Rob Zombie’s The Munsters trailer promises “the greatest love story ever told”

Sheri Moon Zombie and Jeff Daniel Phillips star in the origin story for the classic TV family

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Rob Zombie’s The Munsters trailer promises “the greatest love story ever told”
Jeff Daniel Phillips as Herman Munster and Sheri Moon Zombie as Lily in The Munsters Screenshot: Universal Pictures/YouTube

Rob Zombie’s take on The Munsters may not be “dirty, violent, and nasty,” but it is, apparently, romantic. So proclaims the new trailer for the theatrical reboot of the classic sitcom, which promises to be “the greatest love story ever told.”

The trailer is charmingly old-fashioned, alternating between a classic black-and-white aesthetic reminiscent of the ’60s show and saturated technicolor. It feels like something you’d see on an old VHS, complete with slightly-fuzzy audio, dripping transitions, and multi-font title cards. As far as the content is concerned, Zombie has definitely dialed all the way into that nostalgic sitcom cheesiness.

THE MUNSTERS Trailer (2022) Rob Zombie

The film serves as an origin story for the off-kilter all-American family from the show. Lily (Sheri Moon Zombie) is looking for love, and not the kind her dad (Daniel Roebuck) can whip up down in the lab. Herman Munster (Jeff Daniel Phillips), who was crafted to have “the brain of a supergenius in the body of a perfect physical specimen,” has similar dreams: “I’m looking for a vision. A queen. True love!” Much to the Count’s dismay, these two find each other and embark on a campy, colorful romantic montage that appears to take them from Transylvania to beyond (presumably, to settle down and start their suburban lives, in keeping with the series).

To the surprise of fans of Zombie’s more gruesome work, this romance does appear to be earning a totally family-friendly PG rating. While some may have liked to see the director take these classic characters in a gory direction, he also seems like the best candidate to take a turn with these satirical monster-movie archetypes.

The Munsters also features original series’ stars Butch Patrick and Pat Priest, as well as Jorge Garcia, Sylvester McCoy, Tomas Boykin, and Cassandra Peterson (a.k.a. Elvira). The film premieres in September 2022.


  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    There is something very failed-pilot-repurposed-as-direct-to-market-feature about this trailer, but I am salivating for this movie. It looks like my kind of camp.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I don’t mind the camp, but it is odd to have what feels like so many call backs to the show especially to the credits, but to have the characterization so off? I assume it looks bad on purpose (the back projection/cgi backgrounds are to me a call back to the show), but….I’m gonna need good word of mouth to get on board.

  • mattthewsedlar-av says:

    While some may have liked to see the director take these classic characters in a gory direction
    Who was calling for this? I’m actually pleasantly surprised he didn’t go in that direction. I think a lot of Munster fans were dreading his take based on his previous films.UPDATE: Watched the trailer, and it looks cheap and terrible. Expectations met.

  • KingKangNYC-av says:


  • spiraleye-av says:

    I feel like this is going to make tens, if not hundreds,  of thousands of dollars at the box office.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    What happened to the budget?

  • lectroid-av says:

    I can see where he’s going with the production design and acting style, and those are all fine. Even quite good!But Jesus Harold Christ, Esq. does this LOOK like crap. From a cinematographic (is that a word?) perspective, this looks like a homemade production shot on someone’s high end phone with all the settings on ‘auto’.
    I wonder if some segments of this were shot at greater than 24fps (30fps being the next common choice and default for ‘video’) and they didn’t compensate in the final edit…If not for the egregiously amateur look, this COULD be quite a bit of fun. Let’s hope they fix this in the final color grade.

    • marshalgrover-av says:

      Yeah, I mean, there have been movies emulating cheesy sitcoms (The Brady Bunch), but this looks like it was shot by high schoolers.

    • libsexdogg-av says:

      Right! Holy hell, I’m starting to wonder if this whole thing is Rob Zombie fulfilling someone’s Fiverr request. I’ll definitely see this since everything else about it is pretty great, but yikes. There are Full Moon productions with better polish. As an aside, it’s kinda funny that this looks a LOT like House of 1000 Corpses visually. Almost jarringly so. 

      • lectroid-av says:

        House of 1000 Corpses at least looked like a MOVIE. It’s really shocking how much frame rate and color grading affect our perception of moving images.

