The Kingsman universe will continue to expand until morale improves

Aux Features Film
The Kingsman universe will continue to expand until morale improves
Screenshot: YouTube

No one’s saying the first Kingsman, released way back in ye olden days of 2014, wasn’t a good time (give or take one anal joke), and though the sequel was enjoyable enough (if a bit long), it’s hard to imagine watching seven more of these things. But if Matthew Vaughn has his way, that could be an option for people who are into the idea. Per Deadline, Zygi Kamasa, the CEO of Vaughn’s Marv banner, recently said that the filmmaker has “something like seven” Kingsman sequels in mind. Given the delayed release of Kingsman prequel The King’s Man and filming restrictions due to the ongoing pandemic, which has also pushed audiences more toward streaming platforms (you know, because there’s nowhere to fucking go), a reasonable person might assume that those seven projects could be turned into a TV series. But Vaughn’s got ya there, too, because in addition to the film sequels, he’s plotting a TV series and two or three other franchises set within the Kingsman universe. It’s all starting to sound a bit like that time Universal revealed plans for a Dark Universe, which did not go over well but did gift us with one of the most hilarious promotional photos of all time.

For now, The King’s Man, which stars Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, Daniel Bruhl, Gemma Arterton, and a bunch of other handsome jerks, is scheduled for a February release—though that seems likely to change again.


  • robert-denby-av says:

    Not looking forward to the inevitable Kingsman/Avatar crossover.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    I’d watch it but, knowing that Mark Millar is making royalties off this franchise, I’d rather not.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    “It’s all starting to sound a bit like that time Universal revealed plans for a Dark Universe, which did not go over well.”

    Well aside from the fact that Kingsmen will be founded on the back of a two successful movies and the Dark Universe was announced before any of those films were released.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    yeah, i mean it’s not hard to come up with 7 different ideas for spy movies.

    • dirtside-av says:

      7 different ideas? You got a lot of faith in Hollywood, pal.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I mean they barely came up with 2. The second one was already the British spies go to America and the character that died in the first one is inexplicably alive.So I’m guessing the third is they go to France? The King’s Man wasn’t even supposed to be in this universe. They apparently used Find and Replace on an existing script….

      • ospoesandbohs-av says:

        You sure? It’s credited to Vaughn and Karl Gajudsek with a story by Vaughn.

        • lmh325-av says:

          I went back to look and I will admit I overstated it a little bit and my original source did retract the idea that it was a fully formed screenplay, but essentially Matthew Vaughn tells it as he had an idea for a movie that would be like The Man Who Would Be King and when he didn’t think he could get funding for that, he retrofitted it to be a Kingsman movie because he figured they’d make that. 

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        i didn’t say they’d be good or fully formed ideas!

    • paraduck-av says:

      It’s going to be a wealthy megalomaniac trying to take over the world, rather than make a huge and steady income off of it without drawing attention to themselves like IRL. Or someone trying to start World War III for ideological reasons. Or someone trying to avenge themselves at the hero or his group no matter the collateral damage. Or some combination of those.The only thing standing in their way – in this particular franchise – is a “private intelligence service,” whatever the hell that’s supposed to be.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    I guess the Kingsman movies are trying to be “Bond, but younger and hipper”. Personally, I think that’s a fool’s errand (Bond movies have done okay with younger generations for the past 50+ years), but if you are going to go that route, I preferred Vin Diesel’s xXx franchise, which seems to have died.

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      I never got around to xXx: The Return of Xander Cage; I remember being bored by xXx but enjoying xXx: State of the Union (though that could’ve been entirely due to lowered expectations).

      • paraduck-av says:

        The one with Ice Cube had an interesting twist on the Bond opening titles, I guess, and Sam Jackson is enjoyable even when phoning it in. And that’s pretty much all I remember about it.

    • light-emitting-diode-av says:

      I mean there’s a market opening up with the F&F series ending.

    • bogira-av says:

      Generally Bond-esque parodies die after the first 2 or 3 (Flint, Austin Powers, etc…) because they’re usually built on one actor and generally are cheaper knockoffs of the higher quality product. With Craig stepping down here and the likely next 007 being a PoC or a woman for atleast a movie or two I find it hard to believe the Kingsman who’s so entrenched in that 2000’s Millar style of subversive just because and lacking substance makes it hard to believe they’ll hang around that long.  The Boys works because there is an actual point underlying it, The Kingsman EU doesn’t…

      • TRT-X-av says:

        If they cast someone other than a white guy as Bond it’s almost certain some studio is going to try to seize on the blowback to launch their own white male bond ripoff.

