that have killed over 100 million people. When you compare the current climate in America to Nasism you are trivializing the holocaust and insulting every human being that lived through it. Today’s climate in America is nothing compared to what happened in Germany between 1933-1945. In closing the left has poisoned our country with their hate and racism and if this keeps up they will destroy our country and like every leftist movement will result in millions dead.

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    See, I never for a moment thought Congresswoman Neuman was anything other than a setup for future superpowers. Why? First time onscreen in ep 3 (was it?) I was like, “Oh man, you don’t cast a woman with that hair and NOT put her in a supersuit.” Gorgeous model-level congresswoman bit-part … nah. She was destined for a reveal. So, I wasn’t invested in some supposed progressive angle, this is The Boys … all sides are compromised always. That’s this show’s thing.I was a little more uneasy with Annie’s return to the Seven with a shrug. But here too, I think we have to remember that because Amazon and Netflix are in a contraction period (due to whatever natural and unnatural market forces) shows may get cancelled – boom – with barely an explanation given. This had to work as both set-up for season 3 and as a series ender. A status quo had to be reset. Sure, The Boys is one of Amazon’s top shows, but just because they say its renewed, doesn’t mean they can’t invoke take-backsies. Is Amazon still filming Carnival Row? Lord of the Rings? Jack Ryan? All are still supposedly under the green light, but are they really? Amazon makes so much damn money that they can afford to be feckless.       

    • lobstertail-av says:

      One thing about Annie’s return to the team: did you notice that she is wearing her original costume again?  My interpretation was that her return is on her own terms, so she can actually be a hero that she used to think the Seven were.

  • tommelly-av says:

    Given how little we know about what her actual persona, politics, and plans are, it seems out of place to bitch about Nueman.

  • aneylan-av says:

    I find it interesting that you see the head popper reveal as an equivalency at all. I didnt read it as “both sides are bad” I read it as “ oh this bitch is like stormfront, using the left as a tool to further her own ends.” If the character doesnt really believe in the ideology, is it actually a comparison? If anything I really appreciated the commentary on bad actors weaponizing the passion and drive of the left to be self serving. Its accurate to how basically every institution which started with good intentions and values has been corrupted.

  • clintonpaedoisland-av says:

    Despite Neo Nazis being less than 0.00002% of the US populations, you think it’s okay to reference it multiple times as if it’s an actual problem in society rather than a boogeyman used to racially divide .And then you hypocritically refuse to accept that Both Democrats ad Republicans ARE evil. Different sides to the same coin .You write well but as a writer you should be spending less time paying attention to the Fake News Media

  • burnerxabillion-av says:

    “I’m going back to the Seven, but don’t worry, Hughie, I’ll still work with you guys because Vought is an evil corporation and I obviously object to everything they stand for,”I thought Annie did say something to Hughie to this effect, though. Something about having to be onboard to steer the ship or something. Maybe I mixed something up.

  • Kuryakin-av says:

    Pardon me but it wasn’t a “ham and cheese sandwich”, it was a jambon-beurre. 

  • saratin-av says:

    I mean, I’m going to be honest here: if this show starts trending towards being more like the comic, I will drop it like a hot fucking rock. There’s a fair amount of Garth Ennis work I like; Preacher has always been a fave, and I think his run on MAX Punisher was the best treatment that character has ever seen.But The Boys is trash. It is a terrible goddamn comic, Butcher is an unappealing one-note douchebro (seriously, where the fuck is his neck), Hughie seems to largely exist as an excuse to make Butcher’s dick-swinging bravado more palatable, etc etc etc. I can’t recall having read any other series where pretty much all of the characters were just utterly unlikable. It is like if they handed a series contract to the guy who complains about how the feminazis and SJWs are ruining everything.
    So I was honestly surprised when it seemed like this show had some meat on its bones, and I’ve been enjoying it so far. For me though, it is a vast, vast improvement on its source material, but if it starts sliding back towards that, I’ve got little to no reason to continue.

  • tmage-av says:

    The beatdown scene put it into “B” territory for me.That was extremely cathartic in a way that I didn’t know I needed.

  • ghoastie-av says:

    I really do like this cast, and you can tell there’s a punch-up guy in the mix (or two, or three) who are either coming up with sweet lines or doing a good skim of the comics (I wouldn’t know.)But the broader strokes… there are pacing problems. There are logic problems.The AOC reveal didn’t bother me for any kind of meta political reason. The show’s pretty clear that good guys are rare and beleagured, while bad guys are omnipresent and (some of them are) insidious as fuck. How can you have a property that so deeply mines the concept of cooptation while allowing one particular kinda-like-real-life political movement to be totally immune from it? *That* would be pandering.But the mechanics of it, with the eyes, and the concentration and whatnot? That was a massive, inexcusable continuity failure. It was so extreme that any later “reveal” to explain it is going to feel like a desperate retcon even if it the writers actually had it planned out 10 episodes in advance.While not a continuity error, it was also really, really disappointing that the Starlight/Stormfront RPS matchup didn’t happen, or wasn’t at least hinted at as a way for Starlight to become a more formidable challenge to the big guys going forward. That’s definitely a missed opportunity. Energy absorption/repurposing/reflection has strong pedigree in the supe genre. It almost feels like a violation of some unwritten rule to have a “drainer” supe that isn’t a threat to other energy-based supes.

  • killswitch-7788-av says:

    All I can say is:  Please stop listening to bullshit journalism.  If you can think for yourselves then please do some research.  Don’t just listen to one side.  Listen to all points of view and make your own decisions.   If you haven’t truly looked at both sides then you shouldn’t vote.

  • markivus-av says:

    Sorry to break it to you. But yes. All sides are bad. To varying degrees sure but bad all the same. Calling someone progressive doesn’t mean they’re some sweet  Disney princesses. It’s just that you can’t handle it when it comes at the expense of your own politics. You loved the show while they caricaturised the RW. But you draw the line at ”you can’t make my fictional political congresswoman lookalike seem evil!!’ .Something tells me you’d be fine with it if it was a Trump lookalike. It’s been 2 seasons of this show. Did you miss the part where they took a piss at all the left wing diversity woke politics in movies and shows etc? They shit on EVERYBODY whether it’s LW or RW. I don’t get how people are still so snowflakey about this. And I’m speaking this as someone who is not American or gives a shit about American politics. But seems like the show is not for you. If you want pandering tailored to your personal preference I’d rather suggest sticking to Twitter or Trevor Noah.

  • orp-av says:

    I guess the show also advocates to forming a triangle around any Nazis you find and punching them until they’re down. And then kicking them some.That’s the solution to the ressurgence of nazis in the US. Also she didn’t NEEDED to be german, there were a bunch of people who supported nazis in the US up until the war started. Looking around today, you would think their legacy never went away – idk if it can even be called a ressurgence at al.

  • doremitard-av says:

    It’s weird that Roxana is so upset about the prospect of a storyline about people faking progressive values for power. I agree universal health care is a human right. But didn’t you notice that Biden promised to block it? If a show like this can comment on a serious problem like neo-Nazis, what’s the problem with commentary on politicians trumpeting progressive values and then failing to deliver? Just featuring both things in the same show isn’t equating them. 

  • vforviennetta-av says:

    I am kind of conflicted about this show. On one hand it does some very sophisticated satire/commentary on modern politics and American society in a way that few other shows do. The way they use the superhero setting to create parallels with our reality is very clever. On the other, the actual storyline, both as collective plot and individual character arcs, is like a zero sum game. Every sign of character development is sort of nipped in the bud. For instance, they’ll have a few sequences where it looks like Hughie is gaining confidence, but then he’ll go back to his old, trite whiny self. Nothing wrong with it his insecurities, or Butcher’s machismo, or Maeve’s numbness but sometimes I felt like the line between character and caricature was blurred. It’s a fun show, with some brilliant lines -in the end, whatever flaws it has are easily forgiven/forgotten. This show could be so much more though -the frustrating part is that intermittently we do see its full potential!

  • kevyb-av says:

    The Walking Dead is feeling pretty smug knowing it is no longer the most-poorly-written comic-book show. They both love hitting the same story arcs over and over, but at least TWD puts some effort into creating three-dimensional characters. Here we are at the end of Season Two and Queen Maeve has lived through the same arc – doesn’t care… shows up to save Starlight… promises to care in the future – THREE different times! She did this stupid arc TWICE this season! And what do we know about her? She’s a lesbian the end. Butcher has a foul mouth and he’s in love with a boring woman who clearly has awful taste in men. MM loves his family. Hughie and Starlight actually devolved this season into little more than a scaredy-cat who likes Billy Joel and a blond girl who at least doesn’t have to carry around the moronic personality trait of only liking ONE musical artist. (Dear Boys Writers: Listening to ONE musical artist isn’t cute or clever. It’s INHUMAN. Knock this stupid shit off!)One of the few characters to get some growth was The Deep, but who cares? His storyline is stupid and is just too far removed from the main action. But he’s Even-More-Useless Aquaman! HA! That’s a joke that has been played out. Get rid of him and give the minutes he is wasting to the other characters, who desperately need time to develop. At least we got some Frenchie and Kimiko development this season, but unfortunately they are only there to support the one-note characters. They are the Daryl and Carol of this show, but with no hopes of getting their own spinoff. Also, they need to work on plotting. They are clearly coming up with setpieces without any knowledge of how to get from one setpiece to the next. The whole Stormfront story was bad from beginning to end, except for the scene where she was getting her ass kicked around by the lady-supes. But then they immediately ruined that because… If a story introduces a boy with superhuman powers, he MUST “surprisingly” kill a bad guy at the end. Which is pretty fucking pathetic from a show that’s supposed to be upending superhero cliches. The second that kid was revealed to have powers, it was patently obvious he would be unleashing those powers upon someone at the end of this season, with Stormfront being the only obvious victim. And the stupid way they had to make that happen! “I need to fly away from getting my ass kicked… I know! I’ll fly to where the kid is, because reasons, and I’ll be safe because those women kicking my ass certainly won’t follow me, because reasons. Best. Plan. EVER!” This show is already far too invested in the Season One supes to kill any of them. And this aspect of the show is helping ruin character development. Butcher is supposed to be a superhero-killer and in two seasons he has killed exactly ZERO superheroes. All The Boys are at zero, except for Hughie, who got in an accidental kill. Are we expected to root for people so incompetent at their only job? Next year I hope they introduce zombies so I’ll have someone to root for.

    • knukulele-av says:

      Give the Deep some credit. The scenes where he tries to help an aquatic friend and gets them horribly killed is a great running joke.

    • groundcontroltouncletom-av says:

      Butcher killed Haley Joel Osment.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      Please, the Walking Dead has been shit since the end of season one. I can’t understand the appeal of Zombie Hospital. 

    • tossmidwest-av says:

      At least give Frenchie some credit for the Translucent kill, he’s the one who figured out how to do it and planted the explosive up his large intestine. 

  • kg75-av says:

    you conpletely lost me when you say you are rooting for Hughie and Annie. I couldnt give less of a F about their nauseating bore fest relationship

  • uuman-av says:

    See a whole heck of a lot of people basically crying ‘Progressives can’t be evil! This show sucks now!’ Stop it. Get help. Politics aren’t life.Go out and actually meet some people. Believe it or not, the country isn’t full of nazis. The truth is, we’re all upset by the reality we have far too many people struggling here in this country. Calling people nazis bc they think we need to be spending more resources here to solve the issue isn’t helping. That’s something everyone agrees on ffs.Maybe ask these rich celebrities and business people why, if they support the same things you do, they keep instead donating to politicians who keep giving them tax breaks. They could very well donate money to these organizations instead of writing off ridiculous appearance fees that they couldn’t hope to pay.

  • chubbydrop-av says:

    Even if Annie had said something like, “I’m going back to the Seven, but
    don’t worry, Hughie, I’ll still work with you guys because Vought is an
    evil corporation and I obviously object to everything they stand for,”
    that would have been fine!

    She actually does say something like “the problem with jumping ship is you won’t be able to get your hands on the wheel”. So she did say that, in metaphor.

  • wmterhaar-av says:

    What was Stormfront saying in German? Something about a lovely place on the river in the shade of an apple tree, but the combination of my rusty three years of high school German and Aya Cash’s less than stellar pronunciation made it hard to make out the rest.

    And I understood Stormfront survived, so what are the chances next season we we see something like Cyber-Stormfront? Is that a thing in the comics?

