The Curse recap: “Under The Big Tree”

Every time these two try to do good, they can’t get out of their own way

TV Reviews The Curse
The Curse recap: “Under The Big Tree”
Benny Safdie as Dougie in The Curse Photo: Richard Foreman Jr./A24/Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

I know The Curse is supposed to be a comedy (and it’s a cringe-inducing one at that), But can we talk about how every episode turns up the Lynchian vibes to give us plenty of scary moments that will haunt us for a good long while? “Under The Big Tree” ends on one of those moments. For there is nothing scarier, I find, than Asher trying to be “funny.” And yes, that demands to be put in quotation marks because my god can Asher (Nathan Fielder) only ever approximate what it means to be actually funny. He’s sometimes like an AI simulation of an awkward regular guy, with all the glitches in human kinds of comedy as you’d expect.

But the fine line between humor and terror Asher’s sense of humor straddles (see also his delivery of “Ah, spank you!” or his attempt at impersonating an old man) is all over The Curse. Indeed, we haven’t had quite as discomfiting as intro as this week’s: You know you’ll be disoriented when you’re forced to witness Dougie (Benny Safdie) waking up…in his car…with the words “under the big tree” written on his hand. What does this mean? What kind of mystery does it open up?

Perhaps in true Dougie, the mystery is both simple and absurd. Turns out he bullied a few underage kids into giving him their key cars to avoid them drunk driving and saw fit to bury their keys not under the biggest tree around (per his hand) but under the thinnest, skinniest one around. This all seems like an excuse to further show how committed Dougie is to being a walking Don’t Drink And Drive PSA…and also a reason for him to randomly excavate a piece of pottery he’ll squirrel away as a keepsake.

I’m burying the lede, though: Flipanthropy got picked up! For 10 episodes. And with a few exec notes (namely, less of the building community angle…more flipping houses into eco-friendly homes). But Asher and Whitney (Emma Stone) are now about to maybe become household names. Which is great news for their business venture. Less great for their community-building message, which, arguably, is already backfiring.

Take Vic, their first home buyer in Española. Sure, he improbably decided to live in one of Whitney’s mirrored, passive homes. But he also likes his stir fry and thus did away with his induction stove (hello gas!) and knows his packages are being stolen (hey constant surveillance!) and has put the neighborhood on high alert. He’s clearly not interested in either of Whitney’s plans for these homes (a gas stove makes the home no longer passive) or her bigger plans for a slew of newcomers who are, as she’d promised her neighbors, “in harmony with the community.” Indeed, much like his new home, he’s all too happy to be quite insular and insulated from his neighbors—all of whom Whitney has a ball saying hi to on her way to gently nudge him toward, well, not being an asshole about his packages and printing one of those “Package Thief!” flyers that are all too common in gentrifying areas.

Their interaction reminds us of the many pitfalls of gentrification. Which Whitney and Asher want in an abstracted sense (as in they need to sell these homes to those who can afford them) but not in any real sense (it’s also why they’re trying so hard to not focus on how much they’re displacing locals in the process). Such blindspots are all over how Asher and Whitney operate: Every time they try to do good, they find they can’t get out of their own way, their own biases eventually laying bare how much they don’t notice that they’re the problem (cue a certain Swift song).

Like, the only reason Asher is dropping by with food for Abshir (Barkhad Abdi) and his daughter is because he’s still deathly afraid of the curse young Nala put on him. A curse he remains convinced is real. And yet it’s unclear how all the home repairs he’ll do on their apartment (he sets out to test for mold this time around) will do him any good.

Likewise, Whitney’s decision to help Fernando land a security job is hampered by her insecurity about him carrying a gun right outside her store. And rather than confront him (lest she be taken for that kind of white lady), she farms out the request to her employee, who happily engages with Fernando and presumably gets him to agree to leave his gun at home. She’s so attentive to others’ privilege (like Vic’s, say) that she remains blind or oblivious to her own. Therein lies the crux of The Curse, a series about the bumbling ways in which well-meaning white folks carelessly cause distress and destruction when they move through the world thinking they’re the only ones making it better.

Stray observations

  • Quick costume poll 1: Dougie’s Guns N’ Roses tee or Whitney’s Greenpeace tee? (Trick question: correct answer is Vic’s Seinfeld one.)
  • Quick costume poll 2: Whitney’s bucket hat or Asher’s cowboy hat? (Trick question: correct answer is NEITHER.)
  • Did you catch Whitney saying “I can’t believe this is happening to me!” while on the phone with the HGTV exec?
  • May we never hear Fielder say “Uncle Asher” ever again. That was rather scary as well.
  • Whitney walking into a spiritual retreat sort of space (replete with platitude-laden neon lights) felt like a brief respite from all that’s happening in her life… curious to see if it goes somewhere or if it’s just another reminder of the makeshift communities Española is assembling already.
  • Dougie claiming he was cursed (and that’s what led to the accident that still haunts him) is…well, fucked up is one way of putting it.
  • Asher’s instinct to retrieve Vic’s $70,000 induction stove is a good one. But as with all thing Asher, it backfires. He doesn’t want to be seen on his security cam and so refuses to help his worker haul it up unto the pickup truck (“C’mon! You’re jacked! You got this!”) only for it to fall and break.
  • In case anyone wanted a quick comedy 101 lesson, here’s what was on the board during Asher’s corporate comedy class, which Whitney obviously pushed him to attend so as to improve his onscreen comedy chops: “Be Honest. Don’t [TRY TO BE] funny. Rule of 3.” Namely: all three rules Asher broke simultaneously.

