The sitcom fantasy breaks down in the second trailer for WandaVision

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The sitcom fantasy breaks down in the second trailer for WandaVision
Screenshot: YouTube

It’s been a given, since the show was first announced, that something very strange was going on in Disney+’s upcoming WandaVision. After all, one of the characters who makes up its titular pairing is super dead in the mainstream MCU, and, for another, well, there’s the whole “Superheroes suddenly living in a Bewitched/The Dick Van Dyke Show parody” thing. Today’s new trailer for the series steers hard into that uncanny valley, though, establishing that all is decidedly not well in monochrome suburban heaven.

It’s still not clear, exactly, what’s going on here—although there’s an implication that this is something being done to Wanda, more than just an expansion of her reality warping abilities. Also, we get new glimpses of Kathryn Hahn, Craig Robinson, and Kat Dennings—the latter reprising her role from the original Thor. We also get to see more of Teyonah Parris as a very confused Monica Rambeau, who also appears to be trapped in this weirdo reality—and really, if this whole thing turns out to be a backdoor pilot for a Nextwave TV show, we’re going to lose our goddamn minds.

In fact, the only real certainty about WandaVision at this point is that we’re damn excited to see it; there was a worry, when the MCU Disney+ show’s were first announced, that they’d be little more than downsized retreads of the films, an attempt to re-package blockbuster spectacle for small-screen audiences. Seeing how decidedly weird the show—masterminded by Black Widow writer Jac Schaeffer—is willing to get feels like a strong step in the right direction.


  • recognitions-av says:

    So it’s just the Tranqulity Lane quest from Fallout 3.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Holy shit, a project that might realize the immense potential of the Scarlet Witch character, AND bring back Kat Dennings as Darcy? yes, please

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Fun fact, in the issue where Wanda and Vision got married was actually a double wedding.The other wedding was between Mantis and a sentient tree who reanimated the corpse of her dead boyfriend Swordsman so they could fuck.And the child they conceived grew up to be Space Tree Jesus!

    • notochordate-av says:

      …every time I think I’ve seen the weirdest thing comics could possibly put out, I discover I am extremely wrong.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      So, Space Tree Jesus finally came into existence years later? I actually was buying the Avengers run that culminated in the Giant-Size with the double wedding (speaking of which, is that first sample a reprint? The colors look wrong) back when I was a kid, but resigned myself to never seeing the story go further when Englehart left. Kind of sad someone other than him picked it up.
      Also, I’m guessing the Lalo guy isn’t going to have to ever play Swordsman as a green-glowing sentient-plant-possessed reanimated corpse.

    • biscuit4-av says:

      That is TOTALLY a fun fact!
      I don’t follow comics closely but have friends that do and I occasionally get them to tell me similar condensed versions of the wonderfully batshit storylines that people don’t realize happen in comics quite frequently.I hadn’t heard a good one in a while and, thanks to you, I got this good one via social distancing!

  • laserface1242-av says:

    I’m just looking forward to when they introduce Billy and Tommy, Vision and Wanda’s children by way of Chaos Magic, Demon Soul Shards, and reincarnation!

  • obtuseangle-av says:

    I just want to say that The Monkees’ “Daydream Believer” is an absolutely underrated and fantastic song, and it was the perfect choice for this trailer.

  • notochordate-av says:

    My only familiarity with this is the King/Walta Vision series, which although this is set prior to that, seems to have inspired some of it? Or that housewife-gone-wrong aesthetic was already part of it. Either way, super interesting.

  • lookatallthepretties-av says:

    0:31 that’s Sharon Tate (although that’s Julianne Moore unless you’re old enough to remember Sharon Tate in the movies) the scene is edited to end with an expression of disappointment on Elizabeth Olsen’s face the last thing Sharon Tate did was plead with her murderer not to kill her because she was pregnant

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Sufficiently bizarre to gain my interest. I wish all the Disney+ shows looked so interesting.

  • bammontaylor-av says:

    In fact, the only real certainty about WandaVision at this point is that we’re damn excited to see itI wouldn’t go that far…I mean, I’m going to watch it because I already have Disney+, but I’m not exactly counting the days. They weren’t used all that well in the films so it felt weird that they got a show in the first place.

  • trey27-av says:

    Hey y’all need to fix this article for real. The African American gentleman here ain’t Craig Robinson. *Face meets palm*

  • IceBlue-av says:

    Where was Craig Robinson?

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