The premise is simple: People wearing headphones in movies, but they're listening to podcasts

Aux Features Podcasts
The premise is simple: People wearing headphones in movies, but they're listening to podcasts
Photo: Wilson Webb/Sony

It’s honestly wild that bands keep releasing new albums—Fleet Foxes, for example, dropped a new LP just this morning—when everybody collectively gave up on music following the premiere of Serial. Everybody you see walking down the sidewalk wearing headphones is listening to My Favorite Murder or Reply All or Chapo Trap House or a show where guys talk about bad movies. As such, filmmaker Andrew Norton sought to make some beloved films more realistic by replacing the outdated songs blaring through the headphones of movie characters with podcasts, the only thing people listen to anymore.

It begins, as you might guess, with Baby Driver, whose titular hero gets amped for heists to the dulcet tones of Sarah Koenig.

Norton also gives us Jake Gyllenhaal gyrating to the New York Times’ Michael Barbaro, as well as Zach Braff falling for Natalie Portman as StartUp’s Alex Blumberg rambles in his ear. Beautiful.

The best of these, however, isn’t American Psycho’s Patrick Bateman zoning out to Wiretap, but rather Guardians Of The Galaxy’s Chris Pratt losing his absolute shit to the opening moments of Alex Jones’ Infowars (a subtle dig, we imagine, at Pratt’s right-leaning politics).

Do we miss music? Sometimes. But then we remember that there’s a podcast about the weird Jeremy Renner app coming out and we feel a whole lot better.

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  • boyoybooo-av says:

    worth noting Zach Braff played a version of Alex Blumberg in the short-lived ABC series Alex Inc. 

  • bastardoftoledo-av says:

    This is actually pretty funny. I, personally, can’t listen to podcasts or talk radio. The voices in my head are enough, damnit!

  • nilus-av says:

    The Guardians/Endgame clip was the best because the comment at the end

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      It’s like the choices were curated just to lead up to that. Baby seems like an absolute loon when he’s losing it to Sarah Koenig, and all the others are plenty fun but there’s nothing like capping it all off to an accurate indictment on Chris Pratt’s real life shittiness.It also makes me think it would be pretty funny to replace all the GotG soundtracks with Pratt’s favourite Hillsong “music”. By funny I also mean make the films unwatchable.

      • ajaxjs-av says:

        How is Chris Pratt a shitty person? As far as I know, he’s never beaten and robbed a pregnant lady, or raped a woman, or shot at a cop, yet the kind’ve people that consider Chris Pratt a ‘shitty’ person, would treat those people as saints and martyrs.

        • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

          I don’t know Chris Pratt personally, and I never said he was a bad person, you read into that. He has said shitty things and supports shitty people, and defends all that which doesn’t show considerable growth, so take that as you will. And here’s a stunner for you- bad people aren’t measured by the things they don’t do, it’s by the things they do!Also, if you’re not being disingenuous and haven’t heard, take some time and research it for yourself, it’s easy to find. If you are being disingenuous, then your measure of a man is certainly more lax than mine and I really don’t care.

          • ajaxjs-av says:

            What ‘shitty’ things does Christ Pratt support? From what I can tell, via google, Chris Pratt is chiefly guilty of being a politically center-ish Christian celebrity. He’s definitely not ‘right of center’ by comparing to non-Hollywood Republicans or Christians.

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            Like I said, gauge his actions whichever way you want-I don’t need an internet consensus to think Pratt believes shitty things, and don’t really care if you disagree with the sentiment. Move along and find something else to get riled up about.

          • ajaxjs-av says:

            I’m not riled up about it. It just seems odd that you would smear someone as a ‘shitty person’, without having much in the way of backing it up, beyond him being a completely anodyne Christian with political beliefs to the left of most Republicans.

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            That’s fair, you know you best & I shouldn’t presume to know your feelings over the internet. But besides that, it doesn’t bother me what seems odd to you- Pratt’s said shitty things, he supports people who do shittier things, and refuses to support things that he really should and would be easy for him to. It’s pretty plain to me, and I’m not going to make it my cause to convince you otherwise- considering you started off with a disingenuous comment about all the things he hasn’t done, it’s not like it’d be worth my time if I tried.