    • spaced99-av says:

      Rob Zombie is just not a good filmmaker. His talent level is perhaps good enough for music videos, but pretty much stops there, and a music video aesthetic is generally not good enough for a feature length film.

    • presidentzod-av says:

      It looks like a poorly colorized B & W film from Ted Turner’s heyday. 

    • mckludge-av says:

      Some of the scenes look like they were filmed in Dr. Forrester’s lab from MST3K.

    • nilus-av says:

      I think it would have been a lot better if they filmed it in black and white.  The bright green Herman is just a terrible look

    • dirtside-av says:

      Man, I was thinking the same thing. This (visually) looks like something they’d trash on Best of the Worst.Zombie’s other movies have at least generally looked professional, so I’m assuming this is deliberate, but it’s weird that the producers/IP owners would be okay with this.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Universal is desperate to their IP working for them so they probably figured what the hell. I almost wondered if it was a case where the rights would revert to someone else, but it doesn’t appear to be the case.The Munsters has been this weird property that just consistently is a try and fail in terms of rebooting – Mockingbird Lane failed with Bryan Fuller. Then there was a Wayans Bros. movie that never got made and a Seth Meyers show that never got made. 

        • dirtside-av says:

          I’m not even sure the Munsters is really something that can exist meaningfully in this day and age. It’s a goofy relic of the ‘60s, and translating that into something that works in 2022 just seems preposterously difficult.

          • lmh325-av says:

            A more deft screenwriter could perhaps make it work a la Addams Family or Brady Bunch did in the 90s, but that’s definitely not what’s happening here. I wonder if an animated movie could work. I didn’t care for the recent animated Addams Family movies, but as a medium, it might connect better.

          • doctorwhotb-av says:

            The Munsters was really subversive. I think a lot of people miss that. I think it could work, but too many times people try to update it or put their finger prints on it. Outside of Eddie Izzard’s performance, Fuller’s take didn’t work. It forgot that the Munsters are blue collar. Herman has to work for a living. He has to interact with the outside world while being completely clueless as to how abnormal he is in it. That show used standard sitcom tropes and flipped them. It can be done. Someone just has to climb out of their own ass when they do it.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I’m not trying to give him too much credit, but a lot of the worst choices seem like purposeful call backs to the show. I think the problem is that the segment of people watching the trailer who are like “oh, right…” is a lot smaller for these than some other properties. The back projection when they’re driving, the dancing during what was the opening credits, the cheap costumes, I can see a lot of it as a 1:1 call back to the show. But if the majority of people don’t know that it just looks…off.

      • sethsez-av says:

        a lot of the worst choices seem like purposeful call backs to the show The show was always campy, but it was never conspicuously cheap. It was on the same level as other sitcoms of the era, being lit and shot in a way that fit other professional productions of its time and format.And even if it’s going for old-timey cheap like teen beach party movies or early 70s Hammer horror, it’s still only gesturing in their direction rather than actually capturing them. It’s less Black Dynamite and more YouTube skit.Beyond that, good lord the gratuitous use of wide angle lenses just doesn’t work. It’s bad aesthetically and it doesn’t capture either The Munsters or the things The Munsters itself was spoofing. Maybe it’d work better if the rest of it looked okay, but as it is it just enhances the cheapness even further.

        • lmh325-av says:

          I do mean cheap in the sense of “what sitcoms were budgeted at back in the day.” I agree that it’s a terribly decision all the way around. I kind of want to grab Universal and be like “stop trying to make the Munsters happen.”

      • daddddd-av says:

        I mean yeah obviously it’s intentional, but it doesn’t really look like those things or inspired by those things, it very specifically looks like a mid-2000s YouTube video or porn parody, complete with an overuse of HDR and blown out audio. Like it doesn’t look like a low-budget production from the past, it looks like a sketch made for a school project lol. The audio alone, wow

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      It shouldn’t be color at all. This would look so much better in B&W. They should let you choose when this comes to streaming or DVD.

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      You can’t fix those garish combinations of colors with a grade without going all the way to black and white.  And besides the color look, it’s also got some of the worst framing choices I’ve ever seen.  It looks like every shot was just turned on from wherever the camera fell off the truck every day.