  • blueladybug2020-av says:

    I definitely agree with you about Stormfront’s end and the Homelander family sitcom feeling a bit rushed, but as someone who identifies as progressive I don’t think the Victoria Nueman character is a total criticism of AOC or progressives.If anything, it’s more a critique of large companies like Vought using their power and influence to infect anything they can to gain and retain power.We live in an era where everyone tries to portray a false image of themselves online for clout and where corporations sink their teeth into anything they can, Vought planting an anti Supe congresswoman gives them control over both sides of the narrative, which is an extremely interesting commentary on the modern era.You can’t have a good mole without having them be likeable and believable. I think the Victoria Nueman character fits that, and it pretty much had to be that to make it more shocking.Like I said, I definitely agree with you on some of the pacing but I think your notion that the show is saying “progressive = nazi” loses the nuance of the message that you have to beware of anyone who claims to be on your side in an era of keyboard superheroes.If it were about saying that, they would’ve leaned in harder to the AOC satire instead of the packaging and dance video, and I doubt they would’ve had an immigrant, sexual assault survivor, and LGBT superhero mercilessly beating up a Nazi.The one other thing I think you missed was Starlight’s reasoning for going back to the Seven. She has a whole line about how if you run away from the people doing bad you’re letting it happen. Judging off what your criticisms were of this season, I would’ve thought that part would resonate.

  • wilburn24-av says:

    Why does this reviewer only value shows based on how well they conform to her political biases? Mind you, it was the “progressives” In America who spent the better part of this year burning down cities, toppling statues, and suppressing any opinions and free speech not in line with their own.The “false equivalency” that obviously so hurt this reviewer’s fragile sense of ego was already long established by the show. Stormfront was introduced in the beginning of the season as an avid SJW, if you remember, before she turned out to really be a Nazi. It’s a perfect commentary on who most SJWs really are — individuals that don’t actually care about the values they preach, but just go in for the virtue-signaling and the power it brings. This show is smart enough to understand the hypocrisy of the current progressive movement, and the fact that purporting to identify with the oppression of minority groups is only often done so in order to mask one’s own privilege, corruption, and desire for power.

  • saintjimmy76-av says:

    Ugh, why does this mental midget have this job. Seriously, how stupid are you? You don’t understand why Stormfront was so upset? Because America seems perfectly fine with cloaked racism….as long as it’s “out of sight” it will be “out of mind” for the majority of Americans. But as soon as it becomes Nazis and KKK that is the moment most of America is like “whoaaaa, chill out with the racism”. Just look at Trump. The dude has always fluctuated between 35-50% approval rating. And he’s typically been at his lowest after being OVERTLY racist. His “there are good people on both sides” and his recent debate where Chris Wallace had to pull Trump’s teeth to condemn White Supremacy. Those were both moments where Trump hit his rock bottom racist base of 35% who will always approve of him. And false equivalency? WTF are you talking about? That story is NOT commentary about which side is evil. It’s commentary about how easy it is to corrupt American politics. That our politicians can be bought and owned by corporations. In fact, if there is anyone that Nueman is supposed to be satire of….its Nancy Pelosi because she is a worthless Democrat. Oh, she puts on an impressive mask of “resistance” against Trump. Mainly just nonsense theater like tearing up his speech. But when it comes to policy she basically let’s Trump do whatever he wants.And THAT is the ACTUAL social commentary The Boys are doing with congresswoman Nueman. But you’re clearly to stupid to see that. And I have to question your jump to compare Nueman to AOC. You see a woman of color representing Queens, NY and you automatically jump to AOC? I think you should go talk to a therapist about why you immediately jump to race like you done there. Because there is clearly some issue you have with it. 

  • sicodravenshadow-av says:

    Ok, just checking on this. Why do we think the anti Vought Congressperson is supposed to be super progressive? Because she is out to stop a single company? I mean yeah, more progressives then conservatives go after companies but it is not outside the realm for conservatives to go after Vought for something. Recently basing specific companies it actually more common on the right in US politics. Not saying it would happen, just that in the world of the Boys, why not? I mean maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention, but does she have any other progressive views she is pushing that makes her symbol of the left, or is she just a one issue anti Vought candidate?

    • lobstertail-av says:

      the only evidence most posters here have to go by is the very superficial physical resemblance between the Neumann actress and AOC.  And I mean VERY superficial.  Neumann is clearly not an ethnic name, ok?

      • sicodravenshadow-av says:

        The character she is pulled from in comics was A) An idiot and B) explicitly based on George Bush. C) A dude. Victory Neuman, Vic the Veep

  • demeter17-av says:

    I really found this review awful. I am always looking for different reviews, explanations and opinions after watching an episode of the boys. This one is all about “I would like”, “I would watch”, etc., it is another thing trying to figure out approaches in the series and trying to present your own preferences. Moreover, there is a a lot of “no politica” thinking in the way you would like things presented and the way you understood things, a lot of your sayings show that you should first study some history. Why Stormfront denied her involvement with Nazis, seriously? Nazis were suiciding and fled to South America when they were defeated and things started getting bad, in my country a nazi organization was accused of criminal conspiracy and suddenly everyone was denying what they proudly represented over 10 years, that is what Nazis and racists are and as correctly was mentioned in the series, yes a lot of people supported the white supremacy ideas but no one wants the nazi called names, so everyone turned their back on her. Furthermore, we do not know yet the role of the congresswoman, so why so many speculations? And however what is the problem with showing a corrupted progressive politician? After all the message in the series was clear “everything is business” which means money and power. In the times we are living, with the black lives matter movement and extreme right political parties arising all over the world, I believe the boys sent a clear message and represented with a great allegory the world we are living. If you would love to watch only peeing, cursing, sex and guns, there are plenty of other shows to cover the preferences you so desperately wanted to project online. 

  • jammukay-av says:

    To the author of this article: you can’t have it both ways. I’m progressive and left, but you can’t ask the writers not take aim at left politics ever, after they went so obvious and hard towards the right wing movement this season. That attitude is what give progressives a bad name. If you can dish it, learn to take it a little. If they do a play on progressive stuff, fine, I’m not so insecure to make a fuss, as long as they don’t over do it. Stop being a hypocrite. No one movement or political party is perfect, or above satire.

  • mark12richards-av says:

    What you call “false equivalency” is actually just truth. It’s hard to handle when you are a collectivist who has faith in her ideology and can’t for a second accept that there may be valid criticisms of it, but that doesn’t make it any less true.But that’s what it is to be close minded. There are plenty of terrible shows out there that will feed your ego and blind ideological faith. Not only is it okay that The Boys doesn’t indulge your desire for validation, the show is infinitely better for it.That is the reason why South Park is so successful while The Simpsons has been a dumpster fire for 20 years. 

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Wow, someone took Victoria Nueman’s heel turn really hard, didn’t they?

  • branigan2000-av says:

    “Fewer attempts to make progressive politics seem like an artifice for evil.” Everyone I disagree with is obviously a nazi but the second anyone tries to imply maybe, just maybe extreme left wing idpol isn’t the greatest thing ever it’s immediately gross and wrong.  At least you’re transparent in your bias and stupidity.

  • shecky1998-av says:

    I just wanted to point out the sandwich Frenchie gave Becca was ham and butter (jambon beurre) not ham and cheese. It sounds weird but it’s super popular in France

  • restrepowriter-av says:

    How funny! As a progressive, I loved the ruthless AOC-analog reveal. 

  • emily619-av says:

    For some that saw & wrote , & praised “the various levels of complicity it takes to ignore evil” im surprised you were so personally hurt by the Victoria reveal. America/ american buniesses are notorious for placeing fake movements in countrys aboard to stir revolution & division it is not farfetched they would do that in there own country & i think the boys is taking a road that most are to afraid  to go down 

  • mrcharcuter-av says:

    Victoria Neuman=Vic the Veep.

  • arrogare-av says:

    You’re basically review bombing this show because you feel bad that one of the (bad) characters too closely resembles one of the left’s darlings.    Frankly you should be ashamed of yourself.   I say that as someone who would vote for AOC if she ran for president and believes in what she stands for.   I’m not threatened by this because it is FICTION and I’m smart enough to know what that is….   and the people who are not smart enough to figure that out would never vote for her to start with.   

  • matthewdyeager-av says:

    Anyone else feel let down by the Church as a whole? The season spent a lot of screen time building intrigue and making us believe it was directly involved or even responsible for Vought’s actions, then BAM!, all over. It felt like a real wasted opportunity to me.

  • gogogrobot-av says:

    … how did they not end up using a reveal like Stormfront literally being Homelander’s mom? It would have been completely on brand for a show so into shock, Greek god level drama and gross out humor.She was the first person injected with Compound V. It’s hard to know how old the supes are, but she’s certainly the first. Supes don’t age the same as the average human being, so Homelander could also be older than he looks — but he definitely came after her. Hell, Homelander sublimated with mom issues so much with Madelyn Stillwell that he literally had a thing about breast milk.The entire season kept playing up parental dynamics. We kept seeing seeing interplay between people like Billy and his mom and dad for comparison to how make a figure like Homelander. Annie’s mom was a pivotal character for the events of the season. We got the reveal that Hughie’s mom was still alive somewhere. It seemed like they really leaned in to parallels and then left a massive one on the cutting room floor.Just imagine the a climactic battle scene where Homelander and Billy Butcher simultaneously discover that Stormfront is Homelander’s mom. Imagine Karl Urban delivering a “that cunt is a motherfucker” line as the ultimate joke of the season. We saw Becka stab Stormfront in the eye. That’s an Oedipal wound, for Christ sake. It was all there.

  • sebastianhoward72-av says:

    I do wish Stormfront was kept around for another season as she’s a great heel but the next season could be the last and it did take a lot to kill her at least.

  • carpediem1066-av says:

    I agree. Only one acceptable plot allowed in 2020.

  • lordoftheducks-av says:

    Stormfront was pissed because the reveal took power away from her. The reveal wasn’t on her own terms; specifically once she had her sup nazi army built up. She also has more power when she can dog whistle to the fanatics while still looking like an upstanding person to everyone else.
    She has likely been working on her project to get compound V to work in adults. You brainwash a bunch of loyal zealots and then turn them into loaded weapons.

    Annie rejoined the Seven because she really didn’t have a lot of choice. The only way to publicly clear her name and rep is to rejoin. It also lets her keep an eye on Vaught and the other supes. It was worth noting she was back in her original outfit and hair at the end.

    The Neuman surname is derived from the Middle High German words “niuwe,” meaning “new,” and “mann,” meaning “man.” As such, the name was most likely originally a nickname for someone who had recently moved to a location. I suspect she is Stormfront’s daughter and the first sup born with powers or somehow connected to former nazis. The way Stormfront looked when Homlander said his son was the first born with powers, made me think she had seen it before and there were too many mentions of her daughter this season for it be a coincidence.
    Neuman was playing the woke progressive, just like Stormfront was. Neuman isn’t a good person, she was just saying what you wanted to hear.

    • roboj-av says:

      Neumann is another gender swapped character from the original comics. In the comic, Neumann is a he and is the VP of the US, and the former CEO of Vought planted there to take over the country for them, and is meant to be a parody of George W. Bush by Garth Ennis. So no connection to Stormfront there.

      • sydneysideliner-av says:

        That’s the weird thing about this whole adaption. The comics were set in a totally different zeitgeist: late Bush-era, people exhausted with the war on terror, so the idea of superhumans existing and prolonging the war seemed on-point. Now we’re post-Isis, peak Trump, where nobody knows what America or the terrorists are doing. The whole thing seems like more of a shallow dig at film studios and various culture references than anything truly zeitgeisty…

    • lobstertail-av says:

      You’re reading way too much into the Neumann name.  It could easily be a reference to supes in general (new humans)

  • toonguy3-av says:

    My own take on Stormfront proclaiming the evidence against her as deepfakes (sorry if someone has presented this idea before me; 156 replies are a lot to wade through) was not panic, nor that she was trying to convince our heroes, but previewing what her public defense against the photos would be. She knows (as do we, unfortunately) that her supporters will believe her, and ultimately that will be what matters. Oh, and the Boys attempting to stop Stormfront with ballistic weapons? C’mon. No matter how long bulletproof heroes are around in any medium, nor how often they’ve demonstrated their impenetrability, their foes ALWAYS try shooting at them. And why not? Never know when one of them might be having an off day…

    • lobstertail-av says:

      “Oh, and the Boys attempting to stop Stormfront with ballistic weapons?”earlier in the episode it was clearly described that the RPG wasn’t just any rocket launcher. It had some sort of power-neutralization device designed by Frenchy (the guy who has had a pretty good record of neutralizing supes’ powers).

