The Invisible Man's Elisabeth Moss on monsters, metaphors, and being labeled a "fearless actor"

Film Features Elisabeth Moss

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The titular “monster” of The Invisible Man may be unseeable, but its themes—of abusive relationships and their lasting impact on victims—are loud and clear. That brazen metaphor is exactly what drew Elisabeth Moss to the project, writer/director Leigh Whannell’s fresh take on the classic Universal Studio horror icon. Ahead of The Invisible Man’s February 28th release, we spoke with the actor about the film’s relevant themes, and why horror has always been such a potent vessel for exploring real-world issues. Moss also told us how it feels to be labeled a “fearless actor,” and explained how coffee grounds were part of one of The Invisible Man’s more difficult scenes to film.


  • cinecraf-av says:

    I can think of some labels for her…collaborator…cultist…

  • kinjasucksbutyoudont-av says:

    What does she have to say about Scientology?

    • erictan04-av says:

      Devil’s advocate here… what do Catholic actors have to say about the Holy Inquisition and pedophile priests?  There are more Catholics than Scientology members. How does her being into Scientology have anything to do with you and your life?

      • sashay666-av says:


      • theeviltwin189-av says:

        Last time I checked, the Catholic Church, which has done openly wrong, didn’t actively harass and try to ruin the lives of ex-members and critics. Oh, and also charge insane amounts of money for what are basically self help courses and trick people into signing up for indentured servitude.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Last time I checked, the Catholic Church, which has done openly wrong, didn’t actively harass and try to ruin the lives of ex-members and critics.Oh, and also charge insane amounts of money for what are basically self help courses and trick people into signing up for indentured servitude.”

          How much does the Catholic Church pay you to pretend any of this is true, you fucking ignorant fuck?

      • Mr-John-av says:

        “But whatabout…”She was promoting this film, under the guise of it being a story about giving power to victims at the same time her cult was persecuting the rape victim of Masterson.

      • nightfox1-av says:

        Cuz it’s a “legit” religion based upon a bible, an actual dang Bible, and not the “science fiction” ramblings of Hubbard…. Huge difference. It is difficult to take the Scientologists seriously.

      • erictan04-av says:

        Interesting replies, folks. Thanks for playing.

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    a truly fearless actress would tell us where Shelly Musgrave is buried 

    • gargsy-av says:

      Good point. And any altar boy knows all of Catholicism’s secrets, right?

      Also, who the fuck is Shelly Mugrave?

      • nightfox1-av says:

        I don’t know who is Shelly Musgrave either. That’s funny……But too many F bombs there buddy, not really helping get your point across, and then also you’ll get tuned out.This Invisible MAN movie looks atrocious BTW. I guarantee it is.

      • tshepard62-av says:

        That would be Shelly Miscavige, the wife of cult leader David Miscavige. She disappeared into the foul bowels of the Cult of Scientology 14 years ago and hasn’t been seen since.Now go be a good little cultist and go root through Leah Remini’s trash….Xenu is watching you.

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