    • antonrshreve-av says:

      I feel like I’m watching the SFW trailer for a XXX Munsters parody.

    • SpiderJohn36-av says:

      I feel like the Munsters porn parody looks like it had better production values. 

    • TheProfessah-av says:

      all of his movies look like he’s trying to shoot a music video.

    • mavar-av says:

      There’s backlash against, The Munsters trailer. Many asking if that’s really the trailer. Because it looks like a youtuber made it. It looks like home video. A movie made with a smartphone. My favorite – Some are saying it looks like that cheap movie they play on a screen while you wait in line for the ride to begin at Universal Studios lol

  • sensesomethingevil-av says:

    The audio sounds really weird, probably because the embed is a bad rip

  • browza-av says:

    There might be a fun movie behind it, but that trailer looks and sounds like the final project for a grade school film camp at a public access station.

  • coldsavage-av says:

    Despite not liking any of Rob Zombie’s previous movies (Devil’s Rejects was okay though), I was willing to give this one a shot since I think him toning down his worst impulses and working with something inherently campy might be a good fit as a project. Then I saw the trailer. He definitely has a certain aesthetic and it sort of works here but overall this really looks like an unfunny, tonally jarring film.

  • mosquitocontrol-av says:

    Man, you all undersold how cheap and terrible this looks. You lowered my expectations, but this needed to be Danzig filmmaking low. Maybe lower!

  • presidentzod-av says:

    That’s the worst costuming I have ever seen. That’s sub-Wichita comic con levels.

  • earlydiscloser-av says:

    Rob Zombie’s The Munsters trailer promises “the greatest love story ever told”Unlikely, seeing as the greatest love story ever told is that of Abby Arcane and Swamp Thing (during the Alan Moore Swamp Thing run).

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      Apparently ST and Abby go on a double date with Harley Quinn and Ivy in the new season of Harley Quinn, it vaguely looks like Swampy and Abby get raunchy. Greatest love story allows for raunch I think

      • earlydiscloser-av says:

        Didn’t know that (haven’t ever seen Harley Quinn) but I suppose there’s no limit to how raunchy any relationship can get when there’s at least one demigod involved.

      • nilus-av says:

        Is she eating his fruit at the dinner table!!!

        • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

          Swamp Thing is a drug pusher! Those psychedelic tubers he makes are probably fucking AWESOME!To that, he can make mushrooms, coca leaves, peyote, cannabis, and poppies, at will. And he can control the potency expertly. No wonder Constantine hung out with him so much early on.

  • christopherhillen-av says:

    I do not know whether or not I should love or hate what I just watched, lol!! I was late to the game getting into Zombies music, but passed on his movies because I am not a horror guy.

    However, I do like his music, and there is something about this that just screams watch me. To use the cliché, this is like a train wreck that you cannot help but stop and watch as it is happening.

    I wonder how many folks will watch the trailer and think for a second, wait, am I high as I am watched this, and then a moment later think, nope, not high but perhaps I should have been when watching the trailer, lol!!

  • FredDerf-av says:

    Congratulations to Rob Zombie on making a movie for 7 dollars!

  • dudebra-av says:

    It will be better than Bob’s Burgers and half as frightening.Seriously, fuck Bob’s Burgers.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    It would be amazing if this turns out to be one big scam, and the movie is actually a Fulci-level gorefest.

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    I mean, this looks and sounds awful. But I’d like nothing more than for Zombie to find a new niche that does not require me to feel grimy after watching one of his films.

  • milligna000-av says:

    I doubt it, he’s never made any even barely above average films or music

  • sethsez-av says:

    Rob Zombie


    I know you’re capable of making films that look professionalAnd I know you’re familiar with The Munsters

    So why does this look so awful visually? The original show was campy as fuck, but looking like shit was never one of its jokes.

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    Ugh. Sheri Moon Zombie.I’m sure she’s a nice lady, but she can’t fucking act and that’s a major issue for someone whose husband keeps hiring her as an actor.

    • bogira-av says:

      I keep hearing this complaint and her cut in the trailer is fine. I’m not expecting much from her but she hits her mark, knows her line, she’s perfectly serviceable. I’m genuinely not familiar with his body of work but every time I see her on screen for a few minutes catching her randomly on cable she’s….fine.  