  • goodbrew-av says:

    The real world is full of people who want to see good things happen, but will do bad things to get there.  What a great idea to explore that in a TV series with the extremes of The Boys.  It’s not about which idea is best, but about human nature.  Confront the demons of your own tribe is a good thing.

  • bc222-av says:

    Not sure if this happened in the comic–read it once when it came out and basically forgot about it–but Stormfront is still alive, right?

  • chatterrs-av says:

    For me it was A level, The Boys is so unique and this finale was powerful

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    It sure was a bad idea to try to turn The Boys into a TV show.

  • kumagorok-av says:

    Two things.1. I don’t like Annie being back with the Seven because I find there’s nothing more to mine from “true believer superhero having to deal with asshole superheros”. This said, there was a speech explaining exactly why she made that choice. She said “If you jump ship and you let the assholes steer, then you’re part of the problem.” and “Someone taught me something about hanging in there.” So she’s going to hang in there to steer the ship. It’s that simple.2. Stormfront is not dead. She’s going to be back. Losing limbs in a heightened fantasy world means pretty much nothing (they lose limbs every five minutes in Star Wars), and her powers even already bypass the issue, since she can fly and send lightning bolts at your face without having to walk to you and touch you.Wait, two other things.A) At the beginning of the episode, the Seven were Three: Homelander, Maeve, Stormfront. A-Train and Deep were already out, Black Noir was comatose, Starlight on the run. At the end, Stormfront out: down to Two. Starlight and A-Train back in: up to Four. Even if you count Black Noir as temporarily out of duty, they’re at most Five. I don’t think they’ve ever been Seven again after Translucent was killed.B) I guess Maeve’s powers include teleportation, because she appeared out of nowhere right behind Stormfront, and then again right behind Homelander in the woods. She looks like Wonder Woman, but apparently, she’s Nightcrawler.

  • prettylegit-av says:

    I don’t know why everyone is just assuming she works for Vought. She could very much be a lone wolf player, edging both sides so she comes out on top.

  • cantnotsee-av says:

    You are right about the false equivalencies and the on the nose symbolism. Calling everyone who disagrees with you politically a nazi, and then incorporating a literal nazi into a tv show to represent your opposition in order to intimidate everyone who disagrees with you into keeping their opinions to themselves, is some Homelander level stuff.  Neo-nazism is not in vogue right now. Conservatism is not Nazism, Nazis were literal socialists, it’s literally part of the word NAZI. Are you saying it’s vogue to be a neo-nazi because it is certainly in vogue to be a progressive socialist? Opposing forced mass immigration into your land is not xenophobia, which is a completely made up word to represent something that does not exist. Regular people have always opposed the predator class using their war machines to destroy entire nations’ stability, thereby precipitating intentional forced migration of millions of people into incompatible cultures which then precipitates unavoidable clashes. Regular people have always opposed causing the intentional suffering of the masses to benefit the very few at the top in the predator class, calling these regular people made up words like xenophobes makes you look silly. It also exposes the fact that you can’t actually criticize them legitimately, you have to make up words and assign them negative definitions to circumvent actually dealing with the criticism that killing and causing the suffering of millions of people will garner. Thank you though for the very clear projection though. If you were capable of defending what you believed in or articulating a substantive criticism of your ideological opponents, you wouldn’t have to pretend they are Nazis or make up words and then give those made up words negative definitions. We get it, the political class needs to exert control that would only be acceptable against actual nazis, so you’re just going to call everyone a nazi while they are annihilating all individual liberties. Keep doing you though, I’m sure the new global government will be kind to the traitors who sold out their fellow man.
    “Everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi. I also hate it when other people use false equivalencies.” – Roxana Hadadi 2020

  • ricsteeves-av says:

    Great episode. Loved the head-exploder reveal! Can’t wait to learn more about Stormfront next season.

  • davejustdave0-av says:

    From a writing standpoint I get you not liking the Congress person being the baddie but I didn’t feel it was a both sides thing since clearly she a pathological lying killer using politics for power. I’m in the wait see mode for that tbh. I will say I almost thought Homelander might emotionally mature only to regress. 

  • shhh2322-av says:

    Everything must be filtered through the prevailing political ideology right?God I hate what the left has become. 

  • thelastoni-av says:

    Perhaps I am missing something, but doesn’t Annie absorb electricity?  Why did she not do that?

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    I got a definite Captain America – Civil War vibe from the scene in the basement where Butcher kisses his wife and the camera cuts to Frenchie, MM and Kimiko looking at him and smiling.Seeing Stormfront get the shit beat out of her by Kimiko, Annie and Maeve was DEEPLY satisfying.

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    I assume Victoria was the one who exploded Raynor’s head in the first episode. Anyone know why?

    And why did she kill Alastair?

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    Can anyone explain to me what Ryan did with his laser vision? I’m confused about how he cut off Stormfront’s legs, one of her arms and burned what looked to me to be the side of her head that wasn’t facing him. And how did he cut Becca’s neck? Shouldn’t it have been a burn?

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    Ellsworth from Deadwood

    You misspelled “Bobby from Supernatural”

  • thenewloon-av says:

    “There is, very clearly, a portion of this country that would love her more for this! We are living that reality right now!”No we’re not…you live in liberal looney toons land if you honestly believe that

  • jojlolololo8888-av says:

    Fantastic episode closing a great season.That left wing people feel offended because the AOC character (by the way I do not think she was supposed to be AOC, she seemed too much intelligent) was evil is mostly funny and pathetic, but we are used to it.The main problem with the season is it unrealistic description of politics and PR and public opinion. There is not a chance in the world that Vought could spin the multiple revelations about them and leave unharmed. It made no sense that the public would accept Vought explanation about compound V because the explanation was absurd and self serving and made no sense. Same with the Stormfront is a nazi thing (which by the way reveals to everybody that Vought was a nazi). No way anybody would believe them, since their answers are 100% absurd. And of course in the real world, Vought would be the first to be accused of the attack on the senate committee because that’s the only explanation making sense and it’s obvious they are behind it, they are the only one gaining from the attack. By the way, since Supes are created by Compound V, how isn’t it obvious to everybody that Vought is at least indirectly responsible for the Super Terrorists/ Vilains ? But nobody seems to see the link.And I was disappointed by the Edgar character, I hoped he had something more complex and intelligent as a motivation than money. It also makes non sense. Millions of Supes is not exactly good for business. But that’s the usual nonsensical description of big business by Hollywood, evil people thinking only about money and not understanding the basic consequences of what they are doing.

  • gregthestopsign-av says:

    I used to love this show until they had the gall to besmirch the good name of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with that heel-turn by a completely fictional character in a warped version of our own reality but then I should have expected such blatant right-wing propaganda from a show produced by two notorious Trumpists. I was so angry I put my foot through the TV and I will be sending Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg the repair bill!

  • bnsilver-av says:

    I’m not sure it’s clear that Neumann is in the pocket of Voight. I think she has her own agenda — which might indeed be the one she espouses in public, plus a little dirty business on the side to bring about those ends.But even if she is, I don’t think the message is that “the left is as bad as the right,” but rather that Capitalism can and will co-opt just about any ideology to serve itself.

  • sayre-av says:

    My immediate reaction after watching the finale was that The Boys wasn’t written as two separate seasons, which makes sense considering the accelerated production schedule. In fact, while there have been a few significant changes, so much more is back where we first found it. The Boys have split up again, Becca is dead again (for realsies this time!), Vought failed to get supes into the military/law enforcement, and, most importantly, Homelander’s mental instability is right back to being the show’s biggest threat. While some characters have changed, so many pieces are back in their starting places that it feels a bit like an extended sitcom episode.When it comes to themes, The Boys largely struggles to shake the grimdark nihilism that plagues Ennis’s comics. But someone on the writing staff is trying to craft a message about the cycle of abuse, and I desperately want that to be coherent. The show is rife with abuse, from The Deep playing both the abuser and the victim, to Butcher’s reckoning with his father and discovery that he and Homelander have similar demons, to Becca and Homelander’s struggle over making a better life for Ryan. Weirdly, it was legitimately touching watching Homelander interact with Ryan in the finale. He didn’t rush into fatherhood with selfless intentions, but he clearly related to Ryan on a level he hadn’t with anyone else. So, to wrap up this rambling thought, I’m really hoping there’s a greater message here, and the prevalent abuse isn’t just a crutch to make every character as fucked up as possible.

  • rossyp-av says:

    I don’t see why this episode was given a bad rating (by the reviewer and commentors) solely based on the assumption of something that hasn’t even been totally explained yet! Calm down people. Let’s take our heads out of our bums for a second.

  • perlafas-av says:

    That’s one big disappointment : the finale didn’t resolve anything regarding chekhov’s fly. Was it a miniature superhero who was accidentally stomped mid-season without anyone realizing ?Also, oh no, the AOC-like is a scheming murderer. Clearly the show means that progressives and nazis are the same. Except that, frankly, the show is all grit-and-cynicism, so, a white knight politician figure would have been all quite unlikely (unless murdered horribly, which I expected during last time’s splat-a-thon, and it’s not the option I prefer). And we don’t know her motives, which aren’t yet defined as “equivalent” to white supremacism. Vought-like corrupt corporations are still one step above, morally.That said, another forumer pointed out that this is an Amazon show re-designing a baddie as an AOC character (yes she is, everyone at least thinks of her, because of the age, the job, the skin tone, the charisma, and the general style). So it may not be gratuitous. Still, this twist functions because that character inspired trust and sympathy because of the real world. It is clumsy because, indeed, nobody saw her in black pupil trance during the previous headsplosion festival, but the reviewer really got the political/sentimental investment affect him too much (“My AOC, how d-d-d-d-dare they !?”). This episode was on a par with the rest of the series, including in terms of morality and nihilism. Which is : So-so. Kinda watchable. Nothing more or less.   

  • rprobe-av says:

    That was an awfully long review of an extremely mediocre episode. I think the author has a little too much time.

  • wilburn24-av says:

    The “false equivalency” was already long established by the show. Stormfront was introduced in the beginning of the season as an avid SJW, if you remember, before she turned out to really be a Nazi. It’s a perfect commentary on who many SJWs really are — individuals that don’t actually care about the values they preach, but just go in for the virtue-signaling and the power it brings. This show is smart enough to understand the hypocrisy of the current progressive movement, and the fact that purporting to identify with the oppression of minority groups is only often done so in order to mask one’s own privilege, corruption, and desire for power.

    • perlafas-av says:

      I agree with that comment. Not in the sense that the show is “smart enough” for this alt-right bullshit, but for the valid hypothesis that it features it from the get-go. I was a bit perplexed by Stormfront’s feminist stances which didn’t fit very well her ultra-conservative views, and the fact that she seemed at the same time outspoken about it and shy about her (not that unpopular) opinions. Both eager and reluctant to rub people the wrong way. But if she’s designed by people who share Wilburn24’s life views, her character makes more sense.

    • spacesheriff-av says:

      lmao you actually believe this

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      This is so dumb. Stormfront was never presented as an “SJW” just a media savvy Millennial type (which made no sense seeing as she’s 100 damn years old but whatever). And there are no nazis who pretend to be SJWs for clout but are really nazis underneath. There are plenty of hypocrites on the left but to say Stormfront is a smart critique of this is ridiculous. She never used “woke” language or anything. As I’ve said multiple types she was more akin to “alt right” internet women like Laura Loomer or Cassandra Fairbanks than to the non-existent phenomenon you’re describing

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Maybe an AOC analog was the wrong choice, but considering there’s “Progressive” politicians running unironically on guillotine imagery, there’s space to be made for something like they were going for.I mean, there are legitimate accelerationists within progressive spaces right now. But maybe it would have fit better as a white dude since we already had the “Pretty Nazi” in Stormfront.

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    With the big exception of The Watchmen, whenever a superhero story tries to delve into real-world politics, I have always found the results staggeringly idiotic. These are funny book characters, people. Maybe superheroes are not the best genre for thoughtful reflections on governing and electoral politics.

  • blaze0666-av says:

    WHY do the Boys keep using guns on supes when they have rarely seemed to actually work on them? You already know what Stormfront can do! This is just a waste of resources!

    apparently you’re not aware of thing called tactics. Sure, bullets are ineffective on most supes, however small arms fire can be used for a distraction. Frenchie did have those rigged up RPG’s for a punch. maybe would’ve worked, maybe not, the timeline of the battle field is always dynamic regardless how well armed you are.
    also, you work with the resources you have, sure, it looks like the odds are against you and you will die, but soldiers do what soldiers do, they fight.