          • ajaxjs-av says:

            Well. You haven’t actually tried to convince me of anything. You have never referred to a specific incident. I googled it myself: * The most salacious thing I found was him wearing a shirt that said ‘Don’t Tread On Me’, which Yahoo UK said was a white supremacist thing. Even the Washington Post criticized this claim as clickbait and a disservice to readers, and the Yahoo post has since been removed.* The second biggest controversy was defending a Church which was accused of being anti-gay. In this context, he was claiming the Church wasn’t anti-gay. This puts him to the left of the vast majority of mainstream Christians, who do believe that things like gay marriage and abortion are wrong. As most all major religions have preached for several thousand years. It doesn’t make someone a shitty person to not be in the progressive vanguard of every social or cultural evolution.* The third major Chris Pratt controversy, as judged by Google rankings, is the following: “Chris Pratt told his fans to watch a new “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2” promo video on full volume, because they won’t get the full experience just reading the subtitles. Many of his followers believe this to be insensitive to individuals who have hearing disabilities. To make up for his post, Pratt posted another video of himself apologizing to his fans in sign language.”So what specific Chris Pratt controversy am I missing out here? What specific action did he take, or comment did he make, that emboldened you to label him a shitty person? Beyond being a Christian?Don’t tell me that I’m arguing in bad faith, or that I’m not listening. You told me to google for myself. I did. What horrible event am I missing out?

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            You are arguing in bad faith,if you want to defend a person by saying he doesn’t assault people. That’s certainly bad faith.That aside, if you want to know my answer, refer to the myriad of other times I’ve said it- I’m not interested in holding court over Pratt’s shitty history. Defend him all you want, I’ve said my piece and don’t care what you believe of the man or what you have to say of him. Keep listing as many facts about the man to your heart’s content, the fact we both disagree with each other won’t change.

          • ajaxjs-av says:

            When did Chris Pratt assault someone?IMO, this whole conversation hasn’t even risen to the level of a ‘disagreement’. You have given me nothing to believe or not to believe.Despite being given multiple opportunities, you haven’t deigned to describe a single instance.So this doesn’t even rise to the level of a ‘debate’. It’s just you randomly slandering someone on the internet, getting called out for it, and backtracking with no proof to offer.

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            It’s silly of you to call it backtracking, that would involve any involvement of a debate and me tracking back anything I’ve said- I have no interest in debating you, as I’ve said this whole time, because you have shown that you are disingenuous in your intentions from the get-go. Chris Pratt’s had shitty things he’s said, supports shitty grifters, and that has been my stance from the first thing I’ve said. The fact I’ve offered no interest in discussing your deliberately insincere “debate” could mean I randomly slandered somebody, except you at least were diligent enough to find the answers on your own (good job!!!) by searching. So you have proven it’s not random, so this whole thing is about the fact that you are absolutely driven to have some random person (me) on the internet either provide enough justification for why said answers are shitty behaviour (fat chance), or you want said rando (me) to change their stance (double fat chance). Like I said, I don’t give a shit if people, especially you, disagree or take issue with that- Chris Pratt can suck a turd until he stops doing shitty things or supporting shitty people.

          • ajaxjs-av says:

            It appears that your entire issue with Chris Pratt is that he is a Christian that supports a Christian church – whose main crime is avowing that they are not anti-gay. Simultaneously, you seem unwilling to offer any relevant references.It looks like simple religious bigotry, IMHO. Which is probably the main reason you’re not keen on giving proof or pointing to examples. 

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            Infer all you want, big boy! It doesn’t change the fact that my opinions about Pratt haven’t been informed by you, nor will they ever be. I won’t lose any sleep over the fact that ajaxjs has no idea what they’re talking about, and has once again overreacted and is throwing bigotry accusations with no relevant references. I can’t even imagine what you would accuse me of if you actually had any information about how I feel! 😛

  • grant8418-av says:

    A scene set to Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman reordering R.E.M. albums on “R U Talkin’ R.E.M. RE: ME?” would be perfect for any movie.

  • numberonehandsomeboy-av says:

    Shinji Ikari sitting in his fantasy subway, rewinding his favourite Cum Town bits over and over

  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Reminds me of Diane’s NPR ringtones on Bojack Horseman. One of my favorite running gags.

  • heretolearn1-av says:

    a simple premise for simple people

    • hamologist-av says:

      I’m very sorry you haven’t caught up within the last fifty years to the idea of middlebrow culture and allowed yourself a snicker or two at dumb internet shit like this.

  • actionactioncut-av says:

    Me in my car listening to the theme songs for Scam Goddess and Bitch Sesh on repeat. 

  • mmmm-again-av says:

    No one did Pitt’s dance in Burn After Reading?

  • docnemenn-av says:

    I’m putting my pedant hat on and calling most of these out for being the characters technically listening to podcast theme songs, which is just a different kind of music. (I kid, I kid — I never take my pedant hat off.)

  • busyman96-av says:

    Music listening is hardly dead. Sometimes you just want to chill while commuting to work and not have to concentrate on some opinionated people blabbering in your ear.

  • billymadison2-av says:

    Just chining in to say that the theme for What Had Happened Was (Open Mike Eagle’s interviews with Prince Paul) is dope as fuck.

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