      • spaced99-av says:

        She doesn’t exactly have a high bar to work with in a Zombie movie.

      • sosgemini-av says:

        She has dead eyes. That works in her favor for the gore films but not so much when you have a carry a film and bS animated. Plus. The colors popping in each scene just makes her dead eyes deader. …and don’t it make her brown eyes blue. (sorry, had to).

        • bogira-av says:

          She has a newscaster background and it shows. She would be perfectly fine behind a desk or doing interviews, I think asking her to do heavy lifting emotionally is where she falls flat.  I watched a supercut of her work, it’s….very newscaster-ey.

      • katanahottinroof-av says:

        That all may be so, but if someone described your sexual prowess in the same terms, what would your reaction be.

        • bogira-av says:

          I’m a wildcat in the bedroom so I wouldn’t know.But serviceable isn’t a crime in a world where most B-actors struggle to that level.

      • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

        I can agree that she is mechanically adequate. She’s lacking the charisma needed to carry most of the roles that Zombie gives her. Acting is about giving the audience a reason to look at and listen to you beyond the fact that the camera is pointed at you and there are lines to be read. 

        • bogira-av says:

          THIS! Ok, see, I think we’re in agreement, she’s not the worst but she doesn’t have that ‘it’ factor better actors do. I’ll 100% concede that but she doesn’t make a film unwatchable. She’s not bad…she’s just not that good.

      • jgp-59-av says:

        But where’s the nudo! 

    • dietersmagnificentstache-av says:

      Sheri is fine. She isn’t even in the list of things wrong with this trailer.

  • shivakamini-somakandarkram-av says:

    Rob Zombie is just bad at filmmaking. “Elvira is in this” Well shit, I guess I’m seeing it. 

  • pocrow-av says:

    Rob Zombie is apparently shooting made for TV movies now. Huh.

  • popsfreshenmeyer-av says:

    Finally, the camp of the original “The Munsters” will meet the camp of 90’s Cinemax porn!

  • nogelego-av says:

    Who is the audience for this? Does anyone under the age of 40 remember the Munsters? Does anyone over the age of 50 really want to watch a poorly directed Munsters reboot? Did everyone forget the lessons of the 80s?

    • nilus-av says:

      I am fairly certain “The Munsters Today” was created by the CIA as part of an advanced interrogation regiment.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I’m under 40 and I know The Munsters for the same reason I know the Brady Bunch or Batman and other shows – They were in heavy rotation on Nick at Nite and in syndication in the 90s. I don’t think that means I or anyone else is clamoring for this, but they got plenty of mileage out of making Addams Family movies that are now so beloved that they can us that IP again. I’m not shocked someone would try to do that again.

      • hcd4-av says:

        That’s true, but the Addams family had specials and reboots through the 70s and the 90s (looks like the 80s is a gap). There was more mileage out of the Addams Family because there’s more there…Then again, it’s not like this is a big release. It looks like more of a passion project than an IP picked to be restarted.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        Two major differences would be that the Addams Family was always a far better piece of IP, and that those movies were competently produced and directed. If they had looked like this, they would have flopped. Not to mention that this reboot is a full 20 years farther away from when the shows aired.

        • lmh325-av says:

          Agreed, it’s just odd in a way that somehow The Munsters is like this uncrackable nut. There have been so many attempted reboots and so many similar IPs managing it. It’s bizarre that it’s so hard.

        • jgp-59-av says:

          Let the people decide you haters!  Let’s count ticket sales and see who wins!

    • plovernutter-av says:

      I didn’t think this was real so I had to look it up to be sure. Not only is it real but it lasted longer than the original show by 3 episodes!

    • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

      Im 40 and the munsters are not a thing for anyone my age. I may have seen a total of 5 minutes of it. I recognize the characters from randomly seeing them in various forms of media, but have zero attachment or nostalgia, and can guarantee the same for all my friends and coworkers. I doubt anyone under 60 has many memories of them at all. This movie is basically banking on his name to sell it to a younger generation. Unlikely to work when it looks that bad though.

    • avataravatar-av says:

      Who is this for?A 50+ yo dude calling himself Rob Zombie.Obviously.