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    At times, it felt like they were trying to squash two episodes worth of story into one, but ultimately it all worked so really who cares? Butcher swearing on Lenny’s soul was a bit of a gut-punch but I suspected that would also be the reason he’d change his mind. Good on ya, Billy! I love that Homelander is such a massive dick yet there’s always this undercurrent of… I hesitate to call it goodness, since we know he’s primarily motivated by adoration… the idea that he loves being a superhero, that makes him so unpredictable. I’m unfamiliar with the comic so his behaviour’s on a razor’s edge for me, as to how he’ll respond to any situation. Like how he flies Ryan away once he realises he’s in distress, and shows a little uncertainty at Stormfront’s “White genocide” comment, vs calling Ryan a little shit at the end. Anthony Starr is consistently excellent. The only thing I hoped for was a Cindy sighting, but I guess she’s in the wind until an opportune moment in season 3. 

  • jo8hi-av says:

    I guess that the Congresswoman wasn’t the supe before. That baldie from the asylum has shapeshifted or something. Cause I think her reaction t bursting of heads in that hearing was genuine. That’s my two cents.PS:I hadn’t read all the comments. So don’t mind if I had repeated the theory/speculation/whatever this is. :p

  • bembrob-av says:

    I’m really looking forward to see where they go with Homelander next season.
    From the very beginning, he’s grown increasingly unhinged and a little more frustrated with the world around him but there was always one thing or another to rein him in, whether it be Stillwell, Maev, Becca and his son and more recently, Stormfront. Those cards are played out and even the blackmail footage of the airplane incident won’t hold Homelander back for long.
    Now that he’s pretty much lost everything he’s cared about, in his own twisted way, and even his standing in the public eye is waning that masturbating over the city he ‘protects’, exclaiming “I can do anything I want” all but confirms he’s very near ‘fuck all’. (I’m not I’m using that term properly)Theory (possible spoilers): Homelander will go off on a homicidal spree, venting all his built frustration, making him the new supervillain for Neuman to rally support for her campaign and then once she wins, she’ll headsplode Homelander but Hughie working under her will start to see things are off and so this sets up a new villain for the boys to expose and take down.

  • hawkstwelve-av says:

    I can see AV Club is back at it again.“They say bad things about right wing extremism, yay! I love this show! It rocks and it’s so timely! What a great season so far!”“Oh, now they are trying to say something bad about my progressive side? What?! That’s not OK! This show sucks and has been sliding downhill for a while now!”Good God you people are pathetic. As a conservative, I think their critique of right wing extremism was well made and accurate and I had no problem with it. A little on the nose at times, but whatever – the white supremacists deserve it. For some reason though, you guys aren’t able to do that. You can’t handle critique of your own side and start pointing fingers in every direction when it happens. You literally praise a show more or less all season and then the second you think they are trying to make a point about progressives (which, I don’t even think they are making the point you claim they are making, but alas) you shit all over the show and start trying to find retroactive faults. Give me a break. Your blind partisanship is so acutely transparent. There are points to be made about both sides of the political ideological spectrum. Try not to get your panties in a bunch when it’s your turn for the spotlight.

    • killa-k-av says:

      As a conservative, Sorry, tuned out.

    • simulateur-av says:

      Thank you for this! Like other users pointed out, the show takes on a very grim view of politics, so it’s expected that they would showcase the hypocrisy present in both liberal/left and conservative/right ideology. A lot of the people who espouse “progressive” views (like Stormfront AND Neuman) do so for some sort of personal gain—be it power, material wealth, revenge, etc. Why does AV Club think only right wing conservatives are capable of the same? Who said The Boys restricts the debate to conservative critique/progressive apologia? It’s a nihilistic show; its message is not one of good versus evil because rigid moral systems in a post-ideological era are just absurd.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      “You can’t handle critique of your own side and start pointing fingers in every direction when it happens.” – so you’re implying they’re basically online versions of our President?

    • buh-lurredlines-av says:

      Vote for Biden, the REAL law and order candidate.

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:


    • pelusilla99-av says:

      Holy shit, the replies your getting. What the fuck? LMAO. I’ve always been a leftist and I REALLY don’t like any of the right’s ideals but everything you said here was true.And I’m not talking about “le centrism amirite”. Everyone here’s just freaking the fuck out just because of a surface level similarity. Okay, maybe they’re there, but so what? lol So what if they went and said “-Hey dude, an AOC-like character, but actually evil -Cool”? Is that really a reason valid enough to get all pissy about? That’s some asinine shit right there.

  • apov-av says:

    Anybody else notice that Jim Beaver’s character was named “Robert Singer?”God bless Eric Kripke, that magnificent bastard.

  • lronhumbug-av says:

    I dunno. I’m seeing a lot of people saying Neuman looks like AOC and therefore is a stand in for her but to me that really rings as some kind of “all lightly dark skinned women look the same”. Not wanna throw out the r-word but seriously, except for their dark hair they don’t look the same at all. And if I don’t misremember things from this season Neuman’s politics only seems to consist of anti-Vought/Supe stuff with the regular fake wokeness of the democratic party thrown in as flavour. Neuman always felt way more like an opportunist and a careerist and not as someone who wholeheartedly was into politics to reform the system into something good.
    And let’s not forget that a lot of black women and men were killed by police during the last democratic run with no reforms taking place so talking about the democrats as some kind of ‘good’ guys in the fight against systemic racism is kind of disingenuous. The democrats may be left of the republicans, but they are still a pro-corporate party that would be considered right-wing in the rest of the world.

    • perlafas-av says:

      Even if her skin wasn’t matte, she’d evoke AOC just by being a younger than average, good-looking congresswoman seeming simultaneously tough and relaxed and being a vocal political frontline spearhead.Her skin color choice is just a redundant way to emphasize the “yeah, we mean, sort of like her”.

      • tossmidwest-av says:

        The real kicker is that the banners in her campaign office show the congressional district she represents is in Queens, and I can’t really think of any particular reason the show would include that detail if they didn’t want to set up clear echoes of AOC.

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      Both the writers adn the actress have said they were referencing AOC

  • toasterlad-av says:

    I don’t get your confusion re: Stromfront at all. She has no problem being a Nazi, but she knows that being CALLED a Nazi is bad. She says as much! Her whole deal was to frame her movement as patriotism, and the very last thing she wanted is for people to associate it – and her – with historical Nazism. This is precisely the approach the Right takes today. Outside of the bottom-feeding morons who overtly wave Nazi flags, today’s white supremacists generally go to great pain to avoid being branded as Nazis: they are Americans seeking to protect their country from domestic terrorists resisting law and order. The fact that these “domestic terrorists” are legitimately protesting against the unjust treatment of black and brown people by the Government since before the founding of the country is absurdly glossed over. Like all racists. they want to BE racist without being CALLED racist, because they know enough to know that being viewed as racist is bad. They know they wouldn’t be getting kid-glove treatment from the media (the ones that ever so politely brand them as “militias”) if they lean into Hitler. Even Trump knows that.As regards the Victoria Neuman = AOC thing, I think you’re making some MAJOR assumptions. Neuman’s reveal as the Scanner-in-Chief doesn’t establish any kind of equivalency between Progressivism and Nazism, it merely sets the table for Season 3. Now, it’s certainly POSSIBLE that the show could try to make a both-sides bullshit fable out of this, but I don’t think we’ve seen anything to indicate that’s where they’re going with this. This feels more like a “things aren’t what they seem” moment than a “there are bad people on both sides” moment. We will need to wait for season 3 to know just what’s going on.And, as with Stormfront, Annie EXPLAINS her actions in the episode. She’s staying with the Seven so she can keep an eye on them, which is damn lucky for all the non-Supes of the world. SOMEONE has to.

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      As viewers we were at first encouraged to view Congresswoman Neumann as some sort of passionate and sincere activist against Vought and overall supe malfeasance on behalf of everyday people. The fact that the entire time she was exploding the heads of SEVERAL people, not all of whom were “evil” or whatever, makes her pretty much just as bad as Vought. So now she’s just another evil scumbag on a show full of them

  • theraceofspades-av says:

    It could be very possible that instead of a shapeshifter or Nueman being a supe herself, she could be under another supes control. A telepath with the ability to pop heads. It would explain why her eyes didn’t change at the hearing and she could be getting used as a pawn for a supe regime change within the government… Or vought could be using this supe to control her to do their bidding. The reviewer seems to believe there is only one or two options but I see many. Especially since the source material is not important at this point.

  • fioasiedu-av says:

    I don’t want to be that guy…but i feel like a lot of the questions raised in this review were clearly answered…eg what Annie is doing back on the Seven. Pretty sure she said someone had to keep an eye on them. And even if she hadn’t, given that shes been a spy for 2 seasons now, thats …easy to infer?Also why was StormFront upset she got outed as a Nazi. Erm… seriously? LolPlayOC wasnt meant to be seen as an undercover nazi either. Or the equivalent to one. But its more like politicians always have their own angles and motivations. Cynical perhaps, but untrue? Not really. Thats a bit different from theyre all equally evil. Esp since we dont know yet what her long game is.Some of the takes here just seem odd.

  • perlafas-av says:

    Just for the readers who claim that projecting AOC onto the Newman character is completely arbitrary from the viewers’ part :The role was initially described as a wunderkind congresswoman in the spirit of New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “All I drew from her were a few mannerisms: how she holds herself in a room and how she communicates something,” Doumit says. “Other than that, I didn’t want to completely have Victoria Neuman just be a carbon copy of AOC.”Source: https://ew.com/tv/the-boys-season-2-finale-twist/

    • roboj-av says:

      So you didn’t quite read and understand that last part that clearly said: “I didn’t want to completely have Victoria Neuman just be a carbon copy of AOC.”So, yeah you are projecting AOC on to her. Anything else?

      • rellengibbons-av says:

        Well, no, “in the spirit of New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.” means they did intentionally base this one on AOC. Anything else?

  • ogle81-av says:

    all in all it was a terrible season.

  • daymanaaaa-av says:

    WHY do the Boys keep using guns on supes when they have rarely seemed to actually work on them? You already know what Stormfront can do! This is just a waste of resources!Well they had an RPG with EMPs attached to it and they were planning to use it on her but when she initially attacked them it blew up. So if you’re just some guy what are your options? Try to hit her with the only weapons you have, go at her with your fists, or run maybe. 

  • yaksplat-av says:

    Because progressive politicians can’t be evil? Wake up.

  • pdoa-av says:

    Remember the one resident of the supe research facility that escaped, she was exploding people in the halls. I’m wondering if she’s related to the congresswoman somehow, they left that thread hanging.

  • gayunicorn-av says:

    Are we actually sure that Stormfront is really, really dead? To me it sounded like there was the slight possibility of bringing her back next season (without arms and legs and with only one eye but still powerful and dangerous).

  • didilosemyburneragain-av says:

    Naw. Because the equivalency isn’t about specific politics in the Boys. It never was. It was about the branding and marketing people do to try and accumulate power.

  • murrychang-av says:

    I feel like you think the history of the world of The Boys and the history of our world are the same, they’re not. I don’t think the show itself was saying anything about AOC being some kind of monster or Nazi equivalent, it’s just an interesting twist.
    This whole season really felt like the middle of a trilogy, imho.

  • thefartfuldodger-av says:

    Marxists every year for 150 years: We’re in late stage capitalism! It’s gonna end any day now for sure

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      I’m a Marxist and I never say late stage capitalism. I just say capitalism

  • psybab-av says:

    I’d just like to point out that while Neuman is clearly supposed to be an AOC analogue (man, shows have really been keen to ape her, e.g., Space Force), I think the more clever bit is that it notes on her campaign office posters that she represents NY-6. That’s currently represented by Grace Meng, but her immediate predecessor in that position was….Anthony Weiner.

  • mattsaler-av says:

    So all the stuff with the Cindy, telekinetic escapee from Sage Grove, was just misdirection? She even appeared in the Recap for the episode that contained the House of Exploding Heads scene, IIRC. Kind of annoying.

