The Queer Eye gang meets their match in goddamned Gritty in this new Netflix short

Aux Features Queer Eye
The Queer Eye gang meets their match in goddamned Gritty in this new Netflix short
Photo: Netflix

After five tear-jerking seasons on Netflix, is there anyone who can’t be improved by the Queer Eye crew? The revived Fab Five have helped reinvent dozens of lucky nominees over the past few years, but what happens when they encounter an utterly perfect individual—one who needs no change, because they are a vessel of pure, unhinged goodness let loose upon the world? Enter: Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty.

Fuckin’ Gritty.

While officials finalize the logistical nightmare that undoubtedly is the upcoming NHL season, it leaves a lot of free time for those in the league waiting to return to the ice. After being nominated by close friend, the Philly Frenetic Fanatic, the Queer Eye boys met up with the large, overly orange, potential leftist provocateur to give some of their standard life coaching and style tips, only to quickly realize that Gritty needs absolutely nothing changed about him.

Check out the new mini-episode below for some wholesome goodness this morning—including Jonathan’s sweet moves on the rink.

The Philly season of Queer Eye is available to stream on Netflix now.

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  • noisetanknick-av says:

    Wait, Tan France’s fashion tip is seriously “Tuck your shirt like Nathan Drake”?

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Tan’s advice was “Here’s how to French tuck” so often in the first two seasons that it’s become a running joke.  They make fun of him for it in the newer episodes even.  All like “Well, this personal trainer’s gonna need a lot of help!”  “Maybe Tan can teach him to tuck the front of his shirt in!” kinda stuff.

    • hamologist-av says:

      If you aren’t a half-tuck hero, how are you ever going to be a staggering stew-bum?I miss Gameological.

  • systemmastert-av says:

    My girlfriend and I religiously watch this show, but as a big dude, the one thing I wish would stop is Tan telling fat guys to wear coats that obviously won’t button up.

    • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

      He’s enjoyable to watch, but no one should be taking serious fashion advice from someone who dresses like Damon Albarn circa 1994.

  • corvus6-av says:

    Gritty is amazing. I will brook no dissent.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Tangentially, I would watch the heck out of Gritty Eye for the Straight Guy.

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