
The Changeling review: LaKeith Stanfield leads a stunning horror series

Character is the key ingredient in Apple TV Plus' heartfelt adaptation of Victor LaValle's novel

TV Reviews The Changeling
The Changeling review: LaKeith Stanfield leads a stunning horror series
LaKeith Stanfield and Clark Backo in The Changeling Photo: Apple TV+

“A baby is a dream made real / But dreams are faeries’ favorite meal.” This is a line we encounter numerous times throughout The Changeling, the television adaptation of Victor LaValle’s fairytale horror novel of the same name that premieres September 8 on Apple TV+. And it suitably sets the dark/light tone this show builds: There’s the dream, here’s the threat. It has a haunting beauty and is properly scary. It’s a bit like Lovecraft Country, something adjacent to Helen Oyeyemi’s fiction, and includes certain elements of gothic literature and Shirley Jackson’s style. (It’s no surprise LaValle has won the Shirley Jackson Award for his work.) The author describes having been inspired to write this story as he engaged in “pain in the ass” new dad behavior, including posting compulsively to social media after the birth of his first son. This led him to ponder how casually children can be put into dangerous situations, which brought him, of course, to fairy tales. (There are so many ogres eating babies in those things. Seriously, they have a problem.)

And man, is this ever a beautiful portrait of fatherhood, as only a deeply devoted parent can paint it. LaValle has clearly brought his authentic self to this. Show creator/writer Kelly Marcel granted him input on all scripts, he was invited to set daily (around his family’s schedule), and was given an executive producer credit. He also shows up to narrate the thing. And so, naturally, this feels like his voice, perhaps a semi autobiographical work, but definitely one that stemmed from his own parental existential dread. Lakeith Stanfield, a father himself and an actor whose body of work resonates with Lavalle’s style of storytelling, so beautifully portrays our hero (and seeming LaValle stand-in) Apollo Kagwa. It’s perfect casting. He’s understated, mostly, but can burst into gleeful moments of theatricality when moved by joy, doing voices and putting his whole body into his bits. He’s also genuinely funny for a lead in a scary show, a credit to the writing as well as his own comedic sensibility. And he can translate Apollo’s pain so palpably that we feel it in our viscera.

That could have something to do with the fact that what he experiences in this is truly gut-wrenching. It’s nightmarish, especially if you have kids, but there’s some body horror in there, too, to make us all wince. Without spoiling too much, let’s just say harm does come to the child, Apollo’s baby boy, Brian. And it does dance with postpartum psychosis. After their child is born, his wife Emma Valentine (Clark Backo) keeps receiving mysterious photos via text, photos that keep disappearing before Apollo can see them. Meanwhile, neither of them are sleeping, which drives both deeper into madness as the texts keep coming (and vanishing), deepening the growing rift between them. That is, until something unthinkable happens, leaving Apollo alone to make sense of it all and navigate a frightening, hidden world that unfolds for him.

There are so many interesting threads in this terrifying tale, including a literal one that Emma has tied around her wrist by a bruxa in the Brazilian woods that allows her to make three wishes that come true when it’s cut. (Two are normal and known to us; one is secret and creepy.) Some other narratives involve a Norse curse, an occult Facebook mommies group called “The Wise Ones,” weirdness with Apollo’s mom and estranged dad, as well as Emma’s childhood baggage (really serious baggage, actually). If that sounds like a lot, it kind of is. It’s not too tough to get lost in the proverbial woods here, but even when we do, this show has established enough trust through competent storycraft that we catch up—and know it’s worth it.

The Changeling’s secret weapon is its characterization, with each actor in this cast embodying their respective role so richly. We believe Emma and Apollo’s romance as we see them joke and play. In their early courtship, he tells her one of her eyes is bigger than the other and means it as a compliment. But we also see them support each other in small, familiar ways early on (when these two still have the capacity, before hell breaks loose). We believe in their broader family relationships: his with his mother, an impeccable Adina Porter (just wait ’till later in the season, good lord does she shine), and hers with sister Kim (Amirah Vahn). Somehow the most heartwarming of all, though, is Apollo’s bond with his friend and business partner Patrice (Malcom Barrett), a veteran of the war in Iraq who can jab him for looking like Master Blaster with his son strapped to his chest, but also threaten to destroy a rare book they’ve acquired before they can sell it if Apollo ends up hurting himself. They all feel real and warm so that the more fantastical elements of this story can land.