  • spacesheriff-av says:

    nobody’s gonna read this, but i felt like the ending was a bit cowardly, and i wanna articulate why before this entire series falls into my personal memory hole.first, it seems pretty contrary to the show’s cynical bent for the climax to end up being “good supes beat up the bad supes.” like, for a show that marketed itself on “these aren’t your daddy’s superheroes,” it sure did end with a punch-up between a bunch of costumed superladies. (Also, while the show has played fast and loose with how characters get from point a to point b, how did Maeve find everyone to participate in the fight? What even was her grievance with SF? Had they even interacted once this season?) also, i am extremely skeptical that the increasingly radicalized public would immediately disavow stormfront and her ideas after being publicly outed as a nazi. if you were to somehow produce incontrovertible proof that alex jones had direct, conscious ties to the actual national socialists, i honestly believe a huge chunk of his supporters would doublethink their way out of condemning him. “well, the left calls everyone they don’t like a nazi!” is something they already say right now. but the big one is butcher’s ending. butcher has always been the least interesting character in the show, and he has consistently resisted any kind of growth or character depth over two seasons. he is boring whenever he’s onscreen, and his arc with becca was extremely slow to develop. so i was quite interested to see how his character might evolve in season 3 when he’s trying to care for his wife’s superpowered child and be a good dad for becca’s sake, only for him to…give the child away to the literal CIA. like, i get that this episode was written before season 3 was confirmed so they had to leave some threads open for a potential continuation while still feeling like an acceptable conclusion. and butcher’s ending in this episode works really well if the series ended here — it ends on an ambiguous note, with butcher failing to change and still too afraid of repeating his father’s mistakes to raise a son, thus condemning another child to a life controlled by indifferent forces using him for political ends, creating another homelander. it’s a subversive ending that would be good if the series ended here. but since the series will go on, now it’s just a way to get the kid out of the picture for the next season, so that butcher can be the same prick he’s always been, without him having to change or have any meaningful development. i just don’t think i can take a third season that insists that he’s the coolest dude ever.

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      Mostly just wanted to let you know that I did read this and, while I didn’t agree with all of it, definitely found it a pretty good critique.On the Nazi thing I’ll say that I think if someone was able to somehow live as long as Stormfront and had been an actual part of the Third Reich who hung out with Hitler and Goebbels etc. that would be a bridge too far for pretty much anyone who didn’t openly identify as a Nazi. And there’s a difference between following the tenets of National Socialism and being an actual historical Nazi, who pretty much of every American knows were our enemies in World War 2I know what you mean about Butcher. I guess I just feel like the show is such an ensemble thing at this point he doesn’t bother me that much

  • thefanciestcat-av says:

    Maybe Cindy replaced Neumann at some point. Isn’t the last we see of Cindy her escape?

    Maybe we’re going to get a good story about a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The ending didn’t quite work for me, but I’m still onboard.

  • tigernightmare-av says:

    Am I the only one perplexed by Ryan’s highly selective and specific targeting? From left to right Butcher was behind Stormfront and attacker her, while Becca was facing Stormfront. Butcher gets knocked back and away from them. Stormfront is burnt and dismembered. Becca has just her carotid artery severed.

  • buh-lurredlines-av says:

    Progressive politicians can never be evil even on TV.

    (I voted Biden but seriously what kinda criticism is that?)

  • ibell-av says:

    First. It’s not AOC. This is a parody of the real world that plays on themes that, unfortunately we are currently dealing with. Satire, not truth.If you look at it as equivalent to the real world, then there is your first mistake. One thing that you did hit on the head, however, is the fact that this is politics and both in this story and in the real world of politics “both sides ARE bad.” The difference being that we actually have to live in this world and in this world we are forced to choose politically, not between “good” and “bad” choices, but between “bad” and “worse” choices.In this satire, I think a thinking person would rather choose a young narcissistic, politically savvy woman who by being associated with politics intrinsically points to flaws in her character, and an outright Nazi, would choose the non-nazi. As much as you may not be willing to accept this reality, this show has clearly made this satire functional, and that’s what makes it good. This show is constantly asking the question: not “who is good and who is bad?” but “who is bad and who is worse?”Thats real.

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      Obviously no one is dumb enough to think that the character literally is AOC but if AOC didn’t exist in the real world they wouldn’t have cast that particular actress and styled her that particular way, basically begging the viewer to make the connection

  • qwedswa-av says:

    The shows that have these short seasons are prone to suffer from the feeling that things are rushed or of having gaps. And I think part of it is the fact that they have to keep flinging BIG REVEAL! BIG REVEAL! BIG REVEAL! at people or else they wander off for some other shiny show. And we all know what happens to an expensive production if the ratings dip just a tiny bit.

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    no but you see the green new deal is just as bad as ethnic cleansing and furthermore

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    comments on this one are a wild ride. looking forward to season 3. 

  • ithinkthereforeiburn-av says:

    There is, very clearly, a portion of this country that would love her more for this! We are living that reality right now!

    And the “reality” is that that portion of this country is a tiny minority, blown vastly out of proportion by liberal media/politicians desperately sowing fear in order to attempt to damage the reelection chances of our current President.

  • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

    Looking through the comment section for this episode and I gotta say I’m . disappointed by how bad it is. Like some real “I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul” type shit. I wonder if it was linked on some right wing site or reddit or something

  • das-righteous-av says:

    Wow, over-sensitive much? Just because in this fictional world they made a progressive candidate be secretly evil doesn’t mean they are saying liberals = Nazi’s. Take a deep breath and give the real life politics a rest. If you can’t be unbiased and review a show without constantly injecting your personal political beliefs into the analysis, maybe this job isn’t for you.Also, suggestions that a large portion of the country would love Stormfront being a Nazi in the real world? Come on…

  • ruefulcountenance-av says:

    [COMIC SPOILERS GALORE]The exact nature of the Neuman reveal surprised me a little (I thought we were dealing with the escaped patient from a few weeks ago for the whole head exploding thing) but her being a villain did not – she’s a gender-flipped, far more intelligent Victor ‘Vic-The Veep’ Neuman, who is a Vought man through and through and, as his name suggests, VP of the United States (I think the President, Bob Schaeffer, might have been who Jim Beaver was playing). Vic The Veep in the comics is a Republican, forced upon the Schaeffer (not a Vought man at all), after Vought’s original choice, implied to be George W Bush, managed to kill himself with a chainsaw.On another note, the Stormfront beatdown is very reminiscent of a scene in the comics, again gender-flipped (The Female have been taken out of action earlier). Butcher gets the shit beaten out of him, but holds on enough for the back-up of Mother’s Milk, Frenchie and Vas (a Russian superhero alluded to in the hospital episode) to arrive and basically stomp the Nazi fucker to death. While this is happening, Butcher and the others give a speech about the different allies’ contributions in the second World War. The way it is delivered, with each person praising a different country (the US and Soviets for Butcher, the free French for MM), makes me think that sequence is a fuck you to the infamous ‘Do you think this ‘A’ stands for France?’ in Mark Millar’s The Ultimates.

  • rellengibbons-av says:

    I was ultimately disappointed by the finale because if it had followed through on the end of episode 7 and the start of episode 8 (Vought effectively managing to take over the government), it would have actually moved forward in a way, and increased the stakes. It would have made everything more risky and scary, and it would have been daring. Instead, the show essentially reset everything to status quo by kind of neutralising various threats, putting the Vought specter of supe cops back in its box, putting Annie back in the Seven, and even bringing the Boys back under Mallory. So I’m two seasons into this show and its state of affairs is stuck at, basically, season 1 episode 2, with some tweaks. Which is kind of boring. 

  • rellengibbons-av says:

    Also, how did Becca get a cut in the side of neck to dramatically bleed out from, when the two sources of potential violence in the scene were 1. Stormfront strangling her (blunt force) and 2. Ryan blasting the area with his laser eyes (burn damage)? That whole sequence of events was weird. It would have made more sense for Becca to just get roasted along with Stormfront because Ryan couldn’t control his laser eyes. But then, of course, Butcher wouldn’t have gotten the tearful farewell with Becca. So you have to contrive this specific type of fatal injury to do that, even if it doesn’t follow. 

  • mastermirror420-av says:

    What a shit review lol. AV Club has fallen off a cliff, Jeez.

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    Homelander stole the show the final 20 minutes. When he was covered in blood he looked menacing

  • thatguy0verthere-av says:

    What false equivalency?  Stormfront was a Nazi and the world turned on her. Rep. Neumann’s part in all this is unknown, and a fairly generic superhero cliffhanger.  This episode was a solid B+, at least.

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    authority, social engagement and other SEO factors. Not only that but we will
    also do a competitor analysis. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the
    process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing
    the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.
    We offer Columbus SEO services for local companies looking to beat competition.
    Call now. We Create Strategies to Fix On-Site & Off-Site Issues so Your
    Business Gets Found Online. 200+ Positive Reviews. Free Initial Consultation.
    Web Development & Design. Visit us for more info
    about Website SEO: https://seoaustralia.live/#about

  • sunny02-av says:

    Search Engine Marketing Melbourne has a giant scope in this
    world. It is the most easiest and wonderful way of marketing these days. There
    are challenges such as digital marketing techniques changes in no time. A
    professional digital marketer requires to be updated with new skills.Which one is the best digital
    or social media marketing?Digital marketing not a
    small pool but a social media marketing part of digital marketing. Its campaign
    needs to run successfully on (TV, Internet Advertising, SMS, and email
    marketing). On other hand, social media marketing just runs on Twitter,
    Pinterest, WhatsApp and Facebook.How
    seo is a part of digital marketing?The
    majority of people think that seo and digital marketing are the same.
    The fact is seo is a component of digital marketing. This is the core part of
    digital marketing. Numerous seo experts hire to rank their social media or
    website #1 on SERP. They try their experiences to get the expected results in a
    short time. Online marketing is the new trendy way to spread your
    brands to your potential customers. In which you tell them about your brand
    messages such as online marketing seo. Online marketing can be done by digital
    medium technology such as Televisions, smartphones, Laptop and billboards. There are ways to
    digital marketing such as email marketing, social media, online marketing seo,
    advertising, Google AdWords. Basically digital marketing help in promoting your
    business. It brings your potential customers through those channels where they
    spent most of their time. Now societies have been adopted by the internet for
    entertainment and brand promotion. It has produced new pathway for advertising
    and promoting engagement. While promoting business there are big challenges come
    along to online marketing, major purpose to attract, engage and turn the
    virtual visitor into a potential client. Now, these days marketing is more
    proficient and low-budget. Anyone can start marketing online such as online business
    and physical business by developing a website and running a customer
    acquisition campaign’s at a low budget. Marketing services and products have
    time to experiment with optimize improve their campaign proficient and return
    of Investment. SEO Australia live is a bespoke digital marketing agency in
    Australia. We deal with all types of E-commerce businesses like Shopify.
    Nowadays, everyone is moving their businesses online to make it convenient for
    their customers and to grow fast. Shopify’s headquarter is located in Ontario.
    It provides facilities as a retailer for those who want to open their store
    online. However, your product should be ranked on the search engine. If you want more leads than you have to make sure you have done Shopify Australia
    Shopify Australia. Boost your business and generate more revenue through the
    utilization of Shopify Australia SEO.We are an Australian
    SEO Company
    that specialises in delivering
    high quality SEO services that drive results. Our
    deliver top rankings and lots of traffic. Our SEO SPECIALISTS are comprised of industry
    leaders that develop affordable custom strategies across all digital platforms
    to help our clients profit more.· Keyword Research· On-Page
    Optimization· Analytics
    Tracking· Content Creation· Website AuditsWhy
    Choose Our SEO Services Australia?
    value of SEO for brands grows each day, but it takes an experienced team of
    developers and online specialist to maximize what it can do for your business.
    That is precisely what we provide. Our SEO
    Technical SEO, On-Page, and Content Marketing have helped dozens of brands to
    achieve the best results that they needed and deserve. Following are our
    seo services Australia;· Ecommerce SEO· Shopify SEO· Local SEOSkyrocket your sales by driving your website
    to the top of local listings.· Mobile SEOTo ensure
    your business is found whenever and wherever potential customers are searching,
    we make sure your website delivers an outstanding performance for all relevant
    search queries across all mobile devices.· Content SEOOur content, whether it’s on your web
    pages, your blog or your infographics, is great for your customers and search
    engines alike.SEO that drives results: How much would Page #1 Rankings
    help your business? Chances are, the answer is “a lot”. However, there are no shortcuts in SEO. Like a marathon you need to be in it for the
    long haul. You need a plan and you need
    to stick to it. We are here to help you
    through the whole process. From determining your keywords to analyzing results,
    we take care of it all.Research: Before any SEO happens we need to understand your
    business, your clients, your current marketing situation and most importantly
    you. We will learn everything we can to put together an effect SEO campaign for
    you. Strategy: After thoroughly
    researching your industry, your business
    and your goals we get down to the strategic plan for your campaign. We identify
    keywords and markets that are right for your business. The ultimate goal is to
    bring the right people to your site. Deployment:
    Now the hard work begins, we refine your onsite elements, commence technical
    implementation and make changes designed to get those rankings moving. We use
    our resource hours efficiently and effectively to get the best results for your
    budget. Audit: We review your
    campaign on a regular basis and tweak consistently to get results. We provide
    you with a monthly report and written commentary to keep you updated on your
    campaign. But if you’d prefer to chat,
    we’re up for that too. We are proud of our partnerships. We work hard with each
    of our clients to develop trusted, long term relationships that are founded on
    regular communication, innovation and campaigns that drive results. SEO content
    is content designed to rank on search engines like Google. Learn this process
    to create content that ranks.To understand what SEO content marketers mean, it
    helps to break the sentence into its parts:”SEO” refers to search
    engine optimization, or the process of optimizing a website so that people can
    easily find it through search engines like Google.By “content,” we
    mean any information found on the web and can be consumed on the web more
    information on the various types of content below.So, putting these two
    concepts together. SEOAustralia is a website optimization company created with
    the aim of attracting search engine traffic.I’m not going to tell you
    everything you need to know about optimizing your content for search engines
    here; that’s a completely different guide. But here’s a super quick refresher
    on what to do to optimize the SEO of your web content:Keyword Research – If you
    want to drive traffic through search, it’s best to do keyword research before
    you start writing. This way, you can focus on keywords for which there is
    already a certain amount of search volume; in other words, write about topics
    or find keyword niches! that people are already looking for information
    about.Content organization: Your site content should be organized logically.
    This is not only good for SEO search, but it also helps your site visitors
    easily find other related content. The longer they stay on your site, the
    better.Content promotion – Increase the visibility of new content you create by
    sharing it on social media and linking to your content both internally and from
    external sites. Visit us: https://seoaustralia.live/