Stream The Curse now on Paramount+.


  • bdub711-av says:

    Induction stove was $7k not $70k. Fun episode. Will be interesting to see if anything develops out of Dougie’s curse beliefs 

  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    Again, does Emma Stone do anything in this show? From all the recaps, it’s just the Nathan Fielder show, which leads me to believe it ain’t that great a HGTV parody – if you ever watched an HGTV show, they’re enirely women-driven. 

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      I wonder how HGTV feels about their name being used in the show.It’s not been very flattering so far. Are they desperate for any publicity?

    • killa-k-av says:

      It’s not trying to be parody of an HGTV show. Admittedly, I’m passingly familiar on HGTV shows at best, but the HGTV show is just one aspect of The Curse. Though FWIW, Dougie and Asher have a conversation about how the HGTV show they’re producing (and what homes/homeowners it features) is entirely Emma Stone-driven.And again… if you’re curious, watch it. Knowing that Emma Stone delivers a predictably outstanding performance isn’t going to affect whether it’s for you or not. It’s weird as fuck and you’ll know before the end of the first episode whether you’ll want to keep going. I fucking love it.

    • steveinstantnewman-av says:

      You do realize that you can actually watch this show, yes?

    • sethsez-av says:

      If you mean The Curse, then I don’t know where you’re getting that Emma Stone doesn’t do anything because they cover what she does pretty well, and this is fairly evenly split between Asher, Dougie and Whitney.If you mean Fliplanthropy, it doesn’t really cover what she does on the show because she’s a perfectly fine HGTV-esque host for the most part. Asher is the one who keeps fucking that side of things up.

  • blackmassive-av says:

    if i could be un-greyed somehow, that would be cool.thanks!

  • tigheestes-av says:

    Am I wrong to want Fielder to have appeared in the very special Christmas episode of The Bear instead of Mulaney? Seems like his awkward, nervous energy would fit in well with the general anxiety of the show in general and that episode in particular.

  • tigheestes-av says:

    You upgraded the stove quite a bit.  $7,000 is a a lot to spend on a range/oven combo, but $70,000 is a different category entirely.

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      The weird thing was he had a surveillance camera. Did he put that in after? He seems like a guy who would’ve put that in right away, if it didn’t come with the house.

  • killa-k-av says:

    I can sense I’m in the minority, but I’ve felt since the beginning that Asher IS funny, just not when he’s put on the spot, or on camera. He has a tendency to act goofier when he’s with people he feels comfortable around, and from the characters’ reactions, I feel like they find him funny too. Whitney can discern between the silly Asher and the On-Camera Asher that tries way too hard, which I think is why she’s so frustrated with him after she tries to re-enact their tug-of-war with her sweater.Then this episode comes along, and Fielder cranked the cringe up to 11. I got nuthin’. He was annoying af.I laughed at “You’re jacked! You got this!” though.

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      To be fair, he was as funny as anybody in that comedy circle, even if the sound was kinda shocking. He didn’t use words though, so he was within the rules.But Jeezus, that rage, or whatever that was, that was boiling up in him while he was waiting his turn though? That was freekin scary. That’s not gonna end well. That’s not gonna end well at all.
      Something made my GIF all jumpy, and I don’t have time to fix it tonight, but if you saw it you know it.

  • toastedtoast-av says:

    This is peak Fielder acting. He’s so intense and deeply disturbing. I had to pause the comedy workshop scene 3 times!

  • aliks-av says:

    It’s on Showtime, not Paramount+.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      Both actually, they’re owned by the same parent company or something.

      • aliks-av says:

        I have Paramount and definitely can’t watch this without paying for Showtime 🙁

        • badkuchikopi-av says:

          Ah, sorry apparently you need “paramount+ with showtime.”I just pirate it, but I heard people saying they watched it on paramount plus and didn’t realize you needed to pay more.

  • ladytron2000-av says:

    Can’t do anything except focus on Emma Stone’s ridiculously dark eyebrows. WTF?I thought maybe it was residual dye left from the Lanthimos film, but caught a glimpse of her on SNL & they’re still like that!Just like Mila Kunis. So distracting. And awfully done.

  • grrrz-av says:

    I feel like you could play a drinking game with this show; everytime you pause because it’s too much cringe you drink. you’d probably wouldn’t go through though.

  • drobertsimg-av says:

    Dougie definitely murdered his date, right? I’ll feel totally let down if that didn’t happen.

  • dripdrip-av says:

    So, four episodes in, you know it’s spelled “Fliplanthropy” right?

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