The original A.I. shifts the course of history in this first look at Bad Idea’s ENIAC

Aux News comic previews
The original A.I. shifts the course of history in this first look at Bad Idea’s ENIAC
Cover by Lewis Larosa

Wartime often stimulates innovation as countries try to find new ways to boost their power, and World War II had some major discoveries that rocked the planet. The development of the atomic bomb revealed the devastation mankind is capable of when harnessing nuclear power, but there was another creation that would change everything about how information was processed: ENIAC, the first fully electronic large-scale, general-purpose computer. Bad Idea, a new comics publisher, offers an alternate reality look at this technological marvel in its debut title, ENIAC, a four-issue prestige-format limited series by writer Matt Kindt, artist Doug Braithwaite, and colorist Diego Rodriguez about rogue military A.I. deciding it knows what is best for humanity.

“ENIAC is an artificial intelligence that is based on real history,” says Kindt. “ENIAC in a lot of ways is ground zero for A.I. and this story expands on it—starting in World War II and showing the ripple effects of an A.I. that has been around for nearly 80 years. Why didn’t we know about it? What has it been up to? Is it even an ‘it’ anymore? Is everything we believe about our past and our history as a human race…a lie?”

“Imagine playing chess against Deep Blue, but the entire globe is the chess board and every country on earth is a chess piece,” says Kindt. “How do you approach an A.I. that can see, hear, and predict everything via phones, computers, and satellites? How do you contend with an A.I. that is basically immortal and gets smarter with every passing second? The answer? Strip naked and grab some rocks to smash it ‘cause it will see everything else coming from a mile away. The smarter this thing gets, the more it’s pushing humanity back to the stone-age.”

The A.V. Club has an exclusive first look at ENIAC #1, on sale May 6, highlighting the specificity of both the period details and the character expressions in Braithwaite’s artwork. “Every project tends brings its own unique set of challenges, the scope of this story is especially demanding, but it’s all in a good way,” says Braithewaite. “The story starts in the late 1930s, branching out into modern day, so a fair amount of reference is needed to set up the environments and portray them realistically. Specific scene set-ups are normally asked for, so I tend to gen up on old film clips and news footage based around those scenes to help give me a more rounded view of what is required. Pulling all of these elements together, to pace the story confidently, allows the storytelling to flow.”

A longtime fan of sci-fi writers like Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, Kindt wanted to create a sci-fi story similarly rooted in reality while finding a new approach to the A.I. vs. humanity narrative. “I’m walking in the footsteps of giants here, so this angle I’m taking needed to be very different,” says Kindt. “Doug’s art has such a great way of keeping some crazy ideas grounded and relatable. At the end of the day it’s a really human, character-driven story with ENIAC and the A.I. as the very strange vehicle to tell the tale. That said, I hope you’re ready for nuclear hoaxes, a black-site hacker army, a team of World War II cold-blooded commandos, secret computer codes written with knots-tied-in-ropes, and an insane twist ending I promise you’ll never guess.”

Announced last week, Bad Idea is the latest publishing venture by the team that revitalized Valiant Comics in the ’10s, Dinesh Shamdasani and Warren Simons, who share the titles of Co-CEO and Co-Chief Creative Officer. The publisher is taking some big risks that put its name to the test, starting with releasing only physical single issues. No digital copies, no trade paperback or hardcover collections. Bad Idea will only distribute to 20 hand-picked comic shops beginning in May, with plans to expand to 50 by the end of the year. The endeavor has a boutique comics vibe, and there’s a definite play for the speculator market here as limited distribution will drive up the cost of back issues, especially if these books are optioned for film or television.

