The new Invisible Man is an abusive dick who haunts Elisabeth Moss in this trailer

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Hey, do you like metaphors? Because director Leigh Whannell’s new take on The Invisible Man for Blumhouse sure seems loaded with a big one. We won’t spoil it, but here’s the basic premise: In the middle of the night, Elisabeth Moss sneaks away from her rich scientist husband (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) because he’s an abusive maniac. At some point after that, the guy kills himself and leaves millions of dollars to Moss’ character, but with one condition: She has to prove that she’s not “mentally incompetent.” Shortly after that, mysterious things start happening around Moss, almost as if she’s being followed and terrorized by—dun dun dun—an Invisible Man. But obviously nobody would believe that, right? There’s no such thing as Invisible Mans, and nobody else ever sees this abuse she believes she’s experiencing, so maybe the woman accusing her wealthy, upstanding husband really is “mentally incompetent”?

Get it? Because it’s not very subtle. It is a clever take, though, and it’s not like anyone ever accused Godzilla or any of the other monster/horror movies like this of being subtle. Also, apropos of nothing, remember when Johnny Depp was going to be star in the Dark Universe version of The Invisible Man? It definitely would’ve been a completely different movie, but we just felt like reminiscing about the Dark Universe.


  • gargsy-av says:

    “Get it? Because it’s not very subtle.”

    So fucking what? Since when do horror movies HAVE to be subtle? 

    • debeuliou-av says:

      plus it’s a really good fuckin idea lol.
      being cassandre’d is a very primal fear. I’m much more afraid of something like that than of a slowass mofo with a hockey mask and a knife ^^

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        To me, the best horror stories (though I’m not much of a horror fan) deal in the fear of uncertainty. There’s always the thought that it could all be in your head, but as soon as you think that you become vulnerable.

    • durango237-av says:

      The author of the article admits monster movies don’t have to be subtle a line or two after.

      • gargsy-av says:

        Which makes the line I quoted even stupider. Why complain about it and then admit that it’s not important?

        Bringing up the fact that it isn’t subtle only mean something if they’re *trying* to be subtle.

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          Every article here is required to have a certain % of snark even if the subject doesn’t call for it and the writer has to force it and then walk it back.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      I’d prefer not being beaten over the head with the subtext, but I have no problem with obvious as long as it’s smart and/or clever and this seems like both.

  • hewhoiscallediam-av says:

    So a reverse Gone Girl? Also, we got the maniac version with Kevin Bacon and lets be honest, an invisible rape does not need to be seen on screen again.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    This actually looks pretty good. It reveals the card really early, but I don’t know what else you would do when you decided to name the film the Invisible Man. While I initially thought this would just be a repeat of the Hollow Man, they really go a different and a lot more scarier direction here.

  • martianlaw-av says:

    We won’t spoil it, butWhat are trying not to “spoil”? That he’s an abusive dick who haunts Elizabeth Moss? Because it’s kind of in the headline.

  • geormajesty-av says:

    That trailer had me sold and then just kept on showing stuff and now I feel like I’ve seen too much.

    • geormajesty-av says:

      And Leigh Whannell has already put my fears to rest.

      • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

        If you say so, Leigh, but it all looks pretty straightforward to me (and it’s fine the way it is). The only way it wouldn’t be telling everything was if there was some crazy twist, like “she really IS imagining him!” or “they are BOTH dead!” or “she’s a ROBOT!” I can’t think of a twist that wouldn’t make it worse.

    • cinecraf-av says:

      Agreed. I wish it’d left it more ambiguous as to whether we’re really dealing with an invisible man, or if it is indeed in her head. The trailer pretty much resolves everything except the ultimate endgame.

    • doctordepravo-av says:


  • hlawyer-av says:

    Is the metaphor that the invisible man is Xenu?

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    could Gaslight Anthem write a song for it?The trailer, and I know we say this a lot, but it gives WAY too much away…I just saw the whole movie, it looks promising but there is no way I’m paying to see that in a theater now.I just saw the new Terminator…it’s hard to say if it was just ALSO very inert or, again, if it was that the entire movie was in the trailer including every twist except the “big” twist that isn’t big.  This is why I don’t go to theaters anymore unless it’s something like The Lighthouse that just can’t be spoiled.