        • bogira-av says:

          I figured as much, what you’ll see is the first movie will do relatively well, maybe not outsell the official Bond film and then they’ll fade because Bond has the cache of cultural significance.  

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Or they’ll do fairly well because the people who lose their shit over a non-white and/or female Bond will glomp on to it…and then they’ll double down on appealing to that audience in subsequently lower budget DTV sequels and get progressively bro-er while missing the mark of what worked with Bond.

          • bogira-av says:

            Are they really different trajectories?  I mean, I was taking the polite road, you were taking the more realistic one..Both result in the same sort of fervor.  It really depends on if the Bond franchise backs off OR if the knock off goes full KKK in their desperation.  We’ve already found that defending whiteness while good at getting that dying MAGA market to buy-in isn’t a billion dollar tentpole maker.  Plus, you do kind of literally have the Kingsman series already clearly doing that, with the subtle racism in the first one (and the lengthy articles discussing the use of Obama as a secret evil prop).  I mean, it isn’t like a 2nd white/Trump Bond-esque knockoff would have more staying power.

          • burneraccountbutburnerlikepot-av says:

            A POC Bond makes sense because in modern England his race wouldn’t be as essential to the character as it was when the franchise started (i.e. its hard to envision anyone other than a white guy in the 60’s working his way up to MI6 super spy and then sneaking around Soviet-era Russia unnoticed), but a female Bond would be idiotic because Bond’s masculinity and gender are hard coded into the character. It would be like making Wonder Woman a dude, or Black Panther Chinese. It just doesn’t make any sense.

      • mrdalliard123-av says:

        This post reminds me of how disappointed I was in the Get Smart movie. It had great source material and Carrell was a good choice, but it ended up being forgettable. The terrible spin-off sequel did not help. 

        • bogira-av says:

          I can’t even remember it beyond it being terrible and they explained the age gap between Carrell and Hathaway as ‘cosmetic surgery’ because she was the same age.  

    • perlafas-av says:

      Mission Impossible does it quite successfully.

      • paraduck-av says:

        Younger and hipper than Bond? Tom Cruise may look 15 years younger than his real age, but he’s still pushing 60.

    • apollomojave-av says:

      I think the real dynamic is that Bond doesn’t want to be Bond anymore so Kingsman is trying to claim that pop culture space. I get that they don’t want to be compared to Austin Powers or whatever but Craig-Bond is a joyless misanthrope who hates gadgets, is too serious to quip, and just generally looks and acts like he hates every aspect of his life. They’ve gone so far in distancing themselves from the classic Bond character that it’s basically a different franchise at this point.Kingsman has realized there’s still space for more traditional Bond stories that are unabashedly tongue-in-cheek with a Bond-character who has some fucking swagger and villains who are over the top evil cartoon characters.

    • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

      I think they’re trying to be “Fucking hilarious riffs on James Bond tropes.”

    • paraduck-av says:

      Jason Bourne filled that niche pretty well in his early films.

  • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

    No one’s saying the first Kingsman, released way back in ye olden days of 2014, wasn’t a good time (give or take one anal joke), and though the sequel was enjoyable enough (if a bit long), it’s hard to imagine watching seven more of these things. They said pretty much the same about the Fast and Furious movies.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    They bringing back Roxy/Lancelot? Otherwise, I don’t care.

    • kerning-av says:

      Gawd, I hope so.I mean, 2nd movie is fun and enjoyable to watch, but killing her off was the worst. She was a neat character in first film and there’s lot of room for development between her and Eggsy in second film. What a waste…Roxy coming back in 3rd film would be neat, she could have underlining sense of vengeance against Kingsmen for failing to protect her or at least make her a wild-card third-party against both Kingsmen and another villainous organization, like Rebecca Fergusson did so incredibly as Ilsa Faust in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        Roxy surviving makes a whole lot more sense than Colin Firth making it!…and seriously, that was the single biggest issue with #2

      • burneraccountbutburnerlikepot-av says:

        Killing her off immediately was so ridiculous I actually laughed when it happened. Especially because her whole story arc of overcoming her fears or whatever became effectively pointless. It’s like when the little girl dies at the start of Alien 3 – it pretty much ruins Aliens because there’s no longer any reason to care about the character. All you can think is “ditch the little brat Ripley and get the fuck out”.