  • czarmkiii-av says:

    Given that it is going to be rated PG which ostensibly means its good for the entire family I think it’s going to do fairly well. It looks much better than most of the other PG fare out there with the added draw of it being nostalgia bait for both the Munster’s and Rob Zombie fans.

  • tldmalingo-av says:

    Who are these people calling calling for Rob Zombie to “take these classic characters in a gory direction”?Is there some kind of a way we can target them all with a special laser?

  • jbbb3-av says:

    If someone said this trailer was a porn parody of The Munsters, I would believe it.

  • slander-av says:

    This looks campier than a Girl Scout Jamboree and I can’t wait to see it.

  • rkapenas-av says:

    This whole article feels like it was copy/pasted from a PR release like the breathless coverage Quibi used to get on here before it fell apart

  • cinecraf-av says:

    This looks like a fan film that got only half its indiegogo goal.  

  • klyph14-av says:

    This is shot like it’s a Munsters Porn Parody. The Cumsters?

  • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

    “The greatest love story ever told” was between an uneven director and his mediocre actress wife?

  • coolhandtim-av says:

    Yikes. Herman Munster looks like Kevin McDonald, Grandpa is played so close to Al Lewis it should be copyright infringement, and Sheri Moon Zombie has none of the confidence and smarts that Lily should have. Why is she playing her so dumb and flighty?

    This looks pretty awful.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

     I wish the original might have been in color. The black and white version, for some reason, made the show a bit depressing and lackluster. Comedy and color are a natural combination, imo.

  • peon21-av says:

    Was that Jackie Earle Haley as the Nosferatu?

  • slbronkowitzpresents-av says:

    Kind of shocked this is coming out from Universal. It looks like a cheap DTV movie from the early 00’s.

  • seinnhai-av says:

    So I read a bunch of the comments and articles about this looked terrible and “like it was shot on someone’s high end phone with all the settings on ‘auto’” but I hadn’t watched the trailer yet.Just watched it.Y’all are just bitching to bitch. It looks as goofy and campy as the original and if the original was in color that’s probably what it’d look like. Sorry, go sniff your farts if you can’t feel what’s going on here. It was like a flashback to my childhood (except Herman’s voice, needs more bass) and I’m here for it.The people bitching about the cinematography are probably the same people who thought Speed Racer was mind blowingly good.  /yawn

    • adamporter-av says:

      Yeah, I’m in the same boat. This movie clearly looks like it’s being made to be goofy camp, with an old fashioned style. It’s not meant to be high cinema.

      • misstwosense-av says:

        Forced camp is not actual camp, and I’m appalled that people keep arguing otherwise. That’s just not how camp works.

        • adamporter-av says:

          And what is actual camp? Camp is just as much an artistic choice as anything else, in my opinion.

        • wisbyron-av says:

          This. This is what you’re appalled by. In July of 2022, pop culture dorks misunderstanding the true intent of camp is what appalls you. Jesus.

      • jpfilmmaker-av says:

        There’s a difference between not being meant to be high cinema and lighting scenes like you’ve never learned which colors combine in a manner pleasing to the eye.

        This is not an old fashioned style.  There’s plenty of movies that successfully capture the aesthetic of sixties color schemes and don’t look like the cinematographer picked gels for lights via dart board.

    • daddddd-av says:

      lol the audio is blown out and there’s an overuse of HDR and digital post-processing, it looks bad in a 2006 way not a 1960s way. It doesn’t look like an old tv show or a B-movie or anything like that, it looks more like that first Lonely Island sketch where they eat lettuce or maybe a church youth group video.

      • seinnhai-av says:

        I’m sorry, you might be at the wrong lunch table. You might want to head over there where all the neckbeards wearing dePalma shirts and drinking Earl Grey tea are discussing frame rates and whatever.This table is for people who like having fun.

        • daddddd-av says:

          that’s fine, but this doesn’t look like an old campy low-budget tv show or B-movie or even something inspired by one, it very specifically looks (and sounds) like a CollegeHumor sketch from 2008 or a porn parody. that’s why people keep saying it looks like a school project, that’s not just a slight, it’s literally what it looks like. those can also be fun! but they still look like shit lol and yeah people are gonna mock that. and i mean beyond that, they’re acting more like the Adams Family than the Munsters, Zombie’s wife is (and always has been) an awful actress, and the trailer features no jokes so… but of course, that must mean that i don’t like fun and only want highbrow pretentious stuff! or that i dont like the show it was based on! i guess that also means that almost everyone doesn’t like fun and only wants highprow pretentious stuff, since this trailer has gone viral for being so surprisingly bad. you’re the singular person to see through it all, the one true “friday” by rebecca black fan, congrats, i respect that.