Shamdasani and Simons are bringing in a lot of talent they worked with at Valiant. Kindt and Braithwaite collaborated on multiple Valiant books together, and ENIAC gives them the opportunity to build something from the ground up without having to satisfy a superhero legacy. “It has been great working on so many legendary characters during my career,” says Braithwaite, “But I always relish working on new characters which is why ENIAC is so exciting for me. As well as the characters, the story is equally important for me as I’m a storyteller first and foremost. Collaborating with Matt is always a pleasure because his stories work on so many levels and are guaranteed to stretch me as an artist. His stories are so beautifully crafted. The subtlety in his storytelling, combined with the nuances of his characters is what makes ENIAC fun for me to draw. ENIAC provides me with all of the elements I relish in a story. It has the dynamic action I enjoy drawing, fascinating characters, and a brilliant storyline—all with an added twist. The challenge for me is trying to get the balance just right.”

ENIAC is really emblematic of everything we’re trying to do with Bad Idea,” says Kindt. “It’s as big as I could possibly make it. It’s taking the kernel of an idea and just blowing it up into the craziest thing I could think of. With Bad Idea, there are absolutely no constraints with storytelling or format or concept. It really is in a lot of ways the pinnacle—the kind of thing I’ve been working toward my entire career. Total artistic freedom and the financial ability to not only work with the best artists in the industry, but also to dictate the format and the roll out and how these comics will reach the reader. And thanks to my partners, Dinesh and Warren, I think we’ve really built something unique that hasn’t been seen in the comic book industry before.”


  • alliterator85-av says:

    The publisher is taking some big risks that put its name to the test, starting with releasing only physical single issues. No digital copies, no trade paperback or hardcover collections. Bad Idea will only distribute to 20 hand-picked comic shops beginning in May, with plans to expand to 50 by the end of the year. The endeavor has a boutique comics vibeThe problem with this is that comics are already niche and this will just make their comics more niche. Sure, it will make the comics “more exclusive,” but that won’t matter when they won’t make any money. Comics are still a business and they still need to make money. It’s not like these comics are being sold in boutique shops — they are still going to be sold in comic book stores, which is the same readership as before, but now even less, because they are cutting out digital and trade paperbacks. What if I don’t want to read single issues? What if there isn’t a comic book store near me that stocks Bad Idea comics? Am I just shit out of luck? Do they simply not want my money?Basically, Bad Idea is, uh, exactly what it says on the tin.

    • jewfrowizard-av says:

      I imagine this is just the strategy for starting up the company. Get big press for an out-there business strategy, get new talent, start selling film and TV rights, and then start selling trades once you’ve built up a demand.

      • alliterator85-av says:

        That’s not really how the comics industry works, though. You don’t really get a lot of press for indie books unless they are written by really big name writers.By the way, this is, like, the opposite strategy that these same people did at Valiant Entertainment. With Valiant, they immediately offered incentives to comic book stores to stock their books and released cheap trade paperbacks (only the first volumes, though) in order to entice new readers. And it still took years before Hollywood was even interested.

      • alliterator85-av says:

        By the way, I’d contrast Bad Idea with another brand new indie comic company: TKO Studios. The difference is that TKO immediately offered single issues and trade paperbacks if you want them and offered them digitally, too, and didn’t exclude any store that wanted to stock their books.

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          Yeah, hearing this business strategy immediately made me think that its the opposite of the reader-friendly TKO approach. TKO is about offering the reader/collector easy access to their preferred format, whereas Bad Idea is trying to create scarcity and FOMO by intentionally being inaccessible to the majority of readers. Especially bizarre that this is coming from the Valiant guys, as you mentioned the Valiant reboot was very new-reader friendly and I tried a lot more series than I usually would because of those $9.99 volume one trades.

  • blackoak-av says:

    Sure, all the love for Asimov and Clarke ….

  • joeymcswizzle-av says:

    I’d say I look forward to hearing more about this but I’m neither a fool nor a liar. As if an impossibly un-catchy title and witheringly boring art weren’t enough, they had to go with a rollout strategy that includes making the product inaccessible to virtually all consumers

  • billygoatesq-av says:

    I’m pretty sure ENIAC wasn’t an A.I.

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