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      I had been avoiding the trailer for the Black Christmas remake online, but I would up seeing it in a theatre. It’s way too long and gives away everything, including the changes to the plot that they’ve included to make this version stand out from the original and the other remake. It’s annoying.

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        yeah, even if I’d gone to see Terminator after managing to avoid the trailers, then the ten trailers before it showed still ruin a bunch of other movies.  I understand that satan did a test and found out people are more likely to see a movie if they’ve already seen the trailer of the whole movie.  But I’m just not understanding the general sanguine attitude towards spoilers in our culture, like people who want to have the experience the writer and director intended are the vegan spitting in your beef (talk about a spoiler!).  People hate being reminded to be courteous, especially if they are discourteous.  This site went on a binge a few months ago where they put unnecessary spoilers (not even necessary to the article) into a bunch of articles, then ignored comments asking that they be removed (not only from me).  I think the enjoyment people get out of spoiling things is a really sociopathic thing, like how Trump feels when he betrays somebody who just ruined their reputation being loyal to him.  

  • durango237-av says:

    It’s a bit handicapped since we know she’s not crazy. Hopefully there can be enough twists and turns to keep it interesting. Shame if it ended like Brightburn which had a cool premise and not much else.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “It’s a bit handicapped since we know she’s not crazy.”

      We do? How? 

      • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

        She exits the room, the stove turns on and a knife rises from the cabinet. That stove didn’t turn itself on and that knife didn’t rise by itself. She wasn’t in the room so she couldn’t hallucinate those things. That’s how we know.

        • berty2001-av says:

          Yeah, but they could easily do a flash back at the end to show that it was actually her turning the stove on and lifting the knife. 

  • lmh325-av says:

    …So it’s Hollow Man? Wasn’t that a huge part of that movie’s premise? 

  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    Whitewashing Ralph Ellison kinda misses the point.

  • noblezero-av says:

    Wouldn’t thermal goggles/scope solve her problem? Invest around 5k inyour local sporting goods store to save your sanity.

  • jcn-txct-av says:

    I’m not sure but I think based on the trailer and Elizabeth’s character seeming to be a fighter against abusive dick, I have figured out how the movie ends which leaves me a little disappointed. I’m guessing I will wait for this movie to come out on NetFlix.

  • miked1954-av says:

    Looks like a good movie. Unfortunately, the trailer seemed to show us the entire film except for perhaps the last 5 minutes. And it’ll probably turn out the last 5 minutes got into the trailer too.

  • joseiandthenekomata-av says:

    “It is a clever take, though, and it’s not like anyone ever accused Godzilla or any of the other monster/horror movies like this of being subtle.”Oh how quickly some of us forget Colossal. I won’t though, that movie’s great.

  • hondoharrelson-av says:

    I remember when this movie was called Hollow Man.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • snooder87-av says:

    I always wonder why people remake a thing and then feel the need to gut it of the core themes and ideas that made it popular in the first place.

  • on-2-av says:

    “Invisible Man” – Ralph Ellison seminal work on being a black man in the United States.“THE Invisible Man” – sci fi mad scientist character repurposed in different incarnations that often reflect latent misogynistic impulses. 

  • zwing-av says:

    Geez snark city on this one, huh.

  • emorymorningstar-av says:

    This movie looks good. I’m glad I watched it.

  • normchomsky1-av says:

    I think I’m pretty much done with watching Elisabeth Moss get abused.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    I’ll go see pretty much anything Elizabeth Moss is in, great trailer or no great trailer.Great trailer.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    The twist is, he’s not invisible due to science, he’s actually a ghost, and once she tells people that, they’re like, “Oh yeah, ghosts, everyone knows those are real. You’re free to go.”

  • tarps-av says:

    That a film about a man gaslighting a woman into hysteria stars an actress arguably best known for starring in a TV show which tries to gaslight an entire country into hysteria is an irony for the ages.

  • berty2001-av says:

    Maybe she turns herself invisible at the end and the grand finale is just things being thrown across the room for, like, 20 mins. Kind of like Battleships. 

  • jeremyphillipssame-av says:

    We were promised Johnny Depp as the Invisible Man.We got an abusive, gaslighting psychopath.You can put in the rest yourselves.Also, isn’t “The Invisible Man” a very goofy title for this sort of story?

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