The Mandalorian has something to say in this new trailer for the Disney+ show

Aux Features TV

The first trailer for Disney+’s The Mandalorian was a lot of context-free images, establishing a Star Wars-y tone and introducing some of the major players in Jon Favreau’s upcoming show, and tonight Disney dropped a brand new teaser that is… largely the same, but better. See, the first one made you wait until the very end to hear Werner Herzog say some ominous stuff about bounty hunting, but this one lets the soothing tones of Herzog’s character guide us through the galaxy like a particularly gloomy starship. There’s some more action this time around, with Pedro Pascal’s unnamed space-gunslinger dispatching some dudes in a cave and later annihilating a small group of Stormtroopers with a truly unfair level of skill, but then the big moment comes right at the end: The Mandalorian speaks! It doesn’t give us any hints toward the big “spoiler” that has been teased for the show’s first episode, but it’s good to know he won’t be one of those silent cowboy-types.

The Mandalorian will be available on Disney+ at launch on November 12.


  • burgersmash1-av says:

    On the internet they say the internet troll’s heart grew three sizes that day. 

  • corvus6-av says:

    Looks like he gets an armor upgrade at some point.

  • Muhhh-av says:

    YAY let’s enjoy CORPORATE MEDIA which lies to us and lets BILLIONAIRES make money and not be accountable. Lordy, let’s funnel more cash to Di$ney so they can make more movies where they take a brown man and make him wear a helmet the whole TIIMME!Sorry for that rant, but I just wanted to fit into the AV Club comment section.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    It doesn’t give us any hints toward the big “spoiler” that has been teased for the show’s first episode, but it’s good to know he won’t be one of those silent cowboy-types.

    It’s a musical. The Mandalorian is a musical.

  • westcoastwestcoast-av says:

    My theory on this supposed spoiler in the first episode. We’re introduced to Snoke, before he became Supreme Leader of the First Order. For whatever reason, hardcore Star Wars fans are obsessed with this guy, perhaps because the movies were never interested in giving him a backstory. So, it would be a smart move (in terms of increasing the shows initial popularity) to create some backstory for Snoke.Hell, Werner Herzog could be Snoke, before the scars. Werner does seem to be a crime lord level character in this show.

    • recognitions-av says:

      Boy that sounds like a terrible idea

      • sensesomethingevil-av says:

        Especially since we all know it’ll be Jabba’s son reviving the emperor. I mean it’s telegraphed in the trailer.

    • lurklen-av says:

      I think the obsession is based on the fact that he was set up as a big bad, and (even though we knew nothing about the Emperor for ages, and none of that was revealed in the trilogy) we expect that we would learn something about someone so supposedly important to the story. It’s really that simple, he’s just a big question mark in, and that fandom hates big question marks. I don’t see the series as answering that question though, unless it involves Mark Hamill somehow, as Snoke was supposed to be some kind of enemy of Luke’s new school. He was a known quantity to the heroes of the Original Trilogy, which is also kind of why people are curious about him, as he kind of kicked their asses into irrelevance, and we don’t actually know that story at all. 

    • superindianslug-av says:

      Snoke is like 7 ft tall. Unless Herzog took some force steroids, I don’t think that’s gonna be it.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      It would not be a smart move. Snoke blows. He couldn’t be less relevant to the story of this series. Using this show to pick up dangling threads from other SW product, whether features or animation or whatever, would be a terrible idea and Favreau is too smart to indulge in that kind of fan fic crap.  

  • bransthirdeyeblind-av says:

    Wait. Did he say “you’re the best in the parsec”?MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND STAR WARS.

    • KillahMate-av says:

      Originally it was of course a goof, but ‘canonically’ parsec means the same thing in Star Wars as it does on Earth, and Han’s boast was about flying the shortest route anyone’s ever flown through a dangerous space phenomenon, not about being fast. ‘Best in the parsec’ naturally means no one within 3.26 light years is as good as him.If you really wanted to be a pedant about it, you might instead ask what a galaxy far far away would need with a unit of distance derived from Earth’s orbital radius.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I think ‘Solo’ cleared up the parsec thing by showing that Han’s achievement on the Kessel Run was to do it not in less time but over less space. The idea is that it’s suicidal to do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs because taking a shortcut puts you in the path of deadly black holes.

      • corvus6-av says:

        And Solo is just a modified version of what the old EU explained the Kessel run being.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Still, even when used properly, a parsec isn’t that big in terms of galactic distance. Was hoping they would have just said “quadrant” or “outer rim” or something more vague and bigly-sounding.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      I’m still wondering about that “Is the world more peaceful” line when these people live in a literal star-spanning society.I dunno, maybe Werner was referring to the one planet he lives on.

  • Muhhh-av says:

    Looks like Sam’s doing a bang-up job policing the comments. How dare people have thoughts that Sam doesn’t care for?

  • nextchamp-av says:

    We just killing people by shooting them point blank in the face with no cutting away of the frame?Hell yes.

  • txtphile-av says:

    This looks like a SyFy show with more money and Star Wars stuff. Not a bad thing.

  • oldno7-av says:

    Is it just me, or does the guy in the carbonite have more than a passing resemblance to Darth Maul?

  • doctorwhotb-av says:

    So freezing folks in carbonite is now a widespread thing and not something Vader was doing to capture Luke and just testing on Han?

    • corvus6-av says:

      It’s been a thing for a looooooooong time in the expanded materials.

      Granted, that doesn’t fit the best with how it’s portrayed in ESB. But putting people in carbonite was done a lot in other stuff. Including the Clone Wars show.

    • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

      They’ve kind of retconned it so that it was always a thing.

      Basically, there are special carbonite chambers for freezing living creatures, but the one on Bespin was made just for freezing gas and is kind of older, so they weren’t sure Han would survive.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Clearly that was the original intent in ESB which has been ignored by supplemental product (as others have mentioned.)However, as this show takes place after ESB, I’m happy to utterly ignore those quasi-EU appearances and just say, “Hey, people in the bounty hunting community got wind of the carbonite trick and thought it was a pretty good idea going forward.”

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        yah agreed. It’s been like 6 years since Solo took the carbonite bath and was hung up on Jabba’s wall, word probably spread that it worked. I am not a fan of the carbonine freezing was a thing before Vader did it to Han but I think that’s old Legends Expanded Universe continuity (pre-2015) I don’t think anything after that has referenced it happening before. 

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Apparently there was carbon freezing in Clone Wars, though, but I didn’t see the episode(s) in question myself.  

    • kreegz-85-av says:

      Except somehow there were electronics built into the carbonite block to monitor vitals…

      • doctorwhotb-av says:

        I always understood that they’d altered the chamber for the purposes of the trap which is why there was a life support monitor on it.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Looks good

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    While Herzog has a soft, gentle voice, I wouldn’t call it “soothing”. It has a kind of dreary quality to it that makes you feel the bleakness of existence. And then, most of the time, he actually starts talking about the bleakness of existence, so that doesn’t help.

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    Between Clone Wars, Rebels and The Mandalorian, we’re all going to be able to ace that Mandalorian History quiz in Galactic History 101.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Pedro Pascal’s going to own this role. Wonder if they’ll keep his helmet on throughout. Hoping so. I’m getting all the grimy western vibes off this trailer, and I’m digging it. 

  • fred1917-av says:

    So, it is Goblin Slayer in an edgy but teen-friendly Star Wars universe.

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