The Changeling — Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Even the mundane details feel special here. We see Apollo fuss over first foods, suggesting they feed Brian avocado, not sweet fruits, so that he won’t reject savory flavors down the line. They struggle to sleep. They argue with his mom about baptism and pass on their favorite songs and stories their own imperfect parents have imbued them with. There’s so much beauty here while still keeping the focus on the grim stuff.

There’s a relevant, important theme of believing women, too. (If seeing delusions common to postpartum psychosis being validated as real and worth following as fact will trigger you, you may struggle with this show.) When kids are involved (let’s face it, when mothers are involved) many people tend to squirm as they see certain choices play out. At the same time, classic fairy tales don’t hide from the hideous things. They embrace and expose them, with some rhyme, rhythm, and repetition thrown in there for a little structure and safety among the unimaginable. And that’s how The Changeling makes its magic, too.

The Changeling premieres September 8 on Apple TV+


  • daveassist-av says:

    I suppose it’s the oft-used word “changeling”, but I kept thinking that I’d heard of another film by that name.  But Wikipedia doesn’t bring up anything that satisfies the bell in the back of my brain.

    • fg50-av says:

      There was a movie named “The Changeling” which was made by Clint Eastwood and starred Angelina Jolie several years ago.

      • brianjwright-av says:

        And the 70’s movie with George C. Scott. I would’ve thought Wikipedia would be throwing Changeling movies at you like mail bombs at oil executives.

        • gesundheitall-av says:

          That’s the really famous one, definitely (the 1980 one). Was the more recent Angelina Jolie one a remake of that? I assumed it was at the time but never bothered to investigate.The original was great. Creepy as hell

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I did a paper for a graduate seminar on Jacobean playwrights, having been assigned The Changeling by Thomas Middleton. It’s about appearance vs. reality and “madness” is a theme. It’s about disguise.
      In European folklore, fairies abduct human children to strengthen their stock, replacing them with ‘children’ who are deformed in some way. There aren’t any children in Middleton’s play, though. It’s considered a great tragedy, but I mostly just found it monotonous and confusing.There’s an episode of Outlander in which the main character finds a changeling child. That’s the only reference I’ve seen in a screen treatment. It’s an interesting idea though. Makes me think of Jordan Peele’s Us, a narrative that features child-swapping.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        Changelings crop up a bit in Irish myth * and were a major plot point of the ( really underrated) Trollhunter series.( *in Irish folklore Faeries /Aos Sí/Duinne Shidh whatever you want to call them are at best tricksters at worst psychotic cruel creatures that you do not want to fuck with. They are about as far from the sparkly winged cute little ladies as you can get. Weird fact is that practically no person in Ireland was persecuted as a witch , as the failed crops, sick animals,trauma etc that was assigned to witches elsewhere was regarded as faery fuckery instead.)

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          No witches in Ireland. Very interesting.Thanks for the tip about Trollhunters. I didn’t know about it but I should have as del Toro created it.

    • daveassist-av says:

      Thanks for the responses!

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    This looks good and I’ve liked Stanfield since the wonderous Atlanta. Not comfortable with foregrounding “postpartum psychosis” however. And I won’t likely do business with Apple again.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Is this a remake of the George Scott or Angelina Jolie movie?

  • gesundheitall-av says:

    I’m two episodes in and this is the type of show that deserves episode-by-episode write-ups because of the sheer scope of it. So much to track!

    • mhcoons-av says:

      Right?! Maybe next season. Seems like it’s set up to keep going, which is good news for folks who rated this season an A-.

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