  • sunny02-av says:

    for an affordable SEO services? We have affordable cheap
    services for you. SEO is more than just achieving good
    ranking than your competitors, it’s about getting quality leads and
    conversions. Our flexible and smart SEO SERVICES are designed to get incredible
    results that will boost your revenue. SEO Australia Live for website positions
    analysis, your website will be scanned and checked for on page, off page
    issues, domain authority, social engagement and other SEO factors. Not only
    that but we will also do a competitor analysis. This is a complete, hands-off
    monthly SEO service which includes on-page and technical fixes and ongoing
    off-page optimization (Link building) with different types of backlink. Our
    comprehensive approach towards search engine optimization allows us to offer
    you guaranteed SEO service. We are experts at what we do. We guarantee what we
    say we can do, we will do, and that’s why we offer performance-based SEO
    services which not only guarantee you higher search engine rankings but also
    guarantee risk free SEO services. Search engine optimization is
    constantly changing. Improve your website’s visibility & traffic yourself
    with our AI-powered SaaS software. Use our all-in-one SEO tool for as low as
    $5/month. Easy SEO Guide. Automated SEO Reporting. 24/7 Sales & Support.
    Trusted By Over 1.5 M. Website SEO Audit. An expert SEO provider is someone that knows how SEO works and how to
    apply SEO to increase the rankings of a website in Search Engines. An SEO
    professional is an SEO Expert that practices SEO as a profession either by
    doing SEO consulting, offering SEO services, or taking clients on a
    project-by-project basis. Turn the dial on your online visibility by contacting
    an expert today! What Does SEO Do? Often shortened as SEO, Search Engine
    Optimization describes the range. Our SEO Experts, will do an in-depth review
    of your site & give you a free SEO Audit Service, find out website
    weaknesses & strengths and discover why the site is not fulfilling peak
    efficiency. You are doing your business in Melbourne? Want more customer
    for your products? Grown your business faster on internet? Growing your
    business in a secure and profitable manner it is a most difficult achievement. Businesses for
    sale Melbourne
    !Everything in this World is gain by “run the extra mile”.
    Similarly in the case of businesses to increase more customer and traffic on
    your website is require just not seo but advance seo.It is the level where a set of expertise required to deal
    with the situation. Every professional has different levels and skills of
    expertise. Let suppose, you are not going to an expert in a few months.Steps to become increase skill?Advance seo requires a core concept that requires advance
    and difficult time. A lot of practice needs to understand Google’s algorithm.
    It requires a passion to learn and hard work.There is the following list of core seo. They help to rank
    on google.Getting more visitors at websites it increases traffic and
    converts into a customer.You can also generate leads from a blog post, social and
    sales page.• Website
    Audit• Should
    know users Intent• Develop a
    landing page and optimize • Mobile
    friendly• Create
    infographic posts• Provide
    optimize content to Rank.• Content
    length 700 to 900 and more than your competitor• Create a
    roundup blog.• Update
    your social posts with demanding topics• Take
    benefits of internal linkingThe value of SEO for brands grows each day, but it takes an
    experienced team of developers and online specialist to maximize what it can do
    for your business. That is precisely what we provide. Our SEO SPECIALIST in
    Technical SEO, On-Page, and Content Marketing have helped dozens of brands to
    achieve the best results that they needed and deserve. Social media marketing
    is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or
    service. Companies address a range of stakeholders through Social Media Marketing Companies Melbourne,
    including current and potential customers, current and potential employees,
    journalists, bloggers, and the general public. On a strategic level, social
    media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign, governance,
    setting the scope (e.g. more active or passive use) and the establishment of a
    firm’s desired social media “culture” and “tone.” Social
    networking websites allow individuals, businesses and other organizations to
    interact with one another and build relationships and communities online.
    Social networking websites are based on building virtual communities that allow
    consumers to express their needs, wants and values, online. Social media
    marketing then connects these consumers and audiences to businesses that share
    the same needs, wants, and values. Social media has provided multiple platforms on which businesses can
    brand, advertise and ingratiate themselves with their audience all at once,
    while also seeing what competitors are doing. Social media
    advertising is the creation of content that promotes your
    business or products on a social media platform, such as Facebook, Instagram,
    Twitter or LinkedIn. Social media advertising,
    also social media targeting,
    is a group of terms that are used to describe forms of online
    advertising that focus on social networking services. One of the
    major benefits of this type of advertisers can take
    advantage of the users’ demographic information and target their ads
    appropriately. Advertising is that advertisers can take advantage of the
    users’ demographic information and target their ads appropriately. When you are
    running many social media advertising campaigns at once, you can consider using
    a social media advertising tool to make bulk changes, automate processes, and
    optimize your ads. A few short words about intentionsIt’s important to note that if
    search engine traffic is your only target, your results are likely to suffer.
    To please both search engines who will reward you with high rankings over time
    and potential customers and repeat visitors, you need to offer value beyond
    search engine optimization. In other words, don’t produce “thin” content
    that is ranked and clicked, but does not provide any additional value to the
    search engine user. Sites that promote “thin” and low value content
    run the risk of being penalized by Google; they also tend to have high bounce
    rates and low conversion rates.Our SEO Service.When
    it comes to search engine optimisation there is no one size fits all. There are
    so many dependencies that can determine the ability of getting page 1 rankings.
    We will identify profitable keywords, not just the keywords that are returning
    the most searches per month, but ones that will allow for the most effective
    use of your marketing budget to deliver actual results.Visit us for more info about
    Website SEO: https://seoaustralia.live/#about

  • sunny02-av says:

    What are monthly SEO
    services? Monthly SEO service, also called ongoing monthly SEO services, are
    month-to-month SEO services that work to improve your rankings in search
    results. Most monthly SEO services include on-page and off-page optimizations,
    like keyword targeting, link building, content writing, and more. Our SEO
    agency Australia comprises of extensive industry experience which makes sure
    that your brand performs in an extraordinary way every time. Our team comprises
    of an experienced team of certified Google Engineers, who are keen to every
    emerging trends in digital marketing. Some of our, cure dental – dentist in
    Parramatta.We are aware, that one strategy does
    not fit every business, hence we listen to each of our customer requirements
    and custom design our strategy to overcome the challenges and comprehend to the
    requirements, with custom solutions for SEO Australia. SEO Australia live
    include in top
    SEO Companies
    on the basis of work. For more about SEO, SEO services
    help to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the
    chances that the site will be found and ranked highly by the search engine. SEO
    service providers offer a wide range of services such as keyword and key phrase
    optimization and research, technical website SEO audits, optimization of
    specific pages, robots.txt and sitemaps and additional tasks as deemed
    appropriate for the client’s website and business needs.Often SEO service providers will bundle types
    of SEO tasks and services into bundled packages, ranging from one-time fees for
    smaller sites to monthly subscriptions for ongoing SEO efforts and support.
    experts will perform an in-depth website analysis and review of your site and
    offer you a free SEO audit service, discover the weaknesses and strengths of
    the website and discover why the site is not achieving the highest efficiency.
    We will find traffic statistics, competitive analysis, and marketing strategies
    for your site. A website analysis is never complete without analyzing your
    backlinks. Audit who links to you, track your domain score, and your overall
    traffic metrics. This way you will see what works and what needs improvement.
    Compare website traffic statistics and website analytics with your competitors
    after getting our SEO services. Increase your market share and increase website
    traffic. Site speed no longer only affects your conversion rate, it also
    affects your site’s position in search engines. If you want to rank well, you
    need to do a thorough website analysis and not just look at common SEO factors.
    SEO is a permanent marketing strategy to help grow and rank my business, SEO helps build brand
    recognition, trust and credibility, SEO attracts and directs relevant online
    business traffic to your website, SEO work like Rank booster for
    your website, SEO provides the opportunity for sales conversions, SEO keeps you
    a step ahead of your competitors, SEO can reach specific interested target
    audiences, states, cities and or countries, Organic SEO generates sales leads
    without paying for an expensive Pay-Per-Click campaign. We combine our SEO
    expertise with your website and keyword selection to ensure that you receive
    the maximum amount of targeted traffic and dominate the online presence in your
    particular industry. We are highly motivated towards designing strategies that
    deliver measurable business impact. SEO is more than just achieving good
    ranking than your competitors, it’s about getting quality leads and
    conversions. Our flexible and smart SEO SERVICES are designed to get incredible
    results that will boost your revenue. SEO Australia Live for website positions
    analysis, your website will be scanned and checked for on page, off page
    issues, domain authority, social engagement and other SEO factors. Not only
    that but we will also do a competitor analysis. This is a complete, hands-off
    monthly SEO service which includes on-page and technical fixes and ongoing
    off-page optimization (Link building) with different types of backlink. Our
    comprehensive approach towards search engine optimization allows us to offer
    you guaranteed SEO service. We are experts at what we do. We guarantee what we
    say we can do, we will do, and that’s why we offer performance-based SEO
    services which not only guarantee you higher search engine rankings but also
    guarantee risk free SEO services. Social
    media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a
    product or service. SEO is the process of ranking
    higher in search engines such as Google, Bing & Yahoo, to increase traffic
    to your website. There are 200+ SEO factors that search engines use when
    considering who to rank #1 in Google. There are multiple ways to achieve SEO
    results. An SEO company will help create engaging content that users find
    helpful to their search query, which Google algorithms will reward.SEO Adelaide take a holistic approach to SEO. We will perform the
    following activities: Technical SEO Audit, Keyword Research, Local SEO (Google
    My Business), On-site SEO, Off-site SEO (Link Building), Website Migration and
    much more.We monitor the
    following results: Keyword Rankings, Organic Traffic and Conversion Rate &
    Leads from SEO. Our calculated, customized SEO game plan will raise your
    business’ rankings, therefore boosting your online presence with more exposure.
    Our integrated approach to SEO will not only improve your rankings, but
    increase leads and sales with our unique inbound marketing methodology. We work
    with you to create a clear plan; generating precise actions to ensure your SEO
    goals in a measurable, achievable & relevant manner. SEO is a permanent
    marketing strategy to help grow and rank my business, SEO helps build brand
    recognition, trust and credibility, SEO attracts and directs relevant online
    business traffic to your website, SEO provides the opportunity for sales
    conversions, SEO keeps you a step ahead of your competitors, SEO can reach
    specific interested target audiences, states, cities and or countries, Organic
    SEO generates sales leads without paying for an expensive Pay-Per-Click
    campaign.We combine our SEO
    expertise with your website and keyword selection to ensure that you receive
    the maximum amount of targeted traffic and dominate the online presence in your
    particular industry.We are highly motivated
    towards designing strategies that deliver measurable business impact. So that
    you get the most out of every marketing dollar you spend. We understand that
    every business and industry operates differently, and one strategy doesn’t fit
    all. This is why we take care to work out a tailored strategy for each client,
    while staying true to our unique approach. Want to understand what is SEO and how it works? Want to learn about SEO marketing and how to apply it for your
    own business? We’ve made this simple guide to teach you more about SEO
    meaning, SEO optimization, and SEO marketing. With this resource, you’ll be
    able to give your SEO definition and generate long-term results. SEO refers
    to the technical process of increasing the quality of traffic and attracting
    maximum visitors to your website. On the other hand, content
    marketing is focused on using valuable and relevant content to
    drive profitable customer or client action. SEO without content marketing is
    like a body without a soul. Search engine optimization (SEO)
    is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by
    increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search
    engine. Visit us: https://seoaustralia.live/