          • seinnhai-av says:

            Have you seen Rebecca Black lately? But that’s besides the point.If the basis of your criticism is that somehow it’s too low budget looking, the inference I would naturally draw is that you have an expectation of the aesthetic that this isn’t rising to, meaning you view your artistic prowess as more sophisticated than what this trailer (and it’s just a trailer, btw) is offering. Also, your knowledge of what qualifies as overuse of HDR and post-process editing and your willingness to point that out means you’re rocking a bit on that AV snob side.It’s not that I saw through anything, dad, it’s that you laid it out there for everyone to see but didn’t expect anyone to disagree. And, so, again, you can go over to that lunch table over there and complain about framerates with your fellow auteurs. We’re just gonna enjoy some camp and nostalgia, k pops?

          • daddddd-av says:

            -“If the basis of your criticism is that somehow it’s too low budget looking”no, that was not the basis of my criticism lol. at this point i’m a little convinced we’re having different experiences based on screen resolution or something. it’s visually jarring in the same way motion-smoothing on a tv is, like the soap opera effect. i tried to get as specific as I could to explain why there’s been so much mockery for the trailer (you realize it’s not just the AV Club right? they even had to disable the youtube comments lol), and i gave multiple criticisms beyond just the look, but idk, i guess you’ll just never understand why this became a meme for being horrendous looking 🤷‍♂️ enjoy. you should try watching the original Munsters sometime though, because it’s nothing like that.-“We’re just gonna enjoy some camp and nostalgia, k pops?”and i’m gonna enjoy making fun of it! why do only you get to have fun huh? not fair

          • seinnhai-av says:

            Yeah, this might be a screen res issue or something. Nothing about that trailer looked bad, janky, or twitchy to me. /shrug  I’ve had some issues with that and Disney+ where shows seem like they’re stalling a bit and it’s probably cuz I’m not using a 4k tv.  Same with my monitors.And why am I the only one who gets to have fun?  Because.

    • wisbyron-av says:

      Thank you. I’ve never seen a Rob Zombie film, had no idea his wife was cast, never saw the old Munsters and looked at this article with genuine curiosity and didn’t expect the criticisms from people about how it’s shot and how his wife, blah blah blah. Pop Culture addicts exist to complain; nothing can be good enough, whether it’s multi-million dollar super-hero adaptions *or* film adaptions of a 60s’ television sitcom. Jesus Christ, go spend money on The Criterion Collection then. And it’s because they *know* it’s his wife that it adds to their entitlement to criticize. I didn’t know who she was and she was perfectly fine for what I saw; I guess people are expecting Lady MacBeth or something. 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Counterpoint: this looks like total, cheap shit.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Okay now do Last Jedi.

      • seinnhai-av says:

        Even I’m not that forgiving.

        • systemmastert-av says:

          That’s what I figured. Too judgy, bitching to bitch, hashtag yawn or whatever.

          • seinnhai-av says:

            I mean, sure, it had it’s problems but if you took it as, like, a stand alone movie and didn’t have it leashed into a trilogy that was meant to continue JJ’s TFA, it would have been an excellent entry into the canon.  But once you get into the story as a whole it’s hard to justify it’s existence as part of the trilogy, regardless if it was the best of the three by a long shot.

          • systemmastert-av says:

            Blah blah blah any critique is just people being pissants. Sorry go sniff your farts.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Imagine giving this much of shit either way. 

    • exoinfinity-av says:

      There’s a difference between “purposefully old-fashioned and campy” and “poorly done purposefully old-fashioned and campy.” I would argue you definitely should not make this as though it were literally the old show colored a la 90’s Superstation Gone With the Wind, which didn’t look good, wouldn’t look good, and doesn’t look good here. But that’s an aesthetic choice. None of what I see in this trailer works even as “camp,” which has to have some manner of craftsmanship to it or else you’re simply left with bad filmmaking. Obviously, we just disagree on this, which is fine.What does Speed Racer have to do with it? Have you been holding on to that grudge for 10 years or something?