        • kerning-av says:

          BOOM! This ^^^^And I like to think Alien 3 & 4 doesn’t exists and that Alien and Aliens will always be its own complete story (I enjoyed Prometheus and Covenant for what they are, though… even if they could have been so much more in the end). Too bad that Neill Blomkamp never got his chance to make the real sequel to Aliens the way we all wanted… although given his track record after District 9, maybe that would always be a pipe dream.I really hope that The King’s Men would be worth the hype because if not… I don’t think the franchise would have solid legs to have any additional entries.

          • paraduck-av says:

            Alien Resurrection is actually a lot of fun if you can get over what film it’s meant to be a sequel to. And since I’d rather pretend that Alien 3 doesn’t exist…

          • burneraccountbutburnerlikepot-av says:

            I love Alien Resurrection despite its use of the rag tag group of misfits trope. It’s so fucking dark and twisted, it’s great. 

          • paraduck-av says:

            You can’t exactly say they end up getting along or anything.Also, Sigourney Weaver looked hotter in this than she did 18 years earlier. The swagger fit her well. I kind of wish Ripley had fucked Johner. I don’t mean them going steady or anything (ELLEN + DWAYNE 4EVER), I mean a quick lay just for fun. This Ripley looks like she remembers fun.

      • radarskiy-av says:

        “She was a neat character in first film”She was willing to shoot the dog. She can go fuck herself.

  • toddisok-av says:


  • nothem-av says:

    Enjoyable enough sequel? That’s very generous.

  • missphitts-av says:

    It’s fine, I’m not even mad. I’ll watch em all on cable when they eventually hit. 

  • awkwardbacon-av says:

    A++ title. Would read again.They’re fun movies, but it would help things if they’d stop slaughtering their entire fucking cast every movie. I’d like to feel like I can enjoy somebody other than Eggsy without knowing that they’ll die horribly before the end of the movie.

  • gildie-av says:

    The Obama stuff from the first movie really hasn’t aged well. 

  • TRT-X-av says:

    and though the sequel was enjoyable enough (if a bit long)
    I mean…sorta. Once you realized the promos showing Lancelot were a misdirect and she’s killed off in the first act it was kind of a bummer.Kept waiting for her to come back and help save the day in some big reveal.

  • franknstein-av says:

    I found it a good joke and Ill stick with that.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      No, sex as a prize does not align with Eggsy’s moral growth.Also, fuck those who keep dismissing the objections as inconsistent squeamishness about the act itself.

      • franknstein-av says:

        She’s offering it and clearly enjoys it. Nothing wrong with celebrating saving the world with consensual sex in my book.

  • noturtles-av says:

    *Love* the title of this article.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    There’s at least one more film worth of juice in these films, based on the promise of Channing Tatum at the end of Golden Circle. But Colin Firth isn’t getting any younger.And these films are only as good as their villains. Poppy was just not as interesting as Richmond Valentine.

  • dhammer94-av says:

    Remember when 22 Jump Street joked about how they could continue to make sequels forever and then everyone moved on to other projects? 

    • burneraccountbutburnerlikepot-av says:

      I’m still legitimately angry that they scrapped the 21 Jumpstreet Men in Black crossover. That would have been seriously amazing. 

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    1st one was really fun. Loved everything about it, part 2 was so just there that I’ve never watched it a second time. Not really up for any more parts but I’m probably in the Minority.

    • nightriderkyle-av says:

      I like that they’re the only movies that do stylized R-rated violence. That’s the main selling point for me.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Bro if you want a Kingsman sequel then I can recommend you mine. It stars Ryan Reynolds, Nathan Fillion and Red Velvet as the heels.

  • bad-janet-av says:

    I fucking despise these movies and their success will forever be baffling to me. But I do love Mark Strong and his very shiny head. 

  • johnny-utahsheisman-av says:

    First one was way better than i expected and SLJ and crew seemed like they were having a good time. Second was too long and mean for the sake of being mean. Poppy turning all her henchmen into literal hamburgers?? 

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