  • sunny02-av says:

    SEO can feel like a minefield of
    tech talk and smoke and mirrors. We’ll talk in simple language, keep you
    informed along the way and get your website seen by google. We handle it all, on site and off site to get
    your business ranking, leaving you, to do what you do best, Seoshop.SEO that drives results:
    How much would Page #1 Rankings
    help your business? Chances are, the answer is “a lot”. However, there are no shortcuts in SEO. Like a marathon you need to be in it for the
    long haul. You need a plan and you need
    to stick to it. We are here to help you
    through the whole process. From determining your keywords to analyzing results,
    we take care of it all.Research: Before any SEO happens we need to understand your
    business, your clients, your current marketing situation and most importantly
    you. We will learn everything we can to put together an effect SEO campaign for
    you. Strategy: After thoroughly
    researching your industry, your business
    and your goals we get down to the strategic plan for your campaign. We identify
    keywords and markets that are right for your business. The ultimate goal is to
    bring the right people to your site. Deployment:
    Now the hard work begins, we refine your onsite elements, commence technical
    implementation and make changes designed to get those rankings moving. We use
    our resource hours efficiently and effectively to get the best results for your
    budget. Audit: We review your
    campaign on a regular basis and tweak consistently to get results. We provide
    you with a monthly report and written commentary to keep you updated on your
    campaign. But if you’d prefer to chat,
    we’re up for that too. We are proud of our partnerships. We work hard with each
    of our clients to develop trusted, long term relationships that are founded on
    regular communication, innovation and campaigns that drive results. Digital marketing has a giant scope in this
    world. It is the most easiest and wonderful way of marketing these days. There
    are challenges such as digital marketing techniques changes in no time. A
    professional digital marketer requires to be updated with new skills. As a
    leading and trusted SEO agency we want to help your business climb through the
    search engine results pages to improve your visibility, traffic, and leads.No matter which stage you are
    stuck at, we help you make progress and navigate your marketing journey without
    locking you into any contracts. We have broken down the complex and tedious SEO
    process into smaller milestones that enables you to see quicker results in
    short space of time and without burning a hole in your pocket. Our approach
    makes the whole SEO process more affordable and trustworthy. As a Sydney SEO
    company we have helped many Sydney based companies and business’s rank on the
    first page of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), it’s important to note
    that our search engine optimization results are impressive also. We use our own
    SEO Sydney
    results as a
    yardstick. We rank #1 or #2 for SEO Sydney and various SEO related keywords.OUR PROFESSIONAL SEO SYDNEY
    SERVICES: Our Flexible and smart SEO
    SERVICES are designed to get incredible results that will boost your revenue
    .Following are our local SEO services;• More
    Traffic• More
    Leads• More
    Revenue• More
    Brand Awareness• More
    Business Growth• More
    Trust and AuthorityAll of our SEO EXPERTS are highly qualified with
    impeccable skills and real-world experience, with offices in Sydney. Our SEO
    EXPERTS know the Sydney market, your industry, and how search engines work. Put
    all these high quality resources together and the results are mind-blowing. Our core strength focuses on three factors; · High
    SEO rankings
    · Compelling
    · Catchy
    · If
    appropriately combined will bring in sales leads, customers, and ultimately
    more revenue for your business to grow.
    SEO Australia is a bespoke digital
    marketing agency in Australia. We deal with all types of SEO relevant work. Our
    agency provides the best SEO consultancy for your business to grow in a better
    way and we guide you step by step.dofollow

    Dofollow backlinks allow Google, or whatever search engine is being used,
    to follow them and reach your website. Basically, these are links that will
    pass on the SEO benefits of the website where it is built from to the
    hyperlinked website. Dofollow backlinks created from high PR and high Domain Authority
    sources will pass on the link juices towards a hyperlinked blog. This will
    improve its ranking position significantly in search engines. This means that
    when doing SEO, it’s important to concentrate your link
    building activities on sources that allow you to build these kinds of
    links. Dofollow backlinks will remarkably enhance a business’s link profile and
    improve their page rank–what more could you ask for? Building backlinks is
    still the most effective way to increase SEO rankings and traffic. But you have
    to be cautious with how to build quality backlinks. We’re now at a point where
    only “white hat,” or ethical, link building methods still work. It’s basically
    impossible to beg, borrow, steal, or buy quality backlinks in a way that
    will boost rankings. For site owners that used to rely on shady link-building
    tactics, this is bad news. But if you’re willing to put in the time it takes to
    earn valid links, it’s still entirely possible to boost your credibility (and
    rankings). I’ll explain six smart ways to earn legitimate, high-quality
    backlinks that will help show Google and other search engines that your site is
    worthy of high rankings. authority

    Many businesses frame and hang up the first dollar bill
    they ever earned. It’s a reminder that they were able to overcome the initial
    hurdles of opening a business. For webmasters building a link strategy, their
    first authority backlinks is the
    equivalent of that first dollar earned. But if you get a backlink from a site
    with a high Domain Authority ranking, then that’s something to tell everyone
    about. In most cases, though, a high-quality backlink is worth way more than a
    buck. Some businesses pay thousands of dollars to get a single DA 80+ backlink.
    Domain Authority (DA) is one of the most important
    metrics when it comes to websites. Developed by SEO Australia, the DA is a
    reflection of how popular and trustworthy a site is. While there’s no official
    range for “good” or “bad” DA rankings, it’s widely accepted that sites with a
    score of 80 or higher are in the big leagues. We’re talking sites like the
    NYtimes.com, HuffingtonPost.com, and Time.com. If you earn a backlink from one
    of these authority sites, you’ll get a ton of benefits. Your own site’s DA will
    go up, your SEO will improve, and you’ll get more traffic. But getting
    backlinks from big authority sites is much easier said than done. I’ve seen
    people try their absolute hardest to get high-DA backlinks, but they ultimately

    “Off-Page SEO” refers to all of the activities that you and others do away from
    your website to raise the ranking of a page with search engines. Though many people associate off-page SEO
    with link building, it goes beyond that. Many activities that don’t result in a
    standard link on other sites are important for off-page optimization. On-page search engine optimization happens within the site, while
    off-page SEO happens outside the site. If you write a guest post for
    another blog or leave a comment, you’re doing off-page site promotion. Off-page
    search engine optimization is not just about links. It goes deeper than that. For example, brand mentions (your site
    URL or brand name mentioned on another site without a hyperlink) are an
    integral aspect of off-page search signals. As smart bloggers and content
    marketers, we usually start with on-page SEO. But we don’t stop there. Because, to a large extent, the things
    that matter to Google often happen away from your web site. Depending on your marketing goals, the time you spend on off-page
    search engine optimization will vary. Dr. Pete Meyers from Seo
    Australia observed that many web site owners spend about 30% of their time on
    off-page factors, and 70% on on-page factors. For other web site owners, those
    percentages are reversed. 
    Social Media Advertising 
    Social media has
    provided multiple platforms on which businesses can brand, advertise and
    ingratiate themselves with their audience all at once, while also seeing what
    competitors are doing. Social
    media advertising is the creation of content that promotes your
    business or products on a social media platform, such as Facebook, Instagram,
    Twitter or LinkedIn. Social media
    advertising, also social media targeting, is a group of terms that are used to
    describe forms of online advertising that focus on social
    networking services. One of the major benefits of this type of advertisers can take advantage of the users’ demographic
    information and target their ads appropriately. Advertising is that
    advertisers can take advantage of the users’ demographic information and target
    their ads appropriately. When you are running many social media advertising
    campaigns at once, you can consider using a social media advertising tool to
    make bulk changes, automate processes, and optimize your ads. 
    Web Analytics 
    experts will perform an in-depth website analysis and review of your site and
    offer you a free SEO audit service, discover the weaknesses and strengths of
    the website and discover why the site is not achieving the highest efficiency.
    We will find traffic statistics, competitive analysis, and marketing strategies
    for your site. A website analysis is never complete without analyzing your
    backlinks. Audit who links to you, track your domain score, and your overall
    traffic metrics. This way you will see what works and what needs improvement.
    Compare website traffic statistics and website analytics with your competitors
    after getting our SEO services. Increase your market share and increase website
    traffic. Site speed no longer only affects your conversion rate, it also
    affects your site’s position in search engines. If you want to rank well, you
    need to do a thorough website analysis and not just look at common SEO factors. 
    On page SEO 
    Are you having difficulty ranking
    your website on the first page of Google? Worry no more, you are in the right
    concert. I would take care of all your on
    page SEO and technical SEO
    to rank your website for your specific keywords on Google. Take advantage of my
    strategy developed with years of experience! You can get a ton of organic
    traffic from search engines but first you have to optimize your content so
    search engines can rank you. I’ll do Premium on page SEO and incorporate all on
    page Optimization according to search engines terms and condition. On page
    optimization refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the
    website in order to improve its position in the search. If you just launched
    your site and are trying to find out what aspects of SEO. Including a keyword
    in it will indicate to search engine what to rank the page for.Visit us: https://seoaustralia.live/ 

  • poolwise-av says:

    Pool water required cleaning once in a while. An automatic pool chlorinator is a piece of tool that automatically dissolve chlorine as you know chlorine is an anti-germs agent, into your pool. Rather than putting the chlorine directly into your pool using a floating chlorinator or by pouring in liquid chlorine, you would place it into your automatic chlorinator and allow it to do the rest of the work at your defined setting rate.In Australia or anywhere in the world the pool is essential part of the summer. Maintain your pool for the summer after the winter can be drag. If you have a pool and it covers with the dirt or leave there is no good in that. Cleaning the pool can be raff for you. From getting rid of the leaves in the pool to maintaining the chlorine level in the pool there are tons of things that you have to go through. We want to make it clear that this article will focus on automatic chlorinators and not chlorine generators. An automatic pool chlorinator plugs directly into your pool pump and water filtration system and sanitizes the water returning to the pool. The major benefits of the automatic chlorinator is that, it can easily dissolve or put the chlorine steadily from outside the pool. You don’t have to add manually chlorine into the pool you just attached it to the pump and let it handle rest of the duty. If you have the pool that is above the ground or you want a pool that is above the ground style then make sure you buy the chlorinator that can work on that kind of pool.The volume of your pool is also effect the chlorinator performance because some of them are design to clean 40,000 gallons of water and 8ft deep. On the other side some are designs for smaller pools. So, you must make sure that you use the perfect size of it according to your pool size.The pool cleaning chlorine are available in 4 different forms granule, powder, liquid and gas. The form you use is depend upon what form of your chlorinator used to sterilize the pool.If you’re going to shop around for a swimming pool chlorinator, you’ve probably noticed that you have two available options in-line and offline chlorinators. The purpose of these are same but cost is little bit different. That main difference lie how they are attached or installed.The in line chlorinator is directly attached to the pump and filtration system while the offline system installed on the side of the system and connected with the tube. Pool maintenance is a tough job that required a hard working. If you can handle this you’re a tough guy otherwise you have to hair our best in town pool service Perth for your pool cleaning and maintenance.After opening your pool for the summer season, it is important to keep up with regular maintenance. Proper maintenance and upkeep of your pool is necessary to keep it clean and safe throughout the whole summer. During the pool season, there are semi-weekly, weekly, and monthly pool maintenance tasks required but these task required for swimming pool clubs for home pool the weekly and monthly maintenance is enough. Here’s a checklist of the important details you should look for when maintaining your pool throughout the season.Mostly pool owners use the chlorine to clean the pool water but there are other ways like using the chlorinator, filters and salt chlorinators.There are three different ways to add the chlorine in your pool which are given below: • You can add it by your hand manually.• You can use of install the salt chlorinator which is most commonly used in Australia.• And by installing the liquid chemical feeder.We provide the best quality pool pump in Perth. Our product are reliable and most efficient and there life spam is also higher than other local pumps. Regardless of whether it is for wellness or relaxation we guarantee that our item makes your water perfectly clear to make your entire experience unusual. If your pump does turn on, but loses power, it could be overheating. Try running the pump during the night to avoid overheating. If this does not work, check the bottom vents of the motor to make sure there is nothing inhibiting the fan.Brush the pool Use the pool cleaning brush to brush the side and bottom of the pool and push the dirt towards the draining system so this way it can be vacuumed easily. Check the water levelThis is the one of the important thing to maintain and check the water level in the pool. Especially in the rainy days. The water level must maintain at the approximation level. Because in low level the skimmer cannot work properly.Test and adjust the chemical levelsThe chemical balance between the chemical of the pool is a top priority. Because it helps to maintain the pH of the pool if the balance cannot be maintained it directly related to your health and skin.If you’re not in the mood to clean your pool by yourself and summer is on the edge and your family want a cleaning pool? Do not worry about this anymore we are here providing the best pool maintenance service in Perth Australia. If your busy and do not have time to maintain your pool let our experts handle your pool we take your pool to 0 to 100 just I couple of hours.With cleaning the pool we also make sure that everything else in your pool like draining system. Filters etc. all things are working just fine so you do not have to face any kind of accident in your entire summer. Cleanliness is an important part of our lives and if we don’t keep it clean we can get sick. In the same way, if we don’t keep track of the pool, we can make ourselves and others sick. They don’t bathe in the pool. People don’t let the pool stay clean and spit in the water somewhere. Sometimes the dirt in the pool gets jammed and if we don’t take this dirty water again, we spread diseases to each other which is very dangerous. Nobody likes the dirty pool. To get the memorable experience of swimming we make sure of it for you we providing the excellent pool cleaner service in Perth. It takes a lot of chemicals to clean the pool. We have the best chemicals to clean the pool like water.The pool is very dirty in the winter because of the pool band, so we have to clean the pool twice a week in the winter. We can acid wash a pool without draining the water or damaging the surface. Remember, many people mistakenly believe that acid washing is a ‘cure all’ for swimming pool stains. The truth is, it is not. In fact, in many cases acid washing does not remove pool staining and this leaves clients furious. In fact, we have removed many stains from pools that have already been acid washed only a few weeks earlier. So, our website provides a pool service Perth to his customer. We are a professional Perth based services and maintenance team who will get your pool in tip top shape ready for you to enjoy. Just sit back, relax and we will take care of all your pool needs, including the ugly green pool, those stubborn stains, replacing tired worn-out equipment, general pool cleaning and much more. So, sit back and get ready to go swimming.The automatic method of pool chlorinator is the most eco-friendly and cost effective method to keep clean your pool water. If you use the salt in your pool it make sure that your pool water chemistry remains balance and decreased the eyes and skin irritation, and it reduce the chemical usage in the pool as I already describe it’s a eco-friendly method. It improve the quality of your pool water. This is the latest technology to clean the pool water. It’s basically used to disinfect the water from the harmful bacteria and also control the odor of different kind of minerals that grow in pool, cooling water towers and water tanks etc.Without the proper sanitation all kind of pools and spas can create bacteria that can cause the serious health risk. All the factor like dirt, tree leaves and odor can also cause the growth of harmful bacteria.The pool chlorinator has the following benefits:• Decrease the virus and harmful bacteria to the minimum level.• Control the slim and fungi growth.• Maintain the pH of pool water at the body and eco-friendly level.• With this system installed at your pool you DO NOT need any more extra chlorine for your pool water.These type of chlorinator is very effective and they are totally automatic they also come in different design and deferent type of fitting. These system contain on power cell and salt cell along with the salt that been dissolved in the water. The salt remain in the water a t do not evaporate only small adjustment of minerals are required only in the case of rain or heavy water loss. The pool chlorinator or salt water chlorinators are highly recommended for you home pool or spa you can get it on our online web store with just some click so for any further query please visit the site below:https://poolwiseliving.com.au

  • poolwise-av says:

    If you’ve been restricting your swim time to daylight hours,
    you’ve been missing out on half the fun of owning a pool. Yet, nobody need to
    swim in a pitch dark pool. Who knows what may be lurking in the deep end?
    Adding a light-emitting diode (LED) pool light or two (or ten) will let you
    brighten up the night and have twice the fun. And ward off swamp monsters
    looking for new homes.Moving up to LED pool lights will likewise permit you to pick up
    a couple of advantages you may not have thought of, including how much cash
    you’ll spare contrasted with conventional enlightenment. Additionally, it’s
    simple and fun. Taste the rainbow of choices accessible, and make the most of
    your swim even after the suns accomplished for the afternoon.Brighten up your backyard with a new pool light system. Make
    night swims a reality when you install a LED light system so you can enjoy your
    pool during the night and the day. Browse through the full color spectrum to
    find your favourite color and illuminate your pool. Don’t know how to install a
    pool light? Leave it to our team of experienced professionals.
    How Does an LED Pool Light Work?
    Swimming around evening time is
    more secure and more fun with a pool light. Around evening time, submerged
    lights can help swimmers see their environmental factors, just as supporting
    any lifeguards in watching the water. Submerged pool lights are normally
    utilized halogen bulbs, however nowadays the utilization of LEDs is expanding.
    The water around the light installations goes about as a cooling specialist to
    assist with circulate the warmth produced from them.Pool lights are designed to
    minimize risk of injury from electricity—the whole light fixture is tightly
    sealed against water entering for exactly this purpose. Pool lights also
    usually have a ground fault circuit interrupter. How Do Pool Lights Keep Dry
    Pool lights are firmly fixed and
    calculated to keep dry. The glass is thick for additional security, held in the
    pool by a solid grasp or screw. On the off chance that a bulb
    should be transformed, it tends to be pulled above water and displaced.If you need to install pool
    lights in your pool, you can contact us.To get the perfect experience of
    swimming we make sure of it for you by providing the best pool cleaners
    service in Perth. We provide the both the pool cleaning service and pool
    cleaning equipment’s if you like to clean your pool by yourself you can have
    all the basic equipment that you need just, you give us the call and we
    delivered them at your door step.To clean the pool first you have to
    remove the pool blanket and then add the chemical for water cleaning into the
    pool now leave the pool for 24 hours to dissolve the chemical if you drain the
    water then it will be great so you can use fresh water for better experience.
    Then you have to clean the pool floor and walls then edges long story short
    it’s a lot of hard work and may take couples of days. If you need
    to clean in your pool, you can contact us.We provide the best quality pool filters in Perth. Our product are reliable
    and most efficient and there life spam is also higher than other pool filter.
    Regardless of whether it is for wellness or relaxation we guarantee that our
    item makes your water perfectly clear to make your entire experience unusual.
    If your pump does turn on, but loses power, it could be overheating. Try
    running the pump during the night to avoid overheating. If this does not work,
    check the bottom vents of the motor to make sure there is nothing inhibiting
    the fan. We provide the best pool filters like Magna Flo Sand Filters, Magna Flo
    Cartridge Filter, Astral ECA550, Astral ECA650, and Davey Crystal-clear
    Media Filter and Davey Eco Pure Media
    Filter.We will supply you with good pool
    service. If you need anything else related the pool, so, you can contact us.Even a minor scratch or crack on
    your new spa is a bummer. Luckily, there is plenty that can be done to
    restore your hot tub to good-as-new! We’re going to walk you through the
    decision process and how to fix each damaged area.It’s important to realize that even
    small cracks or abrasions should be handled hastily. Scratches and cracks can
    start out small and quickly get worse if not dealt with soon after they’re
    discovered. If left for an extended period of time, you’re putting the inner
    electronic workings of your hot tub at risk for exposure to the elements –
    namely water. If you want to repair your spa in Perth so, you can contact us. We provide the best quality pool covers in Perth. Our product are reliable
    and most efficient and there life spam is also higher than other local pumps.
    Regardless of whether it is for wellness or relaxation we guarantee that our
    item makes your water perfectly clear to make your entire experience unusual.
    If your pump does turn on, but loses power, it could be overheating. Try
    running the pump during the night to avoid overheating. If this does not work,
    check the bottom vents of the motor to make sure there is nothing inhibiting
    the fan.Everybody Else enjoy summertime unique those who love to swim
    and also need to own a great time across your swimming pool. While using the
    enjoyable and also swimming pool essentially probably the most significant
    issue is basic protection which you have to be secure and sound from the
    swimming pool. When you might have pool on your own home then you definitely
    have to get the most of the essential pool equipment , it incorporates all form
    of gear such as swimming Themes, Chlorinators, Heat Pumps, Cleaners, Pool Pumps
    and pool stall, analyzing fixtures and port etc.. These would be the
    fundamentals to your swimming pool at your home.We give that the best pool supplies for all you personally. That
    incorporate things like all type of tools such as cleaner, filter along with
    also a number of different activities. Pool Vacuum is just one of many
    optimal/optimally pool equipment that are employed in Pool cleaner. Pool Pump comprise
    all form of crucial apparatus including station, cleaner along with also lots
    of diverse points. Pilates is possibly the toughest motion since it comprises
    lots of chemical muscle tissues to get the job done effortlessly from the plain
    water. No matter whether or not it really is for health or comfort we assure
    our thing leaves your own water absolutely clean to create your whole
    experience odd. If a pump will not switch, however, loses electricity, then it
    might be overheating. Consider conducting the pump at night time to prevent
    overheating. When it doesn’t do the job, assess the base vents of this engine
    to ensure that there isn’t anything arming your admirer.Thus, you’re able to get our item by phoning us
    08 9375 2544 or may see our site and then set arrange that there
    enable us function you while within the appropriate method.https://poolwiseliving.com.au/ .

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Season one is fantastic, but season two is more dour. The issues become
    more noticeable the longer you spend within a narrative. The cliffhanger
    was so fantastic that the aftermath struggles to live up to it. The
    pace is less zippy & the humor more sporadic. Hughie exhausted all
    his prodigy moments. In fact he’s mostly a liability.

    Geography gets really wonky too. How’d The Deep know to get to the Atlantic Ocean & how’d he get there so fast from Ohio? It’s also a much longer ride from Flatbush to Rochester than the finale
    implies. Queen Maeve comes out of nowhere for the climax.
    Neuman isn’t much of a character at this point, so it’s unclear whether
    her strategy is counterintuitive or not. It’s implied she’ll be a Big
    Bad next season. Since they just wrapped a “political media darling is
    secretly a psychotic murderess” arc, it seems too early to repeat this.

    At least Ashley got Homelander’s shamebaby into Cats!

  • michaeldnoon-av says:

    Got in to the series late, so I just finished it up. I think it’s simply “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Combined with incredible CGI, great acting, great casting, classically attuned writing, great direction, production, and cinematography (the sound is often lacking though)….it is an amazingly good series. The f***ing TENSION of this show is off the charts now. I am concurrently watching The Expanse and there is no comparison in the excellence of The Boys at every level versus that tropey mess.

  • retalhuleu-av says:

    Iiiiiii don’t think the congresswoman being the secret head-popping villain is some “false equivalency” or missed opportunity for this show to make some great political point. I think they’re just writing a tv show and the same thing that always happens is happening—they’re running out of ways to hide the egg. Also I don’t think this lady is necessarily the one that did all the head popping in congress maybe? (what was the point, then, of introducing the OTHER head-popper at the Sage facility? The one with the shaved head? What happened to her?). Whatever, in any case, the fake-AOC character was just kind of bad writing. They’re keeping a lot of plates spinning and trying to one up themselves and it’s kind of typical. It’s a great, fun, show that’s kind of smart and also pretty dumb. The point about her looking hysterical and also not like she’s concentrating on using her powers during the c-span attack, but then blazed out when she kills the Scientology guy is a great observation. It’s super inconsistent continuity. And I think it’s just kind of late-game-of-thrones level sloppy writing. They were hoping you wouldn’t think too hard about it. There’s a lot of this:
    1. How did Ryan’s lazer-eyes deploy exactly? In a way that spit-roasted Stormfront Anniken-style from the limbs-inward, yet created a single, shrapnel-type injury to his mom’s neck? Like, why wouldn’t she also be burned instead? They could have just written a better way for that to happen; it didn’t need to be so nonsensical.
    2. How has Hughie afforded food the last two seasons? Does he have a bank account? Savings? He worked at Radio Shack for several years living at home so that’s possible I guess.
    Conversely, Stormfront screaming that her nazi roots are a ‘fake news’ is not inconsistent with her character, or with naziism historically. Those guys were suuuuper secretive through the 20’s and 30’s till they got in power and even kept the “final solution” from everyone except the inner inner circle for the beginning of the war. She’s supposedly from that actual cohort, and had been hiding these artifacts for decades—just like the actual nazis who fled to Argentina or Texas and tried to run out the clock. That part was actually kind of realistic.

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