      • seinnhai-av says:

        dad pointed something out way down in our argument that it might have something to do with refresh rates and resolution and I’m not too knowledgeable on the subject so it might have something to do with me not watching it in 4k or whatnot but I’m not getting the same feeling from it. The colors are popping like juiced up technicolor but I grew up around then so the nostalgia factor might be overwhelming the aesthetic complaints. I can agree to disagree.  In the same vein, I grew up on Speed Racer so, yeah, I’ve been harboring this grudge for awhile.  That movie was hot garbage with the exception of Christina Ricci.  But my complaints with it run parallel here; people getting too uppity about the technical aspects at the expense of the underlying nostalgia.

    • jgp-59-av says:

      Thank You!

  • docprof-av says:

    I don’t understand how it’s possible for a major production to look this terrible.

  • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

    I am sorry, I don’t want to just pile on, but this is one of the worst cut trailers I have ever seen. It honestly does look like a high school film project in quality. The earlier released photos looked dead on, but now that you see the actual film and acting, I can’t get over how it looks in the end.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I think a good Munsters remake can be made, but this looks like bad YouTube webseries comedy

  • nextchamp-av says:

    I feel like if this was shot in black & white (and not just done in post) it would look a lot better. Cause a lot of sitcoms look crummy when you colorized them. Cause no one expected TVs at the time to go full on Technicolor and beyond.But this…this just looks unfinished.I used to work at a Trailer House (place that did movie trailers and TV shows). And this looks like unfinished dailies that was slapped together to make a trailer. Cause studio executives don’t give a shit and want SOMETHING to appease others that the project is running along smoothly.Hopefully that’s what this is. Cause if this IS final footage then this could be hilariously awful.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    I wish someone would tell me what this looks like!

  • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

    IMO he is not a good director and she is a bad actress. He puts on a great concert though.

  • doctorwhotb-av says:

    Hey, Rob, please stop coming up with bullshit backstories. You’re pretty terrible at that. I don’t need to know how Herman and Lily hooked up. I want a fucking sitcom with monster people as the stars. Guess what. Michael Myers is more frightening as an average suburbanite 8 year-old who flips the fuck out for no reason and murders his sister and her boyfriend. Giving him a shitty family and a bully takes away from that because you can understand that coming. 

    • antonrshreve-av says:

      The only reason I could see a point to this is if there’s a big dragster race with his engagement to Lilly on the line. Otherwise, what are we doing here? Saving Eddie and Marilyn for the sequel? WHY.

  • whoisfletch-av says:

    Yeah, it looks like the porn parody.

  • katanahottinroof-av says:

    Can we all agree that the theme music is in the television top ten all time? Number one being Secret Agent Man.

    • pgthirteen-av says:

      Never really cared for the show, but that original Flinstones theme is just triumphant. Nothing really captures the feeling of knocking I’d of work on a Friday afternoon like that song. 

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    I was getting eye strain just watching the trailer.  At 2.5 hours long, I’m pretty sure the color scheme in this would be seizure-inducing.

  • kennyabjr-av says:

    For me, it’s like they want a B-movie aesthetic (which makes total sense for the project), but decided the best presentation was an HDTV with motion smoothing turned on. A movie like this needs some grain to it. The ultra-slick video combined with the B-movie feel gives this its own type of uncanny valley that I don’t think works.

  • clamsteam-av says:

    So is this a vehicle for his wife, or daughter, whoever Zoe Moon Zombie is?

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    I can’t believe this is going to be a film. I’d probably sit through 25 minutes of The Munsters but 2 hours 40?!Not a chance.

  • JaggerTheDog-av says:

    If The Room had a budget…

  • hornacek37-av says:

    I think we have a future How Did This Get Made episode here.

  • mavar-av says:

    There’s backlash against, The Munsters trailer. Many asking if that’s really the trailer. Because it looks like a youtuber made it. It looks like home video. A movie made with a smartphone. My favorite – Some are saying it looks like that cheap movie they play on a screen while you wait in line for the ride to begin at Universal